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vista 64 bit

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cant seem to get this to run ingame,it runns fine on desktop? but ingame it dont let me mouse click. thing is a vista issue?

Global $Paused

HotKeySet("{PAUSE}", "TogglePause")

HotKeySet("{ESC}", "Terminate")

WinActivate( "Star Wars Galaxies", "");this is new as well, it will activate the SWG window so now you don't need to click on it

Opt("MouseClickDragDelay", 115)

#include <Misc.au3>

Sleep (3000)

SplashTextOn("Auto RE setup", "Please Click once on the center of the power bit in main inventory. ", 400, 100, -1, -1, 1, "Ariel", 15); = this is A

While 1

Sleep ( 100 )

If _IsPressed("01") Then

$pos = MouseGetPos()





$powerbit1x = $pos[0]

$powerbit1y = $pos[1]

Sleep ( 1000 )

SplashTextOn("Auto RE setup", "Please Click once on the center of the main RE tool. ", 400, 100, -1, -1, 1, "Ariel", 15); = this is B

While 1

Sleep ( 100 )

If _IsPressed("01") Then

$pos = MouseGetPos()





$mainre1x = $pos[0]

$mainre1y = $pos[1]

Sleep ( 1000 )

SplashTextOn("Auto RE setup", "Please Click once on the center of the mod bit RE tool. ", 400, 100, -1, -1, 1, "Ariel", 15); = this is C

While 1

Sleep ( 100 )

If _IsPressed("01") Then

$pos = MouseGetPos()





$modbittoolx = $pos[0]

$modbittooly = $pos[1]

Sleep ( 1000 )

SplashTextOn("Auto RE setup", "Please Click once on the first crate of RE Shirts. ", 400, 100, -1, -1, 1, "Ariel", 15); = this is D

While 1

Sleep ( 100 )

If _IsPressed("01") Then

$pos = MouseGetPos()





$mainreshirtx = $pos[0]

$mainreshirty = $pos[1]

Sleep ( 1000 )

SplashTextOn("Auto RE setup", "OK! I have all the information needed, your RE session will begin in 3 seconds, use the pause key to pause the script and the esc key to end, ENJOY! ", 400, 100, -1, -1, 1, "Ariel", 15); = the XA YA coordinates

$modbitrexa = $modbittoolx+1; = the XD coordinate

$modbitrexb = $modbittooly+75; = the YD coordinate

$mainrecaxa = $mainre1x-165; = the XF coordinate

$mainrecaxb = $mainre1y+55; = the YF coordinate

$mainreRExa = $mainre1x+1; = the XI coordinate

$mainreRExb = $mainre1y+75; = the YI coordinate

$confcaxa = $mainre1x-205; = the XG coordinate

$confcaxb = $mainre1y+85; = the YG coordinate

$cashirtxa = $mainre1x+115; = the XH coordnate

$cashirtxb = $mainre1y+1; = the YH coordinate

$i = 0

Sleep ( 3000 )



If WinActive( "Star Wars Galaxies", "" ) Then


;Power Bit Into RE tool:

MouseClickDrag ( "left" , $powerbit1x, $powerbit1y, $mainre1x, $mainre1y, 3);Enter X and Y coordinates of Point A and B

Sleep (700)

;Modifier Bit Making:

MouseClick ( "right" , $modbittoolx, $modbittooly, 1 );Enter X and Y coordinates of Point C

Sleep (500)

MouseClick ( "right" , $modbitrexa, $modbitrexb, 1 );Enter X and Y coordinates of Point D

Sleep (1000)

;Modifier Bit Into RE Too:

MouseClickDrag ( "left" , $powerbit1x, $powerbit1y, $mainre1x, $mainre1y, 3);Do same thing as in line 11

Sleep (700)

;Shirt out of crate:

MouseClick ( "left" , $mainreshirtx, $mainreshirty, 3 );Enter X and Y coordinates of Point E

Sleep (500)

;Creating CA:

MouseClick ( "right" , $mainre1x, $mainre1y, 1 );Enter X and Y coordinates of Point B

Sleep (500)

MouseClick ( "left" , $mainrecaxa, $mainrecaxb, 1 );Enter X and Y coordinates of Point F

Sleep (1000)

;CA Onto Shirt:

MouseClickDrag ( "left" , $cashirtxa, $cashirtxb, $powerbit1x, $powerbit1y, 3);Enter X and Y coordinates of Point H and A

Sleep (1000)

;Confirming CA Onto Shirt

Send ("{ENTER}");Enter Key is all that is needed.

Sleep (750)

;Shirt Into RE Too:

MouseClickDrag ( "left" , $powerbit1x, $powerbit1y, $mainre1x, $mainre1y, 3);Do same thing as in line 11

Sleep (1000)

;Reverse Engineering:

MouseClick ( "right" , $mainre1x, $mainre1y, 3);Enter X and Y coordinates of Point B

Sleep (750)

MouseClick ( "left" , $mainreRExa, $mainreRExb, 3);Enter X and Y coordinates of Point I

Sleep (1000)


Until $i = 1

Func TogglePause()

$Paused = NOT $Paused

While $Paused


ToolTip('Script is "Paused"',0,0)




Func Terminate()

Exit 0


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