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Converting dialog template units to twips


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I am working on Rich Edit UDFs, specifically EM_SETTABSTOPS. MSDN says that tab stops are specified in dialog template units. But I wish to give the user the opportunity to enter them in twips, inches or centimeters. (EM_SETPARAFORMAT PFM_TABSTOPS expects twips.)

So: how does one convert from twips to dialog template units?

I experimented: when, calling _SendMessage, I ask for every 100 template dialog units, and stream out to a file, Word tells me that tabstops are set every 1.30 inches. When I look at the file using TextPad, the RTF includes \tx1875 . 1.30 times 1440 twips/inch = 1875 twips: great!

But why is 100 template dialog units = 1875 twips?

I tried:

$hDc = _misc_GetDC(0)
$iPixPerLU =  _MISC_GetDeviceCaps($hDc,$LOGPIXELSX)

and as expected, got 96 pixels per inch.


Edited by c.haslam

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I am working on Rich Edit UDFs, specifically EM_SETTABSTOPS. MSDN says that tab stops are specified in dialog template units. But I wish to give the user the opportunity to enter them in twips, inches or centimeters.

So: how does one convert from twips to dialog template units?

I experimented: when, calling _SendMessage, I ask for every 100 template dialog units, and stream out to a file, Word tells me that tabstops are set every 1.30 inches. When I look at the file using TextPad, the RTF includes \tx1875 . 1.30 times 1440 twips/inch = 1875 twips: great!

But why is 100 template dialog units = 1875 twips?

I tried:

$hDc = _misc_GetDC(0)
$iPixPerLU =  _MISC_GetDeviceCaps($hDc,$LOGPIXELSX)

and as expected, got 96 pixels per inch.


I think a horizontal dialog unit is 1/4 of the average character width of the font used in the dialog. That means that the average width of the font would be


which is 4.99 pixels

Doesn't sound very likely does it?

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I think a horizontal dialog unit is 1/4 of the average character width of the font used in the dialog. That means that the average width of the font would be


which is 4.99 pixels

Doesn't sound very likely does it?

No. But I have read that 1/4 stuff somewhere on MSDN.


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