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Automatic user backup

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Just found Autoit and so far impressed but i'm a little week on arrays and asking for help on a small issue.

I've written and been using this batch file:

@echo off

title CDEvans Profile Backup batch file

set backupcmd=xcopy /s /c /d /h /i /r /y



echo - Enter the users profile name for backup -

set /p profilename=


net user %profilename% /domain | find "Full Name"

net user %profilename% /domain | find "profile"

net user %profilename% /domain | find "Home directory" >> C:\CDE.txt

net user %profilename% /domain | find "Home directory"

net user %profilename% /domain | find "active"

set /p temp= < c:\CDE.txt

echo %temp:~29% >> C:\CDE2.txt

set /p Home= < c:\CDE2.txt

del "C:\CDE.txt"

del "C:\CDE2.txt"

echo - Trying to open their home drive -

start explorer.exe %Home%

echo - Is this the correct user?

set /p M=type Y,N or Q to quit.

if /i %M%==Y GOTO Start

if /i %M%==N GOTO :EnterUser

if /i %M%==Q GOTO Quit


echo - Enter A Driver Letter -

set /p Drive=

start /wait net use %Drive%: /d

start /wait net use %Drive%: %Home%


%backupcmd% "C:\Documents and Settings\%profilename%\My Documents" "%Drive%:\"

%backupcmd% "C:\Documents and Settings\%profilename%\Favorites" "%Drive%:\Favorites"

%backupcmd% "C:\Documents and Settings\%profilename%\Local Settings\Application Data\Microsoft\Outlook\*.pst" "%Drive%:\Outlook"

%backupcmd% "C:\Documents and Settings\%profilename%\Desktop" "%Drive%:\Desktop"

%backupcmd% "C:\Documents and Settings\%profilename%\Application Data\Microsoft\Templates" "%Drive%:\Templates"


start /wait net use %Drive%: /d




However need to add more function to it:

This gets me so far: (NOT written by me but I have modded it to do what I want it to, Was written for Citrix server farm data farming.


;- - - C O N F I G - - -


;Default path to profiles

$sXPProfiles = "C:\Documents And Settings\"

;Default path & name for log file

$sLogFile = @ScriptDir & "\Profile and Sizes.csv"


;- - - I N C L U D E S - - -


#include <file.au3>

#Include <Array.au3>


;- - - S T A R T - - -


;getting profile path

$sXPProfiles = InputBox("Profile Size","Please enter the path to the profiles", $sXPProfiles)

if @error <> 0 Then

if @error <> 1 Then

msgbox(16,"ERROR","The path to the profiles was not entered")




;Deleting the log file if it already exists

If FileExists($sLogFile) Then



;writing titles in log file

FileWriteLine($sLogFile,"Profile, Size,Last Modified, Computer Name")

;getting list of profiles

$aProfileList = _FileListToArray($sXPProfiles, "*", 2)

$nNoProfiles = _arrayMax($aProfileList)

$nTotalSize = 0


ProgressOn("Scanning Profiles", "Scanning Profiles","",-1,-1,18)

$nProgress = $nNoProfiles / 100

$i = 0

for $sProfileName In $aProfileList


ProgressSet(Round($i / $nProgress,0), $i & "/" & $nNoProfiles & " " & $sProfileName)

$i = $i + 1

;Profile size

$sProfile = $sXPProfiles & $sProfileName

$nProfileSize = DirGetSize($sProfile)

if $nProfileSize = -1 Then



;Last modified

$aModified = FileGetTime($sProfile,0,0)

$sModified = $aModified[2] & "/" & $aModified[1] & "/" & $aModified[0]

;total size

$nTotalSize = $nTotalSize + $nProfileSize

;log file

FileWriteLine($sLogFile, $sProfileName & ", " & Round($nProfileSize / 1024 / 1024,2) & "," & $sModified &)



msgbox(0,"Profile Size","Complete! The total size is " & Round($nTotalSize / 1024 / 1024,2) & "Mb in " & $i & " Profiles")


;- - - E N D - - -


What I'm trying to do is merge the two into One.

So you get the output of the autoit

but then I also need it to backup the users that have had there profiles modded within the last 18 months to there homedrive without user input, just a run and go script.

Any ideas or help would be good.

Do not write it for me, just pointers to functions I could use to please.

Edited by Lori
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When you say merge them do you mean you want one Autoit script that does what the batch file does as well as what autiit code you have or are you talking about actualling merging something? I don't quite understand the question.

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Yeah sorry, I want the autoit script to do the what the batch does as well as the extra,

Found a few things thats helped,

I'm not near my notes but theres a function to pick a unused drive letter for the network maps, and i'm sure FileReadLine can read the usernames from the csv file to get there homedrives from AD.

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Yeah sorry, I want the autoit script to do the what the batch does as well as the extra,

Found a few things thats helped,

I'm not near my notes but theres a function to pick a unused drive letter for the network maps, and i'm sure FileReadLine can read the usernames from the csv file to get there homedrives from AD.

Might want to start with DriveGetDrive to see what's available and use DriveMapAdd to actually map it once you've figured out your free letter. 

Other People's Stuff:Andy Flesner's AutoIt v3: Your Quick Guide[topic="34302"]Locodarwin's ExcelCom_UDF[/topic][topic="61090"]MrCreatorR's Opera Library[/topic]
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