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Using IsDeclared with an Array

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My first post. Yay.


Well, I've been teachig myself AutoIt script for about a week, and I've already created my own version of Mr. Llama's command line on The Edge of Nowhere forums. And... Well... I've run into a problem.

Mr Llama's code always exited when it encountered the command "Trans" without a window title or transparancy argument (Trans WINDOWNAME 255). So, I tried to use the following but with no progress:


$Input = StringSplit($InputAll, "/")


If $Input[1] = "-quit" Then


ElseIf $Input[1] = "-help" Then


ElseIf $Input[1] = "-opacity" and IsDeclared("input[2]") and IsDeclared("input[3]") Then


Etcetera etcetera. Any help on trying to find if an array's child exists?

Also, I did try searching. No luck.

Also also, another way I tought of doing it would be to set variables ($Input1, $Input2, etc) for every value in the array. But I want it to get every word, not just the first three (although that's what I'm using).

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Welcome to the forum!

If I get you right you want to check if there is exactly 3 items in the array? Then use UBound=

ElseIf $Input[1] = "-opacity" and UBound($Input) = 3 Then
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See my post...

"But I want it to get every word, not just the first three (although that's what I'm using). "

So, no, I don't want to make sure there is exactily three. Help has no arguments, and echo has two.

Really all I needed was a way to check if a value existed in an array.

Thanks so much, ill try that out!

Edit: Well that was short lived. It didnt work. Here's some output:

GuiCtrlSetData($EditOutput, GUICtrlRead($EditOutput) & $Input[2] & @CRLF & "-> ")

GuiCtrlSetData($EditOutput, GUICtrlRead($EditOutput) & ^ ERROR

I thought it worked. But maybe its just the echo... Heres the full code:



#include <GUIConstants.au3>

#include <EditConstants.au3>

#include <WindowsConstants.au3>

HotKeySet("{ENTER}", "Enter")

Global $MainForm = GUICreate("DarkCom", 500, 500)

Global $StartText = "DarkCom 2.0 command line function executer" & @CRLF & "Type '-help' to get started" & @CRLF & "Version 2.1" & @CRLF & "-> "

Global $InputAll = ""

Global $Input = ""

Global $EditOutput = GuiCtrlCreateEdit($StartText, 0, 0, 500, 480, $ES_READONLY + $ES_AUTOVSCROLL + $ES_AUTOHSCROLL + $WS_HSCROLL + $WS_VSCROLL + $WS_OVERLAPPED)

Global $EditInput = GuiCtrlCreateInput("-", 0, 480, 500, 20)


While 1





Func Enter()

If WinActive($MainForm) Then

$InputAll = GUICtrlRead($EditInput)

GuiCtrlSetData($EditInput, "-")

$Input = StringSplit($InputAll, "/")

If $Input[1] = "-quit" Then


ElseIf $Input[1] = "-help" Then

GuiCtrlSetData($EditOutput, GUICtrlRead($EditOutput) & "You cannot use '/' except to separate commands." & @CRLF & _

"Possible commands are as follows:" & @CRLF & _

"-quit: Quits the command line." & @CRLF & _

"-help: Shows this help message." & @CRLF & _

"-opacity/[window title]/[0 - 255]: Set the opacity (transparency) of a window." & @CRLF & _

"-speak/[sentance]: Commands your default TTY text reader to read [sentance]." & @CRLF & _

"-hide/[window title]: Hide the specified window. For saftey purposes you can't hide this window." & @CRLF & _

"-show/[window title]: Show the specified window." & @CRLF & _

"-title/[window title]/[new title]: Replace the window's title." & @CRLF & _

"-echo/[message]: Echo [message]." & @CRLF & _

"-clear: Clear this output box." & @CRLF & _

"-> ")

ElseIf $Input[1] = "-opacity" and UBound($Input) == 3 Then

GuiCtrlSetData($EditOutput, GUICtrlRead($EditOutput) & "The transparency value of '" & $Input[2] & "' is being added to the window named '"& $Input[3] & "'..." & @CRLF & _

"-> ")

WinSetTrans($Input[2], "", $Input[3])

ElseIf $Input[1] = "-speak" and UBound($Input) == 2 Then

GuiCtrlSetData($EditOutput, GUICtrlRead($EditOutput) & "Speaking '" & $Input[2] & "', please wait..." & @CRLF & _

"-> ")

$TempFile = @TempDir & '\SpeakFile.vbs'

FileWriteLine($TempFile, 'Dim Talk' & @CRLF & _

@CRLF & 'Set Talk = WScript.CreateObject("SAPI.SpVoice")' & @CRLF & _

@CRLF & 'Talk.Speak "' & $Input[2] & '"')

RunWait('Wscript.exe SpeakFile.vbs', @TempDir)


ElseIf $Input[1] = "-hide" and UBound($Input) == 2 Then

GuiCtrlSetData($EditOutput, GUICtrlRead($EditOutput) & "Hiding window '" & $Input[2] & "'..." & @CRLF & _

"-> ")

WinSetState($Input[2], "", @SW_HIDE)

ElseIf $Input[1] = "-show" and UBound($Input) == 2 Then

GuiCtrlSetData($EditOutput, GUICtrlRead($EditOutput) & "Showing window '" & $Input[2] & "'..." & @CRLF & _

"-> ")

WinSetState($Input[2], "", @SW_SHOW)

ElseIf $Input[1] = "-title" and UBound($Input) == 3 Then

GuiCtrlSetData($EditOutput, GUICtrlRead($EditOutput) & "Setting window title '" & $Input[2] & "' to '"& $Input[3] & "'..." & @CRLF & _

"-> ")

WinSetTitle($Input[2], "", $Input[3])

ElseIf $Input[1] = "-echo" and UBound($Input) == 2 Then

GuiCtrlSetData($EditOutput, GUICtrlRead($EditOutput) & $Input[2] & @CRLF & _

"-> ")

ElseIf $Input[1] = "-clear" Then

GuiCtrlSetData($EditOutput, $StartText)


GuiCtrlSetData($EditOutput, GUICtrlRead($EditOutput) & "Error: the command name entered does not exist or you didn't provide the required arguments for it." & @CRLF & _

"-> ")





HotKeySet("{ENTER}", "Enter")



I am stumped why it doesn't seem to work. Nothing works. I tried IfDeclared, that wasnt right. I try UBound but it says Input[2] doesnt exist if it rreally does. ?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?

Edited by DarkShadow6
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Are you trying to say UBound wont work or what? I don't get the problem, maybe if you post a reproducer (it should be short and working/runnable).

Edit: Oh I see you edited your post, I am glad you found a solution.

Edited by AdmiralAlkex
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I gess im confuzed... Oh great :D

Anyway theres the source

I just want it to perform the reqired action if one:

the array has # many children (1 for echo, 0 for help etc)

If you actually typed it

if it meets those requrements then it does it... Well sort of

It glitched and gave me the error output in the outputbox. When I did -echo/HELLO it did it. But when I do -echo alone, it gives me an error and quits. I hope im making sense. I sure dont feel like I am.

ALSO EDIT: I forgot, but all the commands that don;t use UBound are fine. like clear and help. those are OK. its Echo, hide, show etc that break. Just run it to see for urself all the bugs that the multi-arguments commands produce. I cant find the problem, and my young 13 year old mind is already fried from running on no sleep for the past 3 days, doing schoolwork and this darned script.

Edited by DarkShadow6
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The UBound worked... I just needed to add an extra one to it to work... Like this:

ElseIf $Input[1] = "-echo" and UBound($Input) == 2 Then


ElseIf $Input[1] = "-echo" and UBound($Input) == 3 Then


I dont know why. But it did. Now to add some more commands and release it! Thanks for all the help AdmiralAlkex!

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UBound returns the amount of elements, but arrays start at 0. $Array[3] would return UBound($Array) = 4. Get it? Otherwise I recommend you check Arrays on our wiki, it is quite good explained there.

Edited by AdmiralAlkex
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