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Help with calls to FFACE.dll

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I know that some topics for over a year ago do reference FFACE.dll but that was version 3. I am try to get up and running with autoit and FFACE v4.

I am fairly sure that my problem stems from being unframiliar with structures. But very often when I hit a brick wall like this its because I am not seeing the forest for the trees. So whats why I came here. I have posted on the FFACE forums but they really only support C#, C++ and VB, so I am not expecting much help there.

I have been trying to modify this code:

$dll = DllOpen("FFACE.dll")
$running = DllCall($dll, "int", "InitFFACE")
$nameStruct = DllStructCreate("char[256];int")
DllStructSetData($nameStruct, 2, "256")
$Result = DllCall($dll, "int:cdecl", "GetPlayerName", "ptr", DllStructGetPtr($nameStruct, 1), "int*", DllStructGetPtr($nameStruct, 2))
If @error Then Exit(@error)
$test = ConsoleWrite($Result[0] & @LF)
MsgBox(0,'name is',dllstructgetdata($namestruct,1))

That was found in this post (Thank you onestcoder, martin and FreeFry)

I came up with:

$dll = DllOpen("FFACE.dll")
$running = DllCall($dll, "int", "CreateInstance")
$nameStruct = DllStructCreate("int;int;int;int;ushort;ushort;char;char;char;char[20]")
$Result = DllCall($dll, "int*", "GetPlayerInfo", "ptr", DllStructGetPtr($nameStruct, 1), "int*", DllStructGetPtr($nameStruct, 10))
If @error Then
    MsgBox(0,"Debug 1", @error)
    MsgBox(0,"Debug 2", "Success")
$test = ConsoleWrite($Result[0] & @LF)
MsgBox(0,'name is',dllstructgetdata($namestruct,1))

I have poked and proded it into a frankenstien I think. But that is what I have... it obviously does not work.

The FFACE v4 SDK is here.

A VB example is here.

I am hoping that someone is already using autoit with the FFACE.dll and can post an example dllCall.

Any help is greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance!

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  • 3 months later...

Dunno if this too late to help you but here's how you do it...

$pid= processlist("pol.exe")
$dll = DllOpen("FFACE.dll")
$face = DllCall($dll, "int:cdecl", "CreateInstance","ulong",$pid[1][1])

$target ="int CurrentID;int SubID;int CurrentSvrID;int SubSrvID;ushort CurrentMask;ushort SubMask;byte IsLocked;byte IsSub;byte HPP;char name[20]"

$info = DllStructCreate($target)
$junk = dllcall($dll,"none:cdecl","GetTargetInfo","int",$face[0],"ptr",DllStructGetPtr($info))
$tarname = DllStructGetData($info,"name")

$tarname will have the name of your target in it.

you could also do $tarname = DllStructGetData($info,10), since the name is the 10th entry in the structure.

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Dunno if this too late to help you but here's how you do it...

$tarname will have the name of your target in it.

you could also do $tarname = DllStructGetData($info,10), since the name is the 10th entry in the structure.

Thank you very much aznguy for taking the time to post this!
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