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  1. Sure, I'm specifically only trying to grab the share price from the page, so right now it's showing around $166. I'll look into the au3webdriver.
  2. Yeah but my tool usually looks at over 100 stocks on any given day so 100x the extra lag time on using _IECreate does make things a little slower but it looks like it's the only way for me to go about this. So I guess the reason why inetgetsource stopped working on the page I referenced is due to the page implementing iframes?
  3. The output comes out as weird characters like a symbol as shown in the attached image. I'm trying to get the whole page content (source) and then parse the data I need. I'm just wondering if you know a way to get the source code for that page again. I'd do it the _IECreate /w _IEDocReadHTML method but that makes my tool run slower because it technically has to open a hidden browser and then take the source code from that and then close that hidden browser, but if there's no solution to the _InetGetSource way then i'll do it.
  4. Hello, I'm creating a program to help me analyze stocks. So a big part of my tool is web scraping. As of yesterday, the _INetGetSource command seemed to stop working for the page that tells me a stock's info which is on yahoo finance (I'll ref the link below). Here is the simplified version of the code. #include <Inet.au3> ConsoleWrite(_INetGetSource('https://finance.yahoo.com/quote/AAPL')) It's strange because before yesterday, it was pulling the code from those pages correctly. The _INetGetSource will work for most other yahoo pages, even the finance home page (finance.yahoo.com) but not the page that shows me a specific stock's info. Does anyone know why it stopped giving me the source code for those pages?
  5. Thank you guys, jguinch and AdamUL, you're guys' solution works!
  6. Thanks for the reply, but if I run chrome.exe directly, how would I be able to add Command Prompt attributes such as -incognito? There are a few other command prompt attributes I want to add besides that as well.
  7. Hello all, I've written the code below which launches chrome in incognito mode and then proceeds to go to the autoit website. From my understanding, the Run() command is also supposed to output the PID number related to the application that got launched from the Run command. However when I run the below lines, it outputs a PID number that is different from the newly launched chrome browser's PID number, does anyone know why and possibly explain how I could retrieve the accurate PID number associated with the newly launched browser? Global $iPid = Run(@ComSpec & ' /c start chrome.exe https://www.autoitscript.com/forum/ -incognito' ,"", "") msgbox(0,"",$iPid) Thank you, Brian
  8. Maybe Chrome doesn't like to be run on hidden/background mode.
  9. For me, that just launches chrome but doesn't hide it. Also would you happen to know how to make it go to https://www.autoitscript.com after launching the hidden chrome browser?
  10. Hello all, I've been trying to figure out how to launch Google Chrome in the background (hidden) but it doesn't seem possible. I've tried the following methods: ShellExecute("C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe", "", "", "", @SW_HIDE) Also I've tried: ShellExecute(@ComSpec, "/c start chrome.exe","","",@SW_HIDE) Lastly I tried: RunWait('"'&@ProgramFilesDir&'\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe" --silent-launch',@ScriptDir) But all of them launch my chrome browser without hiding it. Does anyone know a workaround for this or if AutoIT just can't Chrome? Bonus points if you know how to make it launch chrome hidden and make it go to https://www.autoitscript.com Thank you, Brian
  11. @mLipok Yes, mLipok the wikipedia article that shows the image of the Menu key that you linked is EXACTLY the key I'm talking about. And I also agree with you on the revision that should be made in the Help File. The Help File should be updated to say: A5 Right ALT key INSTEAD OF A5 Right MENU key Also, as you suggested, the helpfile should be extended to add this: 5D Right MENU key @BrewManNH Maybe it can be called the APPS key too, but most people know it as the Menu key. The wikipedia link shown by mLipok shows that it's officially called the Menu key as well. Thank you for directing me to the WINAPIvKeysConstants.au3, that should also have revisions to reflect this new update I also did some digging, in the GERMAN autoit helpfile: https://autoit.de/onlinehilfe/libfunctions/_IsPressed.htm It correctly lists A5 as the Right Alt Key, unlike in the English version. The link is an English/German side by side comparison. Thank you everyone for helping me in this. 5D is the correct hex for the Menu button, and now I'm able to finish my program.
  12. Hi BrewMan, For some reason this isn't the case for me. If I try to run this simple script below, the msgbox will only appear if I press the RIGHT ALT key. It won't show if I pressed the RIGHT menu key. #include <Misc.au3> #include <MsgBoxConstants.au3> Local $hDLL = DllOpen("user32.dll") While 1 If _IsPressed("A5", $hDLL) Then Sleep(100) msgbox(0,"Test", "Pressed!") Sleep(250) EndIf WEnd DllClose($hDLL) Let me know if the above code works fine for you. Thanks!
  13. Greetings people of the AutoIt community! I think I have discovered some possible wrong verbiage in the HelpFile. I'm trying to make my software detect the _IsPressed("KEY") for the RIGHT MENU button on the keyboard. You all have a RIGHT MENU button on your keyboard (maybe you haven't noticed it), it's they key between the Right ALT key and the Right CTRL Key. However!!!!!!! In the helpfile it says the RIGHT MENU key is "A5", that is not true for me. A5 is actually the Right ALT key. So my question is, what is the _IsPressed HexKey for the RIGHT MENU button? #include <Misc.au3> #include <MsgBoxConstants.au3> Local $hDLL = DllOpen("user32.dll") While 1 If _IsPressed("A5", $hDLL) Then Sleep(100) msgbox(0,"Test", "Pressed!") Sleep(250) EndIf WEnd DllClose($hDLL) If you try to run the above code, the msgbox will only appear if you press the Right ALT key, even though the helpfil says that A5 is the Right Menu Key hex. Thank you, Brian
  14. Thanks InunoTaishou, you solved my problem!
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