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FaridAgl last won the day on April 11 2020

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  1. I feel I'm reading Chinese when I look at PowerShell scripts, am I the only one?
  2. Here is the crash log: Problem signature: Problem Event Name: APPCRASH Application Name: Tidy.exe Application Version: 15.729.1555.0 Application Timestamp: 55b8db54 Fault Module Name: Tidy.exe Fault Module Version: 15.729.1555.0 Fault Module Timestamp: 55b8db54 Exception Code: c0000005 Exception Offset: 00012115 OS Version: 6.1.7601. Locale ID: 1033 Additional Information 1: c7e4 Additional Information 2: c7e49971299fe8de6fe308282ae1b48c Additional Information 3: f8cb Additional Information 4: f8cb6aa0c214ce8c5f123fcc2b4756c9And the SciTE output: >"C:\Program Files\AutoIt3\SciTE\..\AutoIt3.exe" "C:\Program Files\AutoIt3\SciTE\AutoIt3Wrapper\AutoIt3Wrapper.au3" /Tidy /in "C:\Users\Farid\Desktop\Test.au3" +>14:06:26 Starting AutoIt3Wrapper v.15.729.1555.3 SciTE v. Keyboard:00000409 OS:WIN_7/Service Pack 1 CPU:X64 OS:X86 Environment(Language:0409) +> SciTEDir => C:\Program Files\AutoIt3\SciTE UserDir => C:\Users\Farid\AppData\Local\AutoIt v3\SciTE\AutoIt3Wrapper SCITE_USERHOME => C:\Users\Farid\AppData\Local\AutoIt v3\SciTE >Running Tidy (15.729.1555.0) from:C:\Program Files\AutoIt3\SciTE\tidy !>14:06:43 Tidy ended.rc:-1073741819 +>14:06:43 AutoIt3Wrapper Finished. >Exit code: 0 Time: 17.66Edit: Tested Tidy on Ansi and UTF-8 (With and Without BOM) encoded files, crashes on all of them.
  3. @Jos, The new version of Tidy crashes frequently, let me know what kind of informations you need to debug and I will post them once I got home. Thanks.
  4. Well. thank you then. I found a workaround, not the best choice, but enough for now. I have compiled this code to exe, changed the name to Rsa.gcm, and here we go: Func GetPasswordRsa($sPassword) Local $iProcessId = Run(@ScriptDir & '\Modules\Rsa.gcm ' & $sPassword, @ScriptDir & '\Modules', @SW_HIDE, $STDOUT_CHILD) If @error Then Return '' EndIf Local $sTemp = '', $sOutput = '' While True $sTemp = StdoutRead($iProcessId) If @error Then ExitLoop EndIf If @extended Then $sOutput &= $sTemp EndIf Sleep(10) WEnd Return $sOutput EndFuncThe only problem is that it won't work on a machine that don't have .Net Framework installed. Any advice?
  5. Hi, Is there any automated solution to convert this C# code to AutoIt? I'm not a C# expert and I have no idea how to do it myself. The code was originally written in JavaScript, and converted to C# by someone (I don't know who), here is the C# code: using System; using System.Globalization; using System.Text; namespace Rsa { class Program { static void Main(string[] args) { string N = "D1EC51E7CEA07CB3233ADA6009006EF3EBF89EFD5CF77AAD211051D008077DC7142872B8C36EE971D4B368C79C13A6BBCB89B551A8308C68F71764C1519DEAD90B560E126B365375700CC5A2E6CF81E2A0FEEA31B53C1F8D3F3AE522DF9AB19B5C0C391D997D6DE56807328B9BBD5F6D08EA47614060177E12F65BDB95D5D6E3"; string E = "10001"; java_Script_RSA javaScriptRsa = new java_Script_RSA(); javaScriptRsa.RSASetPublic(N, E); string str1 = javaScriptRsa.RSAEncrypt(java_Script_RSA.AddTimeStamp("Whatever string you want to pass...")); Console.WriteLine(str1); } } internal class java_Script_RSA { private BigInteger n; private int e; public void RSASetPublic(string N, string E) { if (N == null || E == null || (N.Length <= 0 || E.Length <= 0)) throw new Exception("Invalid RSA public key"); this.n = new BigInteger(N, 16); this.e = int.Parse(E, NumberStyles.HexNumber); } private BigInteger Pkcs1Pad2(string s, int n) { if (n < s.Length + 11) throw new Exception("Message too long for RSA"); byte[] inData = new byte[n]; int num1 = s.Length - 1; while (num1 >= 0 && n > 0) { byte num2 = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(s)[num1--]; if ((int)num2 < 128) inData[--n] = num2; else if ((int)num2 > (int)sbyte.MaxValue && (int)num2 < 2048) { inData[--n] = (byte)((int)num2 & 63 | 128); inData[--n] = (byte)((int)num2 >> 6 | 192); } else { inData[--n] = (byte)((int)num2 & 63 | 128); inData[--n] = (byte)((int)num2 >> 6 & 63 | 128); inData[--n] = (byte)((int)num2 >> 12 | 224); } } inData[--n] = (byte)0; Random random = new Random(); int num3; for (; n > 2; inData[--n] = (byte)num3) { num3 = 0; while (num3 == 0) num3 = random.Next((int)byte.MaxValue); } inData[--n] = (byte)2; inData[--n] = (byte)0; return new BigInteger(inData); } private BigInteger RSADoPublic(BigInteger x) { return x.modPow((BigInteger)this.e, this.n); } public string RSAEncrypt(string text) { BigInteger x = this.Pkcs1Pad2(text, this.BitLength(this.n) + 7 >> 3); if (x == (BigInteger)null) return (string)null; BigInteger bigInteger = this.RSADoPublic(x); if (bigInteger == (BigInteger)null) return (string)null; string str = bigInteger.ToString(16).ToLower(); if ((str.Length & 1) == 0) return str; return "0" + str; } private int BitLength(BigInteger value) { int num = 0; do { ++num; value /= (BigInteger)2; } while (value != (BigInteger)0); return num; } public static string AddTimeStamp(string password) { return "{\"timestamp\":" + ((long)(DateTime.Now.ToUniversalTime() - new DateTime(1970, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0)).TotalMilliseconds / 1000L).ToString() + ",\"password\":\"" + password + "\"}"; } } internal class BigInteger { public static readonly int[] primesBelow2000 = new int[303] { 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, 29, 31, 37, 41, 43, 47, 53, 59, 61, 67, 71, 73, 79, 83, 89, 97, 101, 103, 107, 109, 113, (int) sbyte.MaxValue, 131, 137, 139, 149, 151, 157, 163, 167, 173, 179, 181, 191, 193, 197, 199, 211, 223, 227, 229, 233, 239, 241, 251, 257, 263, 269, 271, 277, 281, 283, 293, 307, 311, 313, 317, 331, 337, 347, 349, 353, 359, 367, 373, 379, 383, 389, 397, 401, 409, 419, 421, 431, 433, 439, 443, 449, 457, 461, 463, 467, 479, 487, 491, 499, 503, 509, 521, 523, 541, 547, 557, 563, 569, 571, 577, 587, 593, 599, 601, 607, 613, 617, 619, 631, 641, 643, 647, 653, 659, 661, 673, 677, 683, 691, 701, 709, 719, 727, 733, 739, 743, 751, 757, 761, 769, 773, 787, 797, 809, 811, 821, 823, 827, 829, 839, 853, 857, 859, 863, 877, 881, 883, 887, 907, 911, 919, 929, 937, 941, 947, 953, 967, 971, 977, 983, 991, 997, 1009, 1013, 1019, 1021, 1031, 1033, 1039, 1049, 1051, 1061, 1063, 1069, 1087, 1091, 1093, 1097, 1103, 1109, 1117, 1123, 1129, 1151, 1153, 1163, 1171, 1181, 1187, 1193, 1201, 1213, 1217, 1223, 1229, 1231, 1237, 1249, 1259, 1277, 1279, 1283, 1289, 1291, 1297, 1301, 1303, 1307, 1319, 1321, 1327, 1361, 1367, 1373, 1381, 1399, 1409, 1423, 1427, 1429, 1433, 1439, 1447, 1451, 1453, 1459, 1471, 1481, 1483, 1487, 1489, 1493, 1499, 1511, 1523, 1531, 1543, 1549, 1553, 1559, 1567, 1571, 1579, 1583, 1597, 1601, 1607, 1609, 1613, 1619, 1621, 1627, 1637, 1657, 1663, 1667, 1669, 1693, 1697, 1699, 1709, 1721, 1723, 1733, 1741, 1747, 1753, 1759, 1777, 1783, 1787, 1789, 1801, 1811, 1823, 1831, 1847, 1861, 1867, 1871, 1873, 1877, 1879, 1889, 1901, 1907, 1913, 1931, 1933, 1949, 1951, 1973, 1979, 1987, 1993, 1997, 1999 }; private const int maxLength = 70; private uint[] data; public int dataLength; public BigInteger() { this.data = new uint[70]; this.dataLength = 1; } public BigInteger(long value) { this.data = new uint[70]; long num = value; for (this.dataLength = 0; value != 0L && this.dataLength < 70; ++this.dataLength) { this.data[this.dataLength] = (uint)((ulong)value & (ulong)uint.MaxValue); value >>= 32; } if (num > 0L) { if (value != 0L || ((int)this.data[69] & int.MinValue) != 0) throw new ArithmeticException("Positive overflow in constructor."); } else if (num < 0L && (value != -1L || ((int)this.data[this.dataLength - 1] & int.MinValue) == 0)) throw new ArithmeticException("Negative underflow in constructor."); if (this.dataLength != 0) return; this.dataLength = 1; } public BigInteger(ulong value) { this.data = new uint[70]; for (this.dataLength = 0; (long)value != 0L && this.dataLength < 70; ++this.dataLength) { this.data[this.dataLength] = (uint)(value & (ulong)uint.MaxValue); value >>= 32; } if ((long)value != 0L || ((int)this.data[69] & int.MinValue) != 0) throw new ArithmeticException("Positive overflow in constructor."); if (this.dataLength != 0) return; this.dataLength = 1; } public BigInteger(BigInteger bi) { this.data = new uint[70]; this.dataLength = bi.dataLength; for (int index = 0; index < this.dataLength; ++index) this.data[index] = bi.data[index]; } public BigInteger(string value, int radix) { BigInteger bigInteger1 = new BigInteger(1L); BigInteger bigInteger2 = new BigInteger(); value = value.ToUpper().Trim(); int num1 = 0; if ((int)value[0] == 45) num1 = 1; for (int index = value.Length - 1; index >= num1; --index) { int num2 = (int)value[index]; int num3 = num2 < 48 || num2 > 57 ? (num2 < 65 || num2 > 90 ? 9999999 : num2 - 65 + 10) : num2 - 48; if (num3 >= radix) throw new ArithmeticException("Invalid string in constructor."); if ((int)value[0] == 45) num3 = -num3; bigInteger2 += bigInteger1 * (BigInteger)num3; if (index - 1 >= num1) bigInteger1 *= (BigInteger)radix; } if ((int)value[0] == 45) { if (((int)bigInteger2.data[69] & int.MinValue) == 0) throw new ArithmeticException("Negative underflow in constructor."); } else if (((int)bigInteger2.data[69] & int.MinValue) != 0) throw new ArithmeticException("Positive overflow in constructor."); this.data = new uint[70]; for (int index = 0; index < bigInteger2.dataLength; ++index) this.data[index] = bigInteger2.data[index]; this.dataLength = bigInteger2.dataLength; } public BigInteger(byte[] inData) { this.dataLength = inData.Length >> 2; int num = inData.Length & 3; if (num != 0) ++this.dataLength; if (this.dataLength > 70) throw new ArithmeticException("Byte overflow in constructor."); this.data = new uint[70]; int index1 = inData.Length - 1; int index2 = 0; while (index1 >= 3) { this.data[index2] = (uint)(((int)inData[index1 - 3] << 24) + ((int)inData[index1 - 2] << 16) + ((int)inData[index1 - 1] << 8)) + (uint)inData[index1]; index1 -= 4; ++index2; } if (num == 1) this.data[this.dataLength - 1] = (uint)inData[0]; else if (num == 2) this.data[this.dataLength - 1] = ((uint)inData[0] << 8) + (uint)inData[1]; else if (num == 3) this.data[this.dataLength - 1] = (uint)(((int)inData[0] << 16) + ((int)inData[1] << 8)) + (uint)inData[2]; while (this.dataLength > 1 && (int)this.data[this.dataLength - 1] == 0) --this.dataLength; } public BigInteger(byte[] inData, int inLen) { this.dataLength = inLen >> 2; int num = inLen & 3; if (num != 0) ++this.dataLength; if (this.dataLength > 70 || inLen > inData.Length) throw new ArithmeticException("Byte overflow in constructor."); this.data = new uint[70]; int index1 = inLen - 1; int index2 = 0; while (index1 >= 3) { this.data[index2] = (uint)(((int)inData[index1 - 3] << 24) + ((int)inData[index1 - 2] << 16) + ((int)inData[index1 - 1] << 8)) + (uint)inData[index1]; index1 -= 4; ++index2; } if (num == 1) this.data[this.dataLength - 1] = (uint)inData[0]; else if (num == 2) this.data[this.dataLength - 1] = ((uint)inData[0] << 8) + (uint)inData[1]; else if (num == 3) this.data[this.dataLength - 1] = (uint)(((int)inData[0] << 16) + ((int)inData[1] << 8)) + (uint)inData[2]; if (this.dataLength == 0) this.dataLength = 1; while (this.dataLength > 1 && (int)this.data[this.dataLength - 1] == 0) --this.dataLength; } public BigInteger(uint[] inData) { this.dataLength = inData.Length; if (this.dataLength > 70) throw new ArithmeticException("Byte overflow in constructor."); this.data = new uint[70]; int index1 = this.dataLength - 1; int index2 = 0; while (index1 >= 0) { this.data[index2] = inData[index1]; --index1; ++index2; } while (this.dataLength > 1 && (int)this.data[this.dataLength - 1] == 0) --this.dataLength; } public static implicit operator BigInteger(long value) { return new BigInteger(value); } public static implicit operator BigInteger(ulong value) { return new BigInteger(value); } public static implicit operator BigInteger(int value) { return new BigInteger((long)value); } public static implicit operator BigInteger(uint value) { return new BigInteger((ulong)value); } public static BigInteger operator +(BigInteger bi1, BigInteger bi2) { BigInteger bigInteger = new BigInteger(); bigInteger.dataLength = bi1.dataLength > bi2.dataLength ? bi1.dataLength : bi2.dataLength; long num1 = 0L; for (int index = 0; index < bigInteger.dataLength; ++index) { long num2 = (long)bi1.data[index] + (long)bi2.data[index] + num1; num1 = num2 >> 32; bigInteger.data[index] = (uint)((ulong)num2 & (ulong)uint.MaxValue); } if (num1 != 0L && bigInteger.dataLength < 70) { bigInteger.data[bigInteger.dataLength] = (uint)num1; ++bigInteger.dataLength; } while (bigInteger.dataLength > 1 && (int)bigInteger.data[bigInteger.dataLength - 1] == 0) --bigInteger.dataLength; int index1 = 69; if (((int)bi1.data[index1] & int.MinValue) == ((int)bi2.data[index1] & int.MinValue) && ((int)bigInteger.data[index1] & int.MinValue) != ((int)bi1.data[index1] & int.MinValue)) throw new ArithmeticException(); return bigInteger; } public static BigInteger operator ++(BigInteger bi1) { BigInteger bigInteger = new BigInteger(bi1); long num1 = 1L; int index1; for (index1 = 0; num1 != 0L && index1 < 70; ++index1) { long num2 = (long)bigInteger.data[index1] + 1L; bigInteger.data[index1] = (uint)((ulong)num2 & (ulong)uint.MaxValue); num1 = num2 >> 32; } if (index1 > bigInteger.dataLength) { bigInteger.dataLength = index1; } else { while (bigInteger.dataLength > 1 && (int)bigInteger.data[bigInteger.dataLength - 1] == 0) --bigInteger.dataLength; } int index2 = 69; if (((int)bi1.data[index2] & int.MinValue) == 0 && ((int)bigInteger.data[index2] & int.MinValue) != ((int)bi1.data[index2] & int.MinValue)) throw new ArithmeticException("Overflow in ++."); return bigInteger; } public static BigInteger operator -(BigInteger bi1, BigInteger bi2) { BigInteger bigInteger = new BigInteger(); bigInteger.dataLength = bi1.dataLength > bi2.dataLength ? bi1.dataLength : bi2.dataLength; long num1 = 0L; for (int index = 0; index < bigInteger.dataLength; ++index) { long num2 = (long)bi1.data[index] - (long)bi2.data[index] - num1; bigInteger.data[index] = (uint)((ulong)num2 & (ulong)uint.MaxValue); num1 = num2 >= 0L ? 0L : 1L; } if (num1 != 0L) { for (int index = bigInteger.dataLength; index < 70; ++index) bigInteger.data[index] = uint.MaxValue; bigInteger.dataLength = 70; } while (bigInteger.dataLength > 1 && (int)bigInteger.data[bigInteger.dataLength - 1] == 0) --bigInteger.dataLength; int index1 = 69; if (((int)bi1.data[index1] & int.MinValue) != ((int)bi2.data[index1] & int.MinValue) && ((int)bigInteger.data[index1] & int.MinValue) != ((int)bi1.data[index1] & int.MinValue)) throw new ArithmeticException(); return bigInteger; } public static BigInteger operator --(BigInteger bi1) { BigInteger bigInteger = new BigInteger(bi1); bool flag = true; int index1; for (index1 = 0; flag && index1 < 70; ++index1) { long num = (long)bigInteger.data[index1] - 1L; bigInteger.data[index1] = (uint)((ulong)num & (ulong)uint.MaxValue); if (num >= 0L) flag = false; } if (index1 > bigInteger.dataLength) bigInteger.dataLength = index1; while (bigInteger.dataLength > 1 && (int)bigInteger.data[bigInteger.dataLength - 1] == 0) --bigInteger.dataLength; int index2 = 69; if (((int)bi1.data[index2] & int.MinValue) != 0 && ((int)bigInteger.data[index2] & int.MinValue) != ((int)bi1.data[index2] & int.MinValue)) throw new ArithmeticException("Underflow in --."); return bigInteger; } public static BigInteger operator *(BigInteger bi1, BigInteger bi2) { int index1 = 69; bool flag1 = false; bool flag2 = false; try { if (((int)bi1.data[index1] & int.MinValue) != 0) { flag1 = true; bi1 = -bi1; } if (((int)bi2.data[index1] & int.MinValue) != 0) { flag2 = true; bi2 = -bi2; } } catch (Exception) { } BigInteger bigInteger = new BigInteger(); try { for (int index2 = 0; index2 < bi1.dataLength; ++index2) { if ((int)bi1.data[index2] != 0) { ulong num1 = 0UL; int index3 = 0; int index4 = index2; while (index3 < bi2.dataLength) { ulong num2 = (ulong)bi1.data[index2] * (ulong)bi2.data[index3] + (ulong)bigInteger.data[index4] + num1; bigInteger.data[index4] = (uint)(num2 & (ulong)uint.MaxValue); num1 = num2 >> 32; ++index3; ++index4; } if ((long)num1 != 0L) bigInteger.data[index2 + bi2.dataLength] = (uint)num1; } } } catch (Exception) { throw new ArithmeticException("Multiplication overflow."); } bigInteger.dataLength = bi1.dataLength + bi2.dataLength; if (bigInteger.dataLength > 70) bigInteger.dataLength = 70; while (bigInteger.dataLength > 1 && (int)bigInteger.data[bigInteger.dataLength - 1] == 0) --bigInteger.dataLength; if (((int)bigInteger.data[index1] & int.MinValue) != 0) { if (flag1 != flag2 && (int)bigInteger.data[index1] == int.MinValue) { if (bigInteger.dataLength == 1) return bigInteger; bool flag3 = true; for (int index2 = 0; index2 < bigInteger.dataLength - 1 && flag3; ++index2) { if ((int)bigInteger.data[index2] != 0) flag3 = false; } if (flag3) return bigInteger; } throw new ArithmeticException("Multiplication overflow."); } if (flag1 != flag2) return -bigInteger; return bigInteger; } public static BigInteger operator <<(BigInteger bi1, int shiftVal) { BigInteger bigInteger = new BigInteger(bi1); bigInteger.dataLength = BigInteger.shiftLeft(bigInteger.data, shiftVal); return bigInteger; } public static BigInteger operator >>(BigInteger bi1, int shiftVal) { BigInteger bigInteger = new BigInteger(bi1); bigInteger.dataLength = BigInteger.shiftRight(bigInteger.data, shiftVal); if (((int)bi1.data[69] & int.MinValue) != 0) { for (int index = 69; index >= bigInteger.dataLength; --index) bigInteger.data[index] = uint.MaxValue; uint num = (uint)uint.MinValue; for (int index = 0; index < 32 && ((int)bigInteger.data[bigInteger.dataLength - 1] & (int)num) == 0; ++index) { bigInteger.data[bigInteger.dataLength - 1] |= num; num >>= 1; } bigInteger.dataLength = 70; } return bigInteger; } public static BigInteger operator ~(BigInteger bi1) { BigInteger bigInteger = new BigInteger(bi1); for (int index = 0; index < 70; ++index) bigInteger.data[index] = ~bi1.data[index]; bigInteger.dataLength = 70; while (bigInteger.dataLength > 1 && (int)bigInteger.data[bigInteger.dataLength - 1] == 0) --bigInteger.dataLength; return bigInteger; } public static BigInteger operator -(BigInteger bi1) { if (bi1.dataLength == 1 && (int)bi1.data[0] == 0) return new BigInteger(); BigInteger bigInteger = new BigInteger(bi1); for (int index = 0; index < 70; ++index) bigInteger.data[index] = ~bi1.data[index]; long num1 = 1L; for (int index = 0; num1 != 0L && index < 70; ++index) { long num2 = (long)bigInteger.data[index] + 1L; bigInteger.data[index] = (uint)((ulong)num2 & (ulong)uint.MaxValue); num1 = num2 >> 32; } if (((int)bi1.data[69] & int.MinValue) == ((int)bigInteger.data[69] & int.MinValue)) throw new ArithmeticException("Overflow in negation.\n"); bigInteger.dataLength = 70; while (bigInteger.dataLength > 1 && (int)bigInteger.data[bigInteger.dataLength - 1] == 0) --bigInteger.dataLength; return bigInteger; } public static bool operator ==(BigInteger bi1, BigInteger bi2) { return bi1.Equals((object)bi2); } public static bool operator !=(BigInteger bi1, BigInteger bi2) { return !bi1.Equals((object)bi2); } public static bool operator >(BigInteger bi1, BigInteger bi2) { int index1 = 69; if (((int)bi1.data[index1] & int.MinValue) != 0 && ((int)bi2.data[index1] & int.MinValue) == 0) return false; if (((int)bi1.data[index1] & int.MinValue) == 0 && ((int)bi2.data[index1] & int.MinValue) != 0) return true; int index2 = (bi1.dataLength > bi2.dataLength ? bi1.dataLength : bi2.dataLength) - 1; while (index2 >= 0 && (int)bi1.data[index2] == (int)bi2.data[index2]) --index2; return index2 >= 0 && bi1.data[index2] > bi2.data[index2]; } public static bool operator <(BigInteger bi1, BigInteger bi2) { int index1 = 69; if (((int)bi1.data[index1] & int.MinValue) != 0 && ((int)bi2.data[index1] & int.MinValue) == 0) return true; if (((int)bi1.data[index1] & int.MinValue) == 0 && ((int)bi2.data[index1] & int.MinValue) != 0) return false; int index2 = (bi1.dataLength > bi2.dataLength ? bi1.dataLength : bi2.dataLength) - 1; while (index2 >= 0 && (int)bi1.data[index2] == (int)bi2.data[index2]) --index2; return index2 >= 0 && bi1.data[index2] < bi2.data[index2]; } public static bool operator >=(BigInteger bi1, BigInteger bi2) { if (!(bi1 == bi2)) return bi1 > bi2; return true; } public static bool operator <=(BigInteger bi1, BigInteger bi2) { if (!(bi1 == bi2)) return bi1 < bi2; return true; } public static BigInteger operator /(BigInteger bi1, BigInteger bi2) { BigInteger outQuotient = new BigInteger(); BigInteger outRemainder = new BigInteger(); int index = 69; bool flag1 = false; bool flag2 = false; if (((int)bi1.data[index] & int.MinValue) != 0) { bi1 = -bi1; flag2 = true; } if (((int)bi2.data[index] & int.MinValue) != 0) { bi2 = -bi2; flag1 = true; } if (bi1 < bi2) return outQuotient; if (bi2.dataLength == 1) BigInteger.singleByteDivide(bi1, bi2, outQuotient, outRemainder); else BigInteger.multiByteDivide(bi1, bi2, outQuotient, outRemainder); if (flag2 != flag1) return -outQuotient; return outQuotient; } public static BigInteger operator %(BigInteger bi1, BigInteger bi2) { BigInteger outQuotient = new BigInteger(); BigInteger outRemainder = new BigInteger(bi1); int index = 69; bool flag = false; if (((int)bi1.data[index] & int.MinValue) != 0) { bi1 = -bi1; flag = true; } if (((int)bi2.data[index] & int.MinValue) != 0) bi2 = -bi2; if (bi1 < bi2) return outRemainder; if (bi2.dataLength == 1) BigInteger.singleByteDivide(bi1, bi2, outQuotient, outRemainder); else BigInteger.multiByteDivide(bi1, bi2, outQuotient, outRemainder); if (flag) return -outRemainder; return outRemainder; } public static BigInteger operator &(BigInteger bi1, BigInteger bi2) { BigInteger bigInteger = new BigInteger(); int num1 = bi1.dataLength > bi2.dataLength ? bi1.dataLength : bi2.dataLength; for (int index = 0; index < num1; ++index) { uint num2 = bi1.data[index] & bi2.data[index]; bigInteger.data[index] = num2; } bigInteger.dataLength = 70; while (bigInteger.dataLength > 1 && (int)bigInteger.data[bigInteger.dataLength - 1] == 0) --bigInteger.dataLength; return bigInteger; } public static BigInteger operator |(BigInteger bi1, BigInteger bi2) { BigInteger bigInteger = new BigInteger(); int num1 = bi1.dataLength > bi2.dataLength ? bi1.dataLength : bi2.dataLength; for (int index = 0; index < num1; ++index) { uint num2 = bi1.data[index] | bi2.data[index]; bigInteger.data[index] = num2; } bigInteger.dataLength = 70; while (bigInteger.dataLength > 1 && (int)bigInteger.data[bigInteger.dataLength - 1] == 0) --bigInteger.dataLength; return bigInteger; } public static BigInteger operator ^(BigInteger bi1, BigInteger bi2) { BigInteger bigInteger = new BigInteger(); int num1 = bi1.dataLength > bi2.dataLength ? bi1.dataLength : bi2.dataLength; for (int index = 0; index < num1; ++index) { uint num2 = bi1.data[index] ^ bi2.data[index]; bigInteger.data[index] = num2; } bigInteger.dataLength = 70; while (bigInteger.dataLength > 1 && (int)bigInteger.data[bigInteger.dataLength - 1] == 0) --bigInteger.dataLength; return bigInteger; } private static int shiftLeft(uint[] buffer, int shiftVal) { int num1 = 32; int length = buffer.Length; while (length > 1 && (int)buffer[length - 1] == 0) --length; int num2 = shiftVal; while (num2 > 0) { if (num2 < num1) num1 = num2; ulong num3 = 0UL; for (int index = 0; index < length; ++index) { ulong num4 = (ulong)buffer[index] << num1 | num3; buffer[index] = (uint)(num4 & (ulong)uint.MaxValue); num3 = num4 >> 32; } if ((long)num3 != 0L && length + 1 <= buffer.Length) { buffer[length] = (uint)num3; ++length; } num2 -= num1; } return length; } private static int shiftRight(uint[] buffer, int shiftVal) { int num1 = 32; int num2 = 0; int length = buffer.Length; while (length > 1 && (int)buffer[length - 1] == 0) --length; int num3 = shiftVal; while (num3 > 0) { if (num3 < num1) { num1 = num3; num2 = 32 - num1; } ulong num4 = 0UL; for (int index = length - 1; index >= 0; --index) { ulong num5 = (ulong)buffer[index] >> num1 | num4; num4 = (ulong)buffer[index] << num2; buffer[index] = (uint)num5; } num3 -= num1; } while (length > 1 && (int)buffer[length - 1] == 0) --length; return length; } public override bool Equals(object o) { BigInteger bigInteger = (BigInteger)o; if (o == null || this.dataLength != bigInteger.dataLength) return false; for (int index = 0; index < this.dataLength; ++index) { if ((int)this.data[index] != (int)bigInteger.data[index]) return false; } return true; } public override int GetHashCode() { return this.ToString().GetHashCode(); } private static void multiByteDivide(BigInteger bi1, BigInteger bi2, BigInteger outQuotient, BigInteger outRemainder) { uint[] numArray = new uint[70]; int length1 = bi1.dataLength + 1; uint[] buffer = new uint[length1]; uint num1 = (uint)uint.MinValue; uint num2 = bi2.data[bi2.dataLength - 1]; int shiftVal = 0; int num3 = 0; while ((int)num1 != 0 && ((int)num2 & (int)num1) == 0) { ++shiftVal; num1 >>= 1; } for (int index = 0; index < bi1.dataLength; ++index) buffer[index] = bi1.data[index]; BigInteger.shiftLeft(buffer, shiftVal); bi2 <<= shiftVal; int num4 = length1 - bi2.dataLength; int index1 = length1 - 1; ulong num5 = (ulong)bi2.data[bi2.dataLength - 1]; ulong num6 = (ulong)bi2.data[bi2.dataLength - 2]; int length2 = bi2.dataLength + 1; uint[] inData = new uint[length2]; for (; num4 > 0; --num4) { ulong num7 = ((ulong)buffer[index1] << 32) + (ulong)buffer[index1 - 1]; ulong num8 = num7 / num5; ulong num9 = num7 % num5; bool flag = false; while (!flag) { flag = true; if ((long)num8 == 4294967296L || num8 * num6 > (num9 << 32) + (ulong)buffer[index1 - 2]) { --num8; num9 += num5; if (num9 < 4294967296UL) flag = false; } } for (int index2 = 0; index2 < length2; ++index2) inData[index2] = buffer[index1 - index2]; BigInteger bigInteger1 = new BigInteger(inData); BigInteger bigInteger2 = bi2 * (BigInteger)((long)num8); while (bigInteger2 > bigInteger1) { --num8; bigInteger2 -= bi2; } BigInteger bigInteger3 = bigInteger1 - bigInteger2; for (int index2 = 0; index2 < length2; ++index2) buffer[index1 - index2] = bigInteger3.data[bi2.dataLength - index2]; numArray[num3++] = (uint)num8; --index1; } outQuotient.dataLength = num3; int index3 = 0; int index4 = outQuotient.dataLength - 1; while (index4 >= 0) { outQuotient.data[index3] = numArray[index4]; --index4; ++index3; } for (; index3 < 70; ++index3) outQuotient.data[index3] = 0U; while (outQuotient.dataLength > 1 && (int)outQuotient.data[outQuotient.dataLength - 1] == 0) --outQuotient.dataLength; if (outQuotient.dataLength == 0) outQuotient.dataLength = 1; outRemainder.dataLength = BigInteger.shiftRight(buffer, shiftVal); int index5; for (index5 = 0; index5 < outRemainder.dataLength; ++index5) outRemainder.data[index5] = buffer[index5]; for (; index5 < 70; ++index5) outRemainder.data[index5] = 0U; } private static void singleByteDivide(BigInteger bi1, BigInteger bi2, BigInteger outQuotient, BigInteger outRemainder) { uint[] numArray = new uint[70]; int num1 = 0; for (int index = 0; index < 70; ++index) outRemainder.data[index] = bi1.data[index]; outRemainder.dataLength = bi1.dataLength; while (outRemainder.dataLength > 1 && (int)outRemainder.data[outRemainder.dataLength - 1] == 0) --outRemainder.dataLength; ulong num2 = (ulong)bi2.data[0]; int index1 = outRemainder.dataLength - 1; ulong num3 = (ulong)outRemainder.data[index1]; if (num3 >= num2) { ulong num4 = num3 / num2; numArray[num1++] = (uint)num4; outRemainder.data[index1] = (uint)(num3 % num2); } ulong num5; for (int index2 = index1 - 1; index2 >= 0; outRemainder.data[index2--] = (uint)(num5 % num2)) { num5 = ((ulong)outRemainder.data[index2 + 1] << 32) + (ulong)outRemainder.data[index2]; ulong num4 = num5 / num2; numArray[num1++] = (uint)num4; outRemainder.data[index2 + 1] = 0U; } outQuotient.dataLength = num1; int index3 = 0; int index4 = outQuotient.dataLength - 1; while (index4 >= 0) { outQuotient.data[index3] = numArray[index4]; --index4; ++index3; } for (; index3 < 70; ++index3) outQuotient.data[index3] = 0U; while (outQuotient.dataLength > 1 && (int)outQuotient.data[outQuotient.dataLength - 1] == 0) --outQuotient.dataLength; if (outQuotient.dataLength == 0) outQuotient.dataLength = 1; while (outRemainder.dataLength > 1 && (int)outRemainder.data[outRemainder.dataLength - 1] == 0) --outRemainder.dataLength; } public BigInteger max(BigInteger bi) { if (this > bi) return new BigInteger(this); return new BigInteger(bi); } public BigInteger min(BigInteger bi) { if (this < bi) return new BigInteger(this); return new BigInteger(bi); } public BigInteger abs() { if (((int)this.data[69] & int.MinValue) != 0) return -this; return new BigInteger(this); } public override string ToString() { return this.ToString(10); } public string ToString(int radix) { if (radix < 2 || radix > 36) throw new ArgumentException("Radix must be >= 2 and <= 36"); string str1 = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ"; string str2 = ""; BigInteger bi1 = this; bool flag = false; if (((int)bi1.data[69] & int.MinValue) != 0) { flag = true; try { bi1 = -bi1; } catch (Exception) { } } BigInteger outQuotient = new BigInteger(); BigInteger outRemainder = new BigInteger(); BigInteger bi2 = new BigInteger((long)radix); if (bi1.dataLength == 1 && (int)bi1.data[0] == 0) { str2 = "0"; } else { for (; bi1.dataLength > 1 || bi1.dataLength == 1 && (int)bi1.data[0] != 0; bi1 = outQuotient) { BigInteger.singleByteDivide(bi1, bi2, outQuotient, outRemainder); str2 = outRemainder.data[0] >= 10U ? str1[(int)outRemainder.data[0] - 10] + str2 : outRemainder.data[0] + str2; } if (flag) str2 = "-" + str2; } return str2; } public string ToHexString() { string str = this.data[this.dataLength - 1].ToString("X"); for (int index = this.dataLength - 2; index >= 0; --index) str += this.data[index].ToString("X8"); return str; } public BigInteger modPow(BigInteger exp, BigInteger n) { if (((int)exp.data[69] & int.MinValue) != 0) throw new ArithmeticException("Positive exponents only."); BigInteger bigInteger1 = (BigInteger)1; bool flag = false; BigInteger bigInteger2; if (((int)this.data[69] & int.MinValue) != 0) { bigInteger2 = -this % n; flag = true; } else bigInteger2 = this % n; if (((int)n.data[69] & int.MinValue) != 0) n = -n; BigInteger bigInteger3 = new BigInteger(); int index1 = n.dataLength << 1; bigInteger3.data[index1] = 1U; bigInteger3.dataLength = index1 + 1; BigInteger constant = bigInteger3 / n; int num1 = exp.bitCount(); int num2 = 0; for (int index2 = 0; index2 < exp.dataLength; ++index2) { uint num3 = 1U; for (int index3 = 0; index3 < 32; ++index3) { if (((int)exp.data[index2] & (int)num3) != 0) bigInteger1 = this.BarrettReduction(bigInteger1 * bigInteger2, n, constant); num3 <<= 1; bigInteger2 = this.BarrettReduction(bigInteger2 * bigInteger2, n, constant); if (bigInteger2.dataLength == 1 && (int)bigInteger2.data[0] == 1) { if (flag && ((int)exp.data[0] & 1) != 0) return -bigInteger1; return bigInteger1; } ++num2; if (num2 == num1) break; } } if (flag && ((int)exp.data[0] & 1) != 0) return -bigInteger1; return bigInteger1; } private BigInteger BarrettReduction(BigInteger x, BigInteger n, BigInteger constant) { int num1 = n.dataLength; int index1 = num1 + 1; int num2 = num1 - 1; BigInteger bigInteger1 = new BigInteger(); int index2 = num2; int index3 = 0; while (index2 < x.dataLength) { bigInteger1.data[index3] = x.data[index2]; ++index2; ++index3; } bigInteger1.dataLength = x.dataLength - num2; if (bigInteger1.dataLength <= 0) bigInteger1.dataLength = 1; BigInteger bigInteger2 = bigInteger1 * constant; BigInteger bigInteger3 = new BigInteger(); int index4 = index1; int index5 = 0; while (index4 < bigInteger2.dataLength) { bigInteger3.data[index5] = bigInteger2.data[index4]; ++index4; ++index5; } bigInteger3.dataLength = bigInteger2.dataLength - index1; if (bigInteger3.dataLength <= 0) bigInteger3.dataLength = 1; BigInteger bigInteger4 = new BigInteger(); int num3 = x.dataLength > index1 ? index1 : x.dataLength; for (int index6 = 0; index6 < num3; ++index6) bigInteger4.data[index6] = x.data[index6]; bigInteger4.dataLength = num3; BigInteger bigInteger5 = new BigInteger(); for (int index6 = 0; index6 < bigInteger3.dataLength; ++index6) { if ((int)bigInteger3.data[index6] != 0) { ulong num4 = 0UL; int index7 = index6; for (int index8 = 0; index8 < n.dataLength && index7 < index1; ++index7) { ulong num5 = (ulong)bigInteger3.data[index6] * (ulong)n.data[index8] + (ulong)bigInteger5.data[index7] + num4; bigInteger5.data[index7] = (uint)(num5 & (ulong)uint.MaxValue); num4 = num5 >> 32; ++index8; } if (index7 < index1) bigInteger5.data[index7] = (uint)num4; } } bigInteger5.dataLength = index1; while (bigInteger5.dataLength > 1 && (int)bigInteger5.data[bigInteger5.dataLength - 1] == 0) --bigInteger5.dataLength; BigInteger bigInteger6 = bigInteger4 - bigInteger5; if (((int)bigInteger6.data[69] & int.MinValue) != 0) { BigInteger bigInteger7 = new BigInteger(); bigInteger7.data[index1] = 1U; bigInteger7.dataLength = index1 + 1; bigInteger6 += bigInteger7; } while (bigInteger6 >= n) bigInteger6 -= n; return bigInteger6; } public BigInteger gcd(BigInteger bi) { BigInteger bigInteger1 = ((int)this.data[69] & int.MinValue) == 0 ? this : -this; BigInteger bigInteger2 = ((int)bi.data[69] & int.MinValue) == 0 ? bi : -bi; BigInteger bigInteger3 = bigInteger2; while (bigInteger1.dataLength > 1 || bigInteger1.dataLength == 1 && (int)bigInteger1.data[0] != 0) { bigInteger3 = bigInteger1; bigInteger1 = bigInteger2 % bigInteger1; bigInteger2 = bigInteger3; } return bigInteger3; } public void genRandomBits(int bits, Random rand) { int num1 = bits >> 5; int num2 = bits & 31; if (num2 != 0) ++num1; if (num1 > 70) throw new ArithmeticException("Number of required bits > maxLength."); for (int index = 0; index < num1; ++index) this.data[index] = (uint)(rand.NextDouble() * 4294967296.0); for (int index = num1; index < 70; ++index) this.data[index] = 0U; if (num2 != 0) { uint num3 = (uint)(1 << num2 - 1); this.data[num1 - 1] |= num3; uint num4 = uint.MaxValue >> 32 - num2; this.data[num1 - 1] &= num4; } else this.data[num1 - 1] |= (uint)uint.MinValue; this.dataLength = num1; if (this.dataLength != 0) return; this.dataLength = 1; } public int bitCount() { while (this.dataLength > 1 && (int)this.data[this.dataLength - 1] == 0) --this.dataLength; uint num1 = this.data[this.dataLength - 1]; uint num2 = (uint)uint.MinValue; int num3 = 32; while (num3 > 0 && ((int)num1 & (int)num2) == 0) { --num3; num2 >>= 1; } return num3 + (this.dataLength - 1 << 5); } public bool FermatLittleTest(int confidence) { BigInteger bigInteger1 = ((int)this.data[69] & int.MinValue) == 0 ? this : -this; if (bigInteger1.dataLength == 1) { if ((int)bigInteger1.data[0] == 0 || (int)bigInteger1.data[0] == 1) return false; if ((int)bigInteger1.data[0] == 2 || (int)bigInteger1.data[0] == 3) return true; } if (((int)bigInteger1.data[0] & 1) == 0) return false; int num1 = bigInteger1.bitCount(); BigInteger bigInteger2 = new BigInteger(); BigInteger exp = bigInteger1 - new BigInteger(1L); Random rand = new Random(); for (int index = 0; index < confidence; ++index) { bool flag = false; while (!flag) { int bits = 0; while (bits < 2) bits = (int)(rand.NextDouble() * (double)num1); bigInteger2.genRandomBits(bits, rand); int num2 = bigInteger2.dataLength; if (num2 > 1 || num2 == 1 && (int)bigInteger2.data[0] != 1) flag = true; } BigInteger bigInteger3 = bigInteger2.gcd(bigInteger1); if (bigInteger3.dataLength == 1 && (int)bigInteger3.data[0] != 1) return false; BigInteger bigInteger4 = bigInteger2.modPow(exp, bigInteger1); int num3 = bigInteger4.dataLength; if (num3 > 1 || num3 == 1 && (int)bigInteger4.data[0] != 1) return false; } return true; } public bool RabinMillerTest(int confidence) { BigInteger bigInteger1 = ((int)this.data[69] & int.MinValue) == 0 ? this : -this; if (bigInteger1.dataLength == 1) { if ((int)bigInteger1.data[0] == 0 || (int)bigInteger1.data[0] == 1) return false; if ((int)bigInteger1.data[0] == 2 || (int)bigInteger1.data[0] == 3) return true; } if (((int)bigInteger1.data[0] & 1) == 0) return false; BigInteger bigInteger2 = bigInteger1 - new BigInteger(1L); int num1 = 0; for (int index1 = 0; index1 < bigInteger2.dataLength; ++index1) { uint num2 = 1U; for (int index2 = 0; index2 < 32; ++index2) { if (((int)bigInteger2.data[index1] & (int)num2) != 0) { index1 = bigInteger2.dataLength; break; } num2 <<= 1; ++num1; } } BigInteger exp = bigInteger2 >> num1; int num3 = bigInteger1.bitCount(); BigInteger bigInteger3 = new BigInteger(); Random rand = new Random(); for (int index1 = 0; index1 < confidence; ++index1) { bool flag1 = false; while (!flag1) { int bits = 0; while (bits < 2) bits = (int)(rand.NextDouble() * (double)num3); bigInteger3.genRandomBits(bits, rand); int num2 = bigInteger3.dataLength; if (num2 > 1 || num2 == 1 && (int)bigInteger3.data[0] != 1) flag1 = true; } BigInteger bigInteger4 = bigInteger3.gcd(bigInteger1); if (bigInteger4.dataLength == 1 && (int)bigInteger4.data[0] != 1) return false; BigInteger bigInteger5 = bigInteger3.modPow(exp, bigInteger1); bool flag2 = false; if (bigInteger5.dataLength == 1 && (int)bigInteger5.data[0] == 1) flag2 = true; for (int index2 = 0; !flag2 && index2 < num1; ++index2) { if (bigInteger5 == bigInteger2) { flag2 = true; break; } bigInteger5 = bigInteger5 * bigInteger5 % bigInteger1; } if (!flag2) return false; } return true; } public bool SolovayStrassenTest(int confidence) { BigInteger bigInteger1 = ((int)this.data[69] & int.MinValue) == 0 ? this : -this; if (bigInteger1.dataLength == 1) { if ((int)bigInteger1.data[0] == 0 || (int)bigInteger1.data[0] == 1) return false; if ((int)bigInteger1.data[0] == 2 || (int)bigInteger1.data[0] == 3) return true; } if (((int)bigInteger1.data[0] & 1) == 0) return false; int num1 = bigInteger1.bitCount(); BigInteger a = new BigInteger(); BigInteger bigInteger2 = bigInteger1 - (BigInteger)1; BigInteger exp = bigInteger2 >> 1; Random rand = new Random(); for (int index = 0; index < confidence; ++index) { bool flag = false; while (!flag) { int bits = 0; while (bits < 2) bits = (int)(rand.NextDouble() * (double)num1); a.genRandomBits(bits, rand); int num2 = a.dataLength; if (num2 > 1 || num2 == 1 && (int)a.data[0] != 1) flag = true; } BigInteger bigInteger3 = a.gcd(bigInteger1); if (bigInteger3.dataLength == 1 && (int)bigInteger3.data[0] != 1) return false; BigInteger bigInteger4 = a.modPow(exp, bigInteger1); if (bigInteger4 == bigInteger2) bigInteger4 = (BigInteger)(-1); BigInteger bigInteger5 = (BigInteger)BigInteger.Jacobi(a, bigInteger1); if (bigInteger4 != bigInteger5) return false; } return true; } public bool LucasStrongTest() { BigInteger thisVal = ((int)this.data[69] & int.MinValue) == 0 ? this : -this; if (thisVal.dataLength == 1) { if ((int)thisVal.data[0] == 0 || (int)thisVal.data[0] == 1) return false; if ((int)thisVal.data[0] == 2 || (int)thisVal.data[0] == 3) return true; } if (((int)thisVal.data[0] & 1) == 0) return false; return this.LucasStrongTestHelper(thisVal); } private bool LucasStrongTestHelper(BigInteger thisVal) { long num1 = 5L; long num2 = -1L; long num3 = 0L; bool flag1 = false; while (!flag1) { switch (BigInteger.Jacobi((BigInteger)num1, thisVal)) { case -1: flag1 = true; break; case 0: if ((BigInteger)Math.Abs(num1) < thisVal) return false; goto default; default: if (num3 == 20L) { BigInteger bigInteger = thisVal.sqrt(); if (bigInteger * bigInteger == thisVal) return false; } num1 = (Math.Abs(num1) + 2L) * num2; num2 = -num2; break; } ++num3; } long num4 = 1L - num1 >> 2; BigInteger bigInteger1 = thisVal + (BigInteger)1; int num5 = 0; for (int index1 = 0; index1 < bigInteger1.dataLength; ++index1) { uint num6 = 1U; for (int index2 = 0; index2 < 32; ++index2) { if (((int)bigInteger1.data[index1] & (int)num6) != 0) { index1 = bigInteger1.dataLength; break; } num6 <<= 1; ++num5; } } BigInteger k = bigInteger1 >> num5; BigInteger bigInteger2 = new BigInteger(); int index3 = thisVal.dataLength << 1; bigInteger2.data[index3] = 1U; bigInteger2.dataLength = index3 + 1; BigInteger constant = bigInteger2 / thisVal; BigInteger[] bigIntegerArray1 = BigInteger.LucasSequenceHelper((BigInteger)1, (BigInteger)num4, k, thisVal, constant, 0); bool flag2 = false; if (bigIntegerArray1[0].dataLength == 1 && (int)bigIntegerArray1[0].data[0] == 0 || bigIntegerArray1[1].dataLength == 1 && (int)bigIntegerArray1[1].data[0] == 0) flag2 = true; for (int index1 = 1; index1 < num5; ++index1) { if (!flag2) { bigIntegerArray1[1] = thisVal.BarrettReduction(bigIntegerArray1[1] * bigIntegerArray1[1], thisVal, constant); bigIntegerArray1[1] = (bigIntegerArray1[1] - (bigIntegerArray1[2] << 1)) % thisVal; if (bigIntegerArray1[1].dataLength == 1 && (int)bigIntegerArray1[1].data[0] == 0) flag2 = true; } bigIntegerArray1[2] = thisVal.BarrettReduction(bigIntegerArray1[2] * bigIntegerArray1[2], thisVal, constant); } if (flag2) { BigInteger bigInteger3 = thisVal.gcd((BigInteger)num4); if (bigInteger3.dataLength == 1 && (int)bigInteger3.data[0] == 1) { if (((int)bigIntegerArray1[2].data[69] & int.MinValue) != 0) { BigInteger[] bigIntegerArray2; (bigIntegerArray2 = bigIntegerArray1)[2] = bigIntegerArray2[2] + thisVal; } BigInteger bigInteger4 = (BigInteger)(num4 * (long)BigInteger.Jacobi((BigInteger)num4, thisVal)) % thisVal; if (((int)bigInteger4.data[69] & int.MinValue) != 0) bigInteger4 += thisVal; if (bigIntegerArray1[2] != bigInteger4) flag2 = false; } } return flag2; } public bool isProbablePrime(int confidence) { BigInteger bigInteger1 = ((int)this.data[69] & int.MinValue) == 0 ? this : -this; for (int index = 0; index < BigInteger.primesBelow2000.Length; ++index) { BigInteger bigInteger2 = (BigInteger)BigInteger.primesBelow2000[index]; if (!(bigInteger2 >= bigInteger1)) { if ((bigInteger1 % bigInteger2).IntValue() == 0) return false; } else break; } return bigInteger1.RabinMillerTest(confidence); } public bool isProbablePrime() { BigInteger bigInteger1 = ((int)this.data[69] & int.MinValue) == 0 ? this : -this; if (bigInteger1.dataLength == 1) { if ((int)bigInteger1.data[0] == 0 || (int)bigInteger1.data[0] == 1) return false; if ((int)bigInteger1.data[0] == 2 || (int)bigInteger1.data[0] == 3) return true; } if (((int)bigInteger1.data[0] & 1) == 0) return false; for (int index = 0; index < BigInteger.primesBelow2000.Length; ++index) { BigInteger bigInteger2 = (BigInteger)BigInteger.primesBelow2000[index]; if (!(bigInteger2 >= bigInteger1)) { if ((bigInteger1 % bigInteger2).IntValue() == 0) return false; } else break; } BigInteger bigInteger3 = bigInteger1 - new BigInteger(1L); int num1 = 0; for (int index1 = 0; index1 < bigInteger3.dataLength; ++index1) { uint num2 = 1U; for (int index2 = 0; index2 < 32; ++index2) { if (((int)bigInteger3.data[index1] & (int)num2) != 0) { index1 = bigInteger3.dataLength; break; } num2 <<= 1; ++num1; } } BigInteger exp = bigInteger3 >> num1; bigInteger1.bitCount(); BigInteger bigInteger4 = ((BigInteger)2).modPow(exp, bigInteger1); bool flag = false; if (bigInteger4.dataLength == 1 && (int)bigInteger4.data[0] == 1) flag = true; for (int index = 0; !flag && index < num1; ++index) { if (bigInteger4 == bigInteger3) { flag = true; break; } bigInteger4 = bigInteger4 * bigInteger4 % bigInteger1; } if (flag) flag = this.LucasStrongTestHelper(bigInteger1); return flag; } public int IntValue() { return (int)this.data[0]; } public long LongValue() { long num = (long)this.data[0]; try { num |= (long)this.data[1] << 32; } catch (Exception) { if (((int)this.data[0] & int.MinValue) != 0) num = (long)(int)this.data[0]; } return num; } public static int Jacobi(BigInteger a, BigInteger b) { if (((int)b.data[0] & 1) == 0) throw new ArgumentException("Jacobi defined only for odd integers."); if (a >= b) a %= b; if (a.dataLength == 1 && (int)a.data[0] == 0) return 0; if (a.dataLength == 1 && (int)a.data[0] == 1) return 1; if (a < (BigInteger)0) { if (((int)(b - (BigInteger)1).data[0] & 2) == 0) return BigInteger.Jacobi(-a, b); return -BigInteger.Jacobi(-a, b); } int num1 = 0; for (int index1 = 0; index1 < a.dataLength; ++index1) { uint num2 = 1U; for (int index2 = 0; index2 < 32; ++index2) { if (((int)a.data[index1] & (int)num2) != 0) { index1 = a.dataLength; break; } num2 <<= 1; ++num1; } } BigInteger b1 = a >> num1; int num3 = 1; if ((num1 & 1) != 0 && (((int)b.data[0] & 7) == 3 || ((int)b.data[0] & 7) == 5)) num3 = -1; if (((int)b.data[0] & 3) == 3 && ((int)b1.data[0] & 3) == 3) num3 = -num3; if (b1.dataLength == 1 && (int)b1.data[0] == 1) return num3; return num3 * BigInteger.Jacobi(b % b1, b1); } public static BigInteger genPseudoPrime(int bits, int confidence, Random rand) { BigInteger bigInteger = new BigInteger(); for (bool flag = false; !flag; flag = bigInteger.isProbablePrime(confidence)) { bigInteger.genRandomBits(bits, rand); bigInteger.data[0] |= 1U; } return bigInteger; } public BigInteger genCoPrime(int bits, Random rand) { bool flag = false; BigInteger bigInteger1 = new BigInteger(); while (!flag) { bigInteger1.genRandomBits(bits, rand); BigInteger bigInteger2 = bigInteger1.gcd(this); if (bigInteger2.dataLength == 1 && (int)bigInteger2.data[0] == 1) flag = true; } return bigInteger1; } public BigInteger modInverse(BigInteger modulus) { BigInteger[] bigIntegerArray1 = new BigInteger[2] { (BigInteger) 0, (BigInteger) 1 }; BigInteger[] bigIntegerArray2 = new BigInteger[2]; BigInteger[] bigIntegerArray3 = new BigInteger[2] { (BigInteger) 0, (BigInteger) 0 }; int num = 0; BigInteger bi1 = modulus; BigInteger bi2 = this; while (bi2.dataLength > 1 || bi2.dataLength == 1 && (int)bi2.data[0] != 0) { BigInteger outQuotient = new BigInteger(); BigInteger outRemainder = new BigInteger(); if (num > 1) { BigInteger bigInteger = (bigIntegerArray1[0] - bigIntegerArray1[1] * bigIntegerArray2[0]) % modulus; bigIntegerArray1[0] = bigIntegerArray1[1]; bigIntegerArray1[1] = bigInteger; } if (bi2.dataLength == 1) BigInteger.singleByteDivide(bi1, bi2, outQuotient, outRemainder); else BigInteger.multiByteDivide(bi1, bi2, outQuotient, outRemainder); bigIntegerArray2[0] = bigIntegerArray2[1]; bigIntegerArray3[0] = bigIntegerArray3[1]; bigIntegerArray2[1] = outQuotient; bigIntegerArray3[1] = outRemainder; bi1 = bi2; bi2 = outRemainder; ++num; } if (bigIntegerArray3[0].dataLength > 1 || bigIntegerArray3[0].dataLength == 1 && (int)bigIntegerArray3[0].data[0] != 1) throw new ArithmeticException("No inverse!"); BigInteger bigInteger1 = (bigIntegerArray1[0] - bigIntegerArray1[1] * bigIntegerArray2[0]) % modulus; if (((int)bigInteger1.data[69] & int.MinValue) != 0) bigInteger1 += modulus; return bigInteger1; } public byte[] getBytes() { int num1 = this.bitCount(); int length = num1 >> 3; if ((num1 & 7) != 0) ++length; byte[] numArray = new byte[length]; int index1 = 0; uint num2 = this.data[this.dataLength - 1]; uint num3; if ((int)(num3 = num2 >> 24 & (uint)byte.MaxValue) != 0) numArray[index1++] = (byte)num3; uint num4; if ((int)(num4 = num2 >> 16 & (uint)byte.MaxValue) != 0) numArray[index1++] = (byte)num4; uint num5; if ((int)(num5 = num2 >> 8 & (uint)byte.MaxValue) != 0) numArray[index1++] = (byte)num5; uint num6; if ((int)(num6 = num2 & (uint)byte.MaxValue) != 0) numArray[index1++] = (byte)num6; int index2 = this.dataLength - 2; while (index2 >= 0) { uint num7 = this.data[index2]; numArray[index1 + 3] = (byte)(num7 & (uint)byte.MaxValue); uint num8 = num7 >> 8; numArray[index1 + 2] = (byte)(num8 & (uint)byte.MaxValue); uint num9 = num8 >> 8; numArray[index1 + 1] = (byte)(num9 & (uint)byte.MaxValue); uint num10 = num9 >> 8; numArray[index1] = (byte)(num10 & (uint)byte.MaxValue); --index2; index1 += 4; } return numArray; } public void setBit(uint bitNum) { uint num1 = bitNum >> 5; uint num2 = 1U << (int)(byte)(bitNum & 31U); this.data[(int)num1] |= num2; if ((long)num1 < (long)this.dataLength) return; this.dataLength = (int)num1 + 1; } public void unsetBit(uint bitNum) { uint num1 = bitNum >> 5; if ((long)num1 >= (long)this.dataLength) return; uint num2 = uint.MaxValue ^ 1U << (int)(byte)(bitNum & 31U); this.data[(int)num1] &= num2; if (this.dataLength <= 1 || (int)this.data[this.dataLength - 1] != 0) return; --this.dataLength; } public BigInteger sqrt() { uint num1 = (uint)this.bitCount(); uint num2 = ((int)num1 & 1) == 0 ? num1 >> 1 : (num1 >> 1) + 1U; uint num3 = num2 >> 5; byte num4 = (byte)(num2 & 31U); BigInteger bigInteger = new BigInteger(); uint num5; if ((int)num4 == 0) { num5 = (uint)uint.MinValue; } else { num5 = 1U << (int)num4; ++num3; } bigInteger.dataLength = (int)num3; for (int index = (int)num3 - 1; index >= 0; --index) { while ((int)num5 != 0) { bigInteger.data[index] ^= num5; if (bigInteger * bigInteger > this) bigInteger.data[index] ^= num5; num5 >>= 1; } num5 = (uint)uint.MinValue; } return bigInteger; } public static BigInteger[] LucasSequence(BigInteger P, BigInteger Q, BigInteger k, BigInteger n) { if (k.dataLength == 1 && (int)k.data[0] == 0) return new BigInteger[3] { (BigInteger) 0, (BigInteger) 2 % n, (BigInteger) 1 % n }; BigInteger bigInteger = new BigInteger(); int index1 = n.dataLength << 1; bigInteger.data[index1] = 1U; bigInteger.dataLength = index1 + 1; BigInteger constant = bigInteger / n; int s = 0; for (int index2 = 0; index2 < k.dataLength; ++index2) { uint num = 1U; for (int index3 = 0; index3 < 32; ++index3) { if (((int)k.data[index2] & (int)num) != 0) { index2 = k.dataLength; break; } num <<= 1; ++s; } } BigInteger k1 = k >> s; return BigInteger.LucasSequenceHelper(P, Q, k1, n, constant, s); } private static BigInteger[] LucasSequenceHelper(BigInteger P, BigInteger Q, BigInteger k, BigInteger n, BigInteger constant, int s) { BigInteger[] bigIntegerArray = new BigInteger[3]; if (((int)k.data[0] & 1) == 0) throw new ArgumentException("Argument k must be odd."); uint num = (uint)(1 << (k.bitCount() & 31) - 1); BigInteger bigInteger1 = (BigInteger)2 % n; BigInteger bigInteger2 = (BigInteger)1 % n; BigInteger bigInteger3 = P % n; BigInteger bigInteger4 = bigInteger2; bool flag = true; for (int index = k.dataLength - 1; index >= 0; --index) { while ((int)num != 0 && (index != 0 || (int)num != 1)) { if (((int)k.data[index] & (int)num) != 0) { bigInteger4 = bigInteger4 * bigInteger3 % n; bigInteger1 = (bigInteger1 * bigInteger3 - P * bigInteger2) % n; bigInteger3 = (n.BarrettReduction(bigInteger3 * bigInteger3, n, constant) - (bigInteger2 * Q << 1)) % n; if (flag) flag = false; else bigInteger2 = n.BarrettReduction(bigInteger2 * bigInteger2, n, constant); bigInteger2 = bigInteger2 * Q % n; } else { bigInteger4 = (bigInteger4 * bigInteger1 - bigInteger2) % n; bigInteger3 = (bigInteger1 * bigInteger3 - P * bigInteger2) % n; bigInteger1 = (n.BarrettReduction(bigInteger1 * bigInteger1, n, constant) - (bigInteger2 << 1)) % n; if (flag) { bigInteger2 = Q % n; flag = false; } else bigInteger2 = n.BarrettReduction(bigInteger2 * bigInteger2, n, constant); } num >>= 1; } num = (uint)uint.MinValue; } BigInteger bigInteger5 = (bigInteger4 * bigInteger1 - bigInteger2) % n; BigInteger bigInteger6 = (bigInteger1 * bigInteger3 - P * bigInteger2) % n; if (flag) flag = false; else bigInteger2 = n.BarrettReduction(bigInteger2 * bigInteger2, n, constant); BigInteger bigInteger7 = bigInteger2 * Q % n; for (int index = 0; index < s; ++index) { bigInteger5 = bigInteger5 * bigInteger6 % n; bigInteger6 = (bigInteger6 * bigInteger6 - (bigInteger7 << 1)) % n; if (flag) { bigInteger7 = Q % n; flag = false; } else bigInteger7 = n.BarrettReduction(bigInteger7 * bigInteger7, n, constant); } bigIntegerArray[0] = bigInteger5; bigIntegerArray[1] = bigInteger6; bigIntegerArray[2] = bigInteger7; return bigIntegerArray; } public static void MulDivTest(int rounds) { Random random = new Random(); byte[] inData1 = new byte[64]; byte[] inData2 = new byte[64]; for (int index1 = 0; index1 < rounds; ++index1) { int inLen1 = 0; while (inLen1 == 0) inLen1 = (int)(random.NextDouble() * 65.0); int inLen2 = 0; while (inLen2 == 0) inLen2 = (int)(random.NextDouble() * 65.0); bool flag1 = false; while (!flag1) { for (int index2 = 0; index2 < 64; ++index2) { inData1[index2] = index2 >= inLen1 ? (byte)0 : (byte)(random.NextDouble() * 256.0); if ((int)inData1[index2] != 0) flag1 = true; } } bool flag2 = false; while (!flag2) { for (int index2 = 0; index2 < 64; ++index2) { inData2[index2] = index2 >= inLen2 ? (byte)0 : (byte)(random.NextDouble() * 256.0); if ((int)inData2[index2] != 0) flag2 = true; } } while ((int)inData1[0] == 0) inData1[0] = (byte)(random.NextDouble() * 256.0); while ((int)inData2[0] == 0) inData2[0] = (byte)(random.NextDouble() * 256.0); Console.WriteLine(index1); BigInteger bigInteger1 = new BigInteger(inData1, inLen1); BigInteger bigInteger2 = new BigInteger(inData2, inLen2); BigInteger bigInteger3 = bigInteger1 / bigInteger2; BigInteger bigInteger4 = bigInteger1 % bigInteger2; BigInteger bigInteger5 = bigInteger3 * bigInteger2 + bigInteger4; if (bigInteger5 != bigInteger1) { Console.WriteLine("Error at " + (object)index1); Console.WriteLine((string)(object)bigInteger1 + (object)"\n"); Console.WriteLine((string)(object)bigInteger2 + (object)"\n"); Console.WriteLine((string)(object)bigInteger3 + (object)"\n"); Console.WriteLine((string)(object)bigInteger4 + (object)"\n"); Console.WriteLine((string)(object)bigInteger5 + (object)"\n"); break; } } } public static void RSATest(int rounds) { Random random = new Random(1); byte[] inData = new byte[64]; BigInteger exp1 = new BigInteger("a932b948feed4fb2b692609bd22164fc9edb59fae7880cc1eaff7b3c9626b7e5b241c27a974833b2622ebe09beb451917663d47232488f23a117fc97720f1e7", 16); BigInteger exp2 = new BigInteger("4adf2f7a89da93248509347d2ae506d683dd3a16357e859a980c4f77a4e2f7a01fae289f13a851df6e9db5adaa60bfd2b162bbbe31f7c8f828261a6839311929d2cef4f864dde65e556ce43c89bbbf9f1ac5511315847ce9cc8dc92470a747b8792d6a83b0092d2e5ebaf852c85cacf34278efa99160f2f8aa7ee7214de07b7", 16); BigInteger n = new BigInteger("e8e77781f36a7b3188d711c2190b560f205a52391b3479cdb99fa010745cbeba5f2adc08e1de6bf38398a0487c4a73610d94ec36f17f3f46ad75e17bc1adfec99839589f45f95ccc94cb2a5c500b477eb3323d8cfab0c8458c96f0147a45d27e45a4d11d54d77684f65d48f15fafcc1ba208e71e921b9bd9017c16a5231af7f", 16); Console.WriteLine("e =\n" + exp1.ToString(10)); Console.WriteLine("\nd =\n" + exp2.ToString(10)); Console.WriteLine("\nn =\n" + n.ToString(10) + "\n"); for (int index1 = 0; index1 < rounds; ++index1) { int inLen = 0; while (inLen == 0) inLen = (int)(random.NextDouble() * 65.0); bool flag = false; while (!flag) { for (int index2 = 0; index2 < 64; ++index2) { inData[index2] = index2 >= inLen ? (byte)0 : (byte)(random.NextDouble() * 256.0); if ((int)inData[index2] != 0) flag = true; } } while ((int)inData[0] == 0) inData[0] = (byte)(random.NextDouble() * 256.0); Console.Write("Round = " + (object)index1); BigInteger bigInteger = new BigInteger(inData, inLen); if (bigInteger.modPow(exp1, n).modPow(exp2, n) != bigInteger) { Console.WriteLine("\nError at round " + (object)index1); Console.WriteLine((string)(object)bigInteger + (object)"\n"); break; } Console.WriteLine(" <PASSED>."); } } public static void RSATest2(int rounds) { Random rand = new Random(); byte[] inData1 = new byte[64]; byte[] inData2 = new byte[64] { (byte) 133, (byte) 132, (byte) 100, (byte) 253, (byte) 112, (byte) 106, (byte) 159, (byte) 240, (byte) 148, (byte) 12, (byte) 62, (byte) 44, (byte) 116, (byte) 52, (byte) 5, (byte) 201, (byte) 85, (byte) 179, (byte) 133, (byte) 50, (byte) 152, (byte) 113, (byte) 249, (byte) 65, (byte) 33, (byte) 95, (byte) 2, (byte) 158, (byte) 234, (byte) 86, (byte) 141, (byte) 140, (byte) 68, (byte) 204, (byte) 238, (byte) 238, (byte) 61, (byte) 44, (byte) 157, (byte) 44, (byte) 18, (byte) 65, (byte) 30, (byte) 241, (byte) 197, (byte) 50, (byte) 195, (byte) 170, (byte) 49, (byte) 74, (byte) 82, (byte) 216, (byte) 232, (byte) 175, (byte) 66, (byte) 244, (byte) 114, (byte) 161, (byte) 42, (byte) 13, (byte) 151, (byte) 177, (byte) 49, (byte) 179 }; byte[] inData3 = new byte[64] { (byte) 153, (byte) 152, (byte) 202, (byte) 184, (byte) 94, (byte) 215, (byte) 229, (byte) 220, (byte) 40, (byte) 92, (byte) 111, (byte) 14, (byte) 21, (byte) 9, (byte) 89, (byte) 110, (byte) 132, (byte) 243, (byte) 129, (byte) 205, (byte) 222, (byte) 66, (byte) 220, (byte) 147, (byte) 194, (byte) 122, (byte) 98, (byte) 172, (byte) 108, (byte) 175, (byte) 222, (byte) 116, (byte) 227, (byte) 203, (byte) 96, (byte) 32, (byte) 56, (byte) 156, (byte) 33, (byte) 195, (byte) 220, (byte) 200, (byte) 162, (byte) 77, (byte) 198, (byte) 42, (byte) 53, (byte) 127, (byte) 243, (byte) 169, (byte) 232, (byte) 29, (byte) 123, (byte) 44, (byte) 120, (byte) 250, (byte) 184, (byte) 2, (byte) 85, (byte) byte.MinValue, (byte) 155, (byte) 194, (byte) 165, (byte) 203 }; BigInteger bigInteger1 = new BigInteger(inData2); BigInteger bigInteger2 = new BigInteger(inData3); BigInteger modulus = (bigInteger1 - (BigInteger)1) * (bigInteger2 - (BigInteger)1); BigInteger n = bigInteger1 * bigInteger2; for (int index1 = 0; index1 < rounds; ++index1) { BigInteger exp1 = modulus.genCoPrime(512, rand); BigInteger exp2 = exp1.modInverse(modulus); Console.WriteLine("\ne =\n" + exp1.ToString(10)); Console.WriteLine("\nd =\n" + exp2.ToString(10)); Console.WriteLine("\nn =\n" + n.ToString(10) + "\n"); int inLen = 0; while (inLen == 0) inLen = (int)(rand.NextDouble() * 65.0); bool flag = false; while (!flag) { for (int index2 = 0; index2 < 64; ++index2) { inData1[index2] = index2 >= inLen ? (byte)0 : (byte)(rand.NextDouble() * 256.0); if ((int)inData1[index2] != 0) flag = true; } } while ((int)inData1[0] == 0) inData1[0] = (byte)(rand.NextDouble() * 256.0); Console.Write("Round = " + (object)index1); BigInteger bigInteger3 = new BigInteger(inData1, inLen); if (bigInteger3.modPow(exp1, n).modPow(exp2, n) != bigInteger3) { Console.WriteLine("\nError at round " + (object)index1); Console.WriteLine((string)(object)bigInteger3 + (object)"\n"); break; } Console.WriteLine(" <PASSED>."); } } public static void SqrtTest(int rounds) { Random rand = new Random(); for (int index = 0; index < rounds; ++index) { int bits = 0; while (bits == 0) bits = (int)(rand.NextDouble() * 1024.0); Console.Write("Round = " + (object)index); BigInteger bigInteger1 = new BigInteger(); bigInteger1.genRandomBits(bits, rand); BigInteger bigInteger2 = bigInteger1.sqrt(); if ((bigInteger2 + (BigInteger)1) * (bigInteger2 + (BigInteger)1) <= bigInteger1) { Console.WriteLine("\nError at round " + (object)index); Console.WriteLine((string)(object)bigInteger1 + (object)"\n"); break; } Console.WriteLine(" <PASSED>."); } } } }
  6. Thank you. Prettify folder (Inside Extras folder) doesn't get removed after Uninstall.
  7. I always used $i, $j and $k without any further thinking (I never had to), but recently I had to use another variable in a deeper loop, maybe $l, but it doesn't looks right to me, so I realized I have to use meaningful names for the For loop counters. Currently I prefer mLipok's suggestion, because: 1. It's meaningful and it won't get complicated with some complex loop body. 2. You won't run out of variable names ($i, $j, $k, $l, $m, .... $z, what next?!). 3. It's meaningful and it won't get complicated with some complex loop body.
  8. I also write something similar to your Dump.au3 a while ago, here it is: #include <Constants.au3> Global $s = 'Hello world!' Global $d = Binary('0xDEADBEEF') Global $o = ObjCreate('InternetExplorer.Application') Global $keyword = Default Global $fu = MsgBox Global $t = DllStructCreate('BYTE[4]; DWORD; CHAR[128];') Global $b = True Global $f = 1.6516534234234234 Global $i32 = 416161235 Global $i64 = 416161235416161235 Global $h = HWnd(0x000B1032) Global $p = DllStructGetPtr($t) Global $m0[], $m1[] $m0['s'] = $s $m0['d'] = $d $m0['o'] = $o $m0['keyword'] = $keyword $m0['fu'] = $fu $m0['t'] = $t $m0['b'] = $b $m0['f'] = $f $m0['i32'] = $i32 $m0['i64'] = $i64 $m0['h'] = $h $m0['p'] = $p $m1['s'] = $s $m1['d'] = $d $m1['o'] = $o $m1['keyword'] = $keyword $m1['fu'] = $fu $m1['t'] = $t $m1['b'] = $b $m1['f'] = $f $m1['i32'] = $i32 $m1['i64'] = $i64 $m1['h'] = $h $m1['p'] = $p $m1['m'] = $m0 VarDump($m1) Func VarDump(ByRef $v) Local $sType = VarGetType($v) Switch $sType Case 'Array' ConsoleWrite('Array(' & UBound($v) & ') {' & @CRLF) For $i = 0 To UBound($v) - 1 ConsoleWrite('[' & $i & '] ') VarDump($v[$i]) Next ConsoleWrite('}' & @CRLF) Case 'Binary' ConsoleWrite('Binary(' & BinaryLen($v) & ') ' & $v & @CRLF) Case 'Bool', 'Double', 'Int32', 'Int64', 'Ptr' ConsoleWrite($sType & '(' & $v & ')' & @CRLF) Case 'DllStruct' ConsoleWrite('DllStruct(' & DllStructGetSize($v) & ')' & @CRLF) Case 'Function', 'UserFunction' ConsoleWrite('Function(' & FuncName($v) & ')' & @CRLF) Case 'Keyword' ConsoleWrite('Keyword(' & (IsKeyword($v) = $KEYWORD_DEFAULT ? 'Default' : 'Null') & ')' & @CRLF) Case 'Map' ConsoleWrite('Map(' & UBound($v) & ') {' & @CRLF) For $sKey In MapKeys($v) ConsoleWrite('[' & $sKey & '] ') VarDump($v[$sKey]) Next ConsoleWrite('}' & @CRLF) Case 'Object' ConsoleWrite('Object(' & ObjName($v) & ')' & @CRLF) Case 'String' ConsoleWrite('String(' & StringLen($v) & ') "' & $v & '"' & @CRLF) EndSwitch EndFuncInspired by PHP's var_dump().
  9. You may want to try something like this: Local $sResponse = '' If _WinHttpQueryHeaders($hRequest, $WINHTTP_QUERY_STATUS_CODE) == $HTTP_STATUS_OK Then If _WinHttpQueryDataAvailable($hRequest) Then While True $sResponse &= _WinHttpReadData($hRequest) If @extended Then ; --- Nothing to do Else ExitLoop EndIf WEnd If $sResponse Then ; --- Nothing to do Else Debug('Server.class | _WinHttpReadData() failed.', @ScriptLineNumber) _WinHttpCloseHandle($hRequest) Return $this.Result['InternetError'] EndIf Else Debug('Server.class | _WinHttpQueryDataAvailable() failed.', @ScriptLineNumber) _WinHttpCloseHandle($hRequest) Return $this.Result['InternetError'] EndIf Else Debug('Server.class | _WinHttpQueryHeaders() failed.', @ScriptLineNumber) _WinHttpCloseHandle($hRequest) Return $this.Result['InternetError'] EndIf _WinHttpCloseHandle($hRequest) ConsoleWrite($sResponse)
  10. @Ward I just come to say "Thank you so much" for this great UDF. I'm using it for a while, saved my ass multiple times and I just felt I have to say "Thanks". Thank you.
  11. That's so true, but why? I think that's because it depends on the distance between keys on keyboard. If you are going to type "asd", you will be quite fast because 'a', 's' and 'd' are close to each other, but when you want to type 'qit', it will take more time, because of the distance between keys on keyboard. The other thing to consider, is that we type using 2 hands. The left hand works much better in typing words which the characters on the keyboard are from left to right (Like 'asd'). The right hand works better for right to left words (Like 'poi'). If you try to test, you will see typing 'asd' is much simpler than typing 'dsa' using left hand, and typing 'poi' is much easier than typing 'iop' using right hand. *** What I said in this post are just what I personally thought, they are not tested in any case, they are not scientifically proven or whatever, they could be all wrong ***
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