Closed Requests

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Results (301 - 400 of 1093)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Ticket Summary Milestone Component Resolution Modified
#929 form designer Other Rejected 15 years
#942 WinGetActive AutoIt Rejected 15 years
#946 Disable automatically generated msg mox alerts AutoIt Rejected 15 years
#953 New Function request – WinServiceStop and WinServiceStart AutoIt Rejected 15 years
#960 AutoIT v3 Windows info and AutoIT API having problem with handler in x86_64 envirronement SciTE4AutoIt Rejected 15 years
#970 I want the goto command back :| AutoIt Rejected 15 years
#973 _FileListToArray() AutoIt Rejected 15 years
#978 Au3Info - ToolBar info - add ToolTip Text,Image Index Au3Info Rejected 11 years
#987 Telnet capabilities AutoIt Rejected 15 years
#988 TCP Send with URGENT bit active AutoIt Rejected 11 years
#992 Macros for all useful system user folders AutoIt Rejected 15 years
#994 For ... In ... Next: added functionality AutoIt Rejected 15 years
#998 @VirtualDesktopWidth + @VirtualDesktopHeight + @DesktopMonitors AutoIt Rejected 12 years
#1020 FileCreate or FileSave AutoIt Rejected 15 years
#1022 Different between " and ' like PHP AutoIt Rejected 15 years
#1029 New Feature: Restrict users from changing windows AutoIt Rejected 15 years
#1034 SetLocale()? AutoIt Rejected 11 years
#1035 Different SendModes AutoIt Rejected 11 years
#1038 Add icon to menu item AutoIt Rejected 15 years
#1039 DocStrings? AutoIt Rejected 15 years
#1045 ConstantsAll.au3 or GUIConstantsAll.au3 - new include file/files Standard UDFs Rejected 15 years
#1057 SciTe ToolTip negative coordinates SciTE4AutoIt Rejected 15 years
#1070 Adlib Suggestion AutoIt Rejected 15 years
#1081 Consider this code for include: waiting for the clipboard to fill. Standard UDFs Rejected 15 years
#1084 Setting for mouse default speed AutoIt Rejected 15 years
#1088 GuiCtrlSetOnEvent - Easier Event handling AutoIt Rejected 15 years
#1091 Request: Packet Send & Packet Catching AutoIt Rejected 15 years
#1096 MouseMove() Function AutoIt Rejected 15 years
#1107 Ability to sort hexadecimal numbers using in a Listview Standard UDFs Rejected 15 years
#1120 Overwrite hidden system files with FileInstall() AutoIt Rejected 11 years
#1127 Implement a new function : StdOutReadLine AutoIt Rejected 11 years
#1138 XML Other Rejected 15 years
#1149 GUICtrlSetTrans() AutoIt Rejected 15 years
#1153 User-defined libraries support with 'Open Include'. SciTE4AutoIt Rejected 14 years
#1159 To select an child from the device manager in win vista 32 bit machine AutoIt Rejected 15 years
#1163 WinGetClassList - optional parameter for parent class only AutoIt Rejected 15 years
#1169 high-level Recording AutoIt Rejected 15 years
#1172 .NET controls in beta AutoIt Rejected 12 years
#1173 mysql UDF Standard UDFs Rejected 15 years
#1175 add the macro @CPUusage showing the current CPU load AutoIt Rejected 15 years
#1178 MsgBox timeout indicator AutoIt Rejected 15 years
#1181 GUIGetMsg and OnEventMode. AutoIt Rejected 15 years
#1185 Priority Flag for OnAutoItExitRegister AutoIt Rejected 15 years
#1186 native support of array "slices" as Lvalue and Rvalue AutoIt Rejected 11 years
#1198 User tray items auto-checkmarking AutoIt Rejected 11 years
#1204 New function - WinWaitLoad AutoIt Rejected 15 years
#1205 Dim / ReDim / Static optimization AutoIt Rejected 13 years
#1209 FileOpenDialog will not allow you to specify a folder AutoIt Rejected 15 years
#1211 Support for Mouse drag operation AutoIt Rejected 15 years
#1216 Adding arrays working suspiciously AutoIt Rejected 14 years
#1217 InetGet resume ability AutoIt Rejected 11 years
#1233 "Deep" global variables not treated as global AutoIt Rejected 15 years
#1236 error/extended pass on in "Return function()" case. AutoIt Rejected 15 years
#1243 Request @FuncName AutoIt Rejected 14 years
#1244 New AU3Wrapper directive: #AutoIt3Wrapper_MinVersion SciTE4AutoIt Rejected 15 years
#1245 Last version supporting winnt 4.0 AutoIt Rejected 15 years
#1262 Add SMTP AUTH to _INetSmtpMail() in inet.au3 Standard UDFs Rejected 14 years
#1263 Request: Delete a Line from a File (FileDeleteLine) AutoIt Rejected 14 years
#1267 Regular expression - Specify line endings default code to CRLF instead of LF AutoIt Rejected 14 years
#1271 History added to Func notes directly AutoIt Rejected 14 years
#1274 Increase Datatype Ranges AutoIt Rejected 14 years
#1289 Port to Mac AutoIt Rejected 14 years
#1298 Poor Behavious of UBound Function AutoIt Rejected 14 years
#1303 script to replace the @ScriptLineNumbe SciTE4AutoIt Rejected 7 years
#1307 Better and consistent naming of boolean parameters in UDF functions Standard UDFs Rejected 14 years
#1308 Execute to assign variable AutoIt Rejected 14 years
#1309 BitShift() as Unsigned Integer by Default AutoIt Rejected 14 years
#1316 SleepUntilTime($hour, $min, $sec) and RunOnTime($hour, $min, $sec, "UserFunction") AutoIt Rejected 14 years
#1324 MsgBox: options for size and position AutoIt Rejected 14 years
#1334 dynamic include - rt embedding - Bug found? AutoIt Rejected 14 years
#1347 Restoring cursor position after certain scite4autoit tools. SciTE4AutoIt Rejected 14 years
#1350 Obfuscator line excludes Other Rejected 14 years
#1357 New concatenation operator for Static AutoIt Rejected 14 years
#1359 Embed a file in compiled script AutoIt Rejected 14 years
#1373 filecopy filemove with independent thread AutoIt Rejected 11 years
#1375 An array element alias AutoIt Rejected 14 years
#1379 compiling... AutoIt Rejected 14 years
#1382 Windows 7 Taskbar API AutoIt Rejected 14 years
#1386 Union support AutoIt Rejected 14 years
#1388 GUIRegisterMsg() return value AutoIt Rejected 14 years
#1401 Windows 7 Jump List AutoIt Rejected 14 years
#1405 Array definition, less strict data-part format. AutoIt Rejected 14 years
#1406 Proposed Change to _WinAPI_HiWord() Standard UDFs Rejected 14 years
#1407 Change the Trace Tools to use @ScriptLineNumber SciTE4AutoIt Rejected 14 years
#1411 FileReadLine enhancement to enable more efficient reading of very large files. AutoIt Rejected 14 years
#1416 Open project in new window (right click context menu from Tabs) AutoIt Rejected 14 years
#1419 Directory Management Functions AutoIt Rejected 14 years
#1426 $PBS_MARQUEE speed selection AutoIt Rejected 14 years
#1429 Change return value of FileGetSize() on failure. AutoIt Rejected 14 years
#1431 Multiple AutoIt3Wrapper outfiles SciTE4AutoIt Rejected 14 years
#1433 Picture driven computing AutoIt Rejected 14 years
#1451 RegRead AutoIt Rejected 11 years
#1452 FileOpenDialog AutoIt Rejected 14 years
#1465 Proxy functions or udf AutoIt Rejected 14 years
#1490 Create a Dictionary UDF which creates a Scripting.Dictionary object AutoIt Rejected 14 years
#1491 Create a Dictionary UDF which creates a Scripting.Dictionary object Standard UDFs Rejected 14 years
#1497 Sign(<expression>) function AutoIt Rejected 11 years
#1516 Get Full Returnstring from TCP-IP-STACK in AutoIt-Variable AutoIt Rejected 14 years
#1521 ProcessList AutoIt Rejected 14 years
#1533 FileSaveDialog/FileOpenDialog return selected filter type AutoIt Rejected 11 years
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
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