Closed Requests

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Results (501 - 600 of 1093)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Ticket Summary Milestone Component Resolution Modified
#2182 The real "ContinueCase" AutoIt Rejected 12 years
#2188 UDPRecv delay able to be set with the TCPTimeout AutoIt Option AutoIt Rejected 11 years
#2202 Add $TRAYTIP_EVENT_* to TrayGetMsg/TraySetOnEvent AutoIt Rejected 12 years
#2206 Detailed information on _array display AutoIt Rejected 12 years
#2208 ControlGetText not working on calculator AutoIt Rejected 12 years
#2212 Please increase the numbers of @IPAddress1 up to @IPAddress8 AutoIt Rejected 12 years
#2220 C struct-like syntax AutoIt Rejected 11 years
#2221 FileDelete() @error values AutoIt Rejected 10 years
#2226 Please give your comments to avoid two windows which are getting opened. AutoIt Rejected 12 years
#2230 MsgBox - Add Location Parameters AutoIt Rejected 12 years
#2236 GUI Automation support for 3rd party Grid control AutoIt Rejected 12 years
#2243 #Include <%Environment variable path%\Script.au3> AutoIt Rejected 12 years
#2248 VarGetName() & @FunctionName AutoIt Rejected 12 years
#2251 variables in FileInstall's "source" AutoIt Rejected 5 years
#2257 Retreive MAC address from UDPRecv AutoIt Rejected 12 years
#2259 Networking AutoIt Rejected 12 years
#2260 Links (.lnk) AutoIt Rejected 12 years
#2261 Can you include "ImageSearch" similiar to the one in AHK? I know there is a costum DLL AutoIt Rejected 12 years
#2266 FileFindNextFile - expanded attribute info in @extended AutoIt Rejected 11 years
#2267 Eval Flag (new Feature Request) AutoIt Rejected 12 years
#2272 a script file can't access other file's local variable AutoIt Rejected 12 years
#2275 Add functions on decimals. AutoIt Rejected 12 years
#2280 Logical operator precedences AutoIt Rejected 11 years
#2282 Limit the amount of data returned by StdoutRead() AutoIt Rejected 11 years
#2285 OCR lack AutoIt Rejected 11 years
#2289 PixelGetColor - output options AutoIt Rejected 11 years
#2296 SHA2 for Crypt.au3 AutoIt Completed 8 years
#2303 Ribbon AutoIt Rejected 11 years
#2304 ExitLoop new macro or out of all cycles AutoIt Rejected 11 years
#2321 FileDelete() does NOT delete ADS files AutoIt Rejected 11 years
#2322 Random() produces unexpected result. AutoIt Rejected 11 years
#2325 _FilleWriteFromArray doesn't work with Unicode text AutoIt Rejected 11 years
#2327 the script stops randomly please suggest some idea's. AutoIt No Bug 11 years
#2336 Blockinput (1) not for WACOM Pen with Win8 AutoIt Rejected 11 years
#2342 case-sensitive variables AutoIt Rejected 11 years
#2346 Add native FileSetEnd() based on _WinAPI_SetEndOfFile() AutoIt Completed 10 years
#2355 Custom compiler AutoIt Rejected 11 years
#2358 FileInstall: accept "" as "source" to include the current script AutoIt Completed 11 years
#2360 implement optional byref parameter passing to function AutoIt Rejected 10 years
#2365 FileFindNextFile - information in @extended AutoIt Completed 10 years
#2375 Change default return value for SetError and SetExtended AutoIt Completed 4 years
#2381 StringIsSpace - does not work in all cases AutoIt Rejected 10 years
#2385 @include AutoIt Rejected 11 years
#2436 AutoIt Command Line Interpreter AutoIt Rejected 11 years
#2477 FileInstall() to use the same Flag values as FileCopy to create destination directory AutoIt Rejected 4 years
#2481 FileSelectFolder - Windows 7 and later new window type AutoIt Completed 10 years
#2483 DriveGetDrive - different error for "improper drive type" versus "none found" AutoIt Rejected 10 years
#2488 @exitMethod - proposal - new mode - Accident AutoIt Rejected 11 years
#2489 HttpSetUserAgent return value AutoIt Completed 10 years
#2490 HttpSetUserAgent return value AutoIt Duplicate 11 years
#2503 Reference Definition Keyword AutoIt Rejected 4 years
#2504 GUICtrlSendToDummy to нidden window AutoIt Rejected 10 years
#2505 Array create without declaration AutoIt Duplicate 10 years
#2511 New Macro @SourceName AutoIt Rejected 11 years
#2517 MustDeclareVars=1 as default AutoIt Rejected 11 years
#2520 UPX 3.91 AutoIt Fixed 11 years
#2538 GUISetAccelerators should take care of disabled control AutoIt Fixed 10 years
#2548 Array Literal Notation AutoIt Rejected 10 years
#2557 Send Key Count 0 not to send any keys AutoIt Completed 8 years
#2559 Array incorrect number of subscripts AutoIt Rejected 7 years
#2574 "Switch...Case...EndSwitch" AutoIt Rejected 10 years
#2604 Array access on expression & first element AutoIt Rejected 10 years
#2620 Ternary operator and php 5.3 sugar syntax AutoIt Rejected 10 years
#2624 GUIUnRegisterMsg AutoIt Rejected 10 years
#2629 GUIRegisterMsg/GUIUnregisterMsg AutoIt Rejected 10 years
#2633 more possibilities when assigning values to variables AutoIt Rejected 10 years
#2634 Treat keyword Default like an unset optional parameter AutoIt Fixed 9 years
#2647 Add line count of FileReadToArray to @extended AutoIt Completed 10 years
#2655 FileReadToArray and binary file AutoIt Rejected 10 years
#2656 array automatic redim for $array[] = ... AutoIt Rejected 10 years
#2663 StringRegExpReplace backreference not working AutoIt Completed 10 years
#2665 Support for EFS (Encrypting File System) AutoIt Completed 10 years
#2673 AdlibRegister(0) execute function instanly instead of after 250ms AutoIt Rejected 4 years
#2681 More parameters to FileReadToArray function AutoIt Rejected 10 years
#2684 Remove drag behavior of WS_EX_CONTROLPARENT AutoIt Rejected 4 years
#2685 HotKeyRegister fails to register a Hungarian letter AutoIt Fixed 10 years
#2686 Random to return max value when min equals max. AutoIt Completed 10 years
#2695 For ... in ... next loop modifying items AutoIt Rejected 3 years
#2726 GUIListView, GUICtrlListView_GetGroupInfoByIndex AutoIt Completed 11 months
#2727 optional Datatypes AutoIt Wont Fix 10 years
#2750 Ternary Operator Should Have the Lowest Precedence AutoIt Rejected 10 years
#2752 AutoIt Help omits the precedence of the ternary operator AutoIt Rejected 10 years
#2759 _WinAPI_GetFinalPathNameByHandle - dwFlags - Parameter AutoIt Rejected 10 years
#2788 fuzzy string searching AutoIt Rejected 10 years
#2794 FileDelete ability to remove the file stream AutoIt Rejected 3 years
#2831 Function Binding AutoIt Rejected 9 years
#2832 Call (["CallArgArray", ...]) doesn't modify ByRef arguments AutoIt No Bug 6 years
#2835 Change the TCP*() funktions to optional use non blocking ports. AutoIt Completed 3 years
#2871 #AutoIt3Wrapper_OutPath AutoIt Rejected 8 years
#2872 FileDelete set @extended deleted count AutoIt Rejected 10 years
#2873 Experimental functionalities and plans for the future. AutoIt No Bug 10 years
#2894 Assign - new flag - static AutoIt Rejected 10 years
#2919 OnAutoItExitRegister - @exitMethod - after Crash AutoIt Rejected 10 years
#2929 Check if a method exists using IsFunc() AutoIt Rejected 6 years
#2938 Add "GetCount" to ControlCommand() AutoIt Fixed 3 years
#2942 Extract icon's from almost any file (exe,lnk,bat,vbs,txt,......) AutoIt Rejected 9 years
#2951 How to automate [Internet options-Connections-Lan settings-Tick/untick "proxy server"] AutoIt Rejected 9 years
#2963 Macro for file name in included files AutoIt Rejected 3 months
#2968 Add mSeconds to _SetTime function AutoIt Completed 9 years
#2969 label size AutoIt Rejected 9 years
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
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