


18:52 Ticket #1764 (FileCreateShortcut - cuts target to 8.3 style) created by JFX
Both files do not exist, also drive X: does not exist. […] C.lnk …
09:37 Ticket #1763 (incorrect sequence during GUICtrlSetGraphic) created by anonymous
When using GUICtrlSetGraphic, one should expect that the elements you …


21:20 Ticket #1762 (With ... EndWith crashes instead of Error.) created by Kip
$oObject.MemberDoesntExist() ; results in: ; ==> The requested action …


22:10 Ticket #1761 (File version compare bug) closed by Valik
No Bug: I suggest you learn about lexicographical string comparisons.
21:49 Ticket #1761 (File version compare bug) created by trinhphongm@…
If i used filegetversion and compare these two versions by using …


23:35 Ticket #1760 (#OnAutoItStartRegister, ignores single quoted function names.) created by mvg
More a general inconsistency than anything else. […] …


08:12 Ticket #1759 (Strange listview sort) created by Eric
Hello, I have a strange result with listview sort. When i sort à …


12:13 Ticket #1758 (tables for the gui) closed by Jos
Rejected: Use the forum instead of the feature request option.
10:48 Ticket #1758 (tables for the gui) created by any
hey i am working on a project and i need tables for the gui. can you …
06:52 Ticket #1747 (_Min and _Max inconsistency) closed by Jpm
No Bug: This function is working as designed, only Float or integers are acceptable number The setting of @error indicates the first parameter in error.


18:47 Ticket #1757 (1.912 - 1.854 = 0.0579999999999998) closed by Valik
No Bug: Yawn. Go learn about floating point numbers and let me know what you find out.
17:55 Ticket #1757 (1.912 - 1.854 = 0.0579999999999998) created by anonymous
1.912 - 1.854 returns 0.0579999999999998 but it should return 0.058.
15:57 Ticket #1756 (Flaw in _GDIPlus_Startup on error) closed by Jpm
Fixed: Fixed by revision [5956] in version:
10:30 Ticket #1756 (Flaw in _GDIPlus_Startup on error) created by ProgAndy
When _GDIPlus_Startup cannot open the DLL, the reference count is …
06:32 Ticket #1755 (In x64 Windows 7 the @HomeDrive macro returns "c:\system32" instead of "c:) closed by Jpm
No Bug


21:01 Ticket #1755 (In x64 Windows 7 the @HomeDrive macro returns "c:\system32" instead of "c:) created by anonymous
In x64 Windows 7 the @HomeDrive macro returns "c:\system32" instead of …
14:55 Ticket #1753 (MouseGetButtonState) closed by Jpm
Rejected: In fact you are looking for an already implemented UDF _IsPressed()
14:50 Ticket #1752 (GUICtrlCreateIcon doesn't work with higher index than 0 in WinXP x64 / ...) closed by Jpm
Wont Fix
07:20 Ticket #1754 (Undocumented $sBasePath in _PathFull UDF) closed by Jpm
Fixed: Fixed by revision [5955] in version:


20:30 Ticket #1754 (Undocumented $sBasePath in _PathFull UDF) created by MrCreatoR <mscreator@…>
The _PathFull udf have an extra parametr $sBasePath, this …


12:22 Ticket #1753 (MouseGetButtonState) created by fr.r@…
Hello, Firts I'd like to thank you for this great tool that I know …
11:06 Ticket #1752 (GUICtrlCreateIcon doesn't work with higher index than 0 in WinXP x64 / ...) created by JFX
None of the Icons create with GUICtrlCreateIcon will be display under …


10:07 Ticket #1751 (Ctrl key stuck after send containing ^ if BlockInput is on) created by mkaidor@…
If BlockInput is on when a send function is called containing a carrot …


14:20 Ticket #1750 (Au3Check misrepresents undefined Call as critical) created by anonymous
I searched for this issue, but I couldn't find it - even though I've …


17:56 Ticket #1749 (_GUICtrlTreeView_SetItemParam Help File Page Change) created by Melba23
In a recent thread …


20:06 Ticket #1748 ("Enter" in an Input Box does 2 things) created by bkearan@…
Using Opt("GUIOnEventMode", 1) Buggy Behavior : When inside an Gui …
13:11 Ticket #1747 (_Min and _Max inconsistency) created by madflame991@…
[…] _Min and _Max should behave like any built-in math function …


21:07 Ticket #1745 (Helpfile: Add _FileWriteFromArray to "Related" function list of ...) closed by Jpm
No Bug
07:50 Ticket #1740 (Cannot send Period (ASC 046) when using Italian OS) closed by Jpm
No Bug: no problem


09:23 Ticket #1746 (Controls not found in moving from to created by paul.seccombe@…
First off - thanks for a great piece of software. I recently upgraded …


15:39 Ticket #1745 (Helpfile: Add _FileWriteFromArray to "Related" function list of ...) created by Spiff59


16:39 Ticket #1744 (Invalid links in help file history.htm.) closed by Jpm
Fixed: Fixed by revision [5953] in version:


23:41 Ticket #1744 (Invalid links in help file history.htm.) created by campg2003@…
In help file autoit3.chm in contained file history.htm the following …
22:12 Ticket #1743 (fileexists) closed by Jpm
No Bug
05:23 Ticket #1743 (fileexists) created by anonymous
I'm getting different results from the below two examples ;displays …


16:09 Ticket #1742 (Spelling error found in help file) closed by Jpm
Fixed: Fixed by revision [5952] in version:
04:08 Ticket #1742 (Spelling error found in help file) created by Drifter
in help for "_GDIPlus_GraphicsCreateFromHDC" the help says: Create a …


20:50 Ticket #1741 (Rounding: optionally add trailing zeros) closed by Valik
Rejected: You're asking a function that returns numbers to do String Formating…
20:15 Ticket #1741 (Rounding: optionally add trailing zeros) created by Dana
Currently, the Round function does not pad trailing zeros onto a …


14:46 Ticket #1738 (crypt.au3 - Calling of _Crypt_EncryptData) closed by Jpm
Duplicate: no problem as it was already closed with a previous ticket …


16:38 Ticket #1740 (Cannot send Period (ASC 046) when using Italian OS) created by me@…
I've tried to narrow this down as much as possible. This doesn't work …
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.