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Create PDF from your application


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i had try but dont go

explain my problem

i did do a big program for do invoice and i wanna use your script for print pdf file

so in one invoice i can put 30 product , but i thinked if i have 120 product ??

i build a script for do this but when arrive to lunch pdf-script create only one pdf file , because i think , the script not save never a pdf .

example after lucnh a script whit one product go correctly and whit your instruction is perfect not open pdf , but if i after open a pdf and close when i close the pdf reader tell me if i want save , why ???

this is a part mod of your script



if $z> 30 Then


$j= Round($j, 0)


$mz= round($mz,0)



$dz= $z-$mz

$pz= $z-$dz


;set the properties for the pdf

_SetTitle("Demo PDF in AutoIt")

_SetSubject("Demo PDF in AutoIt, without any ActiveX or DLL...")

_SetKeywords("pdf, demo, AutoIt")

_OpenAfter(True);open after generation






;initialize the pdf

_InitPDF(@ScriptDir & ""&$J&"fattura.pdf")

;=== load resources used in pdf ===


_LoadResImage("taietel", @ScriptDir & "configImageslogo2.jpg")

_LoadResImage("taietel1", @ScriptDir & "configImageslogobanca.jpg")

_LoadFontTT("_Arial", $PDF_FONT_ARIAL)

_LoadFontTT("_Calibri", $PDF_FONT_TIMES)

_LoadFontTT("_Calibri", $PDF_FONT_CALIBRI)

_LoadFontTT("_Calibri", $PDF_FONT_Calibri)

;=== create objects that are used in multiple pages ===

;create a header on all pages, except the first:


;insert a image already loaded

_InsertImage("taietel", 1, 26, 6, 3)

_InsertImage("taietel1", 12, 25.5, 9, 4)

;change the colour of the text that follows


;stretch it a bit, down to 90%


;and begin writting some data

_DrawText(7.5, 28.6, "via", "_Calibri", 10, $PDF_ALIGN_LEFT)

_DrawText(7.5, 28.2, "Fuchio ", "_Calibri", 10, $PDF_ALIGN_LEFT)

_DrawText(7.5, 27.8, "05401211313484", "_Calibri", 10, $PDF_ALIGN_LEFT)

_DrawText(7.5, 27.4, "11313135431313", "_Calibri", 10, $PDF_ALIGN_LEFT)

_DrawText(7.5, 27, "335696303005710962175","_Calibri", 10, $PDF_ALIGN_LEFT)

_DrawText(7.5, 26.6, "www.sito.com","_Calibri", 10, $PDF_ALIGN_LEFT)

_DrawText(7.5, 26.2, "sito@gmail.com","_Calibri", 10, $PDF_ALIGN_LEFT)

;get the scalling back to default value


;and colour also


;that's the end of our header!

_Draw_Rectangle(7,25.5, 0, 4, $PDF_STYLE_STROKED, 0, 0xfefefe, 0.01)


;start a page


;put some graphics, text etc (see the rest)

;_InsertImage("taietel1", 2, 10, 7, 7)

_Draw_Rectangle(1, 21, 8, 4, $PDF_STYLE_STROKED, 0, 0xfefefe, 0.01) ; rettangolo di sinistra sede legale

Local $sText = "Sede Legale "

Local $sLength = Round(_GetTextLength($sText, "_Calibri", 110),1)

_DrawText(1.5,24.5, $sText, "_Calibri", 10, $PDF_ALIGN_LEFT, 0)

_DrawText(1.5,23.8, $AnanomeL, "_Calibri", 10, $PDF_ALIGN_LEFT, 0); intestazione

_DrawText(1.5,23, $AnaindirizzoL, "_Calibri", 10, $PDF_ALIGN_LEFT, 0) ; via

_DrawText(1.5,22.5, $AnacittaL&" - cap: "&$Anacaplegale, "_Calibri", 10, $PDF_ALIGN_LEFT, 0) ; citta

_DrawText(1.5,22, $AnaProvinciaL&" - "&$AnaNazioneLegale, "_Calibri", 10, $PDF_ALIGN_LEFT, 0) ; luogo

_Draw_Rectangle(12, 21, 8, 4, $PDF_STYLE_STROKED, 0, 0xfefefe, 0.01) ; rettangolo di destra sede operativa

Local $sText = "Sede Operativa "

Local $sLength = Round(_GetTextLength($sText, "_Calibri", 110),1)

_DrawText(12.5,24.5, $sText, "_Calibri", 10, $PDF_ALIGN_LEFT, 0)

_DrawText(12.5,23.8, $Nome, "_Calibri", 10, $PDF_ALIGN_LEFT, 0); intestazione

_DrawText(12.5,23, $prodid, "_Calibri", 10, $PDF_ALIGN_LEFT, 0) ; via

_DrawText(12.5,22.5, $PCList&" - cap: "&$Anacap, "_Calibri", 10, $PDF_ALIGN_LEFT, 0) ; citta

_DrawText(12.5,22, $PDList&" - "&$Ananazione, "_Calibri", 10, $PDF_ALIGN_LEFT, 0) ; luogo


_Draw_Rectangle(1,19.8, 19, 1, $PDF_STYLE_STROKED, 0, 0xfefefe, 0.01)

_Draw_Rectangle(4,19.8, 0, 1, $PDF_STYLE_STROKED, 0, 0xfefefe, 0.01) ; tipo documento

Local $sText = "Tipo Documento "

Local $sLength = Round(_GetTextLength($sText, "_Calibri", 110),1)

_DrawText(1.2,20.5, $sText, "_Calibri", 10, $PDF_ALIGN_LEFT, 0)

_DrawText(1.2,20, " "&$tipodoc, "_Calibri", 10, $PDF_ALIGN_LEFT, 0)

_Draw_Rectangle(6,19.8, 0, 1, $PDF_STYLE_STROKED, 0, 0xfefefe, 0.01) ; numero documento

Local $sText = "Num. Doc. "

Local $sLength = Round(_GetTextLength($sText, "_Calibri", 110),1)

_DrawText(4.2,20.5, $sText, "_Calibri", 10, $PDF_ALIGN_LEFT, 0)

_DrawText(4.2,20, $numfat, "_Calibri", 10, $PDF_ALIGN_LEFT, 0)

;============================================================================ inizio ciclo per la data giusta

Dim $TableName = "fattura"

;===================================== azzeramento varibili

$fatdata = ""

$Stringid = ""

;====================================== fine azzeramento variabili

$SQLInstance = _MySQLConnect($UserName, $Password, $Database, $MySQLServerName)

$SQLCode = "SELECT * FROM fattura WHERE Fat_NumFattura = " & $numfat

$TableContents = _Query($SQLInstance, $SQLCode)

With $TableContents

While Not .EOF

$fatdata &= .Fields("fat_data").value





$Stringid = StringSplit($fatdata, "/")

$Stringid[3] = StringLeft($Stringid[3], 4)

;============================================================================ fine ciclo per la data giusta

_Draw_Rectangle(9,19.8, 0, 1, $PDF_STYLE_STROKED, 0, 0xfefefe, 0.01) ; data

Local $sText = "Data Doc. "

Local $sLength = Round(_GetTextLength($sText, "_Calibri", 110),1)

_DrawText(6.2,20.5, $sText, "_Calibri", 10, $PDF_ALIGN_LEFT, 0)

_DrawText(6.2,20, $Stringid[1]&"/"&$Stringid[2]&"/"&$Stringid[3], "_Calibri", 10, $PDF_ALIGN_LEFT, 0)

_Draw_Rectangle(12,19.8, 0, 1, $PDF_STYLE_STROKED, 0, 0xfefefe, 0.01) ; partita iva cliente

Local $sText = "Partita IVA. "

Local $sLength = Round(_GetTextLength($sText, "_Calibri", 110),1)

_DrawText(9.3,20.5, $sText, "_Calibri", 10, $PDF_ALIGN_LEFT, 0)

_DrawText(9,20," "&$Anapiva, "_Calibri", 10, $PDF_ALIGN_LEFT, 0)

_Draw_Rectangle(19,19.8, 0, 1, $PDF_STYLE_STROKED, 0, 0xfefefe, 0.01) ; codice fiscale inizio

Local $sText = "Codice Fiscale "

Local $sLength = Round(_GetTextLength($sText, "_Calibri", 110),1)

_DrawText(12.3,20.5, $sText, "_Calibri", 10, $PDF_ALIGN_LEFT, 0)

_DrawText(12,20, " "&$Anacdf, "_Calibri", 10, $PDF_ALIGN_LEFT, 0)

_Draw_Rectangle(19,19.8, 0, 1, $PDF_STYLE_STROKED, 0, 0xfefefe, 0.01) ; pagine

Local $sText = "Pag. "

Local $sLength = Round(_GetTextLength($sText, "_Calibri", 110),1)

_DrawText(19.2,20.5, $sText, "_Calibri", 10, $PDF_ALIGN_LEFT, 0)

_DrawText(19,20, " "&$c, "_Calibri", 10, $PDF_ALIGN_LEFT, 0)

_Draw_Rectangle(15.3,19.8, 0, 1, $PDF_STYLE_STROKED, 0, 0xfefefe, 0.01) ; pagamento

Local $sText = "Pagamento "

Local $sLength = Round(_GetTextLength($sText, "_Calibri", 110),1)

_DrawText(15.5,20.5, $sText, "_Calibri", 10, $PDF_ALIGN_LEFT, 0)

_DrawText(15.5,20, $tipopag, "_Calibri", 10, $PDF_ALIGN_LEFT, 0)

_Draw_Rectangle(1,2.8, 19, 16.8, $PDF_STYLE_STROKED, 0, 0xfefefe, 0.01) ; corpo fattura





$Stringid =""

$labid =_GUICtrlListView_GetItemTextString($listcorpofatt,$pz)

$Stringid = StringSplit($labid, "|")


Local $sText = "Cod. Articolo "

Local $sLength = Round(_GetTextLength($sText, "_Calibri", 110),1)

_DrawText(1.5,19.2, $sText, "_Calibri", 10, $PDF_ALIGN_LEFT, 0)

_DrawText(1.5,$H, $Stringid[1], "_Calibri", 10, $PDF_ALIGN_LEFT, 0) ; codice di esempio

Local $sText = "Descrizione "

Local $sLength = Round(_GetTextLength($sText, "_Calibri", 110),1)

_DrawText(4.5,19.2, $sText, "_Calibri", 10, $PDF_ALIGN_LEFT, 0)

_DrawText(4.5,$H, $Stringid[2], "_Calibri", 10, $PDF_ALIGN_LEFT, 0) ; cod di esempio

;_DrawText(4.5,18.2, $Stringid[2], "_Calibri", 10, $PDF_ALIGN_LEFT, 0) ; cod di esempio

Local $sText = "Quant. "

Local $sLength = Round(_GetTextLength($sText, "_Calibri", 110),1)

_DrawText(13.6,19.2, $sText, "_Calibri", 10, $PDF_ALIGN_LEFT, 0)

_DrawText(13.6,$H, " "&$Stringid[3], "_Calibri", 10, $PDF_ALIGN_LEFT, 0) ; cod di esempio

Local $sText = "Prezzo "

Local $sLength = Round(_GetTextLength($sText, "_Calibri", 110),1)

_DrawText(15,19.2, $sText, "_Calibri", 10, $PDF_ALIGN_LEFT, 0)

_DrawText(15,$H, $Stringid[4], "_Calibri", 10, $PDF_ALIGN_LEFT, 0) ; cod di esempio

Local $sText = "Importo "

Local $sLength = Round(_GetTextLength($sText, "_Calibri", 110),1)

_DrawText(18.3,19.2, $sText, "_Calibri", 10, $PDF_ALIGN_LEFT, 0)

_DrawText(18.3,$H, $Stringid[5], "_Calibri", 10, $PDF_ALIGN_LEFT, 0) ; cod di esempio


;MsgBox (0,"",$z)

Until $pz=$mz

Local $sText = "Sconto "

Local $sLength = Round(_GetTextLength($sText, "_Calibri", 110),1)

_DrawText(16.5,19.2, $sText, "_Calibri", 10, $PDF_ALIGN_LEFT, 0)

_DrawText(16.5,18.7, "", "_Calibri", 10, $PDF_ALIGN_LEFT, 0) ; cod di esempio

_Draw_Rectangle(1,1, 19, 1.5, $PDF_STYLE_STROKED, 0, 0xfefefe, 0.01) ; piè pagina

_Draw_Rectangle(16,1, 4, 1.5, $PDF_STYLE_STROKED, 0, 0xdfdfdf, 0.01) ; totale da pagare

Local $sText = "Totale da Pagare"

Local $sLength = Round(_GetTextLength($sText, "_Calibri", 110),1)

_DrawText(16.3,2, $sText, "_Calibri", 10, $PDF_ALIGN_LEFT, 0)

; inizio importo da pagare

_DrawText(16.3,1.2, " 14500.76 €", "_Calibri", 14, $PDF_ALIGN_LEFT, 0)

_DrawText(16.3,1.2, " 14500.76 €", "_Calibri", 14, $PDF_ALIGN_LEFT, 0)

_DrawText(16.3,1.2, " 14500.76 €", "_Calibri", 14, $PDF_ALIGN_LEFT, 0)

_DrawText(16.3,1.2, " 14500.76 €", "_Calibri", 14, $PDF_ALIGN_LEFT, 0)

; fine importo da pagare

_Draw_Rectangle(1,1, 3, 0.8, $PDF_STYLE_STROKED, 0, 0xfefefe, 0.01) ; spese di trsporto

Local $sText = "Spese di Trasporto"

Local $sLength = Round(_GetTextLength($sText, "_Calibri", 110),1)

_DrawText(1.2,1.5, $sText, "_Calibri", 8, $PDF_ALIGN_LEFT, 0)

_DrawText(1.4,1.1, " 14.00 €", "_Calibri", 10, $PDF_ALIGN_LEFT, 0)

_DrawText(1.4,1.1, " 14.00 €", "_Calibri", 10, $PDF_ALIGN_LEFT, 0)

_DrawText(1.4,1.1, " 14.00 €", "_Calibri", 10, $PDF_ALIGN_LEFT, 0)

_DrawText(1.4,1.1, " 14.00 €", "_Calibri", 10, $PDF_ALIGN_LEFT, 0)

_Draw_Rectangle(4,1, 3, 0.8, $PDF_STYLE_STROKED, 0, 0xfefefe, 0.01) ; spese di imballo

Local $sText = "Spese di Imballo"

Local $sLength = Round(_GetTextLength($sText, "_Calibri", 110),1)

_DrawText(4.2,1.5, $sText, "_Calibri", 8, $PDF_ALIGN_LEFT, 0)

_DrawText(4.4,1.1, " 14.00 €", "_Calibri", 10, $PDF_ALIGN_LEFT, 0)

_DrawText(4.4,1.1, " 14.00 €", "_Calibri", 10, $PDF_ALIGN_LEFT, 0)

_DrawText(4.4,1.1, " 14.00 €", "_Calibri", 10, $PDF_ALIGN_LEFT, 0)

_DrawText(4.4,1.1, " 14.00 €", "_Calibri", 10, $PDF_ALIGN_LEFT, 0)

_Draw_Rectangle(7,1, 3, 0.8, $PDF_STYLE_STROKED, 0, 0xfefefe, 0.01) ; spese di invasso

Local $sText = "Spese di Incasso"

Local $sLength = Round(_GetTextLength($sText, "_Calibri", 110),1)

_DrawText(7.2,1.5, $sText, "_Calibri", 8, $PDF_ALIGN_LEFT, 0)

_DrawText(7.4,1.1, " 14.00 €", "_Calibri", 10, $PDF_ALIGN_LEFT, 0)

_DrawText(7.4,1.1, " 14.00 €", "_Calibri", 10, $PDF_ALIGN_LEFT, 0)

_DrawText(7.4,1.1, " 14.00 €", "_Calibri", 10, $PDF_ALIGN_LEFT, 0)

_DrawText(7.4,1.1, " 14.00 €", "_Calibri", 10, $PDF_ALIGN_LEFT, 0)

_Draw_Rectangle(10,1, 3, 0.8, $PDF_STYLE_STROKED, 0, 0xfefefe, 0.01) ; Totale imponibile

Local $sText = "Totale Imponibile"

Local $sLength = Round(_GetTextLength($sText, "_Calibri", 110),1)

_DrawText(10.2,1.5, $sText, "_Calibri", 8, $PDF_ALIGN_LEFT, 0)

_DrawText(10.4,1.1, " 14000.00 €", "_Calibri", 10, $PDF_ALIGN_LEFT, 0)

_DrawText(10.4,1.1, " 14000.00 €", "_Calibri", 10, $PDF_ALIGN_LEFT, 0)

_DrawText(10.4,1.1, " 14000.00 €", "_Calibri", 10, $PDF_ALIGN_LEFT, 0)

_DrawText(10.4,1.1, " 14000.00 €", "_Calibri", 10, $PDF_ALIGN_LEFT, 0)

_Draw_Rectangle(13,1, 3, 0.8, $PDF_STYLE_STROKED, 0, 0xfefefe, 0.01) ; totale imposta

Local $sText = "Totale Imposta"

Local $sLength = Round(_GetTextLength($sText, "_Calibri", 110),1)

_DrawText(13.2,1.5, $sText, "_Calibri", 8, $PDF_ALIGN_LEFT, 0)

_DrawText(13.4,1.1, " 14000.00 €", "_Calibri", 10, $PDF_ALIGN_LEFT, 0)

_DrawText(13.4,1.1, " 14000.00 €", "_Calibri", 10, $PDF_ALIGN_LEFT, 0)

_DrawText(13.4,1.1, " 14000.00 €", "_Calibri", 10, $PDF_ALIGN_LEFT, 0)

_DrawText(13.4,1.1, " 14000.00 €", "_Calibri", 10, $PDF_ALIGN_LEFT, 0)

_Draw_Rectangle(13,1.8, 3, 0.7, $PDF_STYLE_STROKED, 0, 0xfefefe, 0.01) ; totale sconti

Local $sText = "Totale Sconto"

Local $sLength = Round(_GetTextLength($sText, "_Calibri", 110),1)

_DrawText(13.2,2.2, $sText, "_Calibri", 8, $PDF_ALIGN_LEFT, 0)

_DrawText(13.2,1.9, " 14000.00 €", "_Calibri", 10, $PDF_ALIGN_LEFT, 0)

_DrawText(13.2,1.9, " 14000.00 €", "_Calibri", 10, $PDF_ALIGN_LEFT, 0)

_DrawText(13.2,1.9, " 14000.00 €", "_Calibri", 10, $PDF_ALIGN_LEFT, 0)

_DrawText(13.2,1.9, " 14000.00 €", "_Calibri", 10, $PDF_ALIGN_LEFT, 0)

_Draw_Rectangle(10,1.8, 3, 0.7, $PDF_STYLE_STROKED, 0, 0xfefefe, 0.01) ; iva

Local $sText = "Iva = 21 %"

Local $sLength = Round(_GetTextLength($sText, "_Calibri", 110),1)

_DrawText(11,2, $sText, "_Calibri", 8, $PDF_ALIGN_LEFT, 0)

_DrawText(1.4,1.9, " Contributo CONAI assolto ove dovuto", "_Calibri", 10, $PDF_ALIGN_LEFT, 0)

_DrawText(1.4,1.9, " Contributo CONAI assolto ove dovuto", "_Calibri", 10, $PDF_ALIGN_LEFT, 0)

_DrawText(1.4,1.9, " Contributo CONAI assolto ove dovuto", "_Calibri", 10, $PDF_ALIGN_LEFT, 0)

_DrawText(1.4,1.9, " Contributo CONAI assolto ove dovuto", "_Calibri", 10, $PDF_ALIGN_LEFT, 0)





until $c=$j

;until $c=$j




EndFunc ;==>_stampa_inFAtturaVendita

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i had try but dont go

Change True to False in the following function, in your script:

_OpenAfter(True);open after generation


in one invoice i can put 30 product , but i thinked if i have 120 product ??

Yes, you can. If you can put 30 products on one page, than make three pages for all 120.


pdf reader tell me if i want save

This is NOT my problem, it's ADOBE READER that has this "feature" (ask you to save the pdf).
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Do you mean something like this?:

#include "..MPDF_UDF.au3";<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< DON'T FORGET TO CHANGE THE PATH TO THE UDF

;set the properties for the pdf
_SetTitle("Demo PDF in AutoIt")
_SetSubject("Demo PDF in AutoIt, without any ActiveX or DLL...")
_SetKeywords("pdf, demo, AutoIt")
_OpenAfter(True);open after generation

;initialize the pdf
_InitPDF(@ScriptDir & "Example justified paragraph.pdf")

;=== load resources used in pdf ===
_LoadFontTT("_Calibri", $PDF_FONT_CALIBRI)

;=== create objects that are used in multiple pages ===
;create a header on all pages, except the first:

_Draw_Rectangle(1.8, 22.5, 16.8, 4, $PDF_STYLE_STROKED, 0.2, 0xcafea0, 0.02)
$sText = "Anna Montes ridiculus, in penatibus, in aliquam enim sagittis pellentesque? Mattis duis et ut nunc sagittis enim "
$sText &= "tortor urna, eros? Scelerisque? Dapibus scelerisque vel rhoncus porttitor! Porttitor ridiculus. In adipiscing augue "
$sText &= "vel pellentesque tortor porta hac tristique turpis placerat scelerisque elementum hac pulvinar mid dolor pellentesque "
$sText &= "lundium mattis nec. Nec sed. Et adipiscing nec nisi elementum natoque! Turpis penatibus est dictumst magnis integer "
$sText &= "scelerisque, sociis, risus scelerisque ultrices auctor porta, enim? Ac montes pellentesque cum enim augue penatibus "
$sText &= "pulvinar? Vel mid, cum habitasse etiam urna? In? Et, natoque! Integer odio egestas! Rhoncus a vut natoque pellentesque "
$sText &= "diam lundium augue in mus. Auctor, dictumst lacus turpis phasellus etiam, proin mauris. Natoque ultricies turpis nisi "
$sText &= "platea parturient? Nunc nascetur est, adipiscing enim turpis Mihai."
_Paragraph($sText, 2, 26, 16.5, "_Calibri", 10, 0)
;then, finally, write the buffer to disk
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hi sorry have another question ,scenario:

i use your script for print , use one button for start script and printing.

when i press another time(the button) the scritp create another pdf but whit 2 page , if i press another time create pdf whit 3 page

what i must reset ???? , exist a temporary file ?? i must destroy ???


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  • 3 weeks later...

I have found an error with language specific signs.

The german signs ü,ö,ä are not correct in the pdf. The sign ü produce a backspace, ä and ö produces tabs in the pdf.

has someone a solution for this behaviour ?

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hpda, test this example:

#include "MPDF_UDF.au3"

_SetTitle("Demo PDF in AutoIt")
_SetSubject("Demo PDF in AutoIt, without any ActiveX or DLL...")
_SetKeywords("pdf, demo, AutoIt")
_SetZoomMode($PDF_ZOOM_CUSTOM, 90)

_InitPDF(@ScriptDir & "test.pdf")

_LoadFontTT("_Arial", $PDF_FONT_ARIAL)
_LoadFontTT("_Times", $PDF_FONT_TIMES)
_LoadFontTT("_Calibri", $PDF_FONT_CALIBRI)
_LoadFontTT("_Garamond", $PDF_FONT_GARAMOND)
_LoadFontTT("_Courier", $PDF_FONT_COURIER)

_DrawText(2, 26, "Sample letters ü, ö, ä", "_Calibri", 12, $PDF_ALIGN_LEFT, 0)
_DrawText(2, 25, "Sample letters ü, ö, ä", "_Arial", 12, $PDF_ALIGN_LEFT, 0)
_DrawText(2, 24, "Sample letters ü, ö, ä", "_Garamond", 12, $PDF_ALIGN_LEFT, 0)
_DrawText(2, 23, "Sample letters ü, ö, ä", "_Times", 12, $PDF_ALIGN_LEFT, 0)
_DrawText(2, 22, "Sample letters ü, ö, ä", "_Courier", 12, $PDF_ALIGN_LEFT, 0)


In FoxitReader looks ok, but there are differences when it opens with Adobe. I'll take a look.

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Can someone help me ???

When I use : è ò ecc. The text is not displayed correct. The code is:

_DrawText(5.2, 27.6,"Questo è un Test: quanto si utilizza un carattere accentato", "_TimesT", 14, $PDF_ALIGN_LEFT)

Thank you


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Efo74, this example displays correctly those characters you have mentioned:

#include "MPDF_UDF.au3"

_SetTitle("Demo PDF in AutoIt")
_SetSubject("Demo PDF in AutoIt, without any ActiveX or DLL...")
_SetKeywords("pdf, demo, AutoIt")
_SetZoomMode($PDF_ZOOM_CUSTOM, 90)

_InitPDF(@ScriptDir & "test.pdf")

_LoadFontTT("_Times", $PDF_FONT_TIMES)
_LoadFontTT("_Calibri", $PDF_FONT_CALIBRI)
_LoadFontTT("_Garamond", $PDF_FONT_GARAMOND)
_LoadFontTT("_Courier", $PDF_FONT_COURIER)

_DrawText(2, 27,"Questo è un Test: quanto si utilizza un carattere accentato. è ò", "_Times", 14, $PDF_ALIGN_LEFT)
_DrawText(2, 26, "Questo è un Test: quanto si utilizza un carattere accentato. è ò", "_Calibri", 12, $PDF_ALIGN_LEFT)
_DrawText(2, 25, "Questo è un Test: quanto si utilizza un carattere accentato. è ò", "_Courier", 12, $PDF_ALIGN_LEFT)
_DrawText(2, 24, "Questo è un Test: quanto si utilizza un carattere accentato. è ò", "_Garamond", 12, $PDF_ALIGN_LEFT)

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Here looks ok.

Have you tried standard fonts? Here is a sample code:

#include "MPDF_UDF.au3"
_SetTitle("Demo PDF in AutoIt")
_SetSubject("Demo PDF in AutoIt, without any ActiveX or DLL...")
_SetKeywords("pdf, demo, AutoIt")
_SetZoomMode($PDF_ZOOM_CUSTOM, 90)
_InitPDF(@ScriptDir & "test.pdf")
_LoadFontStandard("_Helv", $PDF_FONT_STD_HELVETICA)
_LoadFontStandard("_Tim", $PDF_FONT_STD_TIMES)
_LoadFontStandard("_Cour", $PDF_FONT_STD_COURIER)
_DrawText(2, 22, "Questo è un Test: quanto si utilizza un carattere accentato. è ò", "_Helv", 12, $PDF_ALIGN_LEFT)
_DrawText(2, 21, "Questo è un Test: quanto si utilizza un carattere accentato. è ò", "_Cour", 12, $PDF_ALIGN_LEFT)
_DrawText(2, 20, "Questo è un Test: quanto si utilizza un carattere accentato. è ò", "_Tim", 12, $PDF_ALIGN_LEFT)
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Ok ...

I must use Standard Font for workaround problem of "è à ò" not printing correct. But now I must use _Paragraph function in my script, but this function not work correct with Standard fonts, because I think _GetTextLength always return 0

so ...

_LoadFontStandard("_Helv", $PDF_FONT_STD_ARIAL)

_Paragraph("test text", 2, 18, 8, "_Helv", 10, 0)

NOT WORK, is there a solution for this problem. Can someone help me ??


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