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Login after lock


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I created a autoit exe that is sheduled in windows. It opens a program and simulate actions that activate the program.

The problem is that the PC autolock after a while, and the simulation does not work because the script waits until the program is opened and fucused.

Is there a way to unlock the PC, so the script can work fine.



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Hello, and Welcome.

Simple search on "unlock workstation" reveals it's been covered several times before...


After a search, I found this:

Local $sDomain = 'domain'
      Local $sUserN  = 'user'
      Local $sPass   = 'password'

      RegWrite('HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon', 'AutoAdminLogon', 'REG_SZ',1)
      RegWrite('HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon', 'DefaultDomainName', 'REG_SZ', $sDomain)
      RegWrite('HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon', 'DefaultUserName', 'REG_SZ', $sUserN)
      RegWrite('HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon', 'DefaultPassword', 'REG_SZ', $sPass)

But it's not working.

Did I forget something?



Edited by MarcV
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Hi MarcV,

what you found is a way to login to Windows without the need of entering username and password. This does not prevent you from being locked and unlock your session.

Regards,Hannes[spoiler]If you can't convince them, confuse them![/spoiler]
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if you are aloud to keep the workstation unlocked then you can use something like

While 1
    If $mouse[0] > @DesktopWidth/2 And $mouse[1] > @DesktopHeight/2 Then
    ElseIf $mouse[0] < @DesktopWidth/2 And $mouse[1] < @DesktopHeight/2 Then
    ElseIf $mouse[0] > @DesktopWidth/2 And $mouse[1] < @DesktopHeight/2 Then
    ElseIf $mouse[0] < @DesktopWidth/2 And $mouse[1] > @DesktopHeight/2 Then

to keep it from locking, then you can have your scripts run uninterrupted.



My Android cat and mouse game

We're gonna need another Timmy!

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I created a autoit exe that is sheduled in windows. It opens a program and simulate actions that activate the program.

The problem is that the PC autolock after a while, and the simulation does not work because the script waits until the program is opened and fucused.

Is there a way to unlock the PC, so the script can work fine.



You can write your script the way it will work also on locked station.

Look here for more information:


Edited by Zedna
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