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AutoItX online documentation and implementation differences from AutoIt


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I don't think this has been discussed, as I tried to do a search in the forum: It didn't occur to me until today from a comment discussion on StackOverflow that there's separate AutoItX documentation from the main AutoIt documentation. But that's ok. What I do want to inquire about though are these:

Why is there no or very little AutoItX documentation online? You have to refer to the CHM help file for AutoItX in the AutoItX folder of the installation. Checking the online docs main page (https://www.autoitscript.com/autoit3/docs/) I see no link to AutoItX. One could say perhaps it's not the primary usage suggested/proposed for AutoIt, yet knowing the various postings & articles online that it is a major feature and many folks do use it in various programming languages. To me, it would be nice if AutoItX, documentation-wise not be a 2nd class citizen. Future updates should include it online if AutoItX is not going to be obsolete in the future. But that's just me speaking as if I could make change here.

I'm also curious to wonder why there are some implementation differences for functions between AutoIt and AutoItX. Like WinGetClientSize vs the COM version's WinGetClientSizeWidth and WinGetClientSizeHeight, and this discussion: '?do=embed' frameborder='0' data-embedContent>>. Perhaps technically constrained by platform design (AutoIt language idiom/syntax vs COM interface constraints), or just a design choice deviation for COM implementation? I was lucky that when I did use AutoItX in the past, I relied on the online function reference for AutoIt, and the functions I used did not deviate from main AutoIt so I didn't run into problems. Guess I should be more reliant on the CHM help files going forward.

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