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Found 4 results

  1. Hello, dears. First I apologise to you for the stupid question I'm going to ask. is the default style for Windows created using AutoIt a dialog box style? I decided to ask this question Because I am using a screen reader If i open any program that is designed using autoit, the screen reader read for example, test dialog but If i open any other program, for example goldwave, it read goldwav only without a word dialog Is there a solution to this The code i used to create the window is: $hGUI = GUICreate(str("title"), 500, 420, -1, -1, BitOr($WS_MAXIMIZEBOX, $WS_MINIMIZEBOX, $WS_SIZEBOX, $WS_SYSMENU, $WS_CAPTION), BitOr($WS_EX_ACCEPTFILES,$WS_EX_LAYERED,$WS_EX_CLIENTEDGE,$WS_EX_STATICEDGE)) I hope to find a solution to this problem please Accept my greetings, and thank you very much.
  2. This UDF allows to create pseudo TreeViewTab control (tabs as TreeView). Useful for Settings dialog. Notes: Example: Download: TreeViewTab_1.2.zip TreeViewTab_1.1.zip Changelog:
  3. Hi all. I am creating an app that runs a program with the admin privileges using the shellexecute's run as verb, but what my problem is, that no matter what I use to launch the program, it doesn't quite work like the run dialog would (certain programs don't get found, etc.). I've tried using the explorer.exe and passing the program to it, that is unreliable and opens documents folder sometimes instead, I've tried using the @comspec /c and that works better, but still some of the programs aren't being found that would be with the run dialog e.g., if I do @comspec /c diskpart it won't find it, I've even tried setting the working dir, but still no luck. I also tried passing commandline params to C:\WINDOWS\system32\rundll32.exe shell32.dll,#61, but no luck. can anyone help me what way to go in order to be able to launch programs in the run dialog style? is there a function in winapi that run dialog uses that I could use as well? Or what would be the best way to go about this? Any help much appreciated.
  4. Could anyone tell me the best way to sort my champion list as soon as i move one from the right list to the left list. At this point i tried to work with the array.au3 without succes. Here is my code. Global $sbselectform, $sbtargetlist, $sbtemplist1, $sbtemplist2 = "", $sbtemplist3, $sbtemplist2r, $sbaddbtn, $sbrembtn, $sbresetbtn, $sbokbtn, $sbmsg, $sbsourcelist, $sbsourcelistr, $sbchamplabel, $sbbanlabel $sbsourcelist = 'Aatrox|Ahri|Akali|Alistar|Amumu|Anivia|Annie|Ashe|Blitzcrank|Brand|Caitlyn|Cassiopeia|Cho''Gath|Corki|Darius|Diana|Dr. Mundo|Draven|Elise|Evelynn|Ezreal|Fiddlesticks|Fiora|Fizz|Galio|Gangplank|Garen|Gragas|Graves|Hecarim|Heimerdinger|Irelia|Janna|Jarvan IV|Jax|Jayce|Jinx|Karma|Karthus|Kassadin|Katarina|Kayle|Kennen|Kha''Zix|Kog''Maw|LeBlanc|Lee Sin|Leona|Lissandra|Lucian|Lulu|Lux|Malphite|Malzahar|Maokai|Master Yi|Miss Fortune|Mordekaiser|Morgana|Nami|Nasus|Nautilus|Nidalee|Nocturne|Nunu|Olaf|Orianna|Pantheon|Poppy|Quinn|Rammus|Renekton|Rengar|Riven|Rumble|Ryze|Sejuani|Shaco|Shen|Shyvana|Singed|Sion|Sivir|Skarner|Sona|Soraka|Swain|Syndra|Talon|Taric|Teemo|Thresh|Tristana|Trundle|Tryndamere|Twisted Fate|Twitch|Udyr|Urgot|Varus|Vayne|Veigar|Vi|Viktor|Vladimir|Volibear|Warwick|Wukong|Xerath|Xin Zhao|Yasuo|Yorick|Zac|Zed|Ziggs|Zilean|Zyra|' $sbtemplist2 = IniRead("banlist.ini", "Settings", "banlist", "") If $sbtemplist2 <> "" Then ;~ dump($sbtemplist2) $sbtemplist3 = StringTrimRight($sbtemplist2, 1) Local $sbremlist = StringSplit($sbtemplist3, '|') For $iCount = 1 To UBound($sbremlist) - 1 $sbsourcelist = StringReplace($sbsourcelist, $sbremlist[$iCount] & "|", "") ;~ dump($sbremlist[$iCount]) Next EndIf $sbsourcelistr = $sbsourcelist $sbtemplist2r = $sbtemplist2 $sbselectform = GUICreate("Ban list for Draft/Ranked mode", 335, 275, 227, 154) $sbchamplabel = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Champion List", 15, 15, 129, 15) $sbtemplist1 = GUICtrlCreateList("", 15, 32, 129, 227, 0x00200001) GUICtrlSetData($sbtemplist1, $sbsourcelist) $sbaddbtn = GUICtrlCreateButton(">>", 152, 40, 25, 25, 0) $sbrembtn = GUICtrlCreateButton("<<", 152, 70, 25, 25, 0) ;~ $sbresetbtn = GUICtrlCreateButton("C", 152, 189, 25, 25, 0) $sbokbtn = GUICtrlCreateButton("Ok", 152, 219, 25, 25, 0) $sbbanlabel = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Ban List", 185, 15, 129, 15) $sbtargetlist = GUICtrlCreateList("", 185, 32, 129, 227, 0x00200001) GUICtrlSetData($sbtargetlist, $sbtemplist2) GUICtrlSetState($sbokbtn, 256) GUISetState(@SW_SHOW) While 1 $sbmsg = GUIGetMsg() Select Case $sbmsg = $sbaddbtn If GUICtrlRead($sbtemplist1) == "" Then MsgBox(0, "", "select from left list before adding...") Else If (UBound(StringSplit($sbtemplist2, '|')) - 1) <= 9 Then $sbtemplist2 &= GUICtrlRead($sbtemplist1) & "|" $sbsourcelist = sbmove($sbtemplist1, $sbtargetlist, $sbsourcelist, GUICtrlRead($sbtemplist1)) Else MsgBox(0, "", "max 9") EndIf EndIf Case $sbmsg = $sbrembtn If GUICtrlRead($sbtargetlist) == "" Then MsgBox(0, "", "select from right list before removing...") Else $sbsourcelist = $sbsourcelist & GUICtrlRead($sbtargetlist) & "|" ;~ Local $sbremlist = StringSplit($sbsourcelist, '|') ;~ _ArraySort($sbremlist) ;~ $sbsourcelist = "" ;~ For $iCount = 1 To UBound($sbremlist) - 1 ;~ $sbsourcelist &= $sbremlist[$iCount] & "|" ;~ Next $sbtemplist2 = sbmove($sbtargetlist, $sbtemplist1, $sbtemplist2, GUICtrlRead($sbtargetlist)) EndIf ;~ Case $sbmsg = $sbresetbtn ;~ GUICtrlDelete($sbtemplist1) ;~ GUICtrlDelete($sbtargetlist) ;~ $sbtemplist1 = GUICtrlCreateList("", 15, 32, 129, 227, 0x00200001) ;~ GUICtrlSetData($sbtemplist1, $sbsourcelistr) ;~ $sbtargetlist = GUICtrlCreateList("", 185, 32, 129, 227, 0x00200001) ;~ GUICtrlSetData($sbtargetlist, $sbtemplist2r) Case $sbmsg = $sbokbtn IniWrite("banlist.ini", "Settings", "banlist", $sbtemplist2) ;~ MsgBox(64, "boob", $sbtargetlist) ExitLoop Case $sbmsg = -3 ExitLoop Case Else EndSelect WEnd Func sbmove($sbmove1, $sbmove2, $sbmove3, $sbmove4) Local $sbmove5 = StringSplit($sbmove3, '|'), $sbmove6 = '' For $iCount = 1 To UBound($sbmove5) - 1 If $sbmove5[$iCount] <> $sbmove4 And $sbmove5[$iCount] <> '' Then $sbmove6 &= $sbmove5[$iCount] & '|' EndIf Next GUICtrlSetData($sbmove1, '') GUICtrlSetData($sbmove1, $sbmove6) GUICtrlSetData($sbmove2, $sbmove4) Return $sbmove6 EndFunc ;==>sbmove Func dump($a) MsgBox(0, "", $a) EndFunc ;==>dump Func _ArraySort(ByRef $avArray, $iDescending = 0, $iStart = 0, $iEnd = 0, $iSubItem = 0) If Not IsArray($avArray) Then Return SetError(1, 0, 0) Local $iUBound = UBound($avArray) - 1 If $iEnd < 1 Or $iEnd > $iUBound Then $iEnd = $iUBound If $iStart < 0 Then $iStart = 0 If $iStart > $iEnd Then Return SetError(2, 0, 0) Switch UBound($avArray, 0) Case 1 __ArrayQuickSort1D($avArray, $iStart, $iEnd) If $iDescending Then _ArrayReverse($avArray, $iStart, $iEnd) Case 2 Local $iSubMax = UBound($avArray, 2) - 1 If $iSubItem > $iSubMax Then Return SetError(3, 0, 0) If $iDescending Then $iDescending = -1 Else $iDescending = 1 EndIf __ArrayQuickSort2D($avArray, $iDescending, $iStart, $iEnd, $iSubItem, $iSubMax) Case Else Return SetError(4, 0, 0) EndSwitch Return 1 EndFunc ;==>_ArraySort Func _ArrayReverse(ByRef $avArray, $iStart = 0, $iEnd = 0) If Not IsArray($avArray) Then Return SetError(1, 0, 0) If UBound($avArray, 0) <> 1 Then Return SetError(3, 0, 0) Local $vTmp, $iUBound = UBound($avArray) - 1 If $iEnd < 1 Or $iEnd > $iUBound Then $iEnd = $iUBound If $iStart < 0 Then $iStart = 0 If $iStart > $iEnd Then Return SetError(2, 0, 0) For $i = $iStart To Int(($iStart + $iEnd - 1) / 2) $vTmp = $avArray[$i] $avArray[$i] = $avArray[$iEnd] $avArray[$iEnd] = $vTmp $iEnd -= 1 Next Return 1 EndFunc ;==>_ArrayReverse Func __ArrayQuickSort1D(ByRef $avArray, ByRef $iStart, ByRef $iEnd) If $iEnd <= $iStart Then Return Local $vTmp If ($iEnd - $iStart) < 15 Then Local $vCur For $i = $iStart + 1 To $iEnd $vTmp = $avArray[$i] If IsNumber($vTmp) Then For $j = $i - 1 To $iStart Step -1 $vCur = $avArray[$j] If ($vTmp >= $vCur And IsNumber($vCur)) Or (Not IsNumber($vCur) And StringCompare($vTmp, $vCur) >= 0) Then ExitLoop $avArray[$j + 1] = $vCur Next Else For $j = $i - 1 To $iStart Step -1 If (StringCompare($vTmp, $avArray[$j]) >= 0) Then ExitLoop $avArray[$j + 1] = $avArray[$j] Next EndIf $avArray[$j + 1] = $vTmp Next Return EndIf Local $L = $iStart, $R = $iEnd, $vPivot = $avArray[Int(($iStart + $iEnd) / 2)], $fNum = IsNumber($vPivot) Do If $fNum Then While ($avArray[$L] < $vPivot And IsNumber($avArray[$L])) Or (Not IsNumber($avArray[$L]) And StringCompare($avArray[$L], $vPivot) < 0) $L += 1 WEnd While ($avArray[$R] > $vPivot And IsNumber($avArray[$R])) Or (Not IsNumber($avArray[$R]) And StringCompare($avArray[$R], $vPivot) > 0) $R -= 1 WEnd Else While (StringCompare($avArray[$L], $vPivot) < 0) $L += 1 WEnd While (StringCompare($avArray[$R], $vPivot) > 0) $R -= 1 WEnd EndIf If $L <= $R Then $vTmp = $avArray[$L] $avArray[$L] = $avArray[$R] $avArray[$R] = $vTmp $L += 1 $R -= 1 EndIf Until $L > $R __ArrayQuickSort1D($avArray, $iStart, $R) __ArrayQuickSort1D($avArray, $L, $iEnd) EndFunc ;==>__ArrayQuickSort1D Func __ArrayQuickSort2D(ByRef $avArray, ByRef $iStep, ByRef $iStart, ByRef $iEnd, ByRef $iSubItem, ByRef $iSubMax) If $iEnd <= $iStart Then Return Local $vTmp, $L = $iStart, $R = $iEnd, $vPivot = $avArray[Int(($iStart + $iEnd) / 2)][$iSubItem], $fNum = IsNumber($vPivot) Do If $fNum Then While ($iStep * ($avArray[$L][$iSubItem] - $vPivot) < 0 And IsNumber($avArray[$L][$iSubItem])) Or (Not IsNumber($avArray[$L][$iSubItem]) And $iStep * StringCompare($avArray[$L][$iSubItem], $vPivot) < 0) $L += 1 WEnd While ($iStep * ($avArray[$R][$iSubItem] - $vPivot) > 0 And IsNumber($avArray[$R][$iSubItem])) Or (Not IsNumber($avArray[$R][$iSubItem]) And $iStep * StringCompare($avArray[$R][$iSubItem], $vPivot) > 0) $R -= 1 WEnd Else While ($iStep * StringCompare($avArray[$L][$iSubItem], $vPivot) < 0) $L += 1 WEnd While ($iStep * StringCompare($avArray[$R][$iSubItem], $vPivot) > 0) $R -= 1 WEnd EndIf If $L <= $R Then For $i = 0 To $iSubMax $vTmp = $avArray[$L][$i] $avArray[$L][$i] = $avArray[$R][$i] $avArray[$R][$i] = $vTmp Next $L += 1 $R -= 1 EndIf Until $L > $R __ArrayQuickSort2D($avArray, $iStep, $iStart, $R, $iSubItem, $iSubMax) __ArrayQuickSort2D($avArray, $iStep, $L, $iEnd, $iSubItem, $iSubMax) EndFunc ;==>__ArrayQuickSort2D
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