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  1. I've downloaded SciTE-Lite, SciTE Full, AutoITv3 and I can't find the SciTEconfig program that some people have. Searches lead nowhere, I can't find it anywhere. How do I get my fingers on this program? I just downloaded AutoIT v3.3.16.1, went and got SciTE v5.3.2... ?
  2. Greetings to the AutoIt community. I hope that nobody considers my question insulting but I searched 'SciTEConfig.exe' and I did not find it anywhere; although it is mentioned, it seems like a myth, I can not see if it exists. On the other hand, I have downloaded the compressed archive (from ... autoit-script-editor/downloads) 'SciTEConfig_Source.zip' Does not contain any .exe either but does have a 'SciteConfig.au3' which, I suppose, has replaced the .exe because on the internet I only find it as malware. My problem is: My applications to unzip .zip archives, they can see what files SciTEConfig_Source.zip have but they can not unzip it: 'Unknown method' says WinRar. I have downloaded it again, in case it had been damaged but the result is always the same. My question is: Is the archive 'SciTEConfig_Source.zip' damaged or does it have any other method of compression? I need it to learn how to configure SciTE (lite). Thankful to the developers of AutoIt and to the community. Regards
  3. Hello, I try to add a new UDF to my AutoIT library, and it seems I fail. I started to work following the insturctions found on the wiki . I made an extra folder just next to my AutoIT folder, called ExtraUDF, and copied the file CUIAutomation2.au3 in it (I try to use this UDF for automating a program) then I run sciteconfig, set this folder up as User Include Folder, applied the changes, then run the calltip manager and got a msg when I tried to parse it. I attach a few pictures for better present the problem. I think I miss something here, should i put anything else on the ExtraUDF folder? I dont think that the CallTip manager added the udf to scite, If I try to run it i get a msg saying that I Scite cant open the include file and naturally after that, It can't use the functions called from it. Thank you for your help and insight as always! Please ask, if anything is fuzzy about the problem
  4. Hello! I want to start using UDFs not originaly included in autoit. I found this wiki page to help me (I couldn't add the link, when i tried I have been redirected to GH&S page link: https://www.autoitscript.com/wiki/Adding_UDFs_to_AutoIt_and_SciTE ) I'm a complet layman here, and I want to add SciteConfig and Wrapper to my tools. I don't have the rights to even make a folder in C where my Autoit is. I will need to tell the Service Desk guy the steps he needs to do so I would be able to use said UDFs. Can someone please explain a step by step guide how to implement it? All that I understand from the Wiki that it is suggested that I should put them in to a different folder, so to not to lose them when i upgrade. Other then that how do I "Then tell AutoIt about this folder." ? What is CallTips and AutoComplete? (I guess they are the Scite's text editors "helpers" if thats make any sense in english) So what should I tell the Service Desk guy where should I put these applications (and the associated Script file to Config and text file to Wrapper?) and how can I "integrate" them to my SciTe? Thank you Wise Masters of AutoIt!!
  5. 1/22/2014: re-Uploaded a new SciTE4AutoIt3.exe installer with the new SciTE v3.3.7 release. This version contains a version of AutoIt3Wrapper and SciTEConfig which are recompiled with AutoIt3 v to avoid te hardcrash with Athlon CPU's. There are a couple of major changes: - Updated our version of SciTE from 3.3.6 to 3.3.7 - AutoIt3Wrapper will now use "c:users<userName>AppdataLocalAutoit v3Aut2Exe" as Temp directory. - Updated syntax files. Enjoy, Jos Addition/Changes/Fixes in the current installer: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 01/22/2014 *** Updated AutoIt3Wrapper v2.1.4.5 (Jos) - Fixed issue with undecleared variable error when using /Versioning_Commit - Recompiled with version because could give a hardcrash. *** Updated SciTEConfig v1.6.11.1 (Jos) - Recompiled with version because could give a hardcrash. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 12/29/2013 *** Fixed missing SciTEConfig in SciTE4AutoIt3 installer. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 12/28/2013 *** Merged the updates of SciTE v 3.3.7 by Neil Hodgson with our own version of SciTE. (Jos) *** Updated Production config files to *** Updated AutoIt3Wrapper v2.1.4.0 (Jos) - Use "c:\users\<userName>\Appdata\Local\Autoit v3\Aut2Exe" as Temp directory for compiling and resource updating like aut2exe. - Fixed issue with Compile both and Pragma(x64,true) - Fixed inputfile in case Obfuscator needs to run but is skipped due to unsupported utf format. - Fixed UPX selection option to default to N and adding the Directive when checkbox is checked. *** Updated Obfuscator.exe v1.0.31.1 (Jos) - Changed the code to leave #include statements that include a a3x file. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 11/14/2013 *** Merged the updates of SciTE v 3.3.6 by Neil Hodgson with our own version of SciTE. (Jos) - Added check to avoid double shelling of the script via shortcuts of the tools menu items. - Added Properties option to set the default encoding of new files: NewFileEncoding=CodePage/UTF8/UTF8BOM/UTF16BE/UTF16LE - Fixed issue in AU3 lexer to show the last correctly when the previous line is a commentline, commentblock, Special and Directives. *** Updated AutoIt3Wrapper v2.1.3.0 (Jos) - Fixed issue where a tempfile was left behind when files was checked by au3check and UTF encoded. - Added support for the #PRAGMA statement to avoid any conflicts. Warnings are now displayed in the Console output. - Added SciTE version to the displayed info in the Console Output. - Added #AutoIt3Wrapper_Res_Remove (wraithdu) - Added File compression for Resource Files (wraithdu) #AutoIt3Wrapper_Res_File_Add=%in%, 10, UNCOMPRESSED #AutoIt3Wrapper_Res_File_Add=%in%, -10, COMPRESSED - Updated option to change the TempDir in the INI file. Default changed to @UserProfileDir. (wraithdu) - Fixed adding /Beta to the Obfuscator line when using the /Beta on the commandline of Autoit3wrapper. - Fixed to ensure UPX is ran when needed. - Fixed: Allow | in run_before and Run_After directives. *** Updated Tidy v2.4.0.0 (Jos) - Added support for 3.3.9.x changes. - Changed default EOF setting to add the CRLF. (End_With_NewLine=1) - Fixed removal of spaces for new Var/Func notation - Fixed crash caused by Function table load. *** Updated SciTEConfig v1.6.11.0 - Updates for Abbrev manager and User Calltip Manager (Melba23) *** Updated Obfuscator.exe v1.0.31.0 (Jos) - Fixed ensure #pragma statements are not stripped. - Fixed Regression internal code cleanup done before. The Obfuscation was broken - Fixed #include logic for #Include not first checking the Directory where the file containing the include is located. - Added check for max 4100 character record len without causing a crash. *** Added support for personal LUA functions. Look at "PersonalTools.lua" in your @UserProfileDir subdir for details. *** Updated SciTEJump to the latest version v2.13.103.227 (guinness) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ==> ScitillaHistory page containing all SciTE/Scintilla updates. ==> Visit the SciTE4AutoIt3 Download page for the latest versions ==> Check the online documentation for an overview of all extra's you get with this installer.
  6. Referring to: and /?do=embed#entry1102929'' frameborder='0' data-embedContent>> I would like to present AU3 Tools - Quick Updater : Global $URL_Scite = 'http://www.autoitscript.com/autoit3/scite/download/beta_SciTE4AutoIt3/' _INET_DownloadIfNotEqual("AutoIt3Wrapper.exe") _INET_DownloadIfNotEqual("Obfuscator.exe") _INET_DownloadIfNotEqual("SciTE.exe") _INET_DownloadIfNotEqual("SciteConfig.exe") _INET_DownloadIfNotEqual("Tidy.exe") _INET_DownloadIfNotEqual("SciLexer.dll") Func _INET_DownloadIfNotEqual($fFileToDownlad) Local $fLocalDestination If _INET_CompareSize_IsEqual($fFileToDownlad) = False Then $fLocalDestination = _INET_GetUpdate($fFileToDownlad) FileMove($fLocalDestination, @ScriptDir & '\' & $fFileToDownlad, 1) EndIf EndFunc ;==>_INET_DownloadIfNotEqual Func _INET_CompareSize_IsEqual($fFileToDownlad) Local $nWebSize = InetGetSize($URL_Scite & $fFileToDownlad) Local $nLocalSize = FileGetSize(@ScriptDir & '\' & $fFileToDownlad) If $nWebSize = $nLocalSize Then Return True Else Return False EndIf EndFunc ;==>_INET_CompareSize_IsEqual Func _INET_GetUpdate($fFileToDownlad) Local $fLocalDestination = @TempDir & "\" & $fFileToDownlad Local $hDownload = InetGet($URL_Scite & $fFileToDownlad, $fLocalDestination, 1, 1) Do Sleep(250) Until InetGetInfo($hDownload, 2) ; Check if the download is complete. Local $nBytes = InetGetInfo($hDownload, 0) InetClose($hDownload) ; Close the handle to release resources. Return $fLocalDestination EndFunc ;==>_INET_GetUpdate HOW TO USE: Simply compile and run waiting to download current updates tools If You want to replace file in SciTE4AutoIt dir then run it script from directory where SciTE4AutoIt is instaled ps. This is a really fast set up, update tool contains no error checking requires no configuration requires that the target downloaded files were not used by other Windows processes EDIT: CAUTION: EDIT: WORD JOKE : as they say on the commercial "before use, read the label or contact your doctor or pharmacist"
  7. Hi people After a nasty infection with the police virus i had to format my HD. So i installed AutoIt again etc. But with the updated SCITE when i run the SciteConfig.exe it crashes like this. Any thoughts on how to fix this ? Thank you
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