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  1. I have a few questions: BACKGROUND I am using Oracle Application Testing Suite's OpenScript 13 (Eclipse IDE), Oracle Java 6, and AutoIt. My goal is to access a given Internet Explorer browser window (`$ieTitle`), send the keystroke of "shift-control-s" for "Save As" functionality to be invoked, so that I can download a (PDF) file to a given location ($fileName). The code within the script `DownloadPdfFile.au3` is $ieTitle = $CmdLine[1] $ieControl = "AVL_AVView31" $fileName = $CmdLine[2] ControlFocus($ieTitle, "", $ieControl) ControlSend($ieTitle, "", $ieControl, "+^s") ; Save as dialog $winTitle = "Save As" ; wait for Save As window WinWait($winTitle) ; activate Save As window If Not WinActive($winTitle) Then WinActivate($winTitle) ControlFocus($winTitle,"","Edit1") ControlSetText($winTitle,"","Edit1",$fileName) Sleep(2000) ControlClick($winTitle,"","Button3") Exit 0 So I compiled it with SciTE-Lite (32-bit Version 4.4.6 , creating `DownloadPdfFile.exe`, and so within my Java code, I have String command = autoItExePath + " " + scriptPath + " \"" + winTitle + "\" " + directoryPath.toFile().toString() + "\\Form9Report" + sdf_ddmmmyyyy.format(new Date()) + ".pdf"; try { Process process = Runtime.getRuntime().exec(command); process.waitFor(); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("Exception " + e.getMessage(), e); } The output would be like `C:\Program Files (x86)\AutoIt3\AutoIt3.exe C:\...\AutoItScripts\DownloadPdfFile.au3 "https://****.com/****.exe?temp_id=**** - Internet Explorer" C:\...\Report05Apr2022.pdf"` which does run without the $cmdLine successfully. When executed by Java, I see in the taskbar an icon, which I right-click has "[Check] Script Paused" and "Exit". Questions: (1) How do I unpause the script? (2) How do I avoid having the script paused? Any help is appreciated.
  2. Hey I'm trying to use InetGet function to download multiple images from a website, some pages having three images, some pages having 4 images some of them having more... I wrote belong codes to work with autoit and having issues when autoit find not matching url available then autoit just script stopped without any error and I just want to same all the avaialble images on the website if links are not more left then script should moves on but script just stopped... Here is complete scenerio I've so many webpages with random number of images are hosting on those pages, in below code, InetGet able to download first three files easily and when it reaches to 4th link that is missing on the webpage that's why script stopped just but I want autoit to download only those images those are links are available and rest of files needs to be skipped automatically for this page if on the next page 4th link of image avaiable then autoit script needs to download 4th one also. Furthermore, please help me to download files with it's original names instead of whatever name I want to same them like in InetGet I've to give some name to the file that I'm willind to download instead of original name that is available online. Please Help me. Here i my code; $File6 = @ScriptDir & "\images_source.txt" $txt6 = FileRead($File6) $target_source7 = _StringBetween($txt6, 'src="', '"') if Not @error Then InetGet ( $target_source7[0], @ScriptDir & '\Description\Image1.jpg'); 1st image download coz link is available InetGet ( $target_source7[1], @ScriptDir & '\Description\Image2.jpg'); 2nd image download coz link is available InetGet ( $target_source7[2], @ScriptDir & '\Description\Image3.jpg'); 3rd image download coz link is available InetGet ( $target_source7[3], @ScriptDir & '\Description\Image4.jpg'); 4th image not able to download coz link is not available and script just stopped EndIf
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