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  1. I need a script equivalent to the following in AHK *r::{     loop{         send "e"         sleep 2030         if not GetKeyState("r", "P"){             break         }     } } Basically you press "r" or "shift+r" and it sends "e", waits 2s then if you are pressing the "r" button at any point leading into the end of this 2s interval it repeats the behaviour. The 2s intervals need to be respected, so you should never be able to send "e" more than once every 2s. i.e. e...2s...e....2s....e.....5s...e....2s.....e....4s....e I have the following: ;#RequireAdmin  #include <MsgBoxConstants.au3> #include <Misc.au3> HotKeySet("{f4}", "fnTerminate") HotKeySet("{f3}", "fnPause") HotKeySet("r", "fnR") HotKeySet("+r", "fnR") func fnTerminate()     exit endfunc Func fnPause()     $g_bPaused = Not $g_bPaused     While $g_bPaused         Sleep(200)         ToolTip('Script is "Paused"', 0, 0)     WEnd     ToolTip("") EndFunc  Func fnR()     while 1         send("e")         Sleep(2000)         if _IsPressed("52")=false then             ExitLoop         endif     wend EndFunc while 1 sleep(100) wend Your forum syntaxer didn't like the comments so I took them out. The pause function doesn't pause/suspend anything (I thought it was supposed to work by getting stuck in the loop but the other hotkeys work fine meaning the main loop never stoppped), and the loop within fnR() is just plain broken. The behaviour in the fnR() makes no sense whatsoever to me: Take just a simplified form of the sleep() function....why this behaviour? How is this actually running? It seems to create infinite keypresses of "r"->"e" but only 1 instance of the code in fnR() is run. Func fnR()     send("e") ;works     sleep(2000) ;DOESNT WORK Func fnR()     sleep(2000);works     send("e");works In AHK there is only 1 instance. r::send("e") sleep(2000) would literally mean I can only send the letter "e" once every 2s no matter how many times I tap/hold So I'm clearly not understanding how this process even works. I need to be able to setup loops in my hotkey code, some kind of ifkeypressed() check function, and have duplicates of the code running for separate keys....so q->w like r->e (without any timers/loops freezing up when q and r are overlappingly active). And the ability to use ctrl/shift as hotkeys....although the doc said this isn't allowed 'because they are modifier keys!'....I find it hard to believe there is no workaround there, they work in AHK... the fact they are modifier keys doesn't exclude them from functioning as hotkeys. If the program has an outright limitation it should say so clearly. There is no reload key like in AHK and the code for that I found online is outright broken, it'll work once initially if ur lucky. The only other thing I can think of is having a console/text-editor open(note ideal) and controlsending to it in the background, similar to how they showed u can send words offscreen to notepad.     If @Compiled Then         ShellExecute(@ScriptFullPath)     Else         ShellExecute(@AutoItExe, @ScriptFullPath)     EndIf The only examples I've found for hotkeys are basic rebinds (make the "a" key work like the "b" key), and behavior related to pressing buttons on a generated GUI. The only info found on the main loop is that 'it keeps the script running' and could use a sleep of 50 to takeup less resources....that's great, but I don't understand how the runtime+sleepdelay of that mainloop interacts with the hotkeys and any loops in the hotkey etc.
  2. I have a script which is not very good written and could be mouch smaller etc. but thats not the point. The Problem is that sometimes my script stuck and the reason is i am using a tray menu and hotkeys to call other functions... Is there a way, to only allow a new hotkey function to get started when the other stopped? Or a way to always return to the tray menu? #RequireAdmin #include <StringConstants.au3> #include <TrayConstants.au3> #include <Process.au3> #include <File.au3> #include <FileConstants.au3> #include "ScalingMessageBox.au3" #include "_GetCurrentSoundDevice.au3" #include <Array.au3> #include <WinAPI.au3> #include <_MuteActiveWindow.au3> Opt("TrayMenuMode", 3) Opt("TrayIconDebug", 1) Global $IsMinimized = 0 Global $ActualWindow HotKeySet("+!s", "SwitchSoundDevice") ; Shift-Alt-t. - Hotkey to switch between devices. HotKeySet("+!k", "AppMinMax") ; Shift-Alt-k. - Hotkey to minimize/maximize current app. HotKeySet("+!t", "Taskkiller") ; Shift-Alt-t. - Hotkey to kill current app. HotKeySet("+!f", "SteamFriends") ; Shift-Alt-f. - Hotkey to open Steam Friends. HotKeySet("+!n", "Notepad") ; Shift-Alt-N. - Hotkey for Notepad Function. HotKeySet("+!m", "_MuteActiveWindow") ; Shift-Alt-M. - Hotkey to mute active window sound. HotKeySet("+!c", "SciTEClipboard") ; Shift-Alt-M. - Hotkey to mute active window sound. If Not ProcessExists("aida64.exe") Or Not ProcessExists("RemotePanel.exe") Or Not ProcessExists("PerfTune.exe") Then local AutoStart() local $dcPID[3] $dcPID[0] = 2 $dcPID[1] = ShellExecute("D:\Batch Space\WindowsAutomation\DownloadControl.au3") $dcPID[2] = ShellExecute("D:\Batch Space\WindowsAutomation\FrapsMessage.au3") SwitchSoundDevice("Speaker") ;-> Selecting Speaker on Startup. Local $iSteam = TrayCreateItem("Steam") TrayCreateItem("") ; Create a separator line. Local $iMobileAuthenticator = TrayCreateItem("Mobile Authenticator") TrayCreateItem("") ; Create a separator line. Local $iGames = TrayCreateMenu("Games") ; Create a tray menu sub menu with two sub items. Local $iPUBG = TrayCreateItem("PLAYERUNKNOWN'S BATTLEGROUNDS", $iGames) Local $iDARWIN = TrayCreateItem("Darwin Project", $iGames) Local $iFORTNITE = TrayCreateItem("Fortnite Battle Royale", $iGames) TrayCreateItem("") ; Create a separator line. Local $iStopWatch = TrayCreateItem("StopWatch") TrayCreateItem("") ; Create a separator line. Local $iTimer = TrayCreateItem("Timer") TrayCreateItem("") ; Create a separator line. Local $iTaskManager = TrayCreateItem("TaskManager") TrayCreateItem("") ; Create a separator line. Local $iRestartSensor = TrayCreateItem("RestartSensor") TrayCreateItem("") ; Create a separator line. Local $iShutdown = TrayCreateItem("Shutdown") TrayCreateItem("") ; Create a separator line. Local $idExit = TrayCreateItem("Exit") TraySetState($TRAY_ICONSTATE_SHOW) ; Show the tray menu. While 1 Switch TrayGetMsg() Case $iSteam ShellExecute("D:\Spiele\Steam\Steam.exe") Case $iMobileAuthenticator ShellExecute("D:\Batch Space\WindowsAutomation\MobileAuthenticator.au3") Case $iPUBG ShellExecute("steam://rungameid/578080") Case $iDARWIN ShellExecute("steam://rungameid/544920") Case $iFORTNITE Run("D:\Spiele\Epic Games\Fortnite\FortniteGame\Binaries\Win64\FortniteClient-Win64-Shipping.exe") Case $iStopWatch ShellExecute("D:\Batch Space\WindowsAutomation\StopWatch.au3") Case $iTimer ShellExecute("D:\Batch Space\Timer\Timer.bat") Case $iTaskManager ShellExecute("D:\Batch Space\TaskManager\Taskmanager.bat") Case $iRestartSensor If ProcessExists("RemotePanel.exe") Then ProcessClose("RemotePanel.exe") If ProcessExists("aida64.exe") Then ProcessClose("aida64.exe") ScreenState() ShellExecute("C:\Program Files (x86)\FinalWire\AIDA64 Extreme\aida64.exe","",@SW_SHOWNORMAL) Run("C:\Program Files (x86)\Odospace\Remote Panel\RemotePanel.exe") Case $iShutdown ShellExecute("D:\Batch Space\WindowsAutomation\Shutdown.au3") Case $idExit for $i = 1 To $dcPID[0] If ProcessExists($dcPID[$i]) Then ProcessClose($dcPID[$i]) Next Exit EndSwitch WEnd Func SciTEClipboard() _sMsgBox("SciTE Clipboard", "MsgBox;_sMsgBox", "Choose a option: ", "db=1;to=7;tr=10") if @extended = 1 Then ClipPut('MsgBox(0, "Test", "Test")') if @extended = 2 Then ClipPut('_sMsgBox("Test", "Ok", "Test", "")'&@CRLF) Return EndFunc Func Notepad() _sMsgBox("Launch SciTE or Notepad++?", "SciTE;Notepad++", "Launch SciTE or Notepad++?", "db=1;to=10;tr=10") if @extended = 1 Then Run("C:\Program Files (x86)\AutoIt3\SciTE\SciTE.exe") if @extended = 2 Then Run("C:\Program Files (x86)\Notepad++\notepad++.exe") EndFunc Func SwitchSoundDevice($SoundDevice = "") local $NirCMD = "D:\Batch Space\tools\nircmd.exe" ; nircmd.exe path local $IconPath = "D:\Batch Space\ICON\" ; Icons path local $CurrentDevice = StringLeft(_GetCurrentSoundDevice(), 7) If Not IsDeclared("SoundDevice") Then if $CurrentDevice = "Headset" Then Local $SoundDevice = "Speaker" if $CurrentDevice = "Speaker" Then Local $SoundDevice = "Headset" Run($NirCMD & " setdefaultsounddevice " & $SoundDevice) EndIf TrayTip($SoundDevice & " active.", " ", 1, $TIP_ICONASTERISK) TraySetToolTip($SoundDevice & " active.") TraySetIcon($IconPath & $SoundDevice & ".ico") Local $sActualWindow = WinGetTitle("[ACTIVE]") If $SoundDevice = "Headset" Then If Not ProcessExists("ts3client_win64.exe") Then _sMsgBox("Headset Active, Teamspeak not.", "Yes;No", "Headset active, TeamSpeak 3 is not running.", "db=1;to=10") If @extended = 1 Then ShellExecute("C:\Program Files\TeamSpeak 3 Client\ts3client_win64.exe") WinWaitActive("TeamSpeak3") EndIf EndIf EndIf If ProcessExists("ts3client_win64.exe") Then WinActivate("TeamSpeak3") If $SoundDevice = "Speaker" Then Send("!b") ; Alt + b -> Mute Mic/Speaker in Teamspeak. If $SoundDevice = "Headset" Then Send("!m") ; Alt + m -> Unmute Mic/Speaker in Teamspeak. EndIf If WinExists($sActualWindow) Then WinActivate($sActualWindow) EndFunc Func AppMinMax($IsMinimized) ;==>AppMinMax function. If $IsMinimized = 0 Then $ActualWindow = WinGetTitle("[ACTIVE]") TraySetState($TRAY_ICONSTATE_FLASH) WinSetState($ActualWindow, "", @SW_MINIMIZE) TraySetToolTip("Minimized: " & $ActualWindow) $IsMinimized = 1 else Local $Process = _ProcessGetName(WinGetProcess($ActualWindow)) For $i = 1 to _FileCountLines("D:\Batch Space\WindowsAutomation\Games.txt") $Line = FileReadLine("D:\Batch Space\WindowsAutomation\Games.txt", $i) If $line = $Process Then If WinExists($ActualWindow) Then WinActivate($ActualWindow) WinSetState($ActualWindow, "", @SW_MAXIMIZE) EndIf ExitLoop EndIf Next WinActivate($ActualWindow) TraySetToolTip("Restored: " & $ActualWindow) TraySetState($TRAY_ICONSTATE_STOPFLASH) $IsMinimized = 0 EndIf EndFunc ;==>AppMinMax stop. Func Taskkiller() ;==>Taskkiller function. local $Window = WinGetTitle("[ACTIVE]") local $Process = _ProcessGetName(WinGetProcess($Window)) _sMsgBox("Kill " & $Process & "?", "Yes.,No.", "Do you like to kill: " &@LF&@LF& $Window & "?", "db=1;to=1,20") If @extended = 1 Then ProcessClose($Process) If WinExists($Window) Then WinActivate($Window) EndFunc ;==>Taskkiller stop. Func SteamFriends() ;==>SteamFriends function. ShellExecute("steam://open/friends/") AppMinMax(0) WinActivate("Friends") EndFunc ;==>SteamFriends stop. Func AutoStart() TraySetToolTip("Autorun active.") TraySetIcon("D:\Batch Space\ICON\Autorun.ico") TraySetState($TRAY_ICONSTATE_FLASH) RunWait('regedit /s "D:\Batch Space\WindowsAutomation\REGISTRY.reg"') ShellExecute("C:\Program Files (x86)\Intel\Intel(R) Extreme Tuning Utility\Client\PerfTune.exe","",@SW_SHOWNORMAL) WinWaitActive("Intel® Extreme Tuning Utility", "", 20) WinActivate("Intel® Extreme Tuning Utility") WinClose("Intel® Extreme Tuning Utility") If ProcessExists("RemotePanel.exe") Then ProcessClose("RemotePanel.exe") If ProcessExists("aida64.exe") Then ProcessClose("aida64.exe") ScreenState() ShellExecute("C:\Program Files (x86)\FinalWire\AIDA64 Extreme\aida64.exe","",@SW_SHOWNORMAL) Run("C:\Program Files (x86)\Odospace\Remote Panel\RemotePanel.exe") Run("G:\Programme\Tools\W10Privacy\W10Privacy.exe /s 1") BatteryLevel() TraySetState($TRAY_ICONSTATE_STOPFLASH) EndFunc Func ScreenState() FileChangeDir("C:\Program Files (x86)\Odospace\Remote Panel\adb") If ProcessExists("adb.exe") Then ProcessClose("adb.exe") Local $Odospace = StringInStr(_RunCmd('adb -s 3200d994ae6f9000 shell dumpsys activity activities | find "mFocusedActivity:"'), "com.odospace.remotepanel") If $Odospace <> 0 Then RunWait(@ComSpec & ' /c ' & "adb -s 3200d994ae6f9000 shell am force-stop com.odospace.remotepanel", @TempDir, @SW_HIDE) RunWait(@ComSpec & ' /c ' & "adb -s 3200d994ae6f9000 shell monkey -p com.odospace.remotepanel -c android.intent.category.LAUNCHER 1", @TempDir, @SW_HIDE) RunWait(@ComSpec & ' /c ' & "adb -s 3200d994ae6f9000 shell input keyevent KEYCODE_WAKEUP", @TempDir, @SW_HIDE) EndFunc Func BatteryLevel() FileChangeDir("C:\Program Files (x86)\Odospace\Remote Panel\adb") If ProcessExists("adb.exe") Then ProcessClose("adb.exe") Local $sBatteryLevel = StringTrimLeft(_RunCmd('adb -s 3200d994ae6f9000 shell dumpsys power | find "mBatteryLevel="'), 14) If $sBatteryLevel < 10 Then MsgBox(0, "Warning!", "Battery Level from Sensor Tablet is at: " & $sBatteryLevel & "%" & @CRLF & @CRLF & "Press ok to shutdown Tablet.") RunWait(@ComSpec & ' /c ' & "adb -s 3200d994ae6f9000 shell input keyevent KEYCODE_SLEEP", @TempDir, @SW_HIDE) Endif TrayTip("Tablet Battery Level is at: " & $sBatteryLevel & " %.", " ", 1, $TIP_ICONASTERISK) EndFunc Func _RunCmd($sCommand) If StringLeft($sCommand, 1) = " " Then $sCommand = " " & $sCommand Local $nPid = Run (@Comspec & " /c" & $sCommand, "", @SW_Hide, 8), $sRet = "" If @Error then Return "ERROR:" & @ERROR ProcessWait ($nPid) While 1 $sRet &= StdoutRead($nPID) If @error Or (Not ProcessExists($nPid)) Then ExitLoop WEnd Return StringStripWS($sRet, 3) EndFunc ; ==> _RunCmd
  3. Hello, I'm trying to write a hotkey program and I know exactly how to do it but it will be hard coded and the user won't be able to edit it. HotKeySet("{ESC}", "HotKeyPressed") HotKeySet("^!d", "HotKeyPressed") HotKeySet("^+x", "HotKeyPressed") While 1 Sleep(500) WEnd Func HotKeyPressed() Switch @HotKeyPressed Case "{ESC}" Exit Case "^!d" ShellExecute("D:\Docs") Case "^+x" ShellExecute("D:\Docs\My Portables\Burner\AnyBurn\AnyBurn.exe") EndSwitch EndFunc I want the program to read a file that has hotkeys on odd lines and paths on even lines but I don't see how the program will load into itself. Is it even possible? Thanks.
  4. I'm making a program that has a combo control in a gui and back in win7 when the window was focused the scroll wheel could be used to scroll through it's contents, now i'm using win10 and i have to put the mouse on that control to scroll up and down. Since now the scroll wheel works depending on where the mouse is, is there a way to make it no matter where on the gui the pointer is? Also if the only way to do it is some complex hotkey functions will it work with pressing space to toggle a checkbox? If you need to see what i have so far let me know and i'll copy it here.
  5. I want to be able to press one of the many extra buttons on my mouse to execute an autoit script function. To do this I have bound weird key combinations to to each button that would otherwise never be pressed, like shift+alt+ctrl+/ (see linked image and the following code.) Unfortunately this has a few annoying side effects, such as interfering with whatever I'm doing or one of the modifier keys occasionally getting 'stuck' down. I have been compling each version of this script directly into my startup folder(win7) and have been using it for years. But surely there is a better way of doing this, thanks for help in advance. http://prnt.sc/dquyar ;^ Ctrl ! Alt + Shift # Win HotKeySet("!{/}", "Back_Btn") ; spamclickoff HotKeySet("+!^{.}", "Forw_Btn") ; ___/Speakers/HeadPhones HotkeySet("+!^{,}", "Midd_Btn") ;MouseLock/InputStuff HotkeySet("+!^{\}", "Gs_Back_Btn") ;ScreenBrightness 100/60/20 HotkeySet("+!^{=}", "Gs_Forw_Btn") ;Vlc/CloseVlc Recent/Touhou HotkeySet("+!^{-}", "Gs_Midd_Btn") ;ScreenSwaper ToMain/ToSecond HotkeySet("+!^{]}", "Gs_M3") ;VlcTogglePlay HotkeySet("+!^{[}", "Gs_MW_Left") ;F11/!Enter
  6. Greetings programmers! I was trying to find out if it was possible to use hotkeys with menuitems. My temporary work around is to copy what the menuitem does into a seperate function and just using the hotkey with that function. But I was just curious if there was a way to use a hotkey (other than the alt keys which I already have built in) to press menu items and run the associated task with that menu button. So far I have tried using hotkeyset("^{F1}"), $menuitem1) ...but this doesn't work. Again, currently I have the hotkey call a function that does everything I need, so it's not a big issue - just a curiosity. Thanks for any thoughts on the matter.
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