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  1. Hello together, I need to write just one line into a file. The file is generated by an other program and contains some information first and afterwards a PDF-file. FileGetEncoding results in 16 (Binary), and it containes @CRLF, @CR and @LF, which need to stay right where they are. The best results I got so far were _FileWriteToLine, which replaced every @LF and @CR with @CRLF and destroyed the PDF inside of my file. So the line was added but the file got unusable. I read the following thread and made my own example to fit my problem, but they doesn't seem to work: $sFileName = "test.txt" prepareFile($sFileName) ;Local $result = FileWriteAtLine($sFileName,"Add in line 3",3) Local $result = FileWriteAfter($sFileName,"Add in line 3","line3") If $result = 1 Then ConsoleWrite("That seems to work." & @CRLF) Else ConsoleWrite("That didn't work. Read lines: " & -$result & @CRLF) EndIf Exit Func prepareFile($sFileName) FileWrite($sFileName, "") $hFile = FileOpen($sFileName,2+16) FileWrite($hFile,"line1" & @CRLF & "line2" & @CRLF & "line3" & @CRLF & "line4" & @CRLF & "line5" & @CRLF & "etc" & @LF & "etc" & @CR & "etc" & @CR & "etc" & @LF & "etc" & @CRLF) FileFlush($hFile) FileClose($hFile) EndFunc Func FileWriteAtLine($sFileName,$sLine,$iLine) $linecount = 0 Local $iEncoding = FileGetEncoding($sFileName,2) ConsoleWrite("Encoding: " &$iEncoding & @CRLF ) $iEncoding = 16 Local $sTempName = "tempfile.tmp" $file = FileOpen($sFileName, $iEncoding) ; Check if file opened for reading OK If $file = -1 Then MsgBox(0, "Error", "Unable to open file.") Exit EndIf Local $sBuffer = FileRead($file,FileGetSize($sFileName)) If @error = -1 Then ConsoleWrite("CANNOT READ" & @CRLF) FileClose($file) ConsoleWrite($sBuffer) ; Read in lines of text until the EOF is reached FileWrite($sTempName,"") Local $hTempfile = FileOpen($sTempName,1 + $iEncoding) $iResult = 1 While 1 Local $iZeichen = StringInStr($sBuffer, @CRLF) If $iZeichen > 0 Then $linecount += 1 If $linecount = $iLine Then FileWrite($hTempfile,$sLine) FileWrite($hTempfile,$sBuffer);Write everything else ExitLoop EndIf Local $line = StringLeft($sBuffer,$iZeichen + 1) $sBuffer = StringTrimLeft($sBuffer, $iZeichen +1) FileWrite($hTempfile,$line) ;FileFlush($hTempfile) Else FileWrite($hTempfile,$sBuffer);Write everything else $iResult = -$linecount ExitLoop EndIf Wend FileClose($hTempfile) FileMove($sTempName,$sFileName,1) Return $iResult EndFunc Func FileWriteAfter($sFileName,$sLine,$sAfter) $linecount = 0 Local $iEncoding = FileGetEncoding($sFileName,2) ConsoleWrite("Encoding: " &$iEncoding & @CRLF ) $iEncoding = 16 Local $sTempName = "tempfile.tmp" $file = FileOpen($sFileName, $iEncoding) ; Check if file opened for reading OK If $file = -1 Then MsgBox(0, "Error", "Unable to open file.") Exit EndIf Local $sBuffer = FileRead($file,FileGetSize($sFileName)) If @error = -1 Then ConsoleWrite("CANNOT READ" & @CRLF) FileClose($file) ConsoleWrite($sBuffer) ; Read in lines of text until the EOF is reached FileWrite($sTempName,"") Local $hTempfile = FileOpen($sTempName,1 + $iEncoding) $iResult = 1 Local $iZeichen = StringInStr($sBuffer,$sAfter) If $iZeichen > 0 Then Local $sFirst = StringLeft($sBuffer,$iZeichen + StringLen($sAfter)) $sBuffer = StringTrimLeft($sBuffer, $iZeichen + StringLen($sAfter)) FileWrite($hTempfile,$sFirst) FileWrite($hTempfile,$sLine) FileWrite($hTempfile,$sBuffer) Else FileWrite($hTempfile,$sBuffer);Write everything else $iResult = $linecount EndIf FileClose($hTempfile) FileMove($sTempName,$sFileName,1) Return $iResult EndFunc Both function result in 0, so my string or the @CRLF cannot be found inside of the buffer. What's my mistake? Thanks, Omega19
  2. From AutoIT script (Pretty much same syntax as VBA), Tried connecting to MySQL Server. While i am able to insert a new row successfully, unable to verify the rowcount (# of inserted row - to verify success or failure). Have tried two different methods - to use the RecordsAffected variable from Connection Execute function to use the RecordSet and retrieve the rowcount But have been missing something and none of these methods return the actual row count. Any help would be appreciated.!!! Cross-posted in http://stackoverflow.com/questions/27411599/unable-to-retrieve-inserted-row-count-in-mysql-using-ado-from-autoit MySQLConnect() $EVENT_TIME= "2014-12-12 12:12:12" $LSMCName='LSMC1' $NEType='MME0001' $OMTarFile='A_MME0011-60MIN-20141212-12-v.tar' $CSVFile='12-00-S1AP.csv' $KPIType='S1AP_HO' $UpdateStatus='NotUpdated' $ReTries='0' If Not (InsertFileUpdateLog($EVENT_TIME,$LSMCName,$NEType,$OMTarFile,$CSVFile,$KPIType,$UpdateStatus,$ReTries)=1) Then WriteLog("[Error] Record insertion failed for " & $EVENT_TIME & '" ' & $LSMCName & ' ' & $NEType & ' ' & $OMTarFile & ' ' & $CSVFile & ' ' & $KPIType & ' ' & ' NotUpdated 0') EndIf MysqlDisconnect() ;~ ####################### Sub Function Definitions Func MySQLConnect() Local $sDriver="MySQL ODBC 5.3 ANSI Driver" Local $key = "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\ODBC\ODBCINST.INI\ODBC Drivers", $val = RegRead($key, $sDriver) If @error or $val = "" Then SetError(2) Return -1 EndIf $constrim="DRIVER={MySQL ODBC 5.3 ANSI Driver};SERVER=localhost;DATABASE=pmdemo;uid=rootuser;pwd=rootpass;" $oDBConnect = ObjCreate ("ADODB.Connection") ; <== Create SQL connection $oDBConnect.Open ($constrim) ; <== Connect with required credentials if @error Then WriteLog("[Error] Failed to connect to the database") SetError(2) Return -2 Else ;MsgBox(0, "Success!", "Connection to database successful!") Return 1 EndIf EndFunc Func MySQLDisConnect() $oDBConnect.Close ; ==> Close the database EndFunc Func InsertFileUpdateLog($EVENT_TIME,$LSMCName,$NEType,$OMTarFile,$CSVFile,$KPIType,$UpdateStatus,$ReTries) Local $RowCount = 0 Local $result = ObjCreate("ADODB.Recordset") $sQuery = "INSERT INTO 4gc_fileupdatelog (id,EVENT_TIME,LSMC,NEType,TarFile,CSVFile,KPIFile,UpdateStatus,ReTries) VALUES ('0'," & _ "'" & $EVENT_TIME & "'," & _ "'" & $LSMCName & "'," & _ "'" & $NEType & "'," & _ "'" & $OMTarFile & "'," & _ "'" & $CSVFile & "'," & _ "'" & $KPIType & "'," & _ "'" & $UpdateStatus & "'," & _ "'" & $ReTries & "'" & _ ") ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE ReTries=ReTries+1,UpdateStatus='" & $UpdateStatus & "';" $result = $oDBConnect.Execute($sQuery,$RowCount) If @error Then MsgBox(1,1,"Error executing query...") Return -2 EndIf ;# Method-1 : To use records affected from Execute function If $RowCount >= 1 Then MsgBox(1,1,"Success") Else MsgBox(1,1,"Failed, rowcount is:" & $RowCount ) EndIf If Not ($result.bof AND $result.eof) Then WriteLog("[Error] No Rows found") Return 0 EndIf ;# Method-2 : To use recordsset object and retrieve the rows/columns count If IsObj($result) And $result.EOF=False Then $myarray=$result.GetRows() $rows = UBound($myarray,1) $cols = UBound($myarray,2) MsgBox(1,1," rows: " & $rows & " cols: " & $cols) If ($rows = 1) Then WriteLog("[Info] Record inserted successfully") Return 1 ElseIf ($rows = 2) Then WriteLog("[Alert] Record updated successfully. affected row(s) is " & $rows) Return $rows Else > Blockquote WriteLog("[Error] Record insertion failed. affected row(s) is " & $rows) Return 0 EndIf EndIf EndFunc
  3. Hi, It sounds quite easy, but I haven't found anything to retrieve a listview item ID. I though it was under my noze, until I found this : Unfortunately it's not working (function returning 0), and I'm using the native GUICtrlCreateListView. As the topic above, I want to retreive the item ID of the inserted item in order to create a context menu on it. Thanks for anyhelp. Br, FireFox.
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