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  1. This script is used to create and display Latin Squares and to use them to create a secure password. You would use this to create a password, as an example, by inputting the name of the site you need the password for and pressing the GeneratePW button. The resulting password will be displayed in the red box to the right of the input. The password generator uses up to 6 characters of whatever is typed into the input (n) to create a password whose length is n*2. So, for example, if you were to go to autoitscript.com and you needed a password for it, you would type in autoitscript and generate the password. Because the password generator only uses the first 6 characters, autoit in this case, it would output a 12 character password for you. Each Latin Square you generate can be used to create 26 different passwords for the same 6 character string by selecting a different starting row for each. Each square can also generate several hundred different passwords for the same character string by selecting a different number of characters to use and a different starting row for each of those. If you also throw in that you can add either a random punctuation character or a random 1 digit number, or both, the combinations for just one square are probably a lot more than you could ever need in a lifetime even if you had to change a password every week. Plus, you can use this script to generate new squares whenever you'd like. Each time you generate a new Latin Square the square is saved to a text file called *.pwf, the filename is determined by generating the password for Autoit using that square and the first row as the starting row. When you generate a new latin square, there is no control over it's generation, it's random as to what letters are placed where with no row or column having more than one instance of every letter. When you choose the case of the letters, by using the combobox, the mixed mode will always change the case of the letters to be the same every time. I originally had it so that the case was chosen randomly, but that made it virtually impossible to retrieve a password that was previously created. The way this password generator works is by finding the first letter, of the string you typed in, in the starting row you've selected. It will then search the column that that letter was found in to find the second letter, then searches the row that letter was found in, and so on until it reaches the end of your string or the number of characters you've selected in the combo box. Once it has found the last letter in the search, it repeats the search using the position of that last found letter, and searches either the row or column that the letter is found in. It chooses the search direction based upon the last direction it searched in to find that last character. If it searched a row to find it, it will search the column to find the first letter in your string the second round. Depending upon the direction of the search from the last character of your string to the first character of your string (L->R/R->L/Up/Down) the 2 characters immediately adjacent to the character, and in the direction searched, are chosen for the password string. Alternating between the rows and columns it will continue adding 2 characters for every character in your string. Searching for the string "autoit" in the square below gives you the resulting password of "XMRUQMOUHPKV" when starting the search from the first row. There is an option to select the case of the letters used to generate the password, the default is a mix of upper and lower case letters, there is also a setting for all lower and all upper case letters as well. The picture below shows how the password is found, the red line is the initial search, and the green line is the password generating search. The purple circles show where the letters are that are used to create the password. The case of the letters in the input string doesn’t matter as the searches aren't case sensitive. After the password is generated and you see it in the red square, it is also copied to the clipboard so that you can paste it into whatever you're working with that needed that password. There is a checkbox that allows you to add a random punctuation character and/or a number to the password generated for any sites that require it. There are also checkboxes to save, and retrieve saved, passwords. The passwords are saved to a file called "Lsquare.dll", I used this file name only because it helps obscure your password list a tiny bit. This file is automatically encrypted and decrypted using AES 256 encryption whenever it's needed for added security from prying eyes. The file Lsquare.dll is actually an INI file the format of the ini file information is as follows: section name = input string key = File name of the pwf file, a space then the starting row # another space and then case used ("M" for mixed, "L" for all lower, "U" for all upper), another space and any punctuation and/or numerical characters added value = the checkbox indicator for what extra characters were added: "+" = both boxes checked, "S" = punctuation box checked, "N" = number box checked, "0" = no boxes checked The actual password is never put into the ini file, just the way it was generated, for protection. Plus the ini file is encrypted for even more protection from prying eyes. If you don't have the pwf file used to generate the password none of this information is going to get the password. So, even if you hack the program and get the keys used to encrypt the ini file, it's useless without the correct pwf file. The "Load" button will allow you to load another password file, there is a verification process to check that the file being loaded is actually a password file or not. After you have loaded a new password file, if you close the program, the next time you reopen it, the last selected pwf will be reloaded, otherwise the last pwf generated will be loaded. If you are running the program for the first time, a new password file will be created and loaded into the listview. You will need to download Melba23's to use this. I used it to show/hide the square if you wanted to. If you would rather not download that, you can comment out or delete all lines that contain any functions that reference _GUIExtender_. The script will work without using the UDF, but you lose the ability to hide the listview. This script is heavily commented so that if you're wondering how it all works it should be in there. Also take note that the time needed to generate a new square varies widely, anywhere from a few seconds to over several minutes. The process can get quite complicated as it generates the lines further into the square, and you may see it pausing for a while at some of the lines in the 20's. I put some consolewrite code in that let me follow the progress of the process, and also tells me how many times the line had to be reset before it could come up with a valid line. I've seen the number of attempts at over 3,000 in some cases for just one line. This script will generate any number of reasonably secure passwords, but it's only as secure as the computer you're using it on and whether or not anyone can access the script, the INI file, and the Latin square file used to generate the password. If you lose the *.pwf file used you won't be able to retrieve the password. If you lose access to the ini file, but still have the *.pwf files, you may be able to recreate the password but it will be very tough to do so because of the numerous factors that determine how the password is generated. As always, if there are any bugs, or you're not sure how something works, or a modification is politely asked for, please feel free to leave a comment. You can create a password using more than 6 characters of your passphrase by looking at the comments at lines 560 and 561, just remember, the password generated is twice as many characters as the passphrase used. LatinSquare.au3 download link EDIT:Changed download link
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