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Found 3 results

  1. Hello!!! I want to share this UDF I've made with @mLipok, for some personal reason We stopped UDF development at 26-10-2020. So this can still be not fully operational. Donwload Link: https://www.autoitscript.com/forum/files/file/512-atcmdau3-udf/ Saludos
  2. Version 1.0.6


    AT Command UDF - for control AT Modems, send SMS, get SMS Changelog: #cs 1.0.0 2020/10/03 . First version - Danyfirex + mLipok 1.0.1 2020/10/04 . Added - Function - _ATCmd_IsPINReady - Danyfirex . Added - Function - _ATCmd_IsPINRequired - Danyfirex . Added - Function - _ATCmd_IsSIMInserted - Danyfirex . Added - Function - _ATCmd_IsSenderSupported - Danyfirex . Added - Function - _ATCmd_OnPINReques - Danyfirex . Added - Function - _ATCmd_SMS_ListTextMessages - Danyfirex . Added - Function - _ATCmd_SetPIN - Danyfirex . Added - Function - __ATCmd_GetPINCounter - Danyfirex - Added - ENUM - $ATCmd_ERR_PIN - Danyfirex - Added - ENUM - $ATCmd_ERR_SIM - Danyfirex . Changed - __ATCmd_ComposePDU() - using _ATCmd_UseUCS2() internally instead parameter - Danyfirex . Suplemented - #CURRENT# - Danyfirex . . 1.0.2 2020/10/05 . Added - ENUM - $ATCmd_MSGLIST_* - mLipok . Added - ENUM - $ATCmd_STATUS__* - mLipok - Added - ENUM - $ATCmd_ERR_PARAMETER - mLipok . Added - _ATCmd_UsePDU() - parameter validation - mLipok . Added - _ATCmd_UseUCS2() - parameter validation - mLipok . Added - more error logs . Changed - MagicNumber replaced with Standard UDF constants - mLipok . Small refactoring - mLipok . . 1.0.3 2020/10/05 . CleanUp - Danyfirex . . 1.0.4 2020/10/05 . Small refactoring - Danyfirex . CleanUp - Danyfirex . . 1.0.5 2020/10/23 . _ATCmd_FullLoging - mLipok . _ATCmd_CMEESetup() ... @WIP - mLipok . $ATCMD_STATUS_11_SUBSCRIBERNUMBER - mLipok . . 1.0.6 2020/10/25 . __ATCmd_CMSErrorParser() - mLipok . . @LAST https://www.nowsms.com/gsm-modem-cms-error-code-list https://m2msupport.net/m2msupport/at-command-to-enable-error-codes/ https://www.micromedia-int.com/en/gsm-2/73-gsm/669-cme-error-gsm-equipment-related-errors https://assets.nagios.com/downloads/nagiosxi/docs/ATCommandReference.pdf https://www.maritex.com.pl/product/attachment/40451/15b4db6d1a10eada42700f7293353776 https://www.multitech.net/developer/wp-content/uploads/2010/10/S000463C.pdf https://www.telit.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/09/Telit_AT_Commands_Reference_Guide_r24_B.pdf https://docs.rs-online.com/5931/0900766b80bec52c.pdf PDU Format / Testers / Encoders / decoders https://m2msupport.net/m2msupport/sms-at-commands/#pduformat http://smstools3.kekekasvi.com/topic.php?id=288 #ce Saludos
  3. I'm trying to use an external dialup modem (with Voice capabilities. that is declared as Data/Fax/Voice) to let it dial a telephone number and send a voice message to the called party. While it's very easy to dial the number, I'm not been able to send the voice message over the line despite the command sequence seems to be correct. Without entering in what I've tryed so far,(just various AT commands settings). I'm asking if someone already had experience in that stuff. The modem that I'm using is an external modem connected to COM1 that has an Cirrus Logic chipset CL-MD56XX. Here are few links where I'm relying on: http://bytes.com/topic/net/insights/703378-how-play-wave-file-phone-c-part-i part-ii part-iii here an Interactive Voice Response System & related Perl module Thank you
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