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Found 3 results

  1. I need to dynamically resize my 2d array while looping. I know this code: ReDim $rArray[UBound($rArray) + 1] works for the rows, however, I also need to increase the columns. How would i go about increasing both rows and columns while looping?
  2. Hi all, I wasnt active in this Forum forum for Years. 😅 Since I need something with Json in AutoIt i write a little UDF to save a variable to file to read it with another language - and back. After a while until my other script grows i thought - lets integrate all variables wich is possible, because i want have arrays to. This is my first public UDF in Autoit - normaly my AutoIt scripts are quick an dirty.... - like the examples for this udf. - someone want to write nice examples? I tried to write this UDF properly, cared for processing speed, low mem consumption as possible, a short code, and a high usability without beeing very familiar with arrays. What is it for? - convert nearly all types of variables to a json string for saving it in a file or to an ini. Read it back in to a same formated variable and preserv variable types. All array types are supported with nested arrays, the only restriction is ram and array/stringsize - and time if the array is very big. You can use Filters for variable types and some other options. If anyone found a bug or any suggestions, please post it. get Json.au3 from here Json.au3 JsonVar 2019.01.25.1.zip
  3. Hi, It's been a while since I've used AutoIt, but I'm having fun with it again. I'm running on Windows 7 Pro, 64_bit. with AutoIt In my program, I've called Winlist(), so that I can get a list of all windows on the system. I then iterate through the titles, and attempt to copy the title & handle of Windows I'm specifically interested in. While this seems to be a very easy task, I'm having a strange problem copying the title & handle of the two windows that I'm interested in. In the For loop: For $i = 1 To $AllWindowsCount ConsoleWrite() displays the expected Title & handle, from the WindowsDupe array, so it appears that the copy from the $AllWindows array works as expected. However, when _ArrayDisplay($WindowsDupe) is called after the for loop, $WindowsDupe is empty. I wasn't able to find any functions in the help file, for copying entire arrays or certain elements, so I thought I would just copy them manually, as seen in the for loop. What am I doing wrong with the WindowsDupe array? Thanks Thanks My code is attached. ListWindows2.au3
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