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Found 2 results

  1. Hello, I'm programming an automated email and have a line that is really long. I am using SciTE as my console. Here is that line in test. $rc = _INetSmtpMailCom($SmtpServer, $FromName, $FromAddress, $aArray2[$i][3], $Subject, "This is a form letter meant for " & $aArray2[$i][1] &" "& $aArray2[$i][2]&"." & @CRLF & "The letters in "& $aArray2[$i][1] &" "& $aArray2[$i][2] & "'s first name are " &  $aArray2[$i][4] &" " & $aArray2[$i][5] &" "&$aArray2[$i][6] &" "& $aArray2[$i][7] &" "&$aArray2[$i][8] &" "& $aArray2[$i][9] & @CRLF & chr(13) & "Thank you." & chr(13) & " ", $AttachFiles, $CcAddress, $BccAddress, $Importance, $Username, $Password, $IPPort, $ssl)  The body of the email that the $rc function is creating begins after $Subject and ends after chr(13) & " ",. That body is the primary cause of the length. When this goes live, I can easily see adding 3000+ characters to this line. Is there a line limit? Is there a way to wrap text in SciTE? Do you have a trick to break that line up into multiple lines for ease of coding and reading? "Ideally I would like to be able to type text like this " & @CRLF & "so that I could read what I am writing easily " & @CRLF & "without having to keep scrolling to the right or " & @CRLF & "to the left.  Scrolling is quite a pain in the neck " & @CRLF & "and with 5000 characters, it might even become  " & @CRLF & "a programming showstopper." I am not able to pass this entire string as a variable because this string contains variables embedded in a for loop. Thus, in so doing, I would multiplicate the loop. I'll take any help I can get!
  2. Hi all.. i need to make a new line, i googled it and it said to use... `n .... for a new line.. however im getting an illegal character error on au3.. so how does one write the NEW LINE escape character?
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