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  1. Dear AutoIt members, I want to make a simple script: rename file-name (inputbox) with the extension rar if the extension ends up with part001.rar, part002.rar and so on rename to r01, r02 renaming the the extension is not the problem i found on this forum a good example script now renaming the filename with the given inputbox name FileMove($Directory & "\" & $files[$x], $Directory & "\" & $Input1[1] & ".r0" & $x)above code is wrong it was FileMove($Directory & "\" & $files[$x], $Directory & "\" & $files[1] & ".r0" & $x) this is just for example to show #NoTrayIcon #include <file.au3> #include <ButtonConstants.au3> #include <EditConstants.au3> #include <GUIConstantsEx.au3> #include <WindowsConstants.au3> Opt("MustDeclareVars", 1) Local $Directory = @ScriptDir Local $Gui, $Input1, $Button1, $nMsg, $i $Gui = GUICreate("Form1", 184, 91, 192, 124) $Input1 = GUICtrlCreateInput("", 24, 16, 144, 21) $Button1 = GUICtrlCreateButton("Button1", 24, 48, 145, 25, $WS_GROUP) GUISetState(@SW_SHOW) $i = 1 While 1 If GUICtrlRead($Input1) = "" And $i = 1 Then GUICtrlSetState($Button1, $GUI_DISABLE) $i = 0 Else If $i = 0 And GUICtrlRead($Input1) <> "" Then GUICtrlSetState($Button1, $GUI_ENABLE) $i = 1 EndIf EndIf $nMsg = GUIGetMsg() Switch $nMsg Case $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE Exit Case $Button1 _rar01() EndSwitch WEnd Func _rar01() Local $files, $filename, $x $files = _FileListToArray($Directory, "*.rar", 1) For $x = 1 To UBound($files) - 1 $filename = StringSplit($files[$x], ".") If $x < 10 Then FileMove($Directory & "\" & $files[$x], $Directory & "\" & $Input1[1] & ".r0" & $x) Else FileMove($Directory & "\" & $files[$x], $Directory & "\" & $Input1[1] & ".r" & $x) EndIf Next EndFunc Thanks
  2. Heres a lil script to run a backup using rar once a day. hotkeys: printscreen to force a backup scroll lock to open last output file pageup to call gui working timer to backup once a day Small gui to save multiple configs Ini to save configs Gathers list of newest files to back up Creates a formated file list / error log So that I can verify at a glance: Appends -error to Log's filename (as required) Appends -noaction to Log's filename (as required) and um thats about it #include <Timers.au3> #include <File.au3> #include <Array.au3> #include <ButtonConstants.au3> #include <ComboConstants.au3> #include <EditConstants.au3> #include <GUIConstantsEx.au3> #include <StaticConstants.au3> #include <WindowsConstants.au3> #include <GuiComboBox.au3> #include <Constants.au3> $Form1_1 = GUICreate("Form1", 623, 157, 192, 114) $Input1 = GUICtrlCreateInput("c:backup", 8, 0, 545, 21) GUICtrlSetTip(-1, "Location of the back up files.") $Button1 = GUICtrlCreateButton("Locate", 560, 0, 57, 21) $Input2 = GUICtrlCreateInput("Drafting.rar", 8, 24, 545, 21) GUICtrlSetTip(-1, "Filename of the .rar file.") $Button2 = GUICtrlCreateButton("Locate", 560, 24, 57, 21) $Input3 = GUICtrlCreateInput("C:Progra~1WinRARrar.exe", 8, 48, 545, 21) GUICtrlSetTip(-1, "Location of rar/unrar.exe.") $Button3 = GUICtrlCreateButton("Locate", 560, 48, 57, 21) $Input4 = GUICtrlCreateInput("-r -rr5p -x*.bak -x*.dwl -xplot.log -xthumbs.db -x*0_Temp_Saves_0", 8, 72, 545, 21) GUICtrlSetTip(-1, "Rar.exe command line paramaters.") $Combo1 = GUICtrlCreateCombo("h:drafting*.*", 8, 96, 545, 21, BitOR($CBS_DROPDOWN,$CBS_AUTOHSCROLL)) GUICtrlSetTip(-1, "Location of the files to back up.") $Button4 = GUICtrlCreateButton("Locate", 560, 96, 57, 21) $Input5 = GUICtrlCreateInput("1", 8, 120, 48, 21) GUICtrlSetTip(-1, "Wait for the pc to idle before starting back up (In Hours).") $Label1 = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Idle Before Back Up", 60, 120, 80, 32) $Input6 = GUICtrlCreateInput("12", 148, 120, 48, 21) GUICtrlSetTip(-1, "Time out before back up can begin again (In Hours).") $Label2 = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Sleep After Back Up", 200, 120, 72, 32) $Button5 = GUICtrlCreateButton("Cancel", 503, 120, 57, 21) $Button6 = GUICtrlCreateButton("Save", 560, 120, 57, 21) GUICtrlCreateUpdown($input5) GUICtrlCreateUpdown($input6) HotKeySet("{PRINTSCREEN}", "LaunchBackUp") HotKeySet("{SCROLLLOCK}", "OpenOutput") HotKeySet("{PGUP}", "OpenGUI") Local Const $iHour = 3600000 Local $sBackUpDir = 'c:backup' ;Location of new .rar file Local $sRarFile = 'Drafting.rar' ;Name of new .rar file Local $sSRC = 'h:drafting*.*' ;Directory with files to back up Local $sEXE = 'C:Progra~1WinRARrar.exe' ;location of rar.exe Local $iBUStart = 1 ;time to start back-up: 24hr format Local $iBUEnd = 8 ;time to stop trying to start back up: 24hr format Local $iIdleTime = 1*$iHour ;Required Idle Time before starting Back-Up Local $iSleepTime = 10*$iHour Local $sDST = $sBackUpDir & $sRarFile Global $sOutPath Local $iRTime = 0 local $sOPT_User local $iSleepStart = TimerInit() $iSleepTime_Const = 0 $iOn = 0 LoadFromINI() RefreshVars() While 1 $nMsg = GUIGetMsg() Switch $nMsg Case $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE OpenGUI();Exit Case $Button5 OpenGUI() Case $Button1 $sTmp = FileSelectFolder ( "Select the location for back up files", '' ,7 ) If Not @error Then GuiCtrlSetData($Input1,$sTmp & '') EndIf Case $Button2 $sTmp = FileOpenDialog ( 'Select the rar file to update.'&@CRLF&'Type a file name to create a new rar back up', GUICtrlRead($Input1), "RAR (*.rar)" ,'', "BackUp" ) If Not @error Then $i = StringInStr($sTmp,'') While $i > 0 $sTmp = StringMid($sTmp,$i + 1) $i = StringInStr($sTmp,'') WEnd IF Not StringInStr(StringRight($sTmp,4), '.rar') Then $sTmp = $sTmp&'.rar' EndIf GuiCtrlSetData($Input2,$sTmp) EndIf Case $Button3 ConsoleWrite(StringReplace(GUICtrlRead($Input3),'rar.exe','')& @CRLF) $sTmp = FileOpenDialog ( 'Select the location of rar.exe.', StringReplace(GUICtrlRead($Input3),'rar.exe',''), "RAR (rar.exe)" ,'', "rar.exe" ) If Not @error Then GuiCtrlSetData($Input3,$sTmp) EndIf Case $Button4 $sTmp = FileSelectFolder ( "Select the location of files for back up", '' ,6 ) If Not @error Then _GUICtrlComboBox_AddString($Combo1,$sTmp & '*.*') _GUICtrlComboBox_SelectString($Combo1, $sTmp & '*.*') EndIf Case $Button6 Local $sIni = @ScriptDir & "BackUp.ini" ConsoleWrite("Saving to INI"&@CRLF) Local $aData2[7][2] = [ [0,0] , ["BU_Dir", GUICtrlRead($Input1)],["BU_File", GUICtrlRead($Input2)],["RAR_Exe", GUICtrlRead($Input3)],["RAR_Opt", GUICtrlRead($Input4)], ["Slp_Pre", GUICtrlRead($Input5)], ["Slp_Pst", GUICtrlRead($Input6)] ] IniWriteSection($sIni, _GUICtrlComboBox_GetEditText($Combo1), $aData2) RefreshVars() Case $Combo1 LoadFromINI() EndSwitch ; Sleep(1) If @HOUR > $iBUStart and _ ;add timer and gate for sleep after @HOUR < $iBUEnd and _ $iSleepTime_Const <= timerDiff($iSleepStart) and _ _Timer_GetIdleTime() > $iIdleTime then ;OR NOT FileExists($sDST) then ;use to create back-up @ runtime Main() $iSleepStart = TimerInit() $iSleepTime_Const = $iSleepTime ConsoleWrite(_Timer_GetIdleTime()&@TAB&$iIdleTime&@TAB&$iSleepTime_Const&@TAB&timerDiff($iSleepStart)&@CRLF) EndIf ;ConsoleWrite(_Timer_GetIdleTime()&@TAB&$iIdleTime&@TAB&$iSleepTime_Const&@TAB&timerDiff($iSleepStart)&@CRLF) WEnd Func OpenGUI() If $iOn Then GUISetState(@SW_HIDE) $iOn = 0 Else GUISetState(@SW_SHOW) $iOn = 1 EndIf EndFunc Func OpenOutput () If StringLen ($sOutPath) > 0 Then Run('notepad.exe ' & $sOutPath) Else MsgBox(0,'Alert','No backup log generated.') ;do a file open dialog in backup dir EndIf EndFunc Func LaunchBackUp() $iReturn = MsgBox(4,'Alert','Run BackUp Now?') If $iReturn = 7 then MsgBox(0,'Alert','BackUp Cancelled',3) Else Main() EndIf EndFunc Func Main() RefreshVars() ConsoleWrite('Func Main() ' & @CRLF) Local $iDoUpdate If Not FileExists($sDST) Then ;add files to new .rar $iDoUpdate = 0 $sOPT = ' a -tl ' & $sOPT_User & ' -ilog' & $sBackUpDir & 'error.log ' & $sDST & ' ' & $sSRC ; command line options here Else ;update/add files to existing .rar If Not FileExists($sBackUpDir & 'UpdateList.lst') Then $iDoUpdate = CreateFileList($sBackUpDir,$sDST,$sSRC) EndIf $sOPT = ' u -tl ' & $sOPT_User & ' -ilog' & $sBackUpDir & 'error.log ' & $sDST & ' @' & $sBackUpDir & 'UpdateList.lst' ;& $sSRC ; command line options here EndIf ConsoleWrite('$sOPT ' & $sOPT & @CRLF) If $iDoUpdate Then Local $aReturnLogs = DoBackUp ($sEXE , $sOPT , $sBackUpDir) $aLog = FormatLog($aReturnLogs[2]) $aLogErr = $aReturnLogs[3] $iFileCount = CountFiles($aLog) $sOutPath = Create_File($aLog,$aLogErr,Time_Convert($aReturnLogs[1]),$aReturnLogs[0],$iFileCount,$sBackUpDir,$sRarFile) ;FileDelete($sBackUpDir & 'UpdateList.Lst') Else MsgBox(0,"Alert","No files to update.",20) Dim $aDumLog[1] = ["WARNING: No files"] Create_File($aDumLog,default,0,10,0,$sBackUpDir,$sRarFile) EndIf EndFunc Func DoBackUp ($sEXE , $sOPT , $sBackUpDir) ConsoleWrite('Func DoBackUp ($sEXE , $sOPT , $sBackUpDir)' & @CRLF) Local $aLog Local $aLogErr Local $aReturn[4] Local $iRStart = _Timer_Init() $aReturn[0] = RunWait(@ComSpec & ' /c ' & $sEXE & ' ' & $sOPT & ' > ' & $sBackUpDir & 'output.tmp', @TempDir, @SW_HIDE) $aReturn[1] = _Timer_Diff($iRStart) _FileReadToArray($sBackUpDir & 'output.tmp',$aLog) FIleDelete($sBackUpDir & 'output.tmp') $aReturn[2] = $aLog If FileExists ($sBackUpDir & 'error.log') Then _FileReadToArray($sBackUpDir & 'error.log',$aLogErr) FIleDelete($sBackUpDir & 'error.log') $aReturn[3] = $aLogErr Else $aReturn[3] = Default EndIf Return $aReturn EndFunc Func Time_Convert($iTimeDiff) ConsoleWrite('Func Time_Convert($iTimeDiff)' & @CRLF) ; ; Converts TimerDiff (ms) to HMS format ; ; $TimeDiff = Integer; Milliseconds ; $hrs = 0 $min = 0 $sec= Round($iTimeDiff/1000,0) if $sec>59 then $hrs = int($sec / 3600) $sec = $sec - $hrs * 3600 $min = int($sec / 60) $sec = $sec - $min * 60 EndIf return $hrs & "h" & $min & "m" & $sec & "s" EndFunc Func Create_Header($theLog,$theTime,$theExit,$theFileCount) ConsoleWrite('Func Create_Header($theLog,$theTime,$theExit,$theFileCount)' & @CRLF) ; ; Creates Output File Header ; ; $theLog = Array; Output Data ; $theTime = Integer; Runtime for Rar.exe in ms ; $theExit = Integer; Exit Code for Rar.exe ; $theFileCount = Integer; Return from CountFiles() ; Local $sExitDesc Local $aExitDesc[11] = ['Successful operation.', _ 'Warning. Non fatal error(s) occurred.', _ 'A fatal error occurred.', _ 'Invalid CRC32 control sum. Data is damaged.', _ 'Attempt to modify a locked archive.', _ 'Write error.', _ 'File open error.', _ 'Wrong command line option.', _ 'Not enough memory.', _ 'File create error.', _ 'No files matching the specified mask were found.'] _ArrayInsert($theLog, 0) _ArrayInsert($theLog, 0) _ArrayInsert($theLog, 0) If $theExit > Ubound($aExitDesc) Then $sExitDesc = 'User break.' Else $sExitDesc = $aExitDesc[$theExit] EndIf $theLog[0] = 'Update Time: ' & $theTime & @TAB & 'File Count: '& $theFileCount $theLog[1] = 'Exit Code: ' & $theExit & ' ' & $sExitDesc Return $theLog EndFunc Func Create_File($theLog,$theErrorLog,$theTime,$theExitCode,$theFileCount,$theLocation,$theName) ConsoleWrite('Func Create_File($theLog,$theErrorLog,$theTime,$theExitCode,$theFileCount,$theLocation,$theName)' & @CRLF) ; ; Creates Output File ; ; $theLog = Array; Output from Rar.exe ; $theErrorLog = Array; Error Output from Rar.exe ; $theTime = Integer; Runtime for Rar.exe in ms ; $theExit = Integer; Exit Code for Rar.exe ; $theFileCount = Integer; Return from CountFiles() ; $theLocation = String; Path to backup dir ; $theName = String; Filename of .rar file ; Local $theData, $theSuffix = '' If _ArraySearch($theLog,"WARNING: No files") > -1 Then $theSuffix = '-NoAction' Dim $theLog[3] = ['','','WARNING: No files'] EndIf If IsArray($theErrorLog) Then ;put errors at top of file $theSuffix &= '-Errors' $theErrorLog[0] = 'Errors: ' $TheData = Create_Header($theErrorLog,$theTime,$theExitCode,$theFileCount) _ArrayConcatenate($TheData,$theLog) ;add Rar output to the Error Log Else $TheData = Create_Header($theLog,$theTime,$theExitCode,$theFileCount) EndIf Local $sFile = $theLocation & StringTrimRight ( $theName, 4 ) & '_' & @Mon & '-' & @MDay & '-' & @Year & $theSuffix & '.log' _FileWriteFromArray($sFile,$TheData) Return $sFile EndFunc Func FormatLog($theLog) ConsoleWrite('Func FormatLog($theLog)' & @CRLF) ; ; Formats Output from Rar.exe ; Removes: Backspace Chacters, ' OK ', 'xxx%', and empty elements ; ; $theLog = Array; Output from Rar.exe ; Local $PerLoc, $TMP If _ArraySearch($theLog,"WARNING: No files") > -1 Then Return $theLog EndIf While StringInStr($theLog[0],"ing archive") < 1 ;remove Rar header upto either 'UPDATing ...' Or 'ADDing ...' _ArrayDelete($theLog,0) WEnd For $i = 0 to UBound($theLog)-1 $TMP = StringReplace($theLog[$i],'',"") ;removes BackSpace character codes $TMP = StringReplace($TMP, ' OK ','') ;removes OK from End Of Line while StringInStr($TMP,"%") ;removes xxx% $PerLoc = StringInStr($TMP,"%") $TMP = StringReplace($TMP,StringMid($TMP,$PerLoc-3,4),"") wend $theLog[$i] = $TMP Next Return $theLog EndFunc Func CountFiles($theFileList) ConsoleWrite('Func CountFiles($theFileList)' & @CRLF) ; ; Creates Output File Header ; ; $theFileList = Array; Output from Rar.exe ; Local $CntAdd, $CntUpd $CntAdd = _ArrayFindAll($theFileList,'Adding ','','','',1) $CntUpd = _ArrayFindAll($theFileList,'Updating ','','','',1) Return Ubound($CntAdd)+Ubound($CntUpd) EndFunc Func CreateFileList($sOutPath,$sTheFile,$sSRC) ; ; Finds New Files to BackUp ; ; $sOutPath = String; Output directory ; $sTheFile = String; the file to use for time compare ; $sSRC = String; The source for files to be backed up ; ; !!!!!!!! -tl !!!!!!! This must stay in the options for rar.exe ; This sets the rar's time to the most recently updated file ; Anything newer than that file gets updated ; ConsoleWrite('Func CreateFileList($sOutPath,$sTheFile)' & @CRLF) Local $aFileLog[1] Local $aFinalFileList[1] Local $sTempDir Local $aCurDate $aStdTime = FileGetTime ($sTheFile); Get the latest file time from rar file _ArrayDelete($aStdTime,5) $aStdTime[4] = $aStdTime[3] $aStdTime[3] = $aStdTime[0] _ArrayDelete($aStdTime,0) Local $sCommand = 'dir '&$sSRC&' /T:w /x /s /O:d > ' & $sOutPath & 'UpdateList.lst' ConsoleWrite($sCommand& @CRLF) RunWait(@ComSpec & ' /c ' & $sCommand, @TempDir, @SW_HIDE) _FileReadToArray($sOutPath & 'UpdateList.lst',$aFileLog) FileDelete($sOutPath & 'UpdateList.lst') While StringInStr($aFileLog[0]," Directory of") < 1 ;delete array until first directory structure _ArrayDelete($aFileLog,0) WEnd For $i = 0 to Ubound($aFileLog) -1 If StringInStr($aFileLog[$i],'Directory of ') > 0 Then ;Set File Directory $sTempDir = StringReplace($aFileLog[$i],' Directory of ','') & '' ;ConsoleWrite('$sTempDir' & $i & ' ' & $sTempDir & @CRLF) EndIf If StringInStr($aFileLog[$i],'/' & $aStdTime[2] ) > 0 And _ ; If file was made in same year as rar file StringInStr($aFileLog[$i],"<DIR>") < 1 then ; and is not a directory $aCurDate = StringSplit( StringLeft($aFileLog[$i],10),'/',2) ;capture the date of the file save If StringMid( $aFileLog[$i], 19, 2 ) = "PM" Then $iHalfDay = 12 Else $iHalfDay = 0 EndIf _arrayAdd($aCurDate,StringMid( $aFileLog[$i], 13, 2 ) + $iHalfDay) ;capture the hour of the file save If $aCurDate[0] >= $aStdTime[0] Then If $aCurDate[1] > $aStdTime[1] OR ($aCurDate[1] = $aStdTime[1] And $aCurDate[3] > $aStdTime[3]) Then ;Add File if newer than backup file _ArrayAdd($aFinalFileList,FileGetShortName($sTempDir& StringMid($aFileLog[$i],53))) ;ConsoleWrite('Dates '& _ArrayToString($aCurDate) & ' ### ' & _ArrayToString( $aStdTime ) & @CRLF) EndIf EndIf EndIf Next ;_ArrayDisplay($aFinalFileList) _ArrayDelete($aFinalFileList,0) _FileWriteFromArray(FileGetShortName($sOutPath & "UpdateList.lst"),$aFinalFileList) Return IsArray($aFinalFileList) EndFunc Func LoadFromINI() ; ; Loads Values from INI based on Combobox selection ; ; $theFileList = Array; Output from Rar.exe ; ConsoleWrite("LoadFromINI "&@CRLF) If FileExists(@ScriptDir & "BackUp.ini" ) Then $aIniSecNames = IniReadSectionNames ( @ScriptDir & "BackUp.ini" ) If Not @error Then _ArrayDelete($aIniSecNames,0) _GUICtrlComboBox_DeleteString($Combo1,0) GUICtrlSetData($Combo1,StringReplace(_ArrayToString($aIniSecNames),"?",''),$aIniSecNames[1]) $aIniValues = IniReadSection ( @ScriptDir & "BackUp.ini", _GUICtrlComboBox_GetEditText($Combo1) ) If Not @error Then GUICtrlSetData($Input1,$aIniValues[1][1]) GUICtrlSetData($Input2,$aIniValues[2][1]) GUICtrlSetData($Input3,$aIniValues[3][1]) GUICtrlSetData($Input4,$aIniValues[4][1]) GUICtrlSetData($Input5,$aIniValues[5][1]) GUICtrlSetData($Input6,$aIniValues[6][1]) ;ConsoleWrite($aIniValues[0][1]&@CRLF) EndIf EndIf EndIf EndFunc Func RefreshVars() ConsoleWrite("RefreshVars "&@CRLF) $sBackUpDir = GuiCtrlRead($Input1) $sRarFile = GuiCtrlRead($Input2) $sEXE = GuiCtrlRead($Input3) $sOPT_User = GuiCtrlRead($Input4) $iIdleTime = number(GUICtrlRead($Input5))*$iHour $sSRC = StringTrimRight(_GUICtrlComboBox_GetEditText($Combo1),1) $iSleepTime = GUICtrlRead($Input6)*$iHour ;$iBUStart = ; redo gui to add these ;$iBUEnd = $iSleepTime_Const = $iSleepTime EndFunc ;to do ; make newly added, but older than backup date, file list to comparing with rar list; ; add BUStart & BUEnd to GUI and INI routine ; ; add option to cycle through multiple configurations at backup time (create multiple backups); ; add header to Func Main() RefreshVars;Sample output from : Drafting_08-18-2012-Errors.log Update Time: 8h31m43s File Count: 136519 Exit Code: 6 File open error. Errors:-------- 18 Aug 2012, archive c:backupDrafting.rar 13:30:23 Cannot open h:draftingHouseElec_Panels.dwg 13:30:23 The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process. 13:30:23 Cannot open h:draftingHouseElec_Panels.dwl2 13:30:23 The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process. Creating archive c:backupDrafting.rar Adding h:drafting0_DocsAcad 2007 Invoice.PDF Adding h:drafting0_DocsAcadLT2002.txt Adding h:drafting0_DocsAutoCAD 2007 Reciept.pdf Adding h:drafting0_DocsFull_JobLog-2006.xlsBackUp_0.5.au3 BackUp_0.6a.au3 BackUp_0.7.au3
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