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  1. Hi. Been very interested in game development and wanted to write my own Wolf 3D on AutoIt. Here what i got for today: #include <GUIConstantsEx.au3> #include <WindowsConstants.au3> #include <GDIPlus.au3> #include <Misc.au3> Opt("MustDeclareVars", 1) Global _ $bGameRunning = True Global _ $iWidth = 640, _ $iHeight = 480, _ $iTileSize = 64, _ $iWallHeight = 64 ;---------------------------------------------------- ; GUI ;---------------------------------------------------- Global _ $sTitle = "Ray casting", _ $hGUI ;---------------------------------------------------- ;---------------------------------------------------- ; MATH CONSTANTS ;---------------------------------------------------- Global Const $MATH_PI = 3.14159265359 ;---------------------------------------------------- ;---------------------------------------------------- ; ANGLES ;---------------------------------------------------- Global Const _ $ANGLE_60 = $iWidth, _ $ANGLE_30 = $ANGLE_60 / 2, _ $ANGLE_15 = $ANGLE_30 / 2, _ $ANGLE_90 = $ANGLE_30 * 3, _ $ANGLE_180 = $ANGLE_90 * 2, _ $ANGLE_270 = $ANGLE_90 * 3, _ $ANGLE_360 = $ANGLE_60 * 6, _ $ANGLE_0 = 0, _ $ANGLE_5 = $ANGLE_30 / 6, _ $ANGLE_10 = $ANGLE_5 * 2 ;---------------------------------------------------- ;---------------------------------------------------- ; TRIGONOMETRIC TABLES ;---------------------------------------------------- Global _ $aSinTable[$ANGLE_360 + 1], _ $aISinTAble[$ANGLE_360 + 1], _ $aCosTable[$ANGLE_360 + 1], _ $aICosTable[$ANGLE_360 + 1], _ $aTanTable[$ANGLE_360 + 1], _ $aITanTable[$ANGLE_360 + 1], _ $aFishTable[$ANGLE_60 + 1], _ $aXStepTable[$ANGLE_360 + 1], _ $aYStepTable[$ANGLE_360 + 1] ;---------------------------------------------------- Global _ $aMap[12][12] = _ [ _ [1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1], _ [1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1], _ [1,1,1,1,1,0,0,1,0,0,0,1], _ [1,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,1], _ [1,0,0,0,1,1,1,0,0,0,0,1], _ [1,0,0,0,1,0,1,0,0,0,0,1], _ [1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1], _ [1,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,1], _ [1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1], _ [1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1], _ [1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1], _ [1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1] _ ], _ $iMapWidth = 12, _ $iMapHeight = 12 Global _ $sMapIndex_Wall = "1", _ $sMapIndex_Empty = "0" ;---------------------------------------------------- ; PLAYER ;---------------------------------------------------- Global _ $iPlayerArc = $ANGLE_0, _ $iPlayerPosX = 100, _ $iPlayerPosY = 90, _ $iPlayerDistanceToTheProjectPlane = 277, _ $iProjectionPlaneYCenter = $iHeight / 2, _ $iProjectionPlaneYCenterMax = Int($iHeight / 1.2), _ $iProjectionPlaneYCenterMin = $iHeight / 4, _ $iProjectionPlaneYCenterDef = $iProjectionPlaneYCenter, _ $iPlayerHeight = 32, _ $iPlayerMovementSpeed = 16, _ $iPlayerTurnSpeed = $ANGLE_5 ;---------------------------------------------------- ; PLAYER - ANIMATION ;---------------------------------------------------- Global _ $iPlayerAnimation_WalkIndex = 0 ;---------------------------------------------------- ;---------------------------------------------------- Global _ $fPlayerDirX, _ $fPlayerDirY Global _ $iTime = 0, _ $iOldTime = 0 Global _ $hGraphic, _ $iFrameTime, _ $aGraphic Global $hSystemStartTimer ;---------------------------------------------------- ; LOCAL ;---------------------------------------------------- ;---------------------------------------------------- ; _ENGINE_RENDER ;---------------------------------------------------- Global _ $iGridVertical, $iGridHorizontal, _ $iDistToNextVerticalGrid, $iDistToNextHorizontalGrid, _ $fXIntersection, $fYIntersection, _ $fDistToNextXIntersection, $fDistToNextYIntersection, _ $iGridIndexX, $iGridIndexY, _ $fDistToVerticalGridBeingHit, $fDistToHorizontalGridBeingHit, _ $iCastArc, $iCastColumn, _ $fScaleFactor, $fDist, _ $iTopOfWall, $iBottomOfWall, _ $iProjectedWallHeight Global _ $iXTemp, $iYTemp ;---------------------------------------------------- ;---------------------------------------------------- $hGUI = GUICreate($sTitle, $iWidth, $iHeight, -1, -1) GUICtrlSetColor(-1, 0xFF0000) GUISetState() Global $hLoopTimer = TimerInit() Global $iNextTick = TimerDiff($hLoopTimer) _Init() While ($bGameRunning) _GUILoop() _KeysLoop() _Engine_Render() $iOldTime = $iTime $iTime = TimerDiff($hSystemStartTimer) $iFrameTime = ($iTime - $iOldTime) / 1000 WinSetTitle($hGUI, "", $sTitle & " - FPS: " & Round(1 / $iFrameTime) & " X: " & $iPlayerPosX & " Y: " & $iPlayerPosY & " ARC: " & $iPlayerArc) WEnd _Shutdown() Func _GUILoop() Switch GUIGetMsg() Case $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE _Shutdown() EndSwitch EndFunc Func _KeysLoop() If _IsPressed("25") Then $iPlayerArc -= $iPlayerTurnSpeed If $iPlayerArc < $ANGLE_0 Then $iPlayerArc += $ANGLE_360 EndIf ElseIf _IsPressed("27") Then $iPlayerArc += $iPlayerTurnSpeed If $iPlayerArc >= $ANGLE_360 Then $iPlayerArc -= $ANGLE_360 EndIf EndIf $fPlayerDirX = $aCosTable[$iPlayerArc] $fPlayerDirY = $aSinTable[$iPlayerArc] If _IsPressed("26") Then $iPlayerPosX += Int($fPlayerDirX * $iPlayerMovementSpeed) $iPlayerPosY += Int($fPlayerDirY * $iPlayerMovementSpeed) If $iPlayerAnimation_WalkIndex == 0 Then $iProjectionPlaneYCenter += 2 If $iProjectionPlaneYCenter >= $iProjectionPlaneYCenterDef + 10 Then $iPlayerAnimation_WalkIndex = 1 EndIf Else $iProjectionPlaneYCenter -= 2 If $iProjectionPlaneYCenter <= $iProjectionPlaneYCenterDef - 10 Then $iPlayerAnimation_WalkIndex = 0 EndIf EndIf ElseIf _IsPressed("28") Then $iPlayerPosX -= Int($fPlayerDirX * $iPlayerMovementSpeed / 2) $iPlayerPosY -= Int($fPlayerDirY * $iPlayerMovementSpeed / 2) If $iPlayerAnimation_WalkIndex == 0 Then $iProjectionPlaneYCenter += 1 If $iProjectionPlaneYCenter >= $iProjectionPlaneYCenterDef + 10 Then $iPlayerAnimation_WalkIndex = 1 EndIf Else $iProjectionPlaneYCenter -= 1 If $iProjectionPlaneYCenter <= $iProjectionPlaneYCenterDef - 10 Then $iPlayerAnimation_WalkIndex = 0 EndIf EndIf EndIf #cs If _IsPressed("57") Then If $iProjectionPlaneYCenter < $iProjectionPlaneYCenterMax Then $iProjectionPlaneYCenter += 10 EndIf ElseIf _IsPressed("53") Then If $iProjectionPlaneYCenter > $iProjectionPlaneYCenterMin Then $iProjectionPlaneYCenter -= 10 EndIf Else ;;If $iProjectionPlaneYCenter > $iProjectionPlaneYCenterDef Then ;; $iProjectionPlaneYCenter = $iProjectionPlaneYCenterDef ;;Else ;; $iProjectionPlaneYCenter = $iProjectionPlaneYCenterDef ;;EndIf EndIf #ce EndFunc Func _Init() Global $hGraphic, $aGraphic, $hPen, $hBitmap, $hBuffer $hSystemStartTimer = TimerInit() _GDIPlus_Startup() $hGraphic = _GDIPlus_GraphicsCreateFromHWND($hGUI) $hBitmap = _GDIPlus_BitmapCreateFromGraphics($iWidth, $iHeight, $hGraphic) $hBuffer = _GDIPlus_ImageGetGraphicsContext($hBitmap) _GDIPlus_GraphicsSetSmoothingMode($hBuffer, 0) $hPen = _GDIPlus_BrushCreateSolid() _GDIPlus_GraphicsClear($hBuffer, 0xFFFFFFFF) _CreateOptTables() EndFunc Func _Shutdown() _GDIPlus_GraphicsDispose($hGraphic) _GDIPlus_BrushDispose($hPen) _GDIPlus_Shutdown() Exit EndFunc ;---------------------------------------------------- ; HELPER ;---------------------------------------------------- Func _ArcToRad($iArcAngle) Return $iArcAngle * $MATH_PI / $ANGLE_180 EndFunc Func _CreateOptTables() Local $i, $fRadian For $i = 0 To $ANGLE_360 $fRadian = _ArcToRad($i) + 0.0001 $aSinTable[$i] = Sin($fRadian) $aISinTable[$i] = 1 / $aSinTable[$i] $aCosTable[$i] = Cos($fRadian) $aICosTable[$i] = 1 / $aCosTable[$i] $aTanTable[$i] = Tan($fRadian) $aITanTable[$i] = 1 / $aTanTable[$i] If $i >= $ANGLE_90 And $i < $ANGLE_270 Then $aXStepTable[$i] = Round($iTileSize / $aTanTable[$i], 5) If $aXStepTable[$i] > 0 Then $aXStepTable[$i] = -$aXStepTable[$i] EndIf Else $aXStepTable[$i] = Round($iTileSize / $aTanTable[$i], 5) If $aXStepTable[$i] < 0 Then $aXStepTable[$i] = -$aXStepTable[$i] EndIf EndIf If $i >= $ANGLE_0 And $i < $ANGLE_180 Then $aYStepTable[$i] = Round($iTileSize * $aTanTable[$i], 5) If $aYStepTable[$i] < 0 Then $aYStepTable[$i] = -$aYStepTable[$i] EndIf Else $aYStepTable[$i] = Round($iTileSize * $aTanTable[$i], 5) If $aYStepTable[$i] > 0 Then $aYStepTable[$i] = -$aYStepTable[$i] EndIf EndIf Next For $i = -$ANGLE_30 To $ANGLE_30 $fRadian = _ArcToRad($i) $aFishTable[$i + $ANGLE_30] = Round(1 / Cos($fRadian), 7) Next EndFunc ;---------------------------------------------------- ;---------------------------------------------------- ; ENGINE ;---------------------------------------------------- ;---------------------------------------------------- ; ENGINE -> GRAPHIC ;---------------------------------------------------- Func _Engine_Graphic_DrawBackground() Local _ $iC = 25, _ $iR, $iF, _ $iSkyLength = $iHeight - $iProjectionPlaneYCenter For $iR = 0 To $iSkyLength - 1 Step 10 _GDIPlus_BrushSetSolidColor($hPen, "0xFF" & Hex($iC, 2) & Hex(125, 2) & Hex(225, 2)) _GDIPlus_GraphicsFillRect($hBuffer, 0, $iR, $iWidth, 10, $hPen) $iC += 5 Next $iC = 5 For $iF = $iR To $iHeight - 1 Step 15 _GDIPlus_BrushSetSolidColor($hPen, "0xFF" & Hex($iC, 2) & Hex(10, 2) & Hex(10, 2)) _GDIPlus_GraphicsFillRect($hBuffer, 0, $iF, $iWidth, 15, $hPen) $iC += 5 Next EndFunc ;---------------------------------------------------- Func _Engine_Render() _GDIPlus_GraphicsClear($hBuffer, 0xFFFFFFFF) _Engine_Graphic_DrawBackground() $iCastArc = $iPlayerArc $iCastArc -= $ANGLE_30 If $iCastArc < 0 Then $iCastArc = $ANGLE_360 + $iCastArc EndIf For $iCastColumn = 0 To $iWidth - 1 Step 5 If $iCastArc > $ANGLE_0 And $iCastArc < $ANGLE_180 Then $iGridHorizontal = Int($iPlayerPosY / $iTileSize) * $iTileSize + $iTileSize $iDistToNextHorizontalGrid = $iTileSize $iXTemp = $aITanTable[$iCastArc] * ($iGridHorizontal - $iPlayerPosY) $fXIntersection = $iXTemp + $iPlayerPosX Else $iGridHorizontal = Int($iPlayerPosY / $iTileSize) * $iTileSize $iDistToNextHorizontalGrid = -$iTileSize $iXTemp = $aITanTable[$iCastArc] * ($iGridHorizontal - $iPlayerPosY) $fXIntersection = $iXTemp + $iPlayerPosX $iGridHorizontal -= 1 EndIf If $iCastArc == $ANGLE_0 Or $iCastArc == $ANGLE_180 Then $fDistToHorizontalGridBeingHit = 9999999 Else $fDistToNextXIntersection = $aXStepTable[$iCastArc] While True $iGridIndexX = Int($fXIntersection / $iTileSize) $iGridIndexY = Int($iGridHorizontal / $iTileSize) If $iGridIndexX >= $iMapWidth Or $iGridIndexY >= $iMapHeight Or $iGridIndexX < 0 Or $iGridIndexY < 0 Then $fDistToHorizontalGridBeingHit = 9999999 ExitLoop ElseIf $aMap[$iGridIndexY][$iGridIndexX] <> $sMapIndex_Empty Then $fDistToHorizontalGridBeingHit = ($fXIntersection - $iPlayerPosX) * $aICosTable[$iCastArc] ExitLoop Else $fXIntersection += $fDistToNextXIntersection $iGridHorizontal += $iDistToNextHorizontalGrid EndIf WEnd EndIf If $iCastArc < $ANGLE_90 Or $iCastArc > $ANGLE_270 Then $iGridVertical = $iTileSize + Int($iPlayerPosX / $iTileSize) * $iTileSize $iDistToNextVerticalGrid = $iTileSize $iYTemp = $aTanTable[$iCastArc] * ($iGridVertical - $iPlayerPosX) $fYIntersection = $iYTemp + $iPlayerPosY Else $iGridVertical = Int($iPlayerPosX / $iTileSize) * $iTileSize $iDistToNextVerticalGrid = -$iTileSize $iYTemp = $aTanTable[$iCastArc] * ($iGridVertical - $iPlayerPosX) $fYIntersection = $iYTemp + $iPlayerPosY $iGridVertical -= 1 EndIf If $iCastArc == $ANGLE_90 Or $iCastArc == $ANGLE_270 Then $fDistToVerticalGridBeingHit = 9999999 Else $fDistToNextYIntersection = $aYStepTable[$iCastArc] While True $iGridIndexX = Int($iGridVertical / $iTileSize) $iGridIndexY = Int($fYIntersection / $iTileSize) If $iGridIndexX >= $iMapWidth Or $iGridIndexY >= $iMapHeight Or $iGridIndexX < 0 Or $iGridIndexY < 0 Then $fDistToVerticalGridBeingHit = 9999999 ExitLoop ElseIf $aMap[$iGridIndexY][$iGridIndexX] <> $sMapIndex_Empty Then $fDistToVerticalGridBeingHit = ($fYIntersection - $iPlayerPosY) * $aISinTable[$iCastArc] ExitLoop Else $fYIntersection += $fDistToNextYIntersection $iGridVertical += $iDistToNextVerticalGrid EndIf WEnd EndIf If $fDistToHorizontalGridBeingHit < $fDistToVerticalGridBeingHit Then $fDist = $fDistToHorizontalGridBeingHit ;_GDIPlus_BrushSetSolidColor($hPen, 0xFF444444) Else $fDist = $fDistToVerticalGridBeingHit ;_GDIPlus_BrushSetSolidColor($hPen, 0xFF343434) EndIf $fDist /= $aFishTable[$iCastColumn] $iProjectedWallHeight = Int($iWallHeight * $iPlayerDistanceToTheProjectPlane / $fDist) $iBottomOfWall = $iProjectionPlaneYCenter + Int($iProjectedWallHeight * 0.5) $iTopOfWall = $iHeight - $iBottomOfWall If $iBottomOfWall >= $iHeight Then $iBottomOfWall = $iHeight - 1 EndIf _GDIPlus_BrushSetSolidColor($hPen, "0xFF" & Hex(Int($iProjectedWallHeight / 4), 2) & Hex(Int($iProjectedWallHeight / 4), 2) & Hex(Int($iProjectedWallHeight / 4), 2)) _GDIPlus_GraphicsFillRect($hBuffer, $iCastColumn, $iTopOfWall, 5, $iProjectedWallHeight, $hPen) $iCastArc += 5 If $iCastArc >= $ANGLE_360 Then $iCastArc -= $ANGLE_360 EndIf Next $iPlayerMovementSpeed = Round(1 / $iFrameTime) / 3 $iPlayerTurnSpeed = Round(1 / $iFrameTime) * 2 _GDIPlus_GraphicsDrawImageRect($hGraphic, $hBitmap, 0, 0, $iWidth, $iHeight) EndFunc ;---------------------------------------------------- Articles and code samples i used: http://lodev.org/cgtutor/raycasting.html http://www.permadi.com/java/rayc/Rayc.java
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