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Found 4 results

  1. <NEWBIE ALERT> Is it possible to unzip a zip file in Autoit without using a dll! My script downloads a zip file to a temporary directory (successfully) and it must be unzipped to (Or moved to after unzip) another a folder which just happens to be @scriptdir & "file.exe" Thanks in advance
  2. Hello all! I have run into a bit of trouble with a project that I am working on. I currently have an autoit file calling a java script to go out and retrieve the latest install of X from an FTP Server. It works great! Well the problem I am running into now is since the file I grab is zipped I have to unzip so then I can run the installation for X. I thought I had found a way using 7-zip but I keep getting an error even if I try to run the installation myself saying "Error: Error loading XML file.. This application will now close." If I extract the files using windows explorer I am able to install the program. I have my autoit file calling this .bat file and as a result I am unable to load from the unzipped folder due to this error loading XML file. cd "C:\Program Files (x86)\7-zip" 7z e "C:\Users\NTS User\Documents\AutoInstall\XInstall.zip" -o"C:\Users\NTS User\Desktop\Autoit\X" -y Am I missing something with this? If anyone could provide insight I would deeply appreciate it. Thanks again! Richard P.S. If I forgot to include anything just let me know!
  3. There is a way to unzip a file without using other party software, or can I include 7zip without licensing issues, Thx
  4. Very simple: I had seen many examples of unzipping files (Zip) archive, but most of those example where using either some external .dll or are performing the job with the progress bar. Here is a small example how you can unzip your files without any external libraries and without any progress bar $ZipFile5="C:\file.zip" $ExtractTo5="C:\folder" $objShell5 = ObjCreate ("Shell.Application") $FilesInZip5=$objShell5.NameSpace($ZipFile5).items $objShell5.NameSpace($ExtractTo5).CopyHere($FilesInZip5,0x4)Enjoy
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