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Found 3 results

  1. #Include <WinAPI.au3> local $ClassName = _WinAPI_GetClassName(WinGetHandle(WinGetTitle("[ACTIVE]"))) ControlClick(WinGetTitle("[ACTIVE]"), "", "[CLASS:"&$ClassName&"; INSTANCE:1]", "primary") When I am running this script it just gives me a ConsoleWrite output of "0x001D04A8" When using "AutoIT v3 Window Info" all the info I need for the ControlClick is there and displayed perfectly as if I typed it in normally. Upon click the button it should be clicking it, I see the following inn the console window: If I replace the $ClassName with the actual ClassName of "WindowsForms10.BUTTON.app.0.3296db7_r14_ad1" it works just fine, any ideas???
  2. Hi All, I run multiple AutoIT scripts concurrently, is there a way of distinguishing between them? When I look under Details in task manager I just see a bunch of "AutoIt3.exe" processes. Under the processes tab I again just see a bunch of "AutoIt v3 Script" or "AutoIt v3 Script (32 bit)" applications. When I hover my mouse over the tray icon I can see the tooltip "AutoIt - Current Time.au3" but am not sure how to reference this. For example if I run a script called "Current Time.au3", how can I determine from another au3 script if this "Current Time.au3" script is running and grab it's handle (using WinGetHandle() or similar)? Following from that l'd even like to pause/resume the script, if that's possible.. Cheers!
  3. If I run the following code in SciTE, I get the first seven characters of the title. But if I run its executable, I got a "0" in the msgbox. What am I missing?
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