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I would like to create a script to install multiple exe files,this is used for post server build.

I am very new to AUTOIT

Please help to create this script.

Appreciate for your help.


Well, what you could do is create an installation script for ever exe you want to install, if each of them use a GUI installation process.

If not, then all you need to do is make a script that will call each exe sequentially, waiting for the previous one to finish before calling the next one.


Hi Fujitsu...

don't re-invent the wheel - just use my installer:

;#  Christoph Herdeg, March 2009
;#  http://www.cs-it-solutions.de

#include <Array.au3>

$s_OSver = @OSVersion
$i_OSbits = _OSBits()
$s_LineBreak = @CRLF
$s_IniFileName = "U-S-I.ini"
If FileExists($s_IniFileName) = 0 Then 
    MsgBox(64, "cs/IT Unattended Software Installer", "The INI-File is missing...", 5)
$a_IniSoftware = IniReadSection($s_IniFileName, "SOFTWARE")
_ArrayDelete($a_IniSoftware, 0)


; Install software
; ==================================================================================================
Func _InstallSoftware($a_IniSoftware)
    $s_SoftwareShare = $a_IniSoftware[0][1]
    _ArrayDelete($a_IniSoftware, 0)
    $a_TempSoftware = $a_IniSoftware
    Local $s_CMD, $i_PID
    For $i_i=0 to UBound($a_IniSoftware) -1 Step +2
        If StringInStr($a_TempSoftware[$i_i][1], "OS_Version") > 0 Then $a_TempSoftware[$i_i][1] = StringReplace($a_TempSoftware[$i_i][1], "OS_Version", $s_OSver)
        If StringInStr($a_TempSoftware[$i_i][1], "OS_Bits") > 0 Then $a_TempSoftware[$i_i][1] = StringReplace($a_TempSoftware[$i_i][1], "OS_Bits", $i_OSbits)
        $s_File = $s_SoftwareShare & "\" & $a_TempSoftware[$i_i][1]
        If FileExists($s_File) Then
            If StringInStr($s_File, ".msi") Then
                $s_CMD = "msiexec /i " & $s_SoftwareShare & "\" & $a_TempSoftware[$i_i][1] & " " & $a_TempSoftware[$i_i +1][1]
                $s_CMD = $s_SoftwareShare & "\" & $a_TempSoftware[$i_i][1] & " " & $a_TempSoftware[$i_i +1][1]
            $i_PID = RunWait($s_CMD, "", @SW_HIDE)
            MsgBox(64, "cs/IT Unattended Software Installer", "There is no file: " & $s_LineBreak & $s_LineBreak & $s_CMD & $s_LineBreak & $s_LineBreak & "Probably there is no version for " & $s_OSver & ", x" & $i_OSbits, 5)
EndFunc   ;==>_InstallSoftware

; Function _OSBits()
; ==============================================================================================
Func _OSBits()
    Local $tOS = DllStructCreate("char[256]")
    Local $aGSWD = DllCall("Kernel32.dll", "int", "GetSystemWow64Directory", "ptr", DllStructGetPtr($tOS), "int", 256)
    If IsArray($aGSWD) And DllStructGetData($tOS, 1) Then Return 64
    Return 32
EndFunc   ;==>_OSBits

You will also need the INI-File ("U-S-I.ini"):

;# SOFTWARE Settings Section
;# The parameter "SoftwareShare" has as value the UNC-Name of the share
;# where all software packages to be installed by this program reside in,
;# e.g. "\\Server\Share\Directory".
;# If you move the contents of this share to another location, please
;# keep the existing directory structure (means: Do only move the whole
;# directory with all content).
;# A software package is defined by two parameters. The "App_N_File"-para-
;# meter contains the name of the application to install and as value its
;# filename, the "App_N_Para"-parameter contains as value the commandline
;# options to setup the application unattended. If the respective appli-
;# cation installer doesn't need options, leave the "App_N_Para"-parameter
;# empty.
;# If there are different versions of one application for several OS'ses,
;# they have to be put in a directory structure like:
;# "Application-Name\OS_Version\OS_Bits\installer-filename"
;# E.g. for the 64bit Version of some ominous "Mozilla Thunderbird for
;# Windows Vista" the "App_N_File"-parameter would have the value:
;# "Thunderbird\OS_Version\OS_Bits\thunderbird-installer.exe"
;# The file would have to reside at the following directory:
;# "\\server\filestore\Thunderbird\WIN_VISTA\64\thunderbird-installer.exe"
;# You can define as many Software packages as you want; the number is
;# covered by reading the whole section, not only singe parameters. If a
;# software is available only as a Microsoft Installer package (.msi),
;# the utility recognizes it and does the installation via "msiexec /i".
;# One flaw is that the installer-filename has to be the same for each
;# version of an application. Of course you could define, e.g. the VISTA-
;# and the XP-Versions as seperate packages...but that would be boring.

; Cygwin/SSH

; NagiosAgent

; Adobe Acobat Reader
App_2_Para=/sALL /rs /rps

; Symantec AntiVirus
App_3_Para=/S /v/qn

; Famatech Remote Admin
App_4_Para=/S /v/qn

; Microsoft SupportTools

If you have questions, ask them.



  • 2 weeks later...

I would like to create a script to install multiple exe files,this is used for post server build.

I am very new to AUTOIT

Please help to create this script.

Appreciate for your help.

i would try a handy little program called windows post installer.

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