Regency Posted October 26, 2009 Share Posted October 26, 2009 So, I have this working if i were to put messagebox's in, but when ini commands were inserted, it skips if statements and doesnt check them. i have it looping back if it doesnt find what it should, but i know it does, and yet it still loops back. expandcollapse popup#AutoIt3Wrapper_Run_Debug_Mode=Y #include<IE.au3> Global $a[45] Global $First = '' Global $Second = '' Global $Third = '' Global $Fourth = '' Global $Fifth = '' $TMN = _IECreate("Taken Out So Google Doesnt Tag", 0, 1, 1, 1) WinSetState($TMN, "", @SW_MAXIMIZE) _IELoadWait($TMN) Sleep(1000) Pixel() Func Pixel() ;First Number $a[0] = PixelGetColor(527, 146);top $a[1] = PixelGetColor(527, 148); $a[2] = PixelGetColor(526, 150);middle $a[3] = PixelGetColor(526, 151);middle $a[4] = PixelGetColor(526, 152); $a[5] = PixelGetColor(527, 154); $a[6] = PixelGetColor(527, 156);bottom $a[7] = PixelGetColor(523, 151);left $a[8] = PixelGetColor(529, 151);right ;second number $a[9] = PixelGetColor(536, 146) $a[10] = PixelGetColor(536, 148) $a[11] = PixelGetColor(535, 150) $a[12] = PixelGetColor(535, 151) $a[13] = PixelGetColor(535, 152) $a[14] = PixelGetColor(536, 154) $a[15] = PixelGetColor(536, 156) $a[16] = PixelGetColor(532, 151) $a[17] = PixelGetColor(538, 151) ;third number $a[18] = PixelGetColor(545, 146) $a[19] = PixelGetColor(545, 148) $a[20] = PixelGetColor(544, 150) $a[21] = PixelGetColor(544, 151) $a[22] = PixelGetColor(544, 152) $a[23] = PixelGetColor(545, 154) $a[24] = PixelGetColor(545, 156) $a[25] = PixelGetColor(541, 151) $a[26] = PixelGetColor(547, 151) ;fourth number $a[27] = PixelGetColor(554, 146) $a[28] = PixelGetColor(554, 148) $a[29] = PixelGetColor(553, 150) $a[30] = PixelGetColor(553, 151) $a[31] = PixelGetColor(553, 152) $a[32] = PixelGetColor(554, 154) $a[33] = PixelGetColor(554, 156) $a[34] = PixelGetColor(550, 151) $a[35] = PixelGetColor(556, 151) ;fifth number $a[36] = PixelGetColor(563, 146) $a[37] = PixelGetColor(563, 148) $a[38] = PixelGetColor(562, 150) $a[39] = PixelGetColor(562, 151) $a[40] = PixelGetColor(562, 152) $a[41] = PixelGetColor(563, 154) $a[42] = PixelGetColor(563, 156) $a[43] = PixelGetColor(559, 151) $a[44] = PixelGetColor(565, 151) First() EndFunc ;==>Pixel Func First() ;If 0 = 0 Then; 0 --- ; $First = IniWrite("Captcha.ini","First","First","0") ; Second() If $a[7] = 12763842 Then; 1 --Done $a[1] = 16777215 & $First = IniWrite("Captcha.ini", "First", "First", "1") $First1 = IniRead("Captcha.ini", "First", "First", "Not Found") sleep(900) $Verify = _IEGetObjById($TMN, "myScriptTest_txtVerify") _IEFormElementSetValue($Verify, $First1) Second() ElseIf $a[7] = 12171705 Then; 2---Done $First = IniWrite("Captcha.ini", "First", "First", "2") $First1 = IniRead("Captcha.ini", "First", "First", "Not Found") sleep(900) $Verify = _IEGetObjById($TMN, "myScriptTest_txtVerify") _IEFormElementSetValue($Verify, $First1) Second() ElseIf $a[7] = 13355979 Then; 3--- Done $First = IniWrite("Captcha.ini", "First", "First", "3") $First1 = IniRead("Captcha.ini", "First", "First", "Not Found") sleep(900) $Verify = _IEGetObjById($TMN, "myScriptTest_txtVerify") _IEFormElementSetValue($Verify, $First1) Second() ElseIf $a[5] = 15987699 & $a[7] = 12434877 Then; 4 --Done $First = IniWrite("Captcha.ini", "First", "First", "4") $First1 = IniRead("Captcha.ini", "First", "First", "Not Found") sleep(900) $Verify = _IEGetObjById($TMN, "myScriptTest_txtVerify") _IEFormElementSetValue($Verify, $First1) Second() ElseIf $a[7] = 15527148 Then; 5--- Done $First = IniWrite("Captcha.ini", "First", "First", "5") $First1 = IniRead("Captcha.ini", "First", "First", "Not Found") sleep(900) $Verify = _IEGetObjById($TMN, "myScriptTest_txtVerify") _IEFormElementSetValue($Verify, $First1) Second() ElseIf $a[1] = 12829635 & $a[7] = 15856113 Then; 6---Done $First = IniWrite("Captcha.ini", "First", "First", "6") $First1 = IniRead("Captcha.ini", "First", "First", "Not Found") sleep(900) $Verify = _IEGetObjById($TMN, "myScriptTest_txtVerify") _IEFormElementSetValue($Verify, $First1) Second() ElseIf $a[7] = 12961221 Then; 7---Done $First = IniWrite("Captcha.ini", "First", "First", "7") $First1 = IniRead("Captcha.ini", "First", "First", "Not Found") sleep(900) $Verify = _IEGetObjById($TMN, "myScriptTest_txtVerify") _IEFormElementSetValue($Verify, $First1) Second() ElseIf $a[7] = 13421772 Then; 8---Done $First = IniWrite("Captcha.ini", "First", "First", "8") $First1 = IniRead("Captcha.ini", "First", "First", "Not Found") sleep(900) $Verify = _IEGetObjById($TMN, "myScriptTest_txtVerify") _IEFormElementSetValue($Verify, $First1) Second() ElseIf $a[7] = 15461355 & $a[4] = 16250871 Then; 9-- Done $First = IniWrite("Captcha.ini", "First", "First", "9") $First1 = IniRead("Captcha.ini", "First", "First", "Not Found") sleep(900) $Verify = _IEGetObjById($TMN, "myScriptTest_txtVerify") _IEFormElementSetValue($Verify, $First1) Second() Else First() EndIf EndFunc ;==>First Func Second() If $a[12] = 12303291 & $a[13] = 9474192 & $a[14] = 11184810 & $a[15] = 15329769 & $a[16] = 15724527 Then; 0 ---Done $Second = IniWrite("Captcha.ini", "Second", "Second", "0") $Second1 = IniRead("Captcha.ini", "Second", "Second", "Not Found") sleep(900) $Verify = _IEGetObjById($TMN, "myScriptTest_txtVerify") _IEFormElementSetValue($Verify, $Second1) Third() ElseIf $a[9] = 15592941 & $a[12] = 11645361 & $a[13] = 10066329 & $a[14] = 16777215 & $a[17] = 13421772 Then; 1 ---Done $Second = IniWrite("Captcha.ini", "Second", "Second", "1") $Second1 = IniRead("Captcha.ini", "Second", "Second", "Not Found") $Verify = _IEGetObjById($TMN, "myScriptTest_txtVerify") _IEFormElementSetValue($Verify, $Second1) sleep(900) Third() ElseIf $a[9] = 16382457 & $a[10] = 12566463 & $a[11] = 13027014 & $a[12] = 11711154 & $a[13] = 11974326 Then; 2---Done $Second = IniWrite("Captcha.ini", "Second", "Second", "2") $Second1 = IniRead("Captcha.ini", "Second", "Second", "Not Found") sleep(900) $Verify = _IEGetObjById($TMN, "myScriptTest_txtVerify") _IEFormElementSetValue($Verify, $Second1) Third() ElseIf $a[9] = 15987699 & $a[10] = 11842740 & $a[11] = 15395562 & $a[12] = 16053492 & $a[13] = 9803157 Then; 3---Done $Second = IniWrite("Captcha.ini", "Second", "Second", "3") $Second1 = IniRead("Captcha.ini", "Second", "Second", "Not Found") sleep(900) $Verify = _IEGetObjById($TMN, "myScriptTest_txtVerify") _IEFormElementSetValue($Verify, $Second1) Third() ElseIf $a[9] = 13027014 & $a[11] = 16711422 & $a[16] = 12040119 Then; 4 --Done $Second = IniWrite("Captcha.ini", "Second", "Second", "4") $Second1 = IniRead("Captcha.ini", "Second", "Second", "Not Found") sleep(900) $Verify = _IEGetObjById($TMN, "myScriptTest_txtVerify") _IEFormElementSetValue($Verify, $Second1) Third() ElseIf $a[9] = 16448250 & $a[12] = 15921906 & $a[13] = 10263708 & $a[14] = 12303291 & $a[17] = 16579836 Then; 5---Done $Second = IniWrite("Captcha.ini", "Second", "Second", "5") $Second1 = IniRead("Captcha.ini", "Second", "Second", "Not Found") sleep(900) $Verify = _IEGetObjById($TMN, "myScriptTest_txtVerify") _IEFormElementSetValue($Verify, $Second1) Third() ElseIf $a[9] = 16316664 Then; 6--- $Second = IniWrite("Captcha.ini", "Second", "Second", "6") $Second1 = IniRead("Captcha.ini", "Second", "Second", "Not Found") sleep(900) $Verify = _IEGetObjById($TMN, "myScriptTest_txtVerify") _IEFormElementSetValue($Verify, $Second1) Third() ElseIf $a[9] = 15724527 & $a[12] = 15198183 & $a[17] = 15198183 Or $a[12] = 14737632 & $a[13] = 15132390 Then; 7---Done $Second = IniWrite("Captcha.ini", "Second", "Second", "7") $Second1 = IniRead("Captcha.ini", "Second", "Second", "Not Found") sleep(900) $Verify = _IEGetObjById($TMN, "myScriptTest_txtVerify") _IEFormElementSetValue($Verify, $Second1) Third() ElseIf $a[9] = 16316664 Then; 8---Done $Second = IniWrite("Captcha.ini", "Second", "Second", "8") $Second1 = IniRead("Captcha.ini", "Second", "Second", "Not Found") sleep(900) $Verify = _IEGetObjById($TMN, "myScriptTest_txtVerify") _IEFormElementSetValue($Verify, $Second1) Third() ElseIf $a[17] = 16777215 Then; 9 --- $Second = IniWrite("Captcha.ini", "Second", "Second", "9") $Second1 = IniRead("Captcha.ini", "Second", "Second", "Not Found") sleep(900) $Verify = _IEGetObjById($TMN, "myScriptTest_txtVerify") _IEFormElementSetValue($Verify, $Second1) Third() Else First() EndIf EndFunc ;==>Second Func Third() If $a[18] = 15592941 & $a[19] = 12369084 & $a[26] = 16382457 & $a[25] = 16579836 Then; 0 ---Done $Third = IniWrite("Captcha.ini", "Third", "Third", "0") $Third1 = IniRead("Captcha.ini", "Third", "Third", "Not Found") sleep(900) $Verify = _IEGetObjById($TMN, "myScriptTest_txtVerify") _IEFormElementSetValue($Verify, $Third1) Fourth() ElseIf $a[18] = 15461355 & $a[19] = 16777215 & $a[26] = 10987431 & $a[25] = 12632256 Then; 1 ---Done $Third = IniWrite("Captcha.ini", "Third", "Third", "1") $Third1 = IniRead("Captcha.ini", "Third", "Third", "Not Found") sleep(900) $Verify = _IEGetObjById($TMN, "myScriptTest_txtVerify") _IEFormElementSetValue($Verify, $Third1) Fourth() ElseIf $a[18] = 15724527 & $a[19] = 12040119 & $a[26] = 16777215 & $a[25] = 12895428 Then; 2---Done $Third = IniWrite("Captcha.ini", "Third", "Third", "2") $Third1 = IniRead("Captcha.ini", "Third", "Third", "Not Found") sleep(900) $Verify = _IEGetObjById($TMN, "myScriptTest_txtVerify") _IEFormElementSetValue($Verify, $Third1) Fourth() ElseIf $a[18] = 16579836 & $a[19] = 10592673 & $a[26] = 15856113 & $a[24] = 16382457 Then; 3---Done $Third = IniWrite("Captcha.ini", "Third", "Third", "3") $Third1 = IniRead("Captcha.ini", "Third", "Third", "Not Found") sleep(900) $Verify = _IEGetObjById($TMN, "myScriptTest_txtVerify") _IEFormElementSetValue($Verify, $Third1) Fourth() ;ElseIf $11 = 14145495 Then; 4 -- ; $Third = IniWrite("Captcha.ini","Third","Third","4") ;$Third1 = IniRead("Captcha.ini", "Third", "Third", "Not Found") ;sleep(900) ;$Verify = _IEGetObjById($TMN, "myScriptTest_txtVerify") ;_IEFormElementSetValue($Verify, $Third1) ; Fourth() ElseIf $a[18] = 15527148 & $a[19] = 11711154 & $a[26] = 16316664 & $a[25] = 15461355 Then; 5---Done $Third = IniWrite("Captcha.ini", "Third", "Third", "5") $Third1 = IniRead("Captcha.ini", "Third", "Third", "Not Found") sleep(900) $Verify = _IEGetObjById($TMN, "myScriptTest_txtVerify") _IEFormElementSetValue($Verify, $Third1) Fourth() ElseIf $a[18] = 16382457 & $a[19] = 11974326 & $a[26] = 16448250 & $a[24] = 16185078 Then; 6---Done $Third = IniWrite("Captcha.ini", "Third", "Third", "6") $Third1 = IniRead("Captcha.ini", "Third", "Third", "Not Found") sleep(900) $Verify = _IEGetObjById($TMN, "myScriptTest_txtVerify") _IEFormElementSetValue($Verify, $Third1) Fourth() ElseIf $a[18] = 15856113 & $a[19] = 13092807 & $a[26] = 11908533 & $a[24] = 13224393 Then; 7---Done $Third = IniWrite("Captcha.ini", "Third", "Third", "7") $Third1 = IniRead("Captcha.ini", "Third", "Third", "Not Found") sleep(900) $Verify = _IEGetObjById($TMN, "myScriptTest_txtVerify") _IEFormElementSetValue($Verify, $Third1) Fourth() ElseIf $a[18] = 15987699 & $a[19] = 12040119 & $a[26] = 14869218 & $a[24] = 16185078 Then; 8---Done $Third = IniWrite("Captcha.ini", "Third", "Third", "8") $Third1 = IniRead("Captcha.ini", "Third", "Third", "Not Found") sleep(900) $Verify = _IEGetObjById($TMN, "myScriptTest_txtVerify") _IEFormElementSetValue($Verify, $Third1) Fourth() ElseIf $a[18] = 15658734 & $a[19] = 12698049 & $a[26] = 16448250 & $a[24] = 15395562 Then; 9--Done $Third = IniWrite("Captcha.ini", "Third", "Third", "9") $Third1 = IniRead("Captcha.ini", "Third", "Third", "Not Found") sleep(900) $Verify = _IEGetObjById($TMN, "myScriptTest_txtVerify") _IEFormElementSetValue($Verify, $Third1) Fourth() Else First() EndIf EndFunc ;==>Third Func Fourth() If $a[27] = 15921906 & $a[28] = 12303291 & $a[35] = 16777215 & $a[34] = 16053492 Then; 0 ---Done $Fourth = IniWrite("Captcha.ini", "Fourth", "Fourth", "0") $Fourth1 = IniRead("Captcha.ini", "Fourth", "Fourth", "Not Found") sleep(900) $Verify = _IEGetObjById($TMN, "myScriptTest_txtVerify") _IEFormElementSetValue($Verify, $Fourth1) Fifth() ElseIf $a[27] = 15461355 & $a[28] = 16777215 & $a[35] = 12237498 & $a[34] = 12237498 Then; 1 ---Done $Fourth = IniWrite("Captcha.ini", "Fourth", "Fourth", "1") $Fourth1 = IniRead("Captcha.ini", "Fourth", "Fourth", "Not Found") sleep(900) $Verify = _IEGetObjById($TMN, "myScriptTest_txtVerify") _IEFormElementSetValue($Verify, $Fourth1) Fifth() ElseIf $a[27] = 16250871 & $a[28] = 12040119 & $a[35] = 16250871 & $a[34] = 12434877 Then; 2---Done $Fourth = IniWrite("Captcha.ini", "Fourth", "Fourth", "2") $Fourth1 = IniRead("Captcha.ini", "Fourth", "Fourth", "Not Found") sleep(900) $Verify = _IEGetObjById($TMN, "myScriptTest_txtVerify") _IEFormElementSetValue($Verify, $Fourth1) Fifth() ElseIf $a[27] = 16579836 & $a[28] = 11579568 & $a[35] = 16119285 & $a[34] = 13158600 Then; 3---Done $Fourth = IniWrite("Captcha.ini", "Fourth", "Fourth", "3") $Fourth1 = IniRead("Captcha.ini", "Fourth", "Fourth", "Not Found") sleep(900) $Verify = _IEGetObjById($TMN, "myScriptTest_txtVerify") _IEFormElementSetValue($Verify, $Fourth1) Fifth() ElseIf $a[27] = 13355979 & $a[28] = 16053492 & $a[35] = 16185078 & $a[34] = 11908533 Then; 4 --Done $Fourth = IniWrite("Captcha.ini", "Fourth", "Fourth", "4") $Fourth1 = IniRead("Captcha.ini", "Fourth", "Fourth", "Not Found") sleep(900) $Verify = _IEGetObjById($TMN, "myScriptTest_txtVerify") _IEFormElementSetValue($Verify, $Fourth1) Fifth() ElseIf $a[27] = 16053492 & $a[28] = 12566463 & $a[35] = 15856113 & $a[34] = 15921906 Then; 5---Done $Fourth = IniWrite("Captcha.ini", "Fourth", "Fourth", "5") $Fourth1 = IniRead("Captcha.ini", "Fourth", "Fourth", "Not Found") sleep(900) $Verify = _IEGetObjById($TMN, "myScriptTest_txtVerify") _IEFormElementSetValue($Verify, $Fourth1) Fifth() ElseIf $a[27] = 16119285 & $a[28] = 12500670 & $a[35] = 16448250 & $a[34] = 15724527 Then; 6---Done $Fourth = IniWrite("Captcha.ini", "Fourth", "Fourth", "6") $Fourth1 = IniRead("Captcha.ini", "Fourth", "Fourth", "Not Found") sleep(900) $Verify = _IEGetObjById($TMN, "myScriptTest_txtVerify") _IEFormElementSetValue($Verify, $Fourth1) Fifth() ElseIf $a[27] = 15724527 & $a[28] = 13619151 & $a[35] = 12369084 & $a[34] = 12237498 Then; 7---Done $Fourth = IniWrite("Captcha.ini", "Fourth", "Fourth", "7") $Fourth1 = IniRead("Captcha.ini", "Fourth", "Fourth", "Not Found") sleep(900) $Verify = _IEGetObjById($TMN, "myScriptTest_txtVerify") _IEFormElementSetValue($Verify, $Fourth1) Fifth() ElseIf $a[27] = 16053492 & $a[28] = 12566463 & $a[35] = 15395562 & $a[34] = 12434877 Then; 8---Done $Fourth = IniWrite("Captcha.ini", "Fourth", "Fourth", "8") $Fourth1 = IniRead("Captcha.ini", "Fourth", "Fourth", "Not Found") sleep(900) $Verify = _IEGetObjById($TMN, "myScriptTest_txtVerify") _IEFormElementSetValue($Verify, $Fourth1) Fifth() ElseIf $a[27] = 16119285 & $a[28] = 12698049 & $a[35] = 16645629 & $a[34] = 15329769 Then; 9--Done $Fourth = IniWrite("Captcha.ini", "Fourth", "Fourth", "9") $Fourth1 = IniRead("Captcha.ini", "Fourth", "Fourth", "Not Found") sleep(900) $Verify = _IEGetObjById($TMN, "myScriptTest_txtVerify") _IEFormElementSetValue($Verify, $Fourth1) Fifth() Else First() EndIf EndFunc ;==>Fourth Func Fifth() If $a[36] = 16382457 & $a[37] = 11842740 & $a[44] = 15856113 & $a[43] = 15658734 Then; 0 ---Done $Fifth = IniWrite("Captcha.ini", "Fifth", "Fifth", "0") $Fifth1 = IniRead("Captcha.ini", "Fifth", "Fifth", "Not Found") sleep(900) $Verify = _IEGetObjById($TMN, "myScriptTest_txtVerify") _IEFormElementSetValue($Verify, $Fifth1) ElseIf $a[36] = 15790320 & $a[37] = 16777215 & $a[44] = 12237498 & $a[43] = 12961221 Then; 1 ---Done $Fifth = IniWrite("Captcha.ini", "Fifth", "Fifth", "1") $Fifth1 = IniRead("Captcha.ini", "Fifth", "Fifth", "Not Found") sleep(900) $Verify = _IEGetObjById($TMN, "myScriptTest_txtVerify") _IEFormElementSetValue($Verify, $Fifth1) ElseIf $a[36] = 16316664 & $a[37] = 11776947 & $a[44] = 16777215 & $a[43] = 12369084 Then; 2---Done $Fifth = IniWrite("Captcha.ini", "Fifth", "Fifth", "2") $Fifth1 = IniRead("Captcha.ini", "Fifth", "Fifth", "Not Found") sleep(900) $Verify = _IEGetObjById($TMN, "myScriptTest_txtVerify") _IEFormElementSetValue($Verify, $Fifth1) ElseIf $a[36] = 16316664 & $a[37] = 10921638 & $a[44] = 16645629 & $a[43] = 13158600 Then; 3---Done $Fifth = IniWrite("Captcha.ini", "Fifth", "Fifth", "3") $Fifth1 = IniRead("Captcha.ini", "Fifth", "Fifth", "Not Found") sleep(900) $Verify = _IEGetObjById($TMN, "myScriptTest_txtVerify") _IEFormElementSetValue($Verify, $Fifth1) ElseIf $a[36] = 13027014 & $a[37] = 16645629 & $a[44] = 16448250 & $a[43] = 12698049 Then; 4 --Done $Fifth = IniWrite("Captcha.ini", "Fifth", "Fifth", "4") $Fifth1 = IniRead("Captcha.ini", "Fifth", "Fifth", "Not Found") sleep(900) $Verify = _IEGetObjById($TMN, "myScriptTest_txtVerify") _IEFormElementSetValue($Verify, $Fifth1) ElseIf $a[36] = 16382457 & $a[37] = 11711154 & $a[44] = 15724527 & $a[43] = 15856113 Then; 5---Done $Fifth = IniWrite("Captcha.ini", "Fifth", "Fifth", "5") $Fifth1 = IniRead("Captcha.ini", "Fifth", "Fifth", "Not Found") sleep(900) $Verify = _IEGetObjById($TMN, "myScriptTest_txtVerify") _IEFormElementSetValue($Verify, $Fifth1) ElseIf $a[36] = 15921906 & $a[37] = 11579568 & $a[44] = 16316664 & $a[43] = 15856113 Then; 6---Done $Fifth = IniWrite("Captcha.ini", "Fifth", "Fifth", "6") $Fifth1 = IniRead("Captcha.ini", "Fifth", "Fifth", "Not Found") sleep(900) $Verify = _IEGetObjById($TMN, "myScriptTest_txtVerify") _IEFormElementSetValue($Verify, $Fifth1) ElseIf $a[36] = 16448250 & $a[37] = 12303291 & $a[44] = 12566463 & $a[43] = 12698049 Then; 7---Done $Fifth = IniWrite("Captcha.ini", "Fifth", "Fifth", "7") $Fifth1 = IniRead("Captcha.ini", "Fifth", "Fifth", "Not Found") sleep(900) $Verify = _IEGetObjById($TMN, "myScriptTest_txtVerify") _IEFormElementSetValue($Verify, $Fifth1) ElseIf $a[36] = 16185078 & $a[37] = 11316396 & $a[44] = 14869218 & $a[43] = 12566463 Then; 8---Done $Fifth = IniWrite("Captcha.ini", "Fifth", "Fifth", "8") $Fifth1 = IniRead("Captcha.ini", "Fifth", "Fifth", "Not Found") sleep(900) $Verify = _IEGetObjById($TMN, "myScriptTest_txtVerify") _IEFormElementSetValue($Verify, $Fifth1) ElseIf $a[36] = 15921906 & $a[37] = 11776947 & $a[44] = 16777215 & $a[43] = 14671839 Then; 9 $Fifth = IniWrite("Captcha.ini", "Fifth", "Fifth", "9") $Fifth1 = IniRead("Captcha.ini", "Fifth", "Fifth", "Not Found") sleep(900) $Verify = _IEGetObjById($TMN, "myScriptTest_txtVerify") _IEFormElementSetValue($Verify, $Fifth1) Else First() EndIf;### Tidy Error -> func is never closed in your script. EndFunc ;==>Fifth and the log that comes up whilist being run, 0077: 0-0: If $a[7] = 12763842 Then; 1 --Done $a[1] = 16777215 & 0127: 0-0: $First = IniWrite("Captcha.ini", "First", "First", "8") 0128: 0-0: $First1 = IniRead("Captcha.ini", "First", "First", "Not Found") 0129: 0-0: sleep(900) 0130: 0-0: $Verify = _IEGetObjById($TMN, "myScriptTest_txtVerify") 0131: 0-0: _IEFormElementSetValue($Verify, $First1) 0132: 0-0: Second() 0145: 0-0: If $a[12] = 12303291 & $a[13] = 9474192 & $a[14] = 11184810 & $a[15] = 15329769 & $a[16] = 15724527 Then; 0 ---Done 0216: 0-0: First() 0077: 0-0: If $a[7] = 12763842 Then; 1 --Done $a[1] = 16777215 & 0127: 0-0: $First = IniWrite("Captcha.ini", "First", "First", "8") 0128: 0-0: $First1 = IniRead("Captcha.ini", "First", "First", "Not Found") 0129: 0-0: sleep(900) 0130: 0-0: $Verify = _IEGetObjById($TMN, "myScriptTest_txtVerify") 0131: 0-0: _IEFormElementSetValue($Verify, $First1) 0132: 0-0: Second() 0145: 0-0: If $a[12] = 12303291 & $a[13] = 9474192 & $a[14] = 11184810 & $a[15] = 15329769 & $a[16] = 15724527 Then; 0 ---Done 0216: 0-0: First() 0077: 0-0: If $a[7] = 12763842 Then; 1 --Done $a[1] = 16777215 & 0127: 0-0: $First = IniWrite("Captcha.ini", "First", "First", "8") 0128: 0-0: $First1 = IniRead("Captcha.ini", "First", "First", "Not Found") 0129: 0-0: sleep(900) 0130: 0-0: $Verify = _IEGetObjById($TMN, "myScriptTest_txtVerify") 0131: 0-0: _IEFormElementSetValue($Verify, $First1) 0132: 0-0: Second() and it repeats over and over, what have i done wrong to have this work wrong? any help would be appreciated Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
martin Posted October 26, 2009 Share Posted October 26, 2009 I haven't studied your script but when you read an ini key you get a string. If you want to compare that to a number then convert it to a number first with Number($SomeString) Serial port communications UDF Includes functions for binary transmission and reception.printing UDF Useful for graphs, forms, labels, reports etc.Add User Call Tips to SciTE for functions in UDFs not included with AutoIt and for your own scripts.Functions with parameters in OnEvent mode and for Hot Keys One function replaces GuiSetOnEvent, GuiCtrlSetOnEvent and HotKeySet.UDF IsConnected2 for notification of status of connected state of many urls or IPs, without slowing the script. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Regency Posted October 27, 2009 Author Share Posted October 27, 2009 I dont really think thats a problem, the ini writes correctly, and when it does go through the first function it does as i want, it sometimes just doesnt go through all the if's like it should. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
AdmiralAlkex Posted October 27, 2009 Share Posted October 27, 2009 Ehhm why is there a bunch of ampersands in most of the If's? That looks really odd. Are you sure you didn't mean to have And there? Ampersands are for concatenating strings you know. See the page "Operators" in the helpfile. ElseIf $a[1] = 12829635 And $a[7] = 15856113 Then; 6---Done .Some of my scripts: ShiftER, Codec-Control, Resolution switcher for HTC ShiftSome of my UDFs: SDL UDF, SetDefaultDllDirectories, Converting GDI+ Bitmap/Image to SDL Surface Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Regency Posted October 27, 2009 Author Share Posted October 27, 2009 I edited it so there was "and" in the script, now it cycles through, but now i am having trouble with how to write the relooping and entering functions. The script is supposed to add the numbers which it enters into the ini. but it just re writes what it in the input box alrady, then reloads the ie window, what do i need to do to make the script enter all of the ini file's data, and not reload if it knows the answers. Like, how would i write a statement that if non = a number then it restarts the script. I am at a loss. this is what i re wrote it to look like after the above post helped.. expandcollapse popup#AutoIt3Wrapper_Run_Debug_Mode=Y #include<IE.au3> Global $a[45] Global $First = '' Global $Second = '' Global $Third = '' Global $Fourth = '' $TMN = _IECreate("", 0, 1, 1, 1) WinSetState($TMN, "", @SW_MAXIMIZE) _IELoadWait($TMN) Sleep(1000) Pixel() Func First() $RE = _IEAction($TMN, "Refresh") _IELoadWait($TMN) Sleep(1000) Pixel() EndFunc ;==>First Func Pixel() ;First Number $a[0] = PixelGetColor(527, 146);top $a[1] = PixelGetColor(527, 148); $a[2] = PixelGetColor(526, 150);middle $a[3] = PixelGetColor(526, 151);middle $a[4] = PixelGetColor(526, 152); $a[5] = PixelGetColor(527, 154); $a[6] = PixelGetColor(527, 156);bottom $a[7] = PixelGetColor(523, 151);left $a[8] = PixelGetColor(529, 151);right ;second number $a[9] = PixelGetColor(536, 146) $a[10] = PixelGetColor(536, 148) $a[11] = PixelGetColor(535, 150) $a[12] = PixelGetColor(535, 151) $a[13] = PixelGetColor(535, 152) $a[14] = PixelGetColor(536, 154) $a[15] = PixelGetColor(536, 156) $a[16] = PixelGetColor(532, 151) $a[17] = PixelGetColor(538, 151) ;third number $a[18] = PixelGetColor(545, 146) $a[19] = PixelGetColor(545, 148) $a[20] = PixelGetColor(544, 150) $a[21] = PixelGetColor(544, 151) $a[22] = PixelGetColor(544, 152) $a[23] = PixelGetColor(545, 154) $a[24] = PixelGetColor(545, 156) $a[25] = PixelGetColor(541, 151) $a[26] = PixelGetColor(547, 151) ;fourth number $a[27] = PixelGetColor(554, 146) $a[28] = PixelGetColor(554, 148) $a[29] = PixelGetColor(553, 150) $a[30] = PixelGetColor(553, 151) $a[31] = PixelGetColor(553, 152) $a[32] = PixelGetColor(554, 154) $a[33] = PixelGetColor(554, 156) $a[34] = PixelGetColor(550, 151) $a[35] = PixelGetColor(556, 151) ;fifth number $a[36] = PixelGetColor(563, 146) $a[37] = PixelGetColor(563, 148) $a[38] = PixelGetColor(562, 150) $a[39] = PixelGetColor(562, 151) $a[40] = PixelGetColor(562, 152) $a[41] = PixelGetColor(563, 154) $a[42] = PixelGetColor(563, 156) $a[43] = PixelGetColor(559, 151) $a[44] = PixelGetColor(565, 151) Start() EndFunc ;==>Pixel Func Start() ;If 0 = 0 Then; 0 --- ; $First = IniWrite("Captcha.ini","First","First","0") ; Second() If $a[7] = 12763842 Then; 1 --Done $a[1] = 16777215 and $First = IniWrite("Captcha.ini", "First", "First", "1") $First1 = IniRead("Captcha.ini", "First", "First", "Not Found") Sleep(900) $Verify = _IEGetObjById($TMN, "myScriptTest_txtVerify") _IEFormElementSetValue($Verify, $First1) Second() ElseIf $a[7] = 12171705 Then; 2---Done $First = IniWrite("Captcha.ini", "First", "First", "2") $First1 = IniRead("Captcha.ini", "First", "First", "Not Found") Sleep(900) $Verify = _IEGetObjById($TMN, "myScriptTest_txtVerify") _IEFormElementSetValue($Verify, $First1) Second() ElseIf $a[7] = 13355979 Then; 3--- Done $First = IniWrite("Captcha.ini", "First", "First", "3") $First1 = IniRead("Captcha.ini", "First", "First", "Not Found") Sleep(900) $Verify = _IEGetObjById($TMN, "myScriptTest_txtVerify") _IEFormElementSetValue($Verify, $First1) Second() ElseIf $a[5] = 15987699 And $a[7] = 12434877 Then; 4 --Done $First = IniWrite("Captcha.ini", "First", "First", "4") $First1 = IniRead("Captcha.ini", "First", "First", "Not Found") Sleep(900) $Verify = _IEGetObjById($TMN, "myScriptTest_txtVerify") _IEFormElementSetValue($Verify, $First1) Second() ElseIf $a[7] = 15527148 Then; 5--- Done $First = IniWrite("Captcha.ini", "First", "First", "5") $First1 = IniRead("Captcha.ini", "First", "First", "Not Found") Sleep(900) $Verify = _IEGetObjById($TMN, "myScriptTest_txtVerify") _IEFormElementSetValue($Verify, $First1) Second() ElseIf $a[1] = 12829635 And $a[7] = 15856113 Then; 6---Done $First = IniWrite("Captcha.ini", "First", "First", "6") $First1 = IniRead("Captcha.ini", "First", "First", "Not Found") Sleep(900) $Verify = _IEGetObjById($TMN, "myScriptTest_txtVerify") _IEFormElementSetValue($Verify, $First1) Second() ElseIf $a[7] = 12961221 Then; 7---Done $First = IniWrite("Captcha.ini", "First", "First", "7") $First1 = IniRead("Captcha.ini", "First", "First", "Not Found") Sleep(900) $Verify = _IEGetObjById($TMN, "myScriptTest_txtVerify") _IEFormElementSetValue($Verify, $First1) Second() ElseIf $a[7] = 13421772 Then; 8---Done $First = IniWrite("Captcha.ini", "First", "First", "8") $First1 = IniRead("Captcha.ini", "First", "First", "Not Found") Sleep(900) $Verify = _IEGetObjById($TMN, "myScriptTest_txtVerify") _IEFormElementSetValue($Verify, $First1) Second() ElseIf $a[7] = 15461355 And $a[4] = 16250871 Then; 9-- Done $First = IniWrite("Captcha.ini", "First", "First", "9") $First1 = IniRead("Captcha.ini", "First", "First", "Not Found") Sleep(900) $Verify = _IEGetObjById($TMN, "myScriptTest_txtVerify") _IEFormElementSetValue($Verify, $First1) Second() Else First() EndIf EndFunc ;==>Start Func Second() If $a[12] = 12303291 And $a[13] = 9474192 And $a[14] = 11184810 And $a[15] = 15329769 And $a[16] = 15724527 Then; 0 ---Done $Second = IniWrite("Captcha.ini", "Second", "Second", "0") $First1 = IniRead("Captcha.ini", "First", "First", "Not Found") $Second1 = IniRead("Captcha.ini", "Second", "Second", "Not Found") Sleep(900) $Verify = _IEGetObjById($TMN, "myScriptTest_txtVerify") _IEFormElementSetValue($Verify, $First1 And $Second1) Third() ElseIf $a[9] = 15592941 And $a[12] = 11645361 And $a[13] = 10066329 And $a[14] = 16777215 And $a[17] = 13421772 Then; 1 ---Done $Second = IniWrite("Captcha.ini", "Second", "Second", "1") $First1 = IniRead("Captcha.ini", "First", "First", "Not Found") $Second1 = IniRead("Captcha.ini", "Second", "Second", "Not Found") $Verify = _IEGetObjById($TMN, "myScriptTest_txtVerify") _IEFormElementSetValue($Verify, $First1 And $Second1) Sleep(900) Third() ElseIf $a[9] = 16382457 And $a[10] = 12566463 And $a[11] = 13027014 And $a[12] = 11711154 And $a[13] = 11974326 Then; 2---Done $Second = IniWrite("Captcha.ini", "Second", "Second", "2") $First1 = IniRead("Captcha.ini", "First", "First", "Not Found") $Second1 = IniRead("Captcha.ini", "Second", "Second", "Not Found") Sleep(900) $Verify = _IEGetObjById($TMN, "myScriptTest_txtVerify") _IEFormElementSetValue($Verify, $First1 And $Second1) Third() ElseIf $a[9] = 15987699 And $a[10] = 11842740 And $a[11] = 15395562 And $a[12] = 16053492 And $a[13] = 9803157 Then; 3---Done $Second = IniWrite("Captcha.ini", "Second", "Second", "3") $First1 = IniRead("Captcha.ini", "First", "First", "Not Found") $Second1 = IniRead("Captcha.ini", "Second", "Second", "Not Found") Sleep(900) $Verify = _IEGetObjById($TMN, "myScriptTest_txtVerify") _IEFormElementSetValue($Verify, $First1 And $Second1) Third() ElseIf $a[9] = 13027014 And $a[11] = 16711422 And $a[16] = 12040119 Then; 4 --Done $Second = IniWrite("Captcha.ini", "Second", "Second", "4") $First1 = IniRead("Captcha.ini", "First", "First", "Not Found") $Second1 = IniRead("Captcha.ini", "Second", "Second", "Not Found") Sleep(900) $Verify = _IEGetObjById($TMN, "myScriptTest_txtVerify") _IEFormElementSetValue($Verify, $First1 And $Second1) Third() ElseIf $a[9] = 16448250 And $a[12] = 15921906 And $a[13] = 10263708 And $a[14] = 12303291 And $a[17] = 16579836 Then; 5---Done $Second = IniWrite("Captcha.ini", "Second", "Second", "5") $First1 = IniRead("Captcha.ini", "First", "First", "Not Found") $Second1 = IniRead("Captcha.ini", "Second", "Second", "Not Found") Sleep(900) $Verify = _IEGetObjById($TMN, "myScriptTest_txtVerify") _IEFormElementSetValue($Verify, $First1 And $Second1) Third() ElseIf $a[9] = 16316664 Then; 6--- $Second = IniWrite("Captcha.ini", "Second", "Second", "6") $First1 = IniRead("Captcha.ini", "First", "First", "Not Found") $Second1 = IniRead("Captcha.ini", "Second", "Second", "Not Found") Sleep(900) $Verify = _IEGetObjById($TMN, "myScriptTest_txtVerify") _IEFormElementSetValue($Verify, $First1 And $Second1) Third() ElseIf $a[9] = 15724527 And $a[12] = 15198183 And $a[17] = 15198183 Or $a[12] = 14737632 And $a[13] = 15132390 Then; 7---Done $Second = IniWrite("Captcha.ini", "Second", "Second", "7") $First1 = IniRead("Captcha.ini", "First", "First", "Not Found") $Second1 = IniRead("Captcha.ini", "Second", "Second", "Not Found") Sleep(900) $Verify = _IEGetObjById($TMN, "myScriptTest_txtVerify") _IEFormElementSetValue($Verify, $First1 And $Second1) Third() ElseIf $a[9] = 16316664 Then; 8---Done $Second = IniWrite("Captcha.ini", "Second", "Second", "8") $First1 = IniRead("Captcha.ini", "First", "First", "Not Found") $Second1 = IniRead("Captcha.ini", "Second", "Second", "Not Found") Sleep(900) $Verify = _IEGetObjById($TMN, "myScriptTest_txtVerify") _IEFormElementSetValue($Verify, $First1 And $Second1) Third() ElseIf $a[17] = 16777215 Then; 9 --- $Second = IniWrite("Captcha.ini", "Second", "Second", "9") $First1 = IniRead("Captcha.ini", "First", "First", "Not Found") $Second1 = IniRead("Captcha.ini", "Second", "Second", "Not Found") Sleep(900) $Verify = _IEGetObjById($TMN, "myScriptTest_txtVerify") _IEFormElementSetValue($Verify, $First1 And $Second1) Third() Else First() EndIf EndFunc ;==>Second Func Third() If $a[18] = 15592941 And $a[19] = 12369084 And $a[26] = 16382457 And $a[25] = 16579836 Then; 0 ---Done $Third = IniWrite("Captcha.ini", "Third", "Third", "0") $First1 = IniRead("Captcha.ini", "First", "First", "Not Found") $Second1 = IniRead("Captcha.ini", "Second", "Second", "Not Found") $Third1 = IniRead("Captcha.ini", "Third", "Third", "Not Found") Sleep(900) $Verify = _IEGetObjById($TMN, "myScriptTest_txtVerify") _IEFormElementSetValue($Verify, $First1 And $Second1 And $Third1) Fourth() ElseIf $a[18] = 15461355 And $a[19] = 16777215 And $a[26] = 10987431 And $a[25] = 12632256 Then; 1 ---Done $Third = IniWrite("Captcha.ini", "Third", "Third", "1") $First1 = IniRead("Captcha.ini", "First", "First", "Not Found") $Second1 = IniRead("Captcha.ini", "Second", "Second", "Not Found") $Third1 = IniRead("Captcha.ini", "Third", "Third", "Not Found") Sleep(900) $Verify = _IEGetObjById($TMN, "myScriptTest_txtVerify") _IEFormElementSetValue($Verify, $First1 And $Second1 And $Third1) Fourth() ElseIf $a[18] = 15724527 And $a[19] = 12040119 And $a[26] = 16777215 And $a[25] = 12895428 Then; 2---Done $Third = IniWrite("Captcha.ini", "Third", "Third", "2") $First1 = IniRead("Captcha.ini", "First", "First", "Not Found") $Second1 = IniRead("Captcha.ini", "Second", "Second", "Not Found") $Third1 = IniRead("Captcha.ini", "Third", "Third", "Not Found") Sleep(900) $Verify = _IEGetObjById($TMN, "myScriptTest_txtVerify") _IEFormElementSetValue($Verify, $First1 And $Second1 And $Third1) Fourth() ElseIf $a[18] = 16579836 And $a[19] = 10592673 And $a[26] = 15856113 And $a[24] = 16382457 Then; 3---Done $Third = IniWrite("Captcha.ini", "Third", "Third", "3") $First1 = IniRead("Captcha.ini", "First", "First", "Not Found") $Second1 = IniRead("Captcha.ini", "Second", "Second", "Not Found") $Third1 = IniRead("Captcha.ini", "Third", "Third", "Not Found") Sleep(900) $Verify = _IEGetObjById($TMN, "myScriptTest_txtVerify") _IEFormElementSetValue($Verify, $First1 And $Second1 And $Third1) Fourth() ;ElseIf $11 = 14145495 Then; 4 -- ; $Third = IniWrite("Captcha.ini","Third","Third","4") ;$First1 = IniRead("Captcha.ini", "First", "First", "Not Found") ;$Second1 = IniRead("Captcha.ini", "Second", "Second", "Not Found") ;$Third1 = IniRead("Captcha.ini", "Third", "Third", "Not Found") ;sleep(900) ;$Verify = _IEGetObjById($TMN, "myScriptTest_txtVerify") ;_IEFormElementSetValue($Verify, $First1 and $Second1 and $Third1) ; Fourth() ElseIf $a[18] = 15527148 And $a[19] = 11711154 And $a[26] = 16316664 And $a[25] = 15461355 Then; 5---Done $Third = IniWrite("Captcha.ini", "Third", "Third", "5") $First1 = IniRead("Captcha.ini", "First", "First", "Not Found") $Second1 = IniRead("Captcha.ini", "Second", "Second", "Not Found") $Third1 = IniRead("Captcha.ini", "Third", "Third", "Not Found") Sleep(900) $Verify = _IEGetObjById($TMN, "myScriptTest_txtVerify") _IEFormElementSetValue($Verify, $First1 And $Second1 And $Third1) Fourth() ElseIf $a[18] = 16382457 And $a[19] = 11974326 And $a[26] = 16448250 And $a[24] = 16185078 Then; 6---Done $Third = IniWrite("Captcha.ini", "Third", "Third", "6") $First1 = IniRead("Captcha.ini", "First", "First", "Not Found") $Second1 = IniRead("Captcha.ini", "Second", "Second", "Not Found") $Third1 = IniRead("Captcha.ini", "Third", "Third", "Not Found") Sleep(900) $Verify = _IEGetObjById($TMN, "myScriptTest_txtVerify") _IEFormElementSetValue($Verify, $First1 And $Second1 And $Third1) Fourth() ElseIf $a[18] = 15856113 And $a[19] = 13092807 And $a[26] = 11908533 And $a[24] = 13224393 Then; 7---Done $Third = IniWrite("Captcha.ini", "Third", "Third", "7") $First1 = IniRead("Captcha.ini", "First", "First", "Not Found") $Second1 = IniRead("Captcha.ini", "Second", "Second", "Not Found") $Third1 = IniRead("Captcha.ini", "Third", "Third", "Not Found") Sleep(900) $Verify = _IEGetObjById($TMN, "myScriptTest_txtVerify") _IEFormElementSetValue($Verify, $First1 And $Second1 And $Third1) Fourth() ElseIf $a[18] = 15987699 And $a[19] = 12040119 And $a[26] = 14869218 And $a[24] = 16185078 Then; 8---Done $Third = IniWrite("Captcha.ini", "Third", "Third", "8") $First1 = IniRead("Captcha.ini", "First", "First", "Not Found") $Second1 = IniRead("Captcha.ini", "Second", "Second", "Not Found") $Third1 = IniRead("Captcha.ini", "Third", "Third", "Not Found") Sleep(900) $Verify = _IEGetObjById($TMN, "myScriptTest_txtVerify") _IEFormElementSetValue($Verify, $First1 And $Second1 And $Third1) Fourth() ElseIf $a[18] = 15658734 And $a[19] = 12698049 And $a[26] = 16448250 And $a[24] = 15395562 Then; 9--Done $Third = IniWrite("Captcha.ini", "Third", "Third", "9") $First1 = IniRead("Captcha.ini", "First", "First", "Not Found") $Second1 = IniRead("Captcha.ini", "Second", "Second", "Not Found") $Third1 = IniRead("Captcha.ini", "Third", "Third", "Not Found") Sleep(900) $Verify = _IEGetObjById($TMN, "myScriptTest_txtVerify") _IEFormElementSetValue($Verify, $First1 And $Second1 And $Third1) Fourth() Else First() EndIf EndFunc ;==>Third Func Fourth() If $a[27] = 15921906 And $a[28] = 12303291 And $a[35] = 16777215 And $a[34] = 16053492 Then; 0 ---Done $Fourth = IniWrite("Captcha.ini", "Fourth", "Fourth", "0") $First1 = IniRead("Captcha.ini", "First", "First", "Not Found") $Second1 = IniRead("Captcha.ini", "Second", "Second", "Not Found") $Third1 = IniRead("Captcha.ini", "Third", "Third", "Not Found") $Fourth1 = IniRead("Captcha.ini", "Fourth", "Fourth", "Not Found") Sleep(900) $Verify = _IEGetObjById($TMN, "myScriptTest_txtVerify") _IEFormElementSetValue($Verify, $First1 And $Second1 And $Third1 And $Fourth1) Fifth() ElseIf $a[27] = 15461355 And $a[28] = 16777215 And $a[35] = 12237498 And $a[34] = 12237498 Then; 1 ---Done $Fourth = IniWrite("Captcha.ini", "Fourth", "Fourth", "1") $First1 = IniRead("Captcha.ini", "First", "First", "Not Found") $Second1 = IniRead("Captcha.ini", "Second", "Second", "Not Found") $Third1 = IniRead("Captcha.ini", "Third", "Third", "Not Found") $Fourth1 = IniRead("Captcha.ini", "Fourth", "Fourth", "Not Found") Sleep(900) $Verify = _IEGetObjById($TMN, "myScriptTest_txtVerify") _IEFormElementSetValue($Verify, $First1 And $Second1 And $Third1 And $Fourth1) Fifth() ElseIf $a[27] = 16250871 And $a[28] = 12040119 And $a[35] = 16250871 And $a[34] = 12434877 Then; 2---Done $Fourth = IniWrite("Captcha.ini", "Fourth", "Fourth", "2") $First1 = IniRead("Captcha.ini", "First", "First", "Not Found") $Second1 = IniRead("Captcha.ini", "Second", "Second", "Not Found") $Third1 = IniRead("Captcha.ini", "Third", "Third", "Not Found") $Fourth1 = IniRead("Captcha.ini", "Fourth", "Fourth", "Not Found") Sleep(900) $Verify = _IEGetObjById($TMN, "myScriptTest_txtVerify") _IEFormElementSetValue($Verify, $First1 And $Second1 And $Third1 And $Fourth1) Fifth() ElseIf $a[27] = 16579836 And $a[28] = 11579568 And $a[35] = 16119285 And $a[34] = 13158600 Then; 3---Done $Fourth = IniWrite("Captcha.ini", "Fourth", "Fourth", "3") $First1 = IniRead("Captcha.ini", "First", "First", "Not Found") $Second1 = IniRead("Captcha.ini", "Second", "Second", "Not Found") $Third1 = IniRead("Captcha.ini", "Third", "Third", "Not Found") $Fourth1 = IniRead("Captcha.ini", "Fourth", "Fourth", "Not Found") Sleep(900) $Verify = _IEGetObjById($TMN, "myScriptTest_txtVerify") _IEFormElementSetValue($Verify, $First1 And $Second1 And $Third1 And $Fourth1) Fifth() ElseIf $a[27] = 13355979 And $a[28] = 16053492 And $a[35] = 16185078 And $a[34] = 11908533 Then; 4 --Done $Fourth = IniWrite("Captcha.ini", "Fourth", "Fourth", "4") $First1 = IniRead("Captcha.ini", "First", "First", "Not Found") $Second1 = IniRead("Captcha.ini", "Second", "Second", "Not Found") $Third1 = IniRead("Captcha.ini", "Third", "Third", "Not Found") $Fourth1 = IniRead("Captcha.ini", "Fourth", "Fourth", "Not Found") Sleep(900) $Verify = _IEGetObjById($TMN, "myScriptTest_txtVerify") _IEFormElementSetValue($Verify, $First1 And $Second1 And $Third1 And $Fourth1) Fifth() ElseIf $a[27] = 16053492 And $a[28] = 12566463 And $a[35] = 15856113 And $a[34] = 15921906 Then; 5---Done $Fourth = IniWrite("Captcha.ini", "Fourth", "Fourth", "5") $First1 = IniRead("Captcha.ini", "First", "First", "Not Found") $Second1 = IniRead("Captcha.ini", "Second", "Second", "Not Found") $Third1 = IniRead("Captcha.ini", "Third", "Third", "Not Found") $Fourth1 = IniRead("Captcha.ini", "Fourth", "Fourth", "Not Found") Sleep(900) $Verify = _IEGetObjById($TMN, "myScriptTest_txtVerify") _IEFormElementSetValue($Verify, $First1 And $Second1 And $Third1 And $Fourth1) Fifth() ElseIf $a[27] = 16119285 And $a[28] = 12500670 And $a[35] = 16448250 And $a[34] = 15724527 Then; 6---Done $Fourth = IniWrite("Captcha.ini", "Fourth", "Fourth", "6") $First1 = IniRead("Captcha.ini", "First", "First", "Not Found") $Second1 = IniRead("Captcha.ini", "Second", "Second", "Not Found") $Third1 = IniRead("Captcha.ini", "Third", "Third", "Not Found") $Fourth1 = IniRead("Captcha.ini", "Fourth", "Fourth", "Not Found") Sleep(900) $Verify = _IEGetObjById($TMN, "myScriptTest_txtVerify") _IEFormElementSetValue($Verify, $First1 And $Second1 And $Third1 And $Fourth1) Fifth() ElseIf $a[27] = 15724527 And $a[28] = 13619151 And $a[35] = 12369084 And $a[34] = 12237498 Then; 7---Done $Fourth = IniWrite("Captcha.ini", "Fourth", "Fourth", "7") $First1 = IniRead("Captcha.ini", "First", "First", "Not Found") $Second1 = IniRead("Captcha.ini", "Second", "Second", "Not Found") $Third1 = IniRead("Captcha.ini", "Third", "Third", "Not Found") $Fourth1 = IniRead("Captcha.ini", "Fourth", "Fourth", "Not Found") Sleep(900) $Verify = _IEGetObjById($TMN, "myScriptTest_txtVerify") _IEFormElementSetValue($Verify, $First1 And $Second1 And $Third1 And $Fourth1) Fifth() ElseIf $a[27] = 16053492 And $a[28] = 12566463 And $a[35] = 15395562 And $a[34] = 12434877 Then; 8---Done $Fourth = IniWrite("Captcha.ini", "Fourth", "Fourth", "8") $First1 = IniRead("Captcha.ini", "First", "First", "Not Found") $Second1 = IniRead("Captcha.ini", "Second", "Second", "Not Found") $Third1 = IniRead("Captcha.ini", "Third", "Third", "Not Found") $Fourth1 = IniRead("Captcha.ini", "Fourth", "Fourth", "Not Found") Sleep(900) $Verify = _IEGetObjById($TMN, "myScriptTest_txtVerify") _IEFormElementSetValue($Verify, $First1 And $Second1 And $Third1 And $Fourth1) Fifth() ElseIf $a[27] = 16119285 And $a[28] = 12698049 And $a[35] = 16645629 And $a[34] = 15329769 Then; 9--Done $Fourth = IniWrite("Captcha.ini", "Fourth", "Fourth", "9") $First1 = IniRead("Captcha.ini", "First", "First", "Not Found") $Second1 = IniRead("Captcha.ini", "Second", "Second", "Not Found") $Third1 = IniRead("Captcha.ini", "Third", "Third", "Not Found") $Fourth1 = IniRead("Captcha.ini", "Fourth", "Fourth", "Not Found") Sleep(900) $Verify = _IEGetObjById($TMN, "myScriptTest_txtVerify") _IEFormElementSetValue($Verify, $First1 And $Second1 And $Third1 And $Fourth1) Fifth() Else First() EndIf EndFunc ;==>Fourth Func Fifth() If $a[36] = 16382457 And $a[37] = 11842740 And $a[44] = 15856113 And $a[43] = 15658734 Then; 0 ---Done $Fifth = IniWrite("Captcha.ini", "Fifth", "Fifth", "0") $First1 = IniRead("Captcha.ini", "First", "First", "Not Found") $Second1 = IniRead("Captcha.ini", "Second", "Second", "Not Found") $Third1 = IniRead("Captcha.ini", "Third", "Third", "Not Found") $Fourth1 = IniRead("Captcha.ini", "Fourth", "Fourth", "Not Found") $Fifth1 = IniRead("Captcha.ini", "Fifth", "Fifth", "Not Found") Sleep(900) $Verify = _IEGetObjById($TMN, "myScriptTest_txtVerify") _IEFormElementSetValue($Verify, $First1 And $Second1 And $Third1 And $Fourth1 And $Fifth1) ElseIf $a[36] = 15790320 And $a[37] = 16777215 And $a[44] = 12237498 And $a[43] = 12961221 Then; 1 ---Done $Fifth = IniWrite("Captcha.ini", "Fifth", "Fifth", "1") $First1 = IniRead("Captcha.ini", "First", "First", "Not Found") $Second1 = IniRead("Captcha.ini", "Second", "Second", "Not Found") $Third1 = IniRead("Captcha.ini", "Third", "Third", "Not Found") $Fourth1 = IniRead("Captcha.ini", "Fourth", "Fourth", "Not Found") $Fifth1 = IniRead("Captcha.ini", "Fifth", "Fifth", "Not Found") Sleep(900) $Verify = _IEGetObjById($TMN, "myScriptTest_txtVerify") _IEFormElementSetValue($Verify, $First1 And $Second1 And $Third1 And $Fourth1 And $Fifth1) ElseIf $a[36] = 16316664 And $a[37] = 11776947 And $a[44] = 16777215 And $a[43] = 12369084 Then; 2---Done $Fifth = IniWrite("Captcha.ini", "Fifth", "Fifth", "2") $First1 = IniRead("Captcha.ini", "First", "First", "Not Found") $Second1 = IniRead("Captcha.ini", "Second", "Second", "Not Found") $Third1 = IniRead("Captcha.ini", "Third", "Third", "Not Found") $Fourth1 = IniRead("Captcha.ini", "Fourth", "Fourth", "Not Found") $Fifth1 = IniRead("Captcha.ini", "Fifth", "Fifth", "Not Found") Sleep(900) $Verify = _IEGetObjById($TMN, "myScriptTest_txtVerify") _IEFormElementSetValue($Verify, $First1 And $Second1 And $Third1 And $Fourth1 And $Fifth1) ElseIf $a[36] = 16316664 And $a[37] = 10921638 And $a[44] = 16645629 And $a[43] = 13158600 Then; 3---Done $Fifth = IniWrite("Captcha.ini", "Fifth", "Fifth", "3") $First1 = IniRead("Captcha.ini", "First", "First", "Not Found") $Second1 = IniRead("Captcha.ini", "Second", "Second", "Not Found") $Third1 = IniRead("Captcha.ini", "Third", "Third", "Not Found") $Fourth1 = IniRead("Captcha.ini", "Fourth", "Fourth", "Not Found") $Fifth1 = IniRead("Captcha.ini", "Fifth", "Fifth", "Not Found") Sleep(900) $Verify = _IEGetObjById($TMN, "myScriptTest_txtVerify") _IEFormElementSetValue($Verify, $First1 And $Second1 And $Third1 And $Fourth1 And $Fifth1) ElseIf $a[36] = 13027014 And $a[37] = 16645629 And $a[44] = 16448250 And $a[43] = 12698049 Then; 4 --Done $Fifth = IniWrite("Captcha.ini", "Fifth", "Fifth", "4") $First1 = IniRead("Captcha.ini", "First", "First", "Not Found") $Second1 = IniRead("Captcha.ini", "Second", "Second", "Not Found") $Third1 = IniRead("Captcha.ini", "Third", "Third", "Not Found") $Fourth1 = IniRead("Captcha.ini", "Fourth", "Fourth", "Not Found") $Fifth1 = IniRead("Captcha.ini", "Fifth", "Fifth", "Not Found") Sleep(900) $Verify = _IEGetObjById($TMN, "myScriptTest_txtVerify") _IEFormElementSetValue($Verify, $First1 And $Second1 And $Third1 And $Fourth1 And $Fifth1) ElseIf $a[36] = 16382457 And $a[37] = 11711154 And $a[44] = 15724527 And $a[43] = 15856113 Then; 5---Done $Fifth = IniWrite("Captcha.ini", "Fifth", "Fifth", "5") $First1 = IniRead("Captcha.ini", "First", "First", "Not Found") $Second1 = IniRead("Captcha.ini", "Second", "Second", "Not Found") $Third1 = IniRead("Captcha.ini", "Third", "Third", "Not Found") $Fourth1 = IniRead("Captcha.ini", "Fourth", "Fourth", "Not Found") $Fifth1 = IniRead("Captcha.ini", "Fifth", "Fifth", "Not Found") Sleep(900) $Verify = _IEGetObjById($TMN, "myScriptTest_txtVerify") _IEFormElementSetValue($Verify, $First1 And $Second1 And $Third1 And $Fourth1 And $Fifth1) ElseIf $a[36] = 15921906 And $a[37] = 11579568 And $a[44] = 16316664 And $a[43] = 15856113 Then; 6---Done $Fifth = IniWrite("Captcha.ini", "Fifth", "Fifth", "6") $First1 = IniRead("Captcha.ini", "First", "First", "Not Found") $Second1 = IniRead("Captcha.ini", "Second", "Second", "Not Found") $Third1 = IniRead("Captcha.ini", "Third", "Third", "Not Found") $Fourth1 = IniRead("Captcha.ini", "Fourth", "Fourth", "Not Found") $Fifth1 = IniRead("Captcha.ini", "Fifth", "Fifth", "Not Found") Sleep(900) $Verify = _IEGetObjById($TMN, "myScriptTest_txtVerify") _IEFormElementSetValue($Verify, $First1 And $Second1 And $Third1 And $Fourth1 And $Fifth1) ElseIf $a[36] = 16448250 And $a[37] = 12303291 And $a[44] = 12566463 And $a[43] = 12698049 Then; 7---Done $Fifth = IniWrite("Captcha.ini", "Fifth", "Fifth", "7") $First1 = IniRead("Captcha.ini", "First", "First", "Not Found") $Second1 = IniRead("Captcha.ini", "Second", "Second", "Not Found") $Third1 = IniRead("Captcha.ini", "Third", "Third", "Not Found") $Fourth1 = IniRead("Captcha.ini", "Fourth", "Fourth", "Not Found") $Fifth1 = IniRead("Captcha.ini", "Fifth", "Fifth", "Not Found") Sleep(900) $Verify = _IEGetObjById($TMN, "myScriptTest_txtVerify") _IEFormElementSetValue($Verify, $First1 And $Second1 And $Third1 And $Fourth1 And $Fifth1) ElseIf $a[36] = 16185078 And $a[37] = 11316396 And $a[44] = 14869218 And $a[43] = 12566463 Then; 8---Done $Fifth = IniWrite("Captcha.ini", "Fifth", "Fifth", "8") $First1 = IniRead("Captcha.ini", "First", "First", "Not Found") $Second1 = IniRead("Captcha.ini", "Second", "Second", "Not Found") $Third1 = IniRead("Captcha.ini", "Third", "Third", "Not Found") $Fourth1 = IniRead("Captcha.ini", "Fourth", "Fourth", "Not Found") $Fifth1 = IniRead("Captcha.ini", "Fifth", "Fifth", "Not Found") Sleep(900) $Verify = _IEGetObjById($TMN, "myScriptTest_txtVerify") _IEFormElementSetValue($Verify, $First1 And $Second1 And $Third1 And $Fourth1 And $Fifth1) ElseIf $a[36] = 15921906 And $a[37] = 11776947 And $a[44] = 16777215 And $a[43] = 14671839 Then; 9 $Fifth = IniWrite("Captcha.ini", "Fifth", "Fifth", "9") $First1 = IniRead("Captcha.ini", "First", "First", "Not Found") $Second1 = IniRead("Captcha.ini", "Second", "Second", "Not Found") $Third1 = IniRead("Captcha.ini", "Third", "Third", "Not Found") $Fourth1 = IniRead("Captcha.ini", "Fourth", "Fourth", "Not Found") $Fifth1 = IniRead("Captcha.ini", "Fifth", "Fifth", "Not Found") Sleep(900) $Verify = _IEGetObjById($TMN, "myScriptTest_txtVerify") _IEFormElementSetValue($Verify, $First1 And $Second1 And $Third1 And $Fourth1 And $Fifth1) EndIf EndFunc ;==>Fifth Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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