surreal Posted November 3, 2009 Share Posted November 3, 2009 (edited) im very new to creating array's. below is the code i have, my attempt to create a txt file to list current mapped drivers. it is not working, any help would be greatly appreciated. expandcollapse popup#include <array.au3> $strComputer = "." $arrDriveType = _ArrayCreate("Unknown",_ "No Root Directory",_ "Removable Disk",_ "Local Disk",_ "Network Drive",_ "Compact Disk",_ "RAM Disk") $WMI = ObjGet("winmgmts:\\" & $strComputer & "\root\cimv2") $colDisks = $WMI.ExecQuery("Select * from Win32_LogicalDisk") For $Disk in $colDisks $strType = $arrDriveType($Disk.DriveType) $strID = $Disk.DeviceID $strSys = $Disk.SystemName If $strType = "Network Drive" then $strPath = $Disk.ProviderName $List = $List & " " & $strID & @TAB & @TAB & $strPath & @CRLF EndIf Next $strHeader = "A $List of Mapped Drives" & @CRLF & @CRLF & _ "Drive Letter" & @TAB & "Share Path" & @CRLF & _ "------------------------------------" & @CRLF Global $List = $strHeader & $List func_CreateDoc($List) Func func_CreateDoc($List) DirCreate ("C:\Temp\Migrate\Drives") $FSO = ObjCreate("Scripting.FileSystemObject") $strFolder = "C:\Temp\Migrate\Drives" If $FSO.FolderExists($strFolder) = 0 then $CLog = $FSO.CreateFolder($strFolder) EndIf $ShareFile = $strFolder & "\Drives.txt" $LogFile = $FSO.OpenTextFile($ShareFile, 2, 1) $LogFile.Write ($List) $LogFile.Close() EndFunc d@ve update: thanks you GEOSoft, i dont think DriveGetDrive() will work for me, i need to grab this info from a remote system. Edited November 6, 2009 by surreal Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
GEOSoft Posted November 3, 2009 Share Posted November 3, 2009 First off, you don't need that COM object code. See FileWriteLine() and FileWrite() Now, have you even looked at DriveGetDrive() and DriveMapGet()? George Question about decompiling code? Read the decompiling FAQ and don't bother posting the question in the forums.Be sure to read and follow the forum rules. -AKA the AutoIt Reading and Comprehension Skills test.*** The PCRE (Regular Expression) ToolKit for AutoIT - (Updated Oct 20, 2011 ver: - Please update your current version before filing any bug reports. The installer now includes both 32 and 64 bit versions. No change in version number. Visit my Blog .. currently not active but it will soon be resplendent with news and views. Also please remove any links you may have to my website. it is soon to be closed and replaced with something else. "Old age and treachery will always overcome youth and skill!" Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
surreal Posted November 4, 2009 Author Share Posted November 4, 2009 (edited) so i now have mapped drives working thanks to gcue pointing me in the right direction. now using: to take control of the hkcu hive. i would like to do the same thing to my get printers array but for some reason cannot get my code working. can someone please help on this one, thank you... expandcollapse popup#include <ButtonConstants.au3> #include <ComboConstants.au3> #include <EditConstants.au3> #include <GUIConstantsEx.au3> #include <StaticConstants.au3> #include <WindowsConstants.au3> #include <File.au3> #include <Array.au3> #include <HKCUReg.au3> ;===Checks Local OSVersion Create Var User Friendly================================================ $OS = @OSVersion $OS = StringReplace($OS, "WIN_VISTA", "Windows Vista") $OS = StringReplace($OS, "WIN_XP", "Windows XP") $OS = StringReplace($OS, "WIN_2000", "Windows 2000") ;===Determines Documents Location According To OS++================================================ $OSDOC = @OSVersion If $OSDOC = "WIN_VISTA" Then $DOC = "\Users\" If $OSDOC = "WIN_XP" Then $DOC = "\Documents and Settings\" EndIf $OSDF = @OSVersion If $OSDF = "WIN_VISTA" Then $DF = "Documents" If $OSDF = "WIN_XP" Then $DF = "My Documents" EndIf GUICreate("", 330, 145, -1, -1) ;===GUI Network Computer To Tranfer From=========================================================== GUICtrlCreateGroup("System", 10, 10, 190, 75) GUICtrlCreateLabel("Computer Name:", 20, 25) $cnTarget = GUICtrlCreateInput(@ComputerName, 20, 40, 120, 20) $cnMessage = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Enter computer name or ip address", 20, 64, 175, 15) $cnButton = GUICtrlCreateButton("Connect", 145, 35, 50, 25, $WS_GROUP) ;===GUI Network User Profile======================================================================= GUICtrlCreateGroup("Profile:", 10, 90, 190, 45) $prCombo = GUICtrlCreateCombo("", 20, 105, 175, 20) ;===GUI Group What To Migrate====================================================================== GUICtrlCreateGroup("Tranfer", 210, 10, 110, 80) $BoxMap = GUICtrlCreateCheckbox("Mapped Drives", 220, 25) $BoxPrinter = GUICtrlCreateCheckbox("Printers", 220, 45) $BoxWireless = GUICtrlCreateCheckbox("Wireless", 220, 65) ;===GUI Start Function============================================================================= $StartButton = GUICtrlCreateButton("Start", 230, 100, 65, 30, $WS_GROUP) GUISetState(@SW_SHOW) ;===Start Of GUIGetMsg============================================================================= While 1 $msg = GUIGetMsg() Select ;===Case For Exit GUI============================================================================== Case $msg = $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE $Close = MsgBox(4, "", "Are you sure you want to exit?") If $Close = 6 Then GUIDelete() Exit EndIf ;===Case For Connect=============================================================================== Case $msg = $cnButton If GUICtrlRead($cnTarget) = '' Then GUICtrlSetData($cnMessage, 'Target machine must be entered') GUICtrlSetColor($cnMessage, 0xFF0000) ContinueLoop EndIf Connect() Case $msg = $StartButton StartButton() EndSelect WEnd ;===Function For Remote System InfoBox============================================================= Func Connect() Local $Separator = "------------------------------" SplashTextOn("", "Querying Network", 165, 40, -1, -1, 2, "", 9) Sleep(1000) If Ping(GUICtrlRead($cnTarget)) Then $strComputer = GUICtrlRead($cnTarget) $objWMIService = ObjGet("winmgmts:\\" & $strComputer & "\root\CIMV2") SplashOff() If Not IsObj($objWMIService) Then GUICtrlSetData($cnMessage, 'Failed to connect to system') GUICtrlSetColor($cnMessage, 0xFF0000) Return EndIf ;===WMI BIOS $colItems1 = $objWMIService.ExecQuery("SELECT * FROM Win32_Bios") $message = "System Info for " & $strComputer & @CRLF & $Separator & @CRLF & @CRLF For $objItem In $colItems1 $message &= "Dell Asset Number: " & $objItem.SerialNumber & @CRLF & _ "Manufacturer: " & $objItem.Manufacturer & @CRLF & @CRLF Global $surreal = $objItem.SerialNumber Global $RemoteName = $strComputer Next ;===WMI NETWORK $colItems2 = $objWMIService.ExecQuery("SELECT * FROM Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration WHERE IPEnabled = True") For $objItem In $colItems2 $message &= "IP Address: " & $objItem.IPAddress(0) & @CRLF & _ "IP Subnet: " & $objItem.IPSubnet(0) & @CRLF & @CRLF Next ;===WMI SYSTEM $colItems3 = $objWMIService.ExecQuery("SELECT * FROM Win32_ComputerSystem") For $objItem In $colItems3 $message &= "Model: " & $objItem.Model & @CRLF & _ "Computer Name: " & $objItem.Name & @CRLF & _ "Last User: " & $objItem.UserName & @CRLF Global $RemoteUser = $objItem.UserName Next GUICtrlSetData($cnMessage, 'Connected, select user profile') GUICtrlSetColor($cnMessage, 0x008000) MsgBox(64, "System Information", $message) Else GUICtrlSetData($cnMessage, 'Target system could not be contacted') GUICtrlSetColor($cnMessage, 0xFF0000) Return EndIf Profile() EndFunc ;==>Connect ;===Function For Remote Profile Load=============================================================== Func Profile() Local $combo_string = "" $FolderList = _FileListToArray("\\" & GUICtrlRead($cnTarget) & "\c$" & $DOC, "*", 2) For $i = 1 To $FolderList[0] Switch $FolderList[$i] Case "All Users", "Default User", "LocalService", "NetworkService" ContinueLoop Case Else If $i = $FolderList[0] Then $combo_string &= $FolderList[$i] Else $combo_string &= $FolderList[$i] & "|" EndIf EndSwitch Next GUICtrlSetData($prCombo, $combo_string) EndFunc ;==>Profile ;===Function For Checkbox Actions================================================================== Func StartButton() ;===Mapped Drives If GUICtrlRead($BoxMap) = $GUI_CHECKED Then DirCreate("c:\Temp\Migrate\Drives") Mapped() EndIf ;===Printers If GUICtrlRead($BoxPrinter) = $GUI_CHECKED Then DirCreate("c:\Temp\Migrate\Printers") SavePrinter() EndIf ;===Wireless Settings If GUICtrlRead($BoxWireless) = $GUI_CHECKED Then DirCreate("c:\Temp\Migrate\Wireless") EndIf SoundPlay(@WindowsDir & "\media\tada.wav",1) $Success = MsgBox(4, "", "Migration Was Successful. Do You Want To Exit?") If $Success = 6 Then Exit EndFunc ;==>StartButton ;===Function For Save Printer Info File============================================================ Func SavePrinter() Local $strSaveLocation Local $ptrFile Local $arrPrinters = GetPrinters("NETWORK") Local $strSaveLocation = 'c:\Temp\Migrate\Printers\Printers.txt' If Not @error Then $ptrFile = FileOpen($strSaveLocation, 10) FileWriteLine($ptrFile, @MON & "/" & @MDAY & "/" & @YEAR & " at " & @HOUR & ":" & @MIN & ":" & @SEC) For $i = 1 To $arrPrinters[0] FileWriteLine($ptrFile, $arrPrinters[$i]) Next FileClose($ptrFile) EndIf EndFunc ;==>SavePrinter ;===Function For Get Printers====================================================================== Func GetPrinters($strType) Local $intPrinterLimit = 20 Local $intPrinterCount = 0 Local $arrPrinters[$intPrinterLimit + 1] Local $name = GUICtrlRead($cnTarget) Local $strReg If @OSType = "WIN32_NT" Then Switch $strType Case "NETWORK" For $i = 1 To $intPrinterLimit $p = _HKCU_EnumKey("\\\" & $name & "\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Devices", $i) $strRegKey = _HKCU_Read("\\\" & $name & "\\" & $p & "Devices") $strReg = RegEnumVal($strRegKey, $i) If @error = -1 Then ExitLoop If StringInStr($strReg, "\\") <> 0 Then $arrPrinters[$intPrinterCount + 1] = $strReg $intPrinterCount += 1 EndIf Next EndSwitch EndIf $arrPrinters[0] = $intPrinterCount Return $arrPrinters EndFunc ;==>GetPrinters ;===Function For Mapped Drives===================================================================== Func Mapped() Local $asset = GUICtrlRead($cnTarget) Local $mapLocation = 'c:\Temp\Migrate\Drives\Drives.txt' $mapFile = FileOpen($mapLocation, 10) For $i = 1 To 26 $b = _HKCU_EnumKey("\\\" & $asset & "\Network", $i) $iProd = 1 For $j = 1 To $b[0][0] $iProd *= $b[$j][2] If $b[$j][2] = 0 Then $path = _HKCU_Read("\\\" & $asset & "\\" & $b[$j][0] & "\Network\" & $b[$j][1], "RemotePath") FileWriteLine($mapFile, $b[$j][1] & "," & $path[1][1]) EndIf Next If $iProd <> 0 Then ExitLoop Next EndFunc Edited November 4, 2009 by surreal Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
99ojo Posted November 4, 2009 Share Posted November 4, 2009 (edited) so i now have mapped drives working thanks to gcue pointing me in the right direction. now using: to take control of the hkcu hive. i would like to do the same thing to my get printers array but for some reason cannot get my code working. can someone please help on this one, thank you... expandcollapse popup#include <ButtonConstants.au3> #include <ComboConstants.au3> #include <EditConstants.au3> #include <GUIConstantsEx.au3> #include <StaticConstants.au3> #include <WindowsConstants.au3> #include <File.au3> #include <Array.au3> #include <HKCUReg.au3> ;===Checks Local OSVersion Create Var User Friendly================================================ $OS = @OSVersion $OS = StringReplace($OS, "WIN_VISTA", "Windows Vista") $OS = StringReplace($OS, "WIN_XP", "Windows XP") $OS = StringReplace($OS, "WIN_2000", "Windows 2000") ;===Determines Documents Location According To OS++================================================ $OSDOC = @OSVersion If $OSDOC = "WIN_VISTA" Then $DOC = "\Users\" If $OSDOC = "WIN_XP" Then $DOC = "\Documents and Settings\" EndIf $OSDF = @OSVersion If $OSDF = "WIN_VISTA" Then $DF = "Documents" If $OSDF = "WIN_XP" Then $DF = "My Documents" EndIf GUICreate("", 330, 145, -1, -1) ;===GUI Network Computer To Tranfer From=========================================================== GUICtrlCreateGroup("System", 10, 10, 190, 75) GUICtrlCreateLabel("Computer Name:", 20, 25) $cnTarget = GUICtrlCreateInput(@ComputerName, 20, 40, 120, 20) $cnMessage = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Enter computer name or ip address", 20, 64, 175, 15) $cnButton = GUICtrlCreateButton("Connect", 145, 35, 50, 25, $WS_GROUP) ;===GUI Network User Profile======================================================================= GUICtrlCreateGroup("Profile:", 10, 90, 190, 45) $prCombo = GUICtrlCreateCombo("", 20, 105, 175, 20) ;===GUI Group What To Migrate====================================================================== GUICtrlCreateGroup("Tranfer", 210, 10, 110, 80) $BoxMap = GUICtrlCreateCheckbox("Mapped Drives", 220, 25) $BoxPrinter = GUICtrlCreateCheckbox("Printers", 220, 45) $BoxWireless = GUICtrlCreateCheckbox("Wireless", 220, 65) ;===GUI Start Function============================================================================= $StartButton = GUICtrlCreateButton("Start", 230, 100, 65, 30, $WS_GROUP) GUISetState(@SW_SHOW) ;===Start Of GUIGetMsg============================================================================= While 1 $msg = GUIGetMsg() Select ;===Case For Exit GUI============================================================================== Case $msg = $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE $Close = MsgBox(4, "", "Are you sure you want to exit?") If $Close = 6 Then GUIDelete() Exit EndIf ;===Case For Connect=============================================================================== Case $msg = $cnButton If GUICtrlRead($cnTarget) = '' Then GUICtrlSetData($cnMessage, 'Target machine must be entered') GUICtrlSetColor($cnMessage, 0xFF0000) ContinueLoop EndIf Connect() Case $msg = $StartButton StartButton() EndSelect WEnd ;===Function For Remote System InfoBox============================================================= Func Connect() Local $Separator = "------------------------------" SplashTextOn("", "Querying Network", 165, 40, -1, -1, 2, "", 9) Sleep(1000) If Ping(GUICtrlRead($cnTarget)) Then $strComputer = GUICtrlRead($cnTarget) $objWMIService = ObjGet("winmgmts:\\" & $strComputer & "\root\CIMV2") SplashOff() If Not IsObj($objWMIService) Then GUICtrlSetData($cnMessage, 'Failed to connect to system') GUICtrlSetColor($cnMessage, 0xFF0000) Return EndIf ;===WMI BIOS $colItems1 = $objWMIService.ExecQuery("SELECT * FROM Win32_Bios") $message = "System Info for " & $strComputer & @CRLF & $Separator & @CRLF & @CRLF For $objItem In $colItems1 $message &= "Dell Asset Number: " & $objItem.SerialNumber & @CRLF & _ "Manufacturer: " & $objItem.Manufacturer & @CRLF & @CRLF Global $surreal = $objItem.SerialNumber Global $RemoteName = $strComputer Next ;===WMI NETWORK $colItems2 = $objWMIService.ExecQuery("SELECT * FROM Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration WHERE IPEnabled = True") For $objItem In $colItems2 $message &= "IP Address: " & $objItem.IPAddress(0) & @CRLF & _ "IP Subnet: " & $objItem.IPSubnet(0) & @CRLF & @CRLF Next ;===WMI SYSTEM $colItems3 = $objWMIService.ExecQuery("SELECT * FROM Win32_ComputerSystem") For $objItem In $colItems3 $message &= "Model: " & $objItem.Model & @CRLF & _ "Computer Name: " & $objItem.Name & @CRLF & _ "Last User: " & $objItem.UserName & @CRLF Global $RemoteUser = $objItem.UserName Next GUICtrlSetData($cnMessage, 'Connected, select user profile') GUICtrlSetColor($cnMessage, 0x008000) MsgBox(64, "System Information", $message) Else GUICtrlSetData($cnMessage, 'Target system could not be contacted') GUICtrlSetColor($cnMessage, 0xFF0000) Return EndIf Profile() EndFunc ;==>Connect ;===Function For Remote Profile Load=============================================================== Func Profile() Local $combo_string = "" $FolderList = _FileListToArray("\\" & GUICtrlRead($cnTarget) & "\c$" & $DOC, "*", 2) For $i = 1 To $FolderList[0] Switch $FolderList[$i] Case "All Users", "Default User", "LocalService", "NetworkService" ContinueLoop Case Else If $i = $FolderList[0] Then $combo_string &= $FolderList[$i] Else $combo_string &= $FolderList[$i] & "|" EndIf EndSwitch Next GUICtrlSetData($prCombo, $combo_string) EndFunc ;==>Profile ;===Function For Checkbox Actions================================================================== Func StartButton() ;===Mapped Drives If GUICtrlRead($BoxMap) = $GUI_CHECKED Then DirCreate("c:\Temp\Migrate\Drives") Mapped() EndIf ;===Printers If GUICtrlRead($BoxPrinter) = $GUI_CHECKED Then DirCreate("c:\Temp\Migrate\Printers") SavePrinter() EndIf ;===Wireless Settings If GUICtrlRead($BoxWireless) = $GUI_CHECKED Then DirCreate("c:\Temp\Migrate\Wireless") EndIf SoundPlay(@WindowsDir & "\media\tada.wav",1) $Success = MsgBox(4, "", "Migration Was Successful. Do You Want To Exit?") If $Success = 6 Then Exit EndFunc ;==>StartButton ;===Function For Save Printer Info File============================================================ Func SavePrinter() Local $strSaveLocation Local $ptrFile Local $arrPrinters = GetPrinters("NETWORK") Local $strSaveLocation = 'c:\Temp\Migrate\Printers\Printers.txt' If Not @error Then $ptrFile = FileOpen($strSaveLocation, 10) FileWriteLine($ptrFile, @MON & "/" & @MDAY & "/" & @YEAR & " at " & @HOUR & ":" & @MIN & ":" & @SEC) For $i = 1 To $arrPrinters[0] FileWriteLine($ptrFile, $arrPrinters[$i]) Next FileClose($ptrFile) EndIf EndFunc ;==>SavePrinter ;===Function For Get Printers====================================================================== Func GetPrinters($strType) Local $intPrinterLimit = 20 Local $intPrinterCount = 0 Local $arrPrinters[$intPrinterLimit + 1] Local $name = GUICtrlRead($cnTarget) Local $strReg If @OSType = "WIN32_NT" Then Switch $strType Case "NETWORK" For $i = 1 To $intPrinterLimit $p = _HKCU_EnumKey("\\\" & $name & "\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Devices", $i) $strRegKey = _HKCU_Read("\\\" & $name & "\\" & $p & "Devices") $strReg = RegEnumVal($strRegKey, $i) If @error = -1 Then ExitLoop If StringInStr($strReg, "\\") <> 0 Then $arrPrinters[$intPrinterCount + 1] = $strReg $intPrinterCount += 1 EndIf Next EndSwitch EndIf $arrPrinters[0] = $intPrinterCount Return $arrPrinters EndFunc ;==>GetPrinters ;===Function For Mapped Drives===================================================================== Func Mapped() Local $asset = GUICtrlRead($cnTarget) Local $mapLocation = 'c:\Temp\Migrate\Drives\Drives.txt' $mapFile = FileOpen($mapLocation, 10) For $i = 1 To 26 $b = _HKCU_EnumKey("\\\" & $asset & "\Network", $i) $iProd = 1 For $j = 1 To $b[0][0] $iProd *= $b[$j][2] If $b[$j][2] = 0 Then $path = _HKCU_Read("\\\" & $asset & "\\" & $b[$j][0] & "\Network\" & $b[$j][1], "RemotePath") FileWriteLine($mapFile, $b[$j][1] & "," & $path[1][1]) EndIf Next If $iProd <> 0 Then ExitLoop Next EndFunc Hi, i don't know your function _HKCU_Read. But if you want to read out remote registry keys, it should be \\remote_machine\HKCU\Software.... So your code, e.g. $p = _HKCU_EnumKey("\\\" & $name & "\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Devices", $i) is maybe not correct. See helpfile RegRead: It is possible to access remote registries by using a keyname in the form "\\computername\keyname". To use this feature you must have the correct access rights. ;-)) Stefan Edited November 4, 2009 by 99ojo Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
surreal Posted November 5, 2009 Author Share Posted November 5, 2009 (edited) thanks 99ojo. i updated the link above to give you more info on the function _HKCU_EnumKey. it is used to be able and access HKCU. would anyone be able to help and let me know if im getting closer on my below code? thanks Func network_printers() Local $prsComputer = GUICtrlRead($cnTarget) Local $prLocation = 'c:\Temp\printers.txt' $prFile = FileOpen($prLocation, 10) ; For $i = 1 To 100 $b = _HKCU_EnumKey("\\\" & $prsComputer & "\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Devices", $i) $iProd = 1 For $j = 1 To $b[0][0] $iProd *= $b[$j][2] Next If $iProd <> 0 Then ExitLoop _ArrayDisplay($b, $i) Next FileWriteLine($prLocation, $b[$j][1]) FileClose($prLocation) EndFunc Edited November 5, 2009 by surreal Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
surreal Posted November 6, 2009 Author Share Posted November 6, 2009 (edited) i now can get a list of all printers in the key remotely! can someone please help me add the needed code to only list strings that start with "\\" Func Printers() Local $passet = GUICtrlRead($cnTarget) Local $pLocation = 'c:\Temp\Migrate\Printers\Printers.txt' $pFile = FileOpen($pLocation, 10) For $i = 1 To 25 $p = _HKCU_EnumVal("\\\" & $passet & "\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Devices", $i) $iProdp = 1 For $n = 1 To $p[0][0] $iProdp *= $p[$n][2] If $p[$n][2] = 0 Then $ppath = _HKCU_Read("\\\" & $passet & "\\" & $p[$n][1], "Devices") FileWriteLine($pFile, $p[$n][1] & "," & $ppath[1][1]) EndIf Next If $iProdp <> 0 Then ExitLoop Next EndFunc i tried adding something like the below code but that did not work. $strReg = RegEnumVal($p, $i) If @error = -1 Then ExitLoop If StringInStr($strReg, "\\") <> 0 Then thanks for all your help d@ve Edited November 6, 2009 by surreal Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Authenticity Posted November 6, 2009 Share Posted November 6, 2009 If StringInStr($strReg, "\\") = 1 Then ..will match "\\123\123" or "\\\\\\\\\more\\\\" but not "\a\" or "qwe\\" If you want to match only things that start with double backslashes and only two, you can do: If StringRegExp($strReg, "^\\\\(?!\\)") Then ; OK Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
surreal Posted November 6, 2009 Author Share Posted November 6, 2009 Thanks for the reply Authenticity i added your change into the main code showen below but now the txt file is blank. if i remove the new code all printers are listed again.the reason i only want the network printers is once i grab this info i then want to add code to install them on the system that is running the script.thanks again for everyones help.expandcollapse popup#include <ButtonConstants.au3> #include <ComboConstants.au3> #include <EditConstants.au3> #include <GUIConstantsEx.au3> #include <StaticConstants.au3> #include <WindowsConstants.au3> #include <File.au3> #include <Array.au3> #include <HKCUReg.au3> ;===Checks Local OSVersion Create Var User Friendly================================================ $OS = @OSVersion $OS = StringReplace($OS, "WIN_VISTA", "Windows Vista") $OS = StringReplace($OS, "WIN_XP", "Windows XP") $OS = StringReplace($OS, "WIN_2000", "Windows 2000") ;===Determines Documents Location According To OS++================================================ $OSDOC = @OSVersion If $OSDOC = "WIN_VISTA" Then $DOC = "\Users\" If $OSDOC = "WIN_XP" Then $DOC = "\Documents and Settings\" EndIf $OSDF = @OSVersion If $OSDF = "WIN_VISTA" Then $DF = "Documents" If $OSDF = "WIN_XP" Then $DF = "My Documents" EndIf GUICreate("", 330, 145, -1, -1) ;===GUI Network Computer To Tranfer From=========================================================== GUICtrlCreateGroup("System", 10, 10, 190, 75) GUICtrlCreateLabel("Computer Name:", 20, 25) $cnTarget = GUICtrlCreateInput(@ComputerName, 20, 40, 120, 20) $cnMessage = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Enter computer name or ip address", 20, 64, 175, 15) $cnButton = GUICtrlCreateButton("Connect", 145, 35, 50, 25, $WS_GROUP) ;===GUI Network User Profile======================================================================= GUICtrlCreateGroup("Profile:", 10, 90, 190, 45) $prCombo = GUICtrlCreateCombo("", 20, 105, 175, 20) ;===GUI Group What To Migrate====================================================================== GUICtrlCreateGroup("Tranfer", 210, 10, 110, 80) $BoxMap = GUICtrlCreateCheckbox("Mapped Drives", 220, 25) $BoxPrinter = GUICtrlCreateCheckbox("Printers", 220, 45) $BoxWireless = GUICtrlCreateCheckbox("Wireless", 220, 65) ;===GUI Start Function============================================================================= $StartButton = GUICtrlCreateButton("Start", 230, 100, 65, 30, $WS_GROUP) GUISetState(@SW_SHOW) ;===Start Of GUIGetMsg============================================================================= While 1 $msg = GUIGetMsg() Select ;===Case For Exit GUI============================================================================== Case $msg = $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE $Close = MsgBox(4, "", "Are you sure you want to exit?") If $Close = 6 Then GUIDelete() Exit EndIf ;===Case For Connect=============================================================================== Case $msg = $cnButton If GUICtrlRead($cnTarget) = '' Then GUICtrlSetData($cnMessage, 'Target machine must be entered') GUICtrlSetColor($cnMessage, 0xFF0000) ContinueLoop EndIf Connect() Case $msg = $StartButton StartButton() EndSelect WEnd ;===Function For Remote System InfoBox============================================================= Func Connect() Local $Separator = "------------------------------" SplashTextOn("", "Querying Network", 165, 40, -1, -1, 2, "", 9) Sleep(1000) If Ping(GUICtrlRead($cnTarget)) Then $strComputer = GUICtrlRead($cnTarget) $objWMIService = ObjGet("winmgmts:\\" & $strComputer & "\root\CIMV2") SplashOff() If Not IsObj($objWMIService) Then GUICtrlSetData($cnMessage, 'Failed to connect to system') GUICtrlSetColor($cnMessage, 0xFF0000) Return EndIf ;===WMI BIOS $colItems1 = $objWMIService.ExecQuery("SELECT * FROM Win32_Bios") $message = "System Info for " & $strComputer & @CRLF & $Separator & @CRLF & @CRLF For $objItem In $colItems1 $message &= "Dell Asset Number: " & $objItem.SerialNumber & @CRLF & _ "Manufacturer: " & $objItem.Manufacturer & @CRLF & @CRLF Global $surreal = $objItem.SerialNumber Global $RemoteName = $strComputer Next ;===WMI NETWORK $colItems2 = $objWMIService.ExecQuery("SELECT * FROM Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration WHERE IPEnabled = True") For $objItem In $colItems2 $message &= "IP Address: " & $objItem.IPAddress(0) & @CRLF & _ "IP Subnet: " & $objItem.IPSubnet(0) & @CRLF & @CRLF Next ;===WMI SYSTEM $colItems3 = $objWMIService.ExecQuery("SELECT * FROM Win32_ComputerSystem") For $objItem In $colItems3 $message &= "Model: " & $objItem.Model & @CRLF & _ "Computer Name: " & $objItem.Name & @CRLF & _ "Last User: " & $objItem.UserName & @CRLF Global $RemoteUser = $objItem.UserName Next GUICtrlSetData($cnMessage, 'Connected, select user profile') GUICtrlSetColor($cnMessage, 0x008000) MsgBox(64, "System Information", $message) Else GUICtrlSetData($cnMessage, 'Target system could not be contacted') GUICtrlSetColor($cnMessage, 0xFF0000) Return EndIf Profile() EndFunc ;==>Connect ;===Function For Remote Profile Load=============================================================== Func Profile() Local $combo_string = "" $FolderList = _FileListToArray("\\" & GUICtrlRead($cnTarget) & "\c$" & $DOC, "*", 2) For $i = 1 To $FolderList[0] Switch $FolderList[$i] Case "All Users", "Default User", "LocalService", "NetworkService" ContinueLoop Case Else If $i = $FolderList[0] Then $combo_string &= $FolderList[$i] Else $combo_string &= $FolderList[$i] & "|" EndIf EndSwitch Next GUICtrlSetData($prCombo, $combo_string) EndFunc ;==>Profile ;===Function For Checkbox Actions================================================================== Func StartButton() ;===Mapped Drives If GUICtrlRead($BoxMap) = $GUI_CHECKED Then DirCreate("c:\Temp\Migrate\Drives") Mapped() EndIf ;===Printers If GUICtrlRead($BoxPrinter) = $GUI_CHECKED Then DirCreate("c:\Temp\Migrate\Printers") Printers() EndIf ;===Wireless Settings If GUICtrlRead($BoxWireless) = $GUI_CHECKED Then DirCreate("c:\Temp\Migrate\Wireless") EndIf SoundPlay(@WindowsDir & "\media\tada.wav",1) $Success = MsgBox(4, "", "Migration Was Successful. Do You Want To Exit?") If $Success = 6 Then Exit EndFunc ;==>StartButton ;===Function For Save Printer Info File============================================================ Func Printers() Local $passet = GUICtrlRead($cnTarget) Local $pLocation = 'c:\Temp\Migrate\Printers\Printers.txt' $pFile = FileOpen($pLocation, 10) For $i = 1 To 25 $p = _HKCU_EnumVal("\\\" & $passet & "\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Devices", $i) $iProdp = 1 For $n = 1 To $p[0][0] $iProdp *= $p[$n][2] If $p[$n][2] = 0 Then $ppath = _HKCU_Read("\\\" & $passet & "\\" & $p[$n][1], "Devices") EndIf If StringRegExp($p, "^\\\\(?!\\)") Then FileWriteLine($pFile, $p[$n][1] & "," & $ppath[1][1]) EndIf Next If $iProdp <> 0 Then ExitLoop Next EndFunc ;==>SavePrinter ;===Function For Mapped Drives===================================================================== Func Mapped() Local $asset = GUICtrlRead($cnTarget) Local $mapLocation = 'c:\Temp\Migrate\Drives\Drives.txt' $mapFile = FileOpen($mapLocation, 10) For $i = 1 To 25 $b = _HKCU_EnumKey("\\\" & $asset & "\Network", $i) $iProd = 1 For $j = 1 To $b[0][0] $iProd *= $b[$j][2] If $b[$j][2] = 0 Then $path = _HKCU_Read("\\\" & $asset & "\\" & $b[$j][0] & "\Network\" & $b[$j][1], "RemotePath") FileWriteLine($mapFile, $b[$j][1] & "," & $path[1][1]) EndIf Next If $iProd <> 0 Then ExitLoop Next EndFunc Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Authenticity Posted November 6, 2009 Share Posted November 6, 2009 So $p should be an array type or evaluated within string context? StringRegExp($p, "^\\\\(?!\\)"), should it be StringRegExp($p[$n][1], "^\\\\(?!\\)") or something? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
surreal Posted November 6, 2009 Author Share Posted November 6, 2009 thank you so much Authenticity, thank you, thank you. that did the trick, im pretty new to arrays, learning as i go.not sure if i should start a new post but i now need to be able to use this array data from printers and mapped drivers to now install on the local machine.not sure if i need to create an ini or if i can use the array itself to do stuff like DriveMapAdd. any help in the right direction would be great.d@ve Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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