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With this extension...


Automating FireFox is simple and easy. :)

You can record and playback various actions using this Extension. In order to share an extension, you simply copy a specially formatted URL and send it to a friend with the iMacros plugin installed.

The URLs are in the format of... http://run.imacros.net/?code=[base64 encoded script file]

But when it's generated on the fly, not only do you have the power to create macros, but you have the complete power to automate FireFox based on user input and system variables perfectly and easily. ;)

Here is a quick sample... B)

#include <base64.au3>
$LoginURL = 'http://win7vista.com/index.php?action=login'
$FormName = 'frmLogin'
$UsernameField = 'user'
$Username = 'BinaryBrother'
$PasswordField = 'passwrd'
$Password = '*********'
$Submit = 'login'
$Commands = 'VERSION BUILD=6240709 RECORDER=FX' & @CRLF & _
        'TAB T=1' & @CRLF & _
        'URL GOTO=' & $LoginURL & @CRLF & _
        'TAG POS=1 TYPE=INPUT:TEXT FORM=NAME:' & $FormName & 'ATTR=NAME:' & $UsernameField & 'CONTENT=' & $Username & @CRLF & _
        'SET !ENCRYPTION NO' & @CRLF & _
        'TAG POS=1 TYPE=INPUT:PASSWORD FORM=NAME:' & $FormName & 'ATTR=NAME:' & $PasswordField & 'CONTENT=' & $Password & @CRLF & _
        'TAG POS=1 TYPE=INPUT:SUBMIT FORM=ID:' & $FormName & 'ATTR=VALUE:' & $Submit

$Macro1 = 'http://run.imacros.net/?code=' & _Base64Encode($Commands)


#base64 include

; Build lookup tables as global constants
#Region Build look-up tables

;The Base64 alphabet, in an array which can be used as a 6-bit lookup table
Global Const $gcac_Base64Alphabet[64] = [ _
 'A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F', 'G', 'H', 'I', 'J', 'K', 'L', 'M', 'N', 'O', 'P', _
 'Q', 'R', 'S', 'T', 'U', 'V', 'W', 'X', 'Y', 'Z', 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f', _
 'g', 'h', 'i', 'j', 'k', 'l', 'm', 'n', 'o', 'p', 'q', 'r', 's', 't', 'u', 'v', _
 'w', 'x', 'y', 'z', '0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '+', '/']

;reverse look-up table to convert an ascii value to a 6-bit value
Global Const $gcai_Base64Reverse[256] = [ _
 - 1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, _
 - 1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 62, -1, -1, -1, 63, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, _
 - 1, 00, 01, 02, 03, 04, 05, 06, 07, 08, 09, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, _
 - 1, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, _
 - 1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, _
 - 1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, _
 - 1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, _
 - 1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1]

;A 12-bit to 16-bit lookup table for encoding to base64
Global Const $gcas_Base64Table12 = _Base64Table12()

;a 14-bit to 12-bit reverse lookup (basically a truncated 16-bit to 12-bit table, uses 7+7 instead of 8+8)
Global Const $gcai_Base64Table14 = _Base64Table14()

;Build a 12-bit to 16-bit lookup table
Func _Base64Table12()
    Dim $a_Out[4096], $i_Count1, $i_Count2
    ;ProgressOn(@ScriptName, 'Base64 Lookup Tables','Building Encoder Table...',-1,-1,16)
    For $i_Count1 = 0 To 63
 For $i_Count2 = 0 To 63
 $a_Out[$i_Count1 * 64 + $i_Count2] = $gcac_Base64Alphabet[$i_Count1] & $gcac_Base64Alphabet[$i_Count2]
 ;ProgressSet(100 * $i_Count1 / 63)
    Return $a_Out
EndFunc ;==>_Base64Table12

;a 14-bit to 12-bit reverse lookup (basically a truncated "16-bit to 12-bit" table, uses 7+7 instead of 8+8)
;note: 12-bit values have been shifted to easier fit into the Big Edian style of the BinaryString() function
;The table has 2 columns. The columns represent the 4-bit groups as 00C0AB and EF0D00 respectively
Func _Base64Table14()
    Dim $a_Out[16384][2], $i_Count1, $i_Count2, $i_Temp1, $i_Temp2
    ;ProgressOn(@ScriptName, 'Base64 Lookup Tables','Building Decoder Table...',-1,-1,16)
    For $i_Count1 = 0 To 63
 For $i_Count2 = 0 To 63
 $i_Temp1 = Asc($gcac_Base64Alphabet[$i_Count1]) * 128 + Asc($gcac_Base64Alphabet[$i_Count2])
 $i_Temp2 = $i_Count1 * 64 + $i_Count2
 $a_Out[$i_Temp1][0] = BitShift($i_Temp2, 4) + BitAND($i_Temp2, 15) * 4096
 $a_Out[$i_Temp1][1] = BitAND($i_Temp2, 255) * 65536 + BitAND($i_Temp2, 3840)
 ;ProgressSet(100 * $i_Count1 / 63)
    Return $a_Out
EndFunc ;==>_Base64Table14


; Description: Convert String to Base64
; Syntax: _Base64Encode($s_Input, $b_WordWrap, $s_ProgressTitle)
; Parameter(s):
; $s_Input - String to convert to a Base64 String
; $b_WordWrap - Add a @CRLF to the output every 76 Char. Default = True
; $s_ProgressTitle - Show a Progress Bar, This is the title of the progress bar. Default = "" = No progress bar.
; Requirement(s): v3.2.4.0
; Return Value: A Base64 encoded version of that string
; Authors: Original functions          - blindwig
;      Edit for UDF and Clean/Speedup Code - Mikeytown2
;      Code Speedup/Standards      - blindwig
; Note(s):
;      To encode a binary file, adapt this codeblock to your program
;      $file = "binaryfile.dat"
;      _Base64Encode (BinaryToString(FileRead(FileOpen($file, 16), FileGetSize($file))))
;      Autoit will most likely crash if input is large (24+ MB)
Func _Base64Encode($s_Input, $b_WordWrap = '', $s_ProgressTitle = '')
    Local $i_Count, $i_Count2, $s_Out = '', $i_Temp

    If $b_WordWrap = '' Then $b_WordWrap = True

    ;Initialize ProgressBar
    If $s_ProgressTitle Then ProgressOn($s_ProgressTitle, 'Base64 Encoding', 'Pre-Processing Input:')

    ;Break the input up into bytes
    Local $as_Input = StringSplit($s_Input, "")

    ;Main Processing Loop - handles 3-byte chunks
    If $s_ProgressTitle Then
 ProgressSet(0, 'Main Encode...', 'Base64 Encoding: ' & $as_Input[0] & ' bytes')
 If $b_WordWrap Then ;use ProgressBar and LineWrap
 ;Handle data in a 57-byte chunck (which will be coded to a 76-byte line)
 For $i_Count2 = 1 To $as_Input[0] - Mod($as_Input[0], 57) Step 57
 For $i_Count = $i_Count2 To $i_Count2 + 54 Step 3
 $i_Temp = Asc($as_Input[$i_Count + 1])
 $s_Out &= $gcas_Base64Table12[Asc($as_Input[$i_Count + 0]) * 16 + BitShift($i_Temp, 4) ] _
          & $gcas_Base64Table12[BitAND($i_Temp, 15) * 256 + Asc($as_Input[$i_Count + 2]) ]
 $s_Out &= @CRLF
 ProgressSet(100 * $i_Count2 / $as_Input[0])
 ;Handle any left-over bytes (a final chunk less than 57 bytes but at least 3)
 For $i_Count = $i_Count2 To $as_Input[0] - Mod($as_Input[0], 3) Step 3
 $i_Temp = Asc($as_Input[$i_Count + 1])
 $s_Out &= $gcas_Base64Table12[Asc($as_Input[$i_Count + 0]) * 16 + BitShift($i_Temp, 4) ] _
      & $gcas_Base64Table12[BitAND($i_Temp, 15) * 256 + Asc($as_Input[$i_Count + 2]) ]
 Else ;use ProgressBar only
 ;Handle data in a 57-byte chunck (which will be coded to a 76-byte line)
 For $i_Count2 = 1 To $as_Input[0] - Mod($as_Input[0], 57) Step 57
 For $i_Count = $i_Count2 To $i_Count2 + 54 Step 3
 $i_Temp = Asc($as_Input[$i_Count + 1])
 $s_Out &= $gcas_Base64Table12[Asc($as_Input[$i_Count + 0]) * 16 + BitShift($i_Temp, 4) ] _
          & $gcas_Base64Table12[BitAND($i_Temp, 15) * 256 + Asc($as_Input[$i_Count + 2]) ]
 ProgressSet(100 * $i_Count2 / $as_Input[0])
 ;Handle any left-over bytes (a final chunk less than 57 bytes but at least 3)
 For $i_Count = $i_Count2 To $as_Input[0] - Mod($as_Input[0], 3) Step 3
 $i_Temp = Asc($as_Input[$i_Count + 1])
 $s_Out &= $gcas_Base64Table12[Asc($as_Input[$i_Count + 0]) * 16 + BitShift($i_Temp, 4) ] _
      & $gcas_Base64Table12[BitAND($i_Temp, 15) * 256 + Asc($as_Input[$i_Count + 2]) ]
    Else ;No ProgressBar
 If $b_WordWrap Then ;use LineWrap only
 ;Handle data in a 57-byte chunck (which will be coded to a 76-byte line)
 For $i_Count2 = 1 To $as_Input[0] - Mod($as_Input[0], 57) Step 57
 For $i_Count = $i_Count2 To $i_Count2 + 54 Step 3
 $i_Temp = Asc($as_Input[$i_Count + 1])
 $s_Out &= $gcas_Base64Table12[Asc($as_Input[$i_Count + 0]) * 16 + BitShift($i_Temp, 4) ] _
          & $gcas_Base64Table12[BitAND($i_Temp, 15) * 256 + Asc($as_Input[$i_Count + 2]) ]
 $s_Out &= @CRLF
 ;Handle any left-over bytes (a final chunk less than 57 bytes but at least 3)
 For $i_Count = $i_Count2 To $as_Input[0] - Mod($as_Input[0], 3) Step 3
 $i_Temp = Asc($as_Input[$i_Count + 1])
 $s_Out &= $gcas_Base64Table12[Asc($as_Input[$i_Count + 0]) * 16 + BitShift($i_Temp, 4) ] _
      & $gcas_Base64Table12[BitAND($i_Temp, 15) * 256 + Asc($as_Input[$i_Count + 2]) ]
 Else ;use no ProgressBar or LineWrap
 For $i_Count = 1 To $as_Input[0] - Mod($as_Input[0], 3) Step 3
 $i_Temp = Asc($as_Input[$i_Count + 1])
 $s_Out &= $gcas_Base64Table12[Asc($as_Input[$i_Count + 0]) * 16 + BitShift($i_Temp, 4) ] _
      & $gcas_Base64Table12[BitAND($i_Temp, 15) * 256 + Asc($as_Input[$i_Count + 2]) ]

    ;Handle any left-over bytes (a final chunk less than 3 bytes)
    Switch Mod($as_Input[0], 3)
 Case 1
 $s_Out &= $gcac_Base64Alphabet[BitShift(Asc($as_Input[$as_Input[0]]), 2) ] _
 & $gcac_Base64Alphabet[BitAND(Asc($as_Input[$as_Input[0]]), 3) * 16 ] & '=='
 Case 2
 $s_Out &= $gcac_Base64Alphabet[BitShift(Asc($as_Input[$as_Input[0] - 1]), 2) ] _
 & $gcac_Base64Alphabet[BitAND(Asc($as_Input[$as_Input[0] - 1]), 3) * 16 + BitShift(Asc($as_Input[$as_Input[0]]), 4) ] _
 & $gcac_Base64Alphabet[BitAND(Asc($as_Input[$as_Input[0]]), 15) * 4 ] & '='

    ;Final line-wrap
    If $b_WordWrap And Mod($i_Count + 1, 19) = 0 Then $s_Out &= @CRLF

    ;Final ProgrssBar
    If $s_ProgressTitle Then ProgressOff()

    Return $s_Out
EndFunc ;==>_Base64Encode

; Description: Decodes a given base64 string
; Syntax: _Base64Decode($as_CypherText, $s_ProgressTitle)
; Parameter(s):
; $as_CypherText - Base64 String
; $s_ProgressTitle - (optional) Show a Progress Bar, This is the title of the progress bar. Default ("") ;No progress bar.
; Requirement(s): v3.2.4.0
; Return Value(s): On Success - Returns decoded Base64 string
; Authors: Original functions          - blindwig
;      Edit for UDF and Clean/Speedup Code - Mikeytown2
;      Code Speedup/Standards      - blindwig
; Note(s):
;      will always strip all @CRLF, @CR, @LF characters before processing and any non Base64 characters
;      Will most likely crash if input is large (32+ MB)
Func _Base64Decode($s_CypherText, $s_ProgressTitle = '')
    Local $i_Count = 0, $i_Count2, $s_Out = '', $i_CypMod, $i_Temp

    If $s_ProgressTitle Then ProgressOn($s_ProgressTitle, 'Base64 Decoding', 'Pre-processing input:', -1, -1, 16)

    ;first filter EOL characters
    If $s_ProgressTitle Then ProgressSet(18, 'Pre-processing input: Filtering EOL...')
    $s_CypherText = StringReplace(StringStripCR($s_CypherText), @LF, "")
    ;check for non-base64 characters, filter if needed
    If $s_ProgressTitle Then ProgressSet(25, 'Pre-processing input: Checking for junk...')
    If StringRegExp($s_CypherText, '[^0-9a-zA-Z/+=]', 0) Then
 If $s_ProgressTitle Then ProgressSet(50, 'Pre-processing input: Filtering junk...')
 $s_CypherText = StringRegExpReplace($s_CypherText, '[^0-9a-zA-Z/+=]', '')

    ;Break the input up into bytes
    If $s_ProgressTitle Then ProgressSet(75, 'Pre-processing input: Building array...')
    $as_CypherText = StringSplit($s_CypherText, "")

    ;Pad the input to a multiple of four characters
    If $s_ProgressTitle Then ProgressSet(95, 'Pre-processing input: Padding array...')
    $i_CypMod = Mod($as_CypherText[0], 4)
    If $i_CypMod Then
 ReDim $as_CypherText[$as_CypherText[0] + 5 - $i_CypMod]
 For $i_Count = $as_CypherText[0] + 1 To UBound($as_CypherText) - 1
 $as_CypherText[$i_Count] = '='
 $as_CypherText[0] = UBound($as_CypherText) - 1

    ;Main decoding loop - process all but the last 4 bytes
    If $s_ProgressTitle Then
 ProgressSet(0, 'Main Decode Loop...', 'Base64 Decoding ' & $as_CypherText[0] & ' bytes')
 For $i_Count2 = 1 To $as_CypherText[0] - Mod($as_CypherText[0], 100) - 4 Step + 100
 For $i_Count = $i_Count2 To $i_Count2 + 96 Step + 4
 $i_Temp = $gcai_Base64Table14[Asc($as_CypherText[$i_Count + 0]) * 128 + Asc($as_CypherText[$i_Count + 1]) ][0] _
      + $gcai_Base64Table14[Asc($as_CypherText[$i_Count + 2]) * 128 + Asc($as_CypherText[$i_Count + 3]) ][1]
 $s_Out &= StringLeft(BinaryToString($i_Temp), 3)
 ProgressSet(100 * $i_Count / $as_CypherText[0])
 For $i_Count = $i_Count To $as_CypherText[0] - 4 Step + 4
 $i_Temp = $gcai_Base64Table14[Asc($as_CypherText[$i_Count + 0]) * 128 + Asc($as_CypherText[$i_Count + 1]) ][0] _
 + $gcai_Base64Table14[Asc($as_CypherText[$i_Count + 2]) * 128 + Asc($as_CypherText[$i_Count + 3]) ][1]
 $s_Out &= StringLeft(BinaryToString($i_Temp), 3)
 For $i_Count = 1 To $as_CypherText[0] - 4 Step + 4
 $i_Temp = $gcai_Base64Table14[Asc($as_CypherText[$i_Count + 0]) * 128 + Asc($as_CypherText[$i_Count + 1]) ][0] _
 + $gcai_Base64Table14[Asc($as_CypherText[$i_Count + 2]) * 128 + Asc($as_CypherText[$i_Count + 3]) ][1]
 $s_Out &= StringLeft(BinaryToString($i_Temp), 3)

    ;last run - left over bytes (4 or less, if any)
    If $as_CypherText[0] Then ;make sure there is some input (not zero).
 If $as_CypherText[0] > $i_Count Then
 Local $ai_Bytes[4]

 $ai_Bytes[0] = $gcai_Base64Reverse[Asc($as_CypherText[$i_Count + 0]) ]
 $ai_Bytes[1] = $gcai_Base64Reverse[Asc($as_CypherText[$i_Count + 1]) ]
 $ai_Bytes[2] = $gcai_Base64Reverse[Asc($as_CypherText[$i_Count + 2]) ]
 $ai_Bytes[3] = $gcai_Base64Reverse[Asc($as_CypherText[$i_Count + 3]) ]

 Case $ai_Bytes[0] = -1;File ended on a perfect octet
 Case $ai_Bytes[1] = -1;This should never happen
 Case $ai_Bytes[2] = -1;Only the first 2 bytes to be considered
 $s_Out &= Chr($ai_Bytes[0] * 4 + BitShift($ai_Bytes[1], 4))
 Case $ai_Bytes[3] = -1;Only the first 3 bytes to be considered
 $s_Out &= Chr($ai_Bytes[0] * 4 + BitShift($ai_Bytes[1], 4)) _
          & Chr(BitAND($ai_Bytes[1] * 16 + BitShift($ai_Bytes[2], 2), 255))
 Case Else;All 4 bytes to be considered
 $s_Out &= Chr($ai_Bytes[0] * 4 + BitShift($ai_Bytes[1], 4)) _
          & Chr(BitAND($ai_Bytes[1] * 16 + BitShift($ai_Bytes[2], 2), 255)) _
          & Chr(BitAND($ai_Bytes[2] * 64 + $ai_Bytes[3], 255))

    ;Finish ProgressBar
    If $s_ProgressTitle Then ProgressOff()

    Return $s_Out
EndFunc ;==>_Base64Decode

Dear JESUS! I had my actual password on here for months! What a moron! Posted Image

Edited by BinaryBrother


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