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Obfuscator, compilation error. but no error without Obfuscator


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well im just looking into Obfuscator and love the /striponly option, does just what i need but when i try it on one of my main programs im getting error's all over the place!

the first error is

C:\PROGRAMDATA\MY Docs\Auto It\Speedtester\speedtester_graph_18_Obfuscated.au3(3537,1) : ERROR: syntax error


but i dunno how endif can be a syntax error. If i do a syntax check its fine, its compiles fine it's just when i try to use Obfuscator?

Where/how do i start debugging this?

thx all.

EDIT :- hmm looks like it might be something to do with me having used a line separator " _" as the second half of my separated line is missing after Obfuscator.

original line :-

If $xarray[$x + $fifo + 1][4] > 0 Or $xarray[$x + $fifo][4] > 0 Then
                    _GDIPlus_GraphicsDrawLine($backbuffer, (($x - 2) * 12) + 65, (502 - (480 / (100 / $xarray[$x + $fifo][4])) - 2) * $ymult, _ ; PKT Loss lines
                            (($x - 1) * 12) + 65, (502 - (480 / (100 / $xarray[$x + $fifo + 1][4])) - 2) * $ymult, $pen2)

After Obfuscator

If $xarray[$x + $fifo + 1][4] > 0 Or $xarray[$x + $fifo][4] > 0 Then
_GDIPlus_GraphicsDrawLine($backbuffer,(($x - 2) * 12) + 65,(502 -(480 /(100 / $xarray[$x + $fifo][4])) - 2) * $ymult, _
Edited by JackDinn

Thx all,Jack Dinn.


JD's Auto Internet Speed Tester

JD's Clip Catch (With Screen Shot Helper)

Projects :- AutoIt - My projects

My software never has bugs. It just develops random features. :-D

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Ok well it looks like the problem is that i had remarks at the separation points ,Obfuscator just didn't like it so iv just moved them.

all ok now.

Thx all,Jack Dinn.


JD's Auto Internet Speed Tester

JD's Clip Catch (With Screen Shot Helper)

Projects :- AutoIt - My projects

My software never has bugs. It just develops random features. :-D

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Obfuscator ver

AI ver

yea i know i was unable to reproduce the problem in a test script either but here's a copy of the script that it happens in, DL it and have a go.

im using /striponly & i have no idea what happens with any other switches.

Thx all,Jack Dinn.


JD's Auto Internet Speed Tester

JD's Clip Catch (With Screen Shot Helper)

Projects :- AutoIt - My projects

My software never has bugs. It just develops random features. :-D

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