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Having a hard ol' time


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Here's my problem.


Returns an array containing the size and the control's position relative to it's client window


It then replaces the screen coordinates with the client coordinates.


It replaces the screen coordinates with the client coordinates.


Returns screen coords.

My problem is that I need to position a control so that is universally centered regardless of the computer. (Or at least in the same position.) I can't for the life of me figure out how to (with the functions above) do it.

#include <ie.au3>

$oIE = _IECreate()
_IENavigate($oIE, "http://www.addictinggames.com/kittencannon.html")
    $oObj = _IEGetObjById($oIE, "FlashContent")
Until IsObj($oObj)

;Need some positioning magic here. Or at least a point to the direction I should be heading. Thank you.

While 1

Is there an easy way I haven't been able to think of for positioning the control (the game)?

How would I got about moving the top left corner of the control to the top left of the screen?

Edited by jebus495
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If you embed it in a GUI window then yes and it's easy because you know the control position and size. If it's by automating the Internet Explorer browser you need to check the window is not maximized, resize the window as you see fits and then calculate the window position by x = @DesktopWidth/2-$IEWidth/2, same for the height. The embedded flash object is another story, you need to scroll the IE window by the document size to the flash object's position. Probably each element in the page has client position properties relative to the document window, you can use them. DHTML Objects

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If you embed it in a GUI window then yes and it's easy because you know the control position and size. If it's by automating the Internet Explorer browser you need to check the window is not maximized, resize the window as you see fits and then calculate the window position by x = @DesktopWidth/2-$IEWidth/2, same for the height. The embedded flash object is another story, you need to scroll the IE window by the document size to the flash object's position. Probably each element in the page has client position properties relative to the document window, you can use them. DHTML Objects

Now I remember the last problem I had. The real reason for posting this thread. PixelGetColor only accepts screen coords and I need to read the color of a pixel on a control on the exact same spot on multiple computers.

I've gotten around this before with an extremely clunky workaround involving using a separate script to align and position a browser saving the offsets for further use. That method is pretty ugly and prone to error which is why I'm looking to eliminate the need for such crazyness. I can use ControlSend and ControlClick for most of it but I still need to use PixelGetColor, PixelSearch and PixelCheckSum which require screen coordinates.

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