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updating script dies at &_

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trying to use this function to sent ctrl+c to a hidden command prompt window however it gives me an error on compile

I dont know what &_ usted to do else this would be easy ;)

>Running AU3Check (  from:C:\Program Files (x86)\AutoIt3
C:\Users\Matthew Lagoe\Desktop\test.au3(25,60) : ERROR: syntax error
    $string = StringMid($string, 1, $start - 1) & Chr(5) &_

Func ControlSendPlus($title, $text, $className, $string, $flag)
;VERSION 2.0.3 (06/13/2004)
Local $ctrl=0,$alt=0,$upper,$start,$end,$i,$char,$and,$Chr5Index,$isUpper,$ret
If $flag = 2 OR $flag = 3 Then $ctrl = 1
If $flag = 2 OR $flag = 4 Then $alt = 1
If $flag <> 1 Then $flag = 0;set the flag to the default function style
$upper = StringSplit('~!@#$%^&*()_+|{}:"<>?ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ', "")

If $flag <> 1 Then;don't replace special chars if it's raw mode
;replace {{} and {}} with +[ and +] so they will be displayed properly
  $string = StringReplace($string, "{{}", "+[")
  $string = StringReplace($string, "{}}", "+]")
;replace all special chars with Chr(5)
;add the special char to an array.  each Chr(5) corresponds with an element
  Local $Chr5[StringLen($string) / 2 + 1]
  For $i = 1 To StringLen($string)
    $start = StringInStr($string, "{")
    If $start = 0 Then ExitLoop;no more open braces, so no more special chars
    $end = StringInStr($string, "}")
    If $end = 0 Then ExitLoop;no more close braces, so no more special chars
;parse inside of braces:
    $Chr5[$i] = StringMid($string, $start, $end - $start + 1)
;replace with Chr(5) leaving the rest of the string:
    $string = StringMid($string, 1, $start - 1) & Chr(5) &_
     StringMid($string, $end + 1, StringLen($string))
;take out any "!", "^", or "+" characters
;add them to the $Modifiers array to be used durring key sending
  Local $Modifiers[StringLen($string) + 1]
  For $i = 1 To StringLen($string)
    $char = StringMid($string, $i, 1)
    $and = 0
    If $char = "+" Then
      $and = 1
    ElseIf $char = "^" Then
      $and = 2
    ElseIf $char = "!" Then
      $and = 4
    ElseIf $char = "" Then
    If $and <> 0 Then
      $Modifiers[$i] = BitOR($Modifiers[$i], $and)
      $string = StringMid($string, 1, $i - 1) &_
       StringMid($string, $i + 1, StringLen($string))
      $i = $i - 1
Else;it is raw mode, so set up an all-0 modifier array
  Local $Modifiers[StringLen($string) + 1]

;now send the chars
$Chr5Index = 1
For $i = 1 To StringLen($string)
  $char = StringMid($string, $i, 1)
  If $char = Chr(5) Then
    $char = $Chr5[$Chr5Index]
    $Chr5Index = $Chr5Index + 1
  $isUpper = 0
  For $j = 1 To UBound($upper) - 1
    If $char == $upper[$j] Then $isUpper = 1
;1 SHIFT, 2 CTRL, 4 ALT (programmer note to keep the bits straight)
  If $isUpper = 1 OR BitAND($Modifiers[$i], 1) = 1 Then Send("{SHIFTDOWN}")
  If BitAND($Modifiers[$i], 4) = 4 AND NOT $alt Then $char = "!" & $char
  If BitAND($Modifiers[$i], 2) = 2 AND NOT $ctrl Then $char = "^" & $char
  If BitAND($Modifiers[$i], 4) = 4 AND $alt Then Send("{ALTDOWN}")
  If BitAND($Modifiers[$i], 2) = 2 AND $ctrl Then Send("{CTRLDOWN}")
  $ret = ControlSend($title, $text, $className, $char, $flag)
  If BitAND($Modifiers[$i], 4) = 4 AND $alt Then Send("{ALTUP}")
  If BitAND($Modifiers[$i], 2) = 2 AND $ctrl Then Send("{CTRLUP}")
  If $isUpper = 1 OR BitAND($Modifiers[$i], 1) = 1 Then Send("{SHIFTUP}")
  If NOT $ret Then return 0;window or control not found
return 1
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