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File Needed! Web.au3 Not on the forums, send me your copy??


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My bad, I searched a little harder and found it,

this is not my code but this is just another way to help find it.

#region start #include-once #include  Global $AuCGI_version = EnvGet ("AUCGI_VERS") Global $session = 0 Global $is_rss = False Global $_MULTIPART = False Global $PostContentLength = Number(EnvGet ("CONTENT_LENGTH")) Global $_POST_raw = "" If $PostContentLength > 0 Then While StringLen($_POST_raw) < $PostContentLength $_POST_raw &= ConsoleRead() WEnd EndIf Global $_GET_raw = EnvGet("QUERY_STRING") Global $_Cookie_Raw = EnvGet("HTTP_COOKIE") #endregion #region useful vars Global $_REMOTE_ADDR = EnvGet ('REMOTE_ADDR') Global $_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE = EnvGet ('HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE') Global $_HOST = EnvGet ('HTTP_HOST') Global $_ACCEPT_CHARSET = EnvGet ('HTTP_ACCEPT_CHARSET') Global $_USER_AGENT = EnvGet ('HTTP_USER_AGENT') Global $_SERVER_SOFTWARE = EnvGet ('SERVER_SOFTWARE') Global $_SERVER_NAME = EnvGet ('SERVER_NAME') Global $_SERVER_PROTOCOL = EnvGet ('SERVER_PROTOCOL') Global $_SERVER_PORT = EnvGet ('SERVER_PORT') Global $_SCRIPT_NAME = EnvGet ('SCRIPT_NAME') Global $_HTTPS = EnvGet ('HTTPS') Global $_DOCUMENT_ROOT = EnvGet('DOCUMENT_ROOT') ; The root directory of your server Global $_HTTP_REFERER = EnvGet('HTTP_REFERER') ; The URL of the page that called your program Global $_PATH = EnvGet('PATH') ; The system path your server is running under Global $_REMOTE_HOST = EnvGet('REMOTE_HOST') ; The hostname of the visitor (if your server has reverse-name-lookups on; otherwise this is the IP address again) Global $_REMOTE_PORT = EnvGet('REMOTE_PORT') ; The port the visitor is connected to on the web server Global $_REMOTE_USER = EnvGet('REMOTE_USER') ; The visitor's username (for .htaccess-protected pages) Global $_REQUEST_METHOD = EnvGet('REQUEST_METHOD') ; GET or POST Global $_REQUEST_URI = EnvGet('REQUEST_URI') ; The interpreted pathname of the requested document or CGI (relative to the document root) Global $_SCRIPT_FILENAME = EnvGet('SCRIPT_FILENAME') ; The full pathname of the current CGI Global $_SERVER_ADMIN = EnvGet('SERVER_ADMIN') ; The email address for your server's webmaster #endregion #region funcs ;=============================================================================== ; ; Description: Sends the http header to the browser for web-based applications. ; Parameter(s): $sTitle - The title of the web page to start. ; $sCookie - If you want to specify a cookie, do it here. ; Use the format name=value. "" by default. ; $sContent_type - lets you specify a different content type ; other than text/html. ; Requirement(s): None ; Return Value(s): On Success - 0 ; On Failure - 0 and Set @error to 1 if unable to ConsoleWrite ; Author(s): Matt Roth (theguy0000)  ; Note(s): Must go at the top of all web-based applications. ; ;=============================================================================== Func _StartWebApp ($sTitle="", $sCookie = "", $sContent_type="text/html") Local $error = 0 if $sCookie <> "" then ConsoleWrite("Content-Type: "&$sContent_type & Chr(13) & Chr(10) & "Set-Cookie: " & $sCookie & Chr(13) & Chr(10) & Chr(13) & Chr(10)) If @error then $error = 1 else ConsoleWrite("Content-Type: "&$sContent_type & Chr(13) & Chr(10) & Chr(13) & Chr(10)) If @error then $error = 1 endif If $sTitle <> "" Then ConsoleWrite(""&$sTitle&"") If @error then $error = 1 SetError ($error) Return 0 EndFunc ;=============================================================================== ; ; Description: Sends text to be displayed in the web browser. ; Parameter(s): $sText - The text to display. ; Requirement(s): None ; Return Value(s): On Success - 0 ; On Failure - 0 and Set @error to 1 if unable to ConsoleWrite ; Author(s): Matt Roth (theguy0000)  ; Note(s): The text can include html. ; ;=============================================================================== Func echo($sText, $sTag="") Local $error Local $tagsplit = StringSplit ($sTag, " ") If $sTag <> "" Then ConsoleWrite("<"&$sTag&">"&$sText&"" & @crlf) Else ConsoleWrite ($sText & @crlf) EndIf If @error then $error = 1 SetError ($error) Return 0 EndFunc Func echol($sText, $sTag="") Local $error Local $tagsplit = StringSplit ($sTag, " ") If $sTag <> "" Then ConsoleWrite("<"&$sTag&">"&$sText&"
" & @crlf) Else ConsoleWrite ($sText&"
" & @crlf) EndIf If @error then $error = 1 SetError ($error) Return 0 EndFunc Func inline($sText, $sTag="") Local $error Local $tagsplit = StringSplit ($sTag, " ") If $sTag <> "" Then ConsoleWrite("<"&$sTag&">"&$sText&"") Else ConsoleWrite ($sText) EndIf If @error then $error = 1 SetError ($error) Return 0 EndFunc ;=============================================================================== ; ; Description: Gets the value of a POST variable sent to the page. ; Parameter(s): $sVar - The name of the variable to retrieve ; Requirement(s): None ; Return Value(s): On Success - The value of the requested variable. ; On Failure - "" if the requested variable doesn't exist. ; Author(s): Matt Roth (theguy0000)  ; Note(s): None. ; ;=============================================================================== Func _Post($sVar) Local $varstring, $num, $vars, $var_array $varstring = $_POST_raw If Not StringInStr($varstring, $sVar&"=") Then Return "" $num = __StringFindOccurances($varstring, "=") Local $vars[$num+1] $vars = StringSplit ($varstring, "&") For $i=1 To $vars[0] $var_array = StringSplit ($vars[$i], "=") If $var_array[0] < 2 Then Return "error" If $var_array[1] = $sVar Then Return _URLDecode($var_array[2]) Next Return "" EndFunc ;=============================================================================== ; ; Description: Gets the value of a GET variable sent to the page. ; Parameter(s): $sVar - The name of the variable to retrieve ; Requirement(s): None ; Return Value(s): On Success - The value of the requested variable. (or returns True. see notes) ; On Failure - "" if the requested variable doesn't exist. ; Author(s): Matt Roth (theguy0000)  ; Note(s): If $iVarType is 1, it uses variables without values, like script.auw?myvar ; then you could use _Get("myvar", 1) and it would return true. ; ;=============================================================================== Func _Get($sVar, $iVarType=0) Local $varstring, $num, $vars, $var_array $varstring = $_GET_raw If Not StringInStr($varstring, $sVar&"=") Then Return "" $num = __StringFindOccurances($varstring, "=") Local $vars[$num+1] $vars = StringSplit ($varstring, "&") For $i=1 To $vars[0] If $iVarType Then If $vars[$i] = $sVar Then Return True Else $var_array = StringSplit ($vars[$i], "=") If $var_array[0] < 2 Then Return "error" If $var_array[1] = $sVar Then Return _URLDecode($var_array[2]) EndIf Next If $iVarType Then Return False Return True EndFunc ;=============================================================================== ; ; Description: Gets the value of a cookie. ; Parameter(s): $sVar - The name of the variable to retrieve ; Requirement(s): None ; Return Value(s): On Success - The value of the requested cookie. ; On Failure - "" if the requested cookie doesn't exist. ; Author(s): Matt Roth (theguy0000)  ; Note(s): None. ; ;=============================================================================== Func _Cookie($sVar) Local $varstring, $num, $vars, $var_array $varstring = $_Cookie_Raw If Not StringInStr($varstring, $sVar&"=") Then Return "" $num = __StringFindOccurances($varstring, "=") Local $vars[$num+1] $vars = StringSplit ($varstring, "&") For $i=1 To $vars[0] $var_array = StringSplit ($vars[$i], "=") If $var_array[0] < 2 Then Return "error" If $var_array[1] = $sVar Then Return $var_array[2] Next Return "" EndFunc ;=============================================================================== ; ; Description: Gets a file that was submitted form, or the value of an input ; in a multipart form. ; Parameter(s): $sVar - The name of the input where the file was ; submitted. ; Requirement(s): None ; Return Value(s): On Success - ; IF THE REQUESTED VARIABLE IS A FILE: ; An array: ; [0] - Name of the file - example: hello.txt ; [1] - Content type of the retrieved file - Example: text/plain ; [2] - Contents of the file. ; IF THE REQUESTED VARIABLE IS NOT A FILE: ; Value of the variable ; On Failure - 0 ; Author(s): Matt Roth (theguy0000)  ; Note(s): None. ; ;=============================================================================== Func _PostMultipart ($sVar) Local $ret[3], $temp_split, $name_pos, $name, $quote_pos, $pos Local $split = StringSplit ($_POST_raw, "-----------------------------", 1) For $i = 1 To $split[0] $temp_split = StringSplit ($split[$i], @CRLF, 1) If $temp_split[0] < 4 Then ContinueLoop ;~ _ArrayDisplay ($temp_split, "") _ArrayDelete ($temp_split, 0) ;~ _ArrayDisplay ($temp_split, "") If StringInStr ($temp_split[1], '; filename="') Then $name_pos = StringInStr ($temp_split[1], '; name="') $name = StringRight ($temp_split[1], StringLen($temp_split[1])-($name_pos+7)) $quote_pos = StringInStr ($name, '"') $name = StringLeft ($name, (StringLen($name)-(StringLen($name)-$quote_pos))-1) ;~ MsgBox (0, "", $name) If $name <> $sVar Then ContinueLoop $pos = StringInStr ($temp_split[1], '; filename="') $ret[0] = StringRight ($temp_split[1], StringLen($temp_split[1])-($pos+11)) $ret[0] = StringTrimRight ($ret[0], 1) _ArrayDelete ($temp_split, 1) $ret[1] = StringRight($temp_split[1], StringLen($temp_split[1])-14) _ArrayDelete ($temp_split, 1) _ArrayDelete ($temp_split, 1) _ArrayDelete ($temp_split, 0) _ArrayDelete ($temp_split, UBound($temp_split)-1) $ret[2] = _ArrayToString($temp_split, @CRLF) ;~ _ArrayDisplay ($temp_split, "") Return $ret Else $name_pos = StringInStr ($temp_split[1], '; name="') $name = StringRight ($temp_split[1], StringLen($temp_split[1])-($name_pos+7)) $quote_pos = StringInStr ($name, '"') $name = StringLeft ($name, (StringLen($name)-(StringLen($name)-$quote_pos))-1) ;~ MsgBox (0, "", $name) If $name <> $sVar Then ContinueLoop Return $temp_split[3] EndIf Next Return 0 EndFunc ;=============================================================================== ; ; Description: echo's a string telling the user their visitor number. ; Parameter(s): $sCounterMsg - The text to be echo'd. % will be replaced ; with the visitor number. ; $sCounter - Optional path to the file where the visitor ; number will be stored/retrieved. ; Requirement(s): None ; Return Value(s): On Success - the visitor number ; Author(s): Matt Roth (theguy0000)  ; Note(s): None. ; ;=============================================================================== Func _WebCounter($sCounterMsg='You are Visitor Number % to this page', $sCounter='') If $sCounter = '' Then $sCounter = "C:\count_"&$_SCRIPT_NAME&".txt" If Not FileExists ($sCounter) Then FileWriteLine ($sCounter, 0) Local $i Local $line = FileRead($sCounter) Local $ending $i = $line + $i If $i = 1 Then $ending = "st" ElseIf $i = 2 Then $ending = "nd" ElseIf $i = 3 Then $ending = "rd" Else $ending = "th" EndIf echo (StringReplace (StringReplace($sCounterMsg,"!",$ending), "%", $i)) FileDelete($sCounter) FileWriteLine($sCounter,$i) Return $i EndFunc Func __StringFindOccurances($sStr1, $sStr2) ; NOT BY ME For $i = 1 to StringLen($sStr1) If not StringInStr($sStr1, $sStr2, 1, $i) Then ExitLoop Next Return $i EndFunc ;=============================================================================== ; ; Description: Displays a message box on the user's computer. ; Parameter(s): $sCounterMsg - The text to be echo'd. % will be replaced ; with the visitor number. ; $sCounter - Optional path to the file where the visitor ; number will be stored/retrieved. ; Requirement(s): Javascript enabled on the user's browser ; Return Value(s): On Success - the visitor number ; Author(s): Matt Roth (theguy0000)  ; Note(s): None. ; ;=============================================================================== Func _MsgBox($sText) echo('") EndFunc ;=============================================================================== ; ; Description: optionally echo's a string of text then exits the script. ; Parameter(s): $sText - The optional text to be echo'd before exiting. ; Requirement(s): None ; Return Value(s): 0 ; Author(s): Matt Roth (theguy0000)  ; Note(s): None. ; ;=============================================================================== Func die ($sText="") echo ($sText) Exit EndFunc ;=============================================================================== ; ; Description: Sends the http header to the browser with session variables enabled. ; Parameter(s): $sTitle - The title of the web page to start. ; $sContent_type - lets you specify a different content type ; other than text/html. ; Requirement(s): Javascript enabled on the user's browser ; Return Value(s): 0 ; Author(s): Matt Roth (theguy0000)  ; Note(s): If you want to use session variables, you should use this instead ; of _StartWebApp ; ;=============================================================================== Func _StartWebApp_Session ($sTitle="", $sContent_type="text/html") $session = 1 If _GetSID()>11110 Then ConsoleWrite("Content-Type: " & $sContent_type & Chr(13) & Chr(10) & "Set-Cookie: sid="&_GenerateSID() & Chr(13) & Chr(10) & Chr(13) & Chr(10)) If $sTitle <> "" Then ConsoleWrite(""&$sTitle&"") $_Cookie_Raw = EnvGet ("HTTP_COOKIE") Else _StartWebApp ($sTitle) EndIf EndFunc Func _GenerateSID () Local $ret Do $ret = Random (11111, 99999, 1) Until IniRead ("sessions.ini", "list", $ret, "no") = "no" IniWrite ("sessions.ini", "list", $ret, "yes") Return $ret EndFunc ;=============================================================================== ; ; Description: gets the current user's Session ID. ; Parameter(s): None ; Requirement(s): None ; Return Value(s): On Success - The user's SID ; On Failure - "" ; Author(s): Matt Roth (theguy0000)  ; Note(s): None. ; ;=============================================================================== Func _GetSID ( ) Return _Cookie ("sid") EndFunc ;=============================================================================== ; ; Description: Sets a session variable ; Parameter(s): $sName - The name of the variable to set ; $sValue - The value of the new variable. ; Requirement(s): _StartWebApp_Session at the beginning of the script ; Return Value(s): On Success - 1 ; On Failure - 0 If the ini file is read-only or sessions aren't enabled. ; Author(s): Matt Roth (theguy0000)  ; Note(s): None. ; ;=============================================================================== Func _Session_set ($sName, $sValue) If Not $session Then Return 0 Return IniWrite ("sessions.ini", _GetSID (), $sName, $sValue) EndFunc ;=============================================================================== ; ; Description: gets the value of a session variable. ; Parameter(s): $sName - the name of the variable to retrieve. ; Requirement(s): _StartWebApp_Session at the beginning of the script ; Return Value(s): On Success - The value of ; On Failure - "" ; Author(s): Matt Roth (theguy0000)  ; Note(s): None. ; ;=============================================================================== Func _Session ($sName) If Not $session Then Return 0 Return IniRead ("sessions.ini", _GetSID(), $sName, "") EndFunc ;=============================================================================== ; ; Description: Create an ActiveX Object for use later. ; Parameter(s): $sObj - the object to create, for example, SAPI.SpVoice ; $sObjName - could be anything to identify it to you, but must ; adhere to the following standards ; -they cannot be any of the words found here: [url="http://www.javascriptkit.com/jsref/reserved.shtml"]http://www.javascriptkit.com/jsref/reserved.shtml[/url] ; -they are case sensitive ; -they can begin with a letter or underscore, NOT a numeral ; -no spaces... ; Requirement(s): _StartWebApp_Session at the beginning of the script ; Return Value(s): On Success - The value of ; On Failure - "" ; Author(s): Matt Roth (theguy0000)  ; Note(s): Does not work if javascript is not enabled, and even if it is, ; security settings sometimes stop it. ; ;=============================================================================== Func WebObjCreate($sObj, $sObjName) Local $out=''&@CRLF echo ($out) return $out EndFunc ;=============================================================================== ; ; Description: starts a web page that will be used as an RSS Feed. ; Parameter(s): $sTitle - The name of the channel. It's how people refer to ; your service. If you have an HTML website that ; contains the same information as your RSS file, the ; title of your channel should be the same as the title ; of your website. ; $sLink - The URL to the HTML website corresponding to the channel. ; $sDescription - Phrase or sentence describing the channel. ; $sLanguage - [optional] the language your RSS feed is in. Default is en-us. Set as an empty string to omit. ; $sCopyright - [optional] Copyright notice for content in the channel. Default is a blank string ; $sEditor - [optional] Email address for person responsible for editorial content. Default is a blank string. ; $sMaster - [optional] Email address for person responsible for technical issues relating to channel. ; Requirement(s): None. ; Return Value(s): On Success - True ; On Failure - False ; Author(s): Matt Roth (theguy0000)  ; Note(s): If you use this, do not use _StartWebApp () or _StartWebApp_Session () ; ;=============================================================================== Func _StartRssFeed ($sTitle, $sLink, $sDescription, $sLanguage="en-us", $sCopyright="", $sEditor="", $sMaster="") $is_rss = True _StartWebApp () If @error Then Return SetError (1, @error, False) echo ('') If @error Then Return SetError (2, @error, False) echo ('') If @error Then Return SetError (3, @error, False) echo ('') If @error Then Return SetError (4, @error, False) echo (''&$sTitle&'') If @error Then Return SetError (5, @error, False) echo (''&$sLink&'') If @error Then Return SetError (6, @error, False) echo (''&$sDescription&'') If @error Then Return SetError (7, @error, False) If $sLanguage <> "" Then echo (''&$sLanguage&'') If @error Then Return SetError (8, @error, False) If $sCopyright <> "" Then echo (''&$sCopyright&'') If @error Then Return SetError (9, @error, False) If $sEditor <> "" Then echo (''&$sEditor&'') If @error Then Return SetError (10, @error, False) If $sMaster <> "" Then echo (''&$sMaster&'') If @error Then Return SetError (11, @error, False) echo ('AutoIt '&@AutoItVersion&'') If @error Then Return SetError (12, @error, False) echo ('http://validator.w3.org/feed/docs/rss2.html') If @error Then Return SetError (13, @error, False) Return True EndFunc ;=============================================================================== ; ; Description: Adds an Item to the current RSS Feed ; Parameter(s): $sTitle - The title of the item. ; $sDescription - The item synopsis. ; $sLink - [optional] The URL of the item. Leave blank to omit. ; $sAuthor - [optional] Email address of the author of the item. ; Leave blank to omit. ; $sCategory - [optional] Includes the item in one or more ; categories. Leave blank to omit. ; $sGuid - [optional] A string that uniquely identifies the item. ; There are no syntax rules. Leave blank to omit. ; $sPubDate - [optional] Indicates when the item was published. ; Leave blank to omit. Must be in the format: ; WWW, DD MMM YYYY HH:MM:SS GMT ; Example: ; Sun, 19 Aug 2002 15:21:36 GMT ; Requirement(s): _StartRssFeed () ; Return Value(s): On Success - True ; On Failure - False ; Author(s): Matt Roth (theguy0000)  ; Note(s): None. ; ;=============================================================================== Func _RssAddItem ($sTitle, $sDescription, $sLink="", $sAuthor="", $sCategory="", $sGuid="", $sPubDate="") If Not $is_rss Then Return SetError( -1, "", False) echo ('') If @error Then Return SetError (1, @error, False) echo (''&$sTitle&'') If @error Then Return SetError (2, @error, False) echo (''&$sDescription&'') If @error Then Return SetError (3, @error, False) If $sLink <> "" then echo (''&$sLink&'') If @error Then Return SetError (4, @error, False) If $sAuthor <> "" then echo (''&$sAuthor&'') If @error Then Return SetError (5, @error, False) If $sCategory <> "" then echo (''&$sCategory&'') If @error Then Return SetError (6, @error, False) If $sGuid <> "" then echo (''&$sGuid&'') If @error Then Return SetError (7, @error, False) If $sPubDate <> "" then echo (''&$sPubDate&'') If @error Then Return SetError (8, @error, False) echo ('') If @error Then Return SetError (9, @error, False) Return True EndFunc ;=============================================================================== ; ; Description: ends the RSS Feed ; Parameter(s): None. ; Requirement(s): None. ; Return Value(s): On Success - True ; On Failure - False ; Author(s): Matt Roth (theguy0000)  ; Note(s): This will exit the script. You cannot do anything else after using this function. ; ;=============================================================================== Func _EndRssFeed () If Not $is_rss Then Return SetError( -1, "", False) echo ('') If @error Then Return SetError (1, @error, False) echo ('') If @error Then Return SetError (2, @error, False) Return True EndFunc #endregion #region helper funcs ;=============================================================================== ; _URLEncode() ; Description: : Encodes a string to be URL-friendly ; Parameter(s): : $toEncode - The String to Encode ; : $encodeType = 0 - Practical Encoding (Encode only what is necessary) ; : = 1 - Encode everything ; : = 2 - RFC 1738 Encoding - [url="http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc1738.txt"]http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc1738.txt[/url] ; Return Value(s): : The URL encoded string ; Author(s): : nfwu ; Note(s): : - ; ;=============================================================================== Func _URLEncode($toEncode, $encodeType = 0) Local $strHex = "", $iDec Local $aryChar = StringSplit($toEncode, "") If $encodeType = 1 Then;;Encode EVERYTHING For $i = 1 To $aryChar[0] $strHex = $strHex & "%" & Hex(Asc($aryChar[$i]), 2) Next Return $strHex ElseIf $encodeType = 0 Then;;Practical Encoding For $i = 1 To $aryChar[0] $iDec = Asc($aryChar[$i]) if $iDec <= 32 Or $iDec = 37 Then $strHex = $strHex & "%" & Hex($iDec, 2) Else $strHex = $strHex & $aryChar[$i] EndIf Next Return $strHex ElseIf $encodeType = 2 Then;;RFC 1738 Encoding For $i = 1 To $aryChar[0] If Not StringInStr("$-_.+!*'(),;/?:@=&abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ1234567890", $aryChar[$i]) Then $strHex = $strHex & "%" & Hex(Asc($aryChar[$i]), 2) Else $strHex = $strHex & $aryChar[$i] EndIf Next Return $strHex EndIf EndFunc ;=============================================================================== ; _URLDecode() ; Description: : Tranlates a URL-friendly string to a normal string ; Parameter(s): : $toDecode - The URL-friendly string to decode ; Return Value(s): : The URL decoded string ; Author(s): : nfwu ; Note(s): : - ; ;=============================================================================== Func _URLDecode($toDecode) local $strChar = "", $iOne, $iTwo Local $aryHex = StringSplit($toDecode, "") For $i = 1 to $aryHex[0] If $aryHex[$i] = "%" Then $i = $i + 1 $iOne = $aryHex[$i] $i = $i + 1 $iTwo = $aryHex[$i] $strChar = $strChar & Chr(Dec($iOne & $iTwo)) Else $strChar = $strChar & $aryHex[$i] EndIf Next Return StringReplace($strChar, "+", " ") EndFunc #endregion


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My bad, I searched a little harder and found it,

this is not my code but this is just another way to help find it.

Could you give us the version where everything isn't on the same line? :mellow:

The key is to just press ADD on the "autoit button codebox" and paste the code then. If you just paste everything in you get those unusable one-liners.

Edited by AdmiralAlkex
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