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Increasing Cell Padding in a GuiCtrlcreatelistview

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I am using:

GUICtrlCreateListView("Time | Discription", 368, 32, 241, 295, BitOR($LVS_REPORT,$LVS_NOSORTHEADER,$LVS_SINGLESEL,$LVS_SHOWSELALWAYS))

I write information to this window via

Guictrlcreatelistviewitem (datetime() & "| " & $discription, $Reports)

the issue I am having the issue with my description cell not being wide enough for the text i am putting into it.

I would like to increase the width length of it.

Is there any way to do this?

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Yes there is a way to do this , the function you want is _GUICtrlListView_SetColumnWidth , the helpfile has an example of its use :(

GDIPlusDispose - A modified version of GDIPlus that auto disposes of its own objects before shutdown of the Dll using the same function Syntax as the original.EzMySql UDF - Use MySql Databases with autoit with syntax similar to SQLite UDF.
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Yes there is a way to do this , the function you want is _GUICtrlListView_SetColumnWidth , the helpfile has an example of its use :(

I see the help file, but how do i get the function? or where?

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Open Auoit's helpfile, in the tree view contents goto User Defined Functions Reference > GuiListView Management.

Edit - added a script to find it for you :(

#Include <GuiTreeView.au3>

If Not WinExists("AutoIt Help") Then
    MsgBox(0,"","Please open the AutoIt Help File")
WinActivate("AutoIt Help")
$hTreeView = ControlGetHandle("AutoIt Help", "", "SysTreeView321")
$hItemInTree = _GUICtrlTreeView_FindItem ($hTreeView, "_GUICtrlListView_SetColumnWidth")
_GUICtrlTreeView_EnsureVisible ($hTreeView, $hItemInTree)
_GUICtrlTreeView_ClickItem ($hTreeView, $hItemInTree)
Edited by Yoriz
GDIPlusDispose - A modified version of GDIPlus that auto disposes of its own objects before shutdown of the Dll using the same function Syntax as the original.EzMySql UDF - Use MySql Databases with autoit with syntax similar to SQLite UDF.
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Open Auoit's helpfile, in the tree view contents goto User Defined Functions Reference > GuiListView Management.

Edit - added a script to find it for you :(

#Include <GuiTreeView.au3>

If Not WinExists("AutoIt Help") Then
    MsgBox(0,"","Please open the AutoIt Help File")
WinActivate("AutoIt Help")
$hTreeView = ControlGetHandle("AutoIt Help", "", "SysTreeView321")
$hItemInTree = _GUICtrlTreeView_FindItem ($hTreeView, "_GUICtrlListView_SetColumnWidth")
_GUICtrlTreeView_EnsureVisible ($hTreeView, $hItemInTree)
_GUICtrlTreeView_ClickItem ($hTreeView, $hItemInTree)

$Reports = _GUICtrlListView_Create($Form1_1,"", 368, 32, 315, 295, BitOR($LVS_REPORT,$LVS_NOSORTHEADER,$LVS_SINGLESEL,$LVS_SHOWSELALWAYS))

I used the following Code to create the spacing needed incase it is helpful to anyone else.

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