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Hello, I'm facing a strange problem, can someone give me a tip on how to solve this?

If I put the script on the the same path as the ini files, this works ok!

$search = FileFindFirstFile("\\server\share$\*.ini")

if I put it on another path, it doesn't return anything; the behavior is the same if I use the "\\server\share$" path or not...

[topic="51913"]Restrict USB Storage usage to group membership[/topic] * [topic="48699"]Using nircmd library[/topic] * Some admin notes


Hi BullGates,

what happens when you open a command box and type

dir \\server\share$\*.ini

Do you get a result?


Rule #1: Always do a backup         Rule #2: Always do a backup (backup of rule #1)


yes, it lists the directory and I can see the files, it's not a permission problem.

[topic="51913"]Restrict USB Storage usage to group membership[/topic] * [topic="48699"]Using nircmd library[/topic] * Some admin notes


FileFindFirstFile() returns a handle. So does the handle equal -1? or some other error condition? Your explanation seems unclear to determine. Perhaps the issue is one of the other lines in the script that is not shown.

Posted (edited)

FileFindFirstFile() returns a handle. So does the handle equal -1? or some other error condition? Your explanation seems unclear to determine. Perhaps the issue is one of the other lines in the script that is not shown.

Hello, it returns 2. The same code works great if I put the script on the same directory as the ini files. This is quite strange.

Here goes all the code, it calculates how often users use office products, by processing the data that other script sends to an hiden share.

$dados = FileOpen("dados.csv", 2)
If $dados = -1 Then
    MsgBox(0, "Erro", "Ficheiro em uso, por favor feche e tente de novo.")
$procura = FileFindFirstFile("\\server\share$\*.ini")
ConsoleWrite("User,Access,Excel,Outlook,Winword" & @CRLF)
FileWriteLine($dados,"User;Access;Excel;Outlook;Winword" & @CRLF)
While 1
    $inifile = FileFindNextFile($procura)
    If @error Then ExitLoop
    $computador = IniReadSectionNames($inifile)
    Dim $access[$computador[0] + 1]
    Dim $excel[$computador[0] + 1]
    Dim $outlook[$computador[0] + 1]
    Dim $winword[$computador[0] + 1]
    For $i = 1 To $computador[0]
        $access[$i] = IniRead($inifile, $computador[$i], "Access", 0)
        $excel[$i] = IniRead($inifile, $computador[$i], "Excel", 0)
        $outlook[$i] = IniRead($inifile, $computador[$i], "Outlook", 0)
        $winword[$i] = IniRead($inifile, $computador[$i], "Winword", 0)
    $access1 = 0
    $excel1 = 0
    $outlook1 = 0
    $winword1 = 0
    For $i = 1 To $computador[0]
        $access1 = $access[$i] + $access1
        $excel1 = $excel[$i] + $excel1
        $winword1 = $winword[$i] + $winword1
        $outlook1 = $outlook[$i] + $outlook1
    $utilizador = StringTrimRight($inifile, 4)
    ConsoleWrite($utilizador & ";" & $access1 & ";" & $excel1 & ";" & $outlook1 & ";" & $winword1 & @CRLF)
    FileWriteLine($dados,$utilizador & ";" & $access1 & ";" & $excel1 & ";" & $outlook1 & ";" & $winword1 & @CRLF)

Edited by BullGates

[topic="51913"]Restrict USB Storage usage to group membership[/topic] * [topic="48699"]Using nircmd library[/topic] * Some admin notes


Hello, it returns 2. The same code works great if I put the script on the same directory as the ini files. This is quite strange.

Here goes all the code, it calculates how often users use office products, by processing the data that other script sends to an hiden share.

Thanks for the information. I see your issue. You are using $inifile as a path for IniReadSectionNames(). $inifile is just a filename returned from FileFindNextFile(), not a full path and the filename.

A quick fix is to build a full path adding a line of code as below.

While 1
    $inifile = FileFindNextFile($procura)
    If @error Then ExitLoop
    $inifile = '\\server\share$\' & $inifile ; make a full path

That should help :(

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