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Help with URL Script

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I have a problem with my script below. I need it to have the input box value after "mx%3a" in the url when entering it in IE but it doesn't work.....or even better I have a list of domain names that I need to check to see if they point to us in a text file, can I have autoit read the domains from the text file and "silently" in the background check mxtoolbox to see if it points to us and log a file with the results?

Sorry for all the questions, they all just came to me as I was typing this out.



#include <IE.au3>

$number = InputBox("MxToolBox Checker", "Enter the domain name you want to check.", "")
; Check the user's answer to the prompt (see the help file for MsgBox return values) 
$url ="http://mxtoolbox.com/SuperTool.aspx?action=mx%3a"
$oIE = _IECreate($url, 1)
$oFormLogin = _IEFormGetCollection($oIE, 0)
Send ("{ENTER}")
Edited by atnextc
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If you want to read a list from a file, look into _FileReadToArray, if you want to have IE run silently, look at the parameters for _IECreate.

To read the page you'll probably want to read through the tables on the page and based on what you find, write out to a file using IniWrite or FileWriteLine.

This will help you with figuring out what table # you want to look at:

#include <IE.au3>
#include <Array.au3>

$number = InputBox("MxToolBox Checker", "Enter the domain name you want to check.", "")
If @error Then Exit

$oIE = _IECreate("http://mxtoolbox.com/SuperTool.aspx?action=mx%3a" & $number, 1)

For $x = 0 to 100
$oTable = _IETableGetCollection ($oIE, $x)
If @error Then Exit
$aTableData = _IETableWriteToArray ($oTable, True)
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