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skip func in a while loop


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just a slight change...

Local $NowHour
While 1
    If Not $NowHour Or $NowHour <> @HOUR Then
        $NowHour = @HOUR
;do other code here
    Sleep(10) ;shortend the sleep for less pause between checking and doing stuff
Edited by kaotkbliss



My Android cat and mouse game

We're gonna need another Timmy!

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would this still work if im doing other stuff in the while loop. so it just checks to see if its been a houre after everything if not it willstilldo other stuff and if its been the hour it willdo my func?

Pretty much, but if you want ALL runs of your function to be 60 minutes (give or take however long the rest of your code in your loop) to process, you will need to look at timer functions like TimerInint() & _TimerDiff(); If you start this script at 12:59PM, the next run will be when the hour is at 13(1PM) so the first 2 runs would only be one minute apart. The subsequent runs would be roughly 60 minutes apart. You could remedy this by storing the Hour & minute and then check to see if the hour has changed and the minute is the same (12:59 to 1:59 to 2:59, etc) or measuring the TimerDiff so it is 60 minutes Edited by Varian
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Here is an example with TimerInint(); This solves the afore mentioned dilemma

$Begin = TimerInit()
While 1
    $Dif = Floor(TimerDiff($Begin) / 60000) ;Returns Elapsed Time in minutes
    If $Dif = 60 Then
        $Begin = TimerInit() ;resets the timer
    ;Rest of your Script Here
    Sleep(10) ;small idle to avoid CPU throttling
Edited by Varian
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