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Control Click does not work on button


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Hello Everybody,

I'm having a problem using controlclick when I try to do this on a certain button. This button is embedded in a JAVA applet in a website. The problem is that controlclick only works when I'm hovering the mouse over the control. So I need to simulate a mouse over event at the same time as using controlclick. I found on the forum (http://www.autoitscript.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=120053&view=findpost&p=834466) that I can do this using _IEgetobjectbyid and fireEvent("onmouseover") like this:

; trigger dynamic INPUT TYPE=FILE element creation with onmouseover
$oElement = _IEGetObjById($oIE, "Upload_btn")

(thanks to Dale). And this would probably work if I was able to use _IEgetobjectbyid... The thing is that _IEgetobjectbyid does not "see" my button. Neither does the "Debugbar". I think this is caused by the fact that the button is not defined using HTML or Javascript but JAVA. I can get a ID for the button using the autoit window viewer. This gives me: [CLASS:Button; INSTANCE:1]. I can also get a handle using ControlGetHandle but neither of these two seem to work when I use them in combination with .fireEvent("onmouseover") because autoit gives me a warning that my variable is not an object. (warning is: : ==> Variable must be of type "Object".: )

Can somebody help figuring this out? Can I get the "object name" in some way? Or can I simulate a mouseover event in a different way (not using the cursor of the "real" mouse).

Greetings, MrPP

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I not sure whether this is useful but here is the HTML of the page I'm trying to automate:

<title>EdenWall Applet</title>
 <style type="text/css" media="all">
  @import url("portal.css");
<img src="edenwall_portal.jpg">
<h3>Java authentication</h3>
<APPLET CODE="nusession.NuApplet" archive="ewapplet.jar" WIDTH=300 HEIGHT=200>
<PARAM NAME=TEXT VALUE="You need Java to be able to authenticate to the gateway.">
<P>You need Java to be able to authenticate to the gateway.</p>
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This is the code that I have for now. Inserting the inlogname and password works fine. Also wit ControlClick I can see that the button is being clicked but I has only an effect on the button if I also put the mouse above it. (that's what the "sleep ( 1000 )" is for, to give me time to put the mouse on the button (I know I can do this with code but that's not important now).

#include <IE.au3>

$oIE = _IECreate ( "", 0, 1, 1, 1)

$loaded = 0
While $loaded = 0
    $loaded = ControlCommand ( "EdenWall Applet - Windows Internet Explorer", "", "[CLASS:Edit; INSTANCE:6]", "IsEnabled" )
Sleep ( 100 )
ControlFocus ( "EdenWall Applet - Windows Internet Explorer", "", "[CLASS:Edit; INSTANCE:6]")
ControlSend ( "EdenWall Applet - Windows Internet Explorer", "", "[CLASS:Edit; INSTANCE:6]", "xxx", "1" )
ControlFocus ( "EdenWall Applet - Windows Internet Explorer", "", "[CLASS:Edit; INSTANCE:7]")
ControlSend ( "EdenWall Applet - Windows Internet Explorer", "", "[CLASS:Edit; INSTANCE:7]", "xxx", "1" )

Sleep ( 1000 )

ControlClick ( "EdenWall Applet - Windows Internet Explorer", "", "[CLASS:Button; INSTANCE:1]", "primary", "1", "5", "5")

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