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AutoIT script to return a value


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Hi All,

I am new to AutoIT and trying to learn it. I want to write a AutoIT script which can return a value (integer/Array).

My intension is to call the AutoIT script from some other program and need to know whether the execution of a pirticular command was successful or not (from AutoIT script).


Here is my AutoIT script (my_script.exe):

Global $ret_val = RegRead ("HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\.NETFramework\Policy\v6.0", "30319");
if ($ret_val == "") Then
    ConsoleWrite (" The registry key was not found\n");
    ConsoleWrite (" Value is ------------- ");
    ConsoleWrite ($ret_val);
    return 1;
    ConsoleWrite (" The registry key was found\n");
    ConsoleWrite (" Value is ------------- ");
    ConsoleWrite ($ret_val);
    Return 0;

(NOTE: This script is popping an error: 'Return' not allowed from Global scope.

And I want to call this script (my_script.exe) from other script . Based on the return value of my_script.exe, I need to execute the commands.

Can any one help me please?

-- Thanks,


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Return make sense just in the body of a function, something like that:

Global $ret_val 


Func MyFunction()
    $ret_val = RegRead ("HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\.NETFramework\Policy\v6.0", "30319");
    if ($ret_val == "") Then
        ConsoleWrite (" The registry key was not found\n");
        ConsoleWrite (" Value is ------------- ");
        ConsoleWrite ($ret_val);
        return 1;
        ConsoleWrite (" The registry key was found\n");
        ConsoleWrite (" Value is ------------- ");
        ConsoleWrite ($ret_val);
        Return 0;

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Thank you dear Friends. I got the answer.

exit code solves my problem. Thank you very much once again...

No problem but next time make sure you post in the right forum


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