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Simple ? Array Resort Problem

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I'm somehow stuck: I've got to resort an array of at least the following five values:

"RDPNP", "npnotes", "LanmanWorkstation", "WebClient", "PssoCM32"

There are also situations where the array holds more elements. The values "npnotes" and "WebClient" may appear on any postition of the array. The resort has to conform to the following rules:

1.) After the resort no values must be lost or added; the number of values must stay the same.

2.) "npnotes" has to be the value following directly after "WebClient".

3.) "WebClient" should become element 3 or larger (if there are more than "RDPNP" and "LanmanWorkstation" before it).

4.) All other elements should keep their curent order.

I'm officially too dumb to solve this seemingly easy job - please help...

Best Regards,


Edit: Here my code so far - it just doesn't work perfekt.

; AutoIT-Includes
#include <Array.au3>

; General Variables
Global $r_key = "\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\NetworkProvider\Order"
Global $r_value = "ProviderOrder"
Global $s_source
Global $s_target
Global $a_Values
Global $i_Pos1
Global $i_Pos2
Global $i_RegWriteResult

; Main
; ==================================================================================================
If @OSArch == "X86" Then $r_key = "HKLM" &  $r_key
If @OSArch == "X64" Then $r_key = "HKLM64" &  $r_key

$s_source = RegRead($r_key, $r_value)
If $s_source = "" And @error <> 0 Then
    ConsoleWrite(@CRLF & "Something went terribly wrong while reading the key, so from now on fear the dark - " & $s_source & ": " & @error & @CRLF)
    ; Backup the original Registry Value
    $i_RegWriteResult = RegWrite($r_key, $r_value & "_Backup", "REG_SZ", $s_source)
    If $i_RegWriteResult <> 1 Then
        ConsoleWrite(@CRLF & "Something went terribly wrong while writing the key, so from now on fear the dark - " & $s_source & ": " & @error & @CRLF)

    $a_Values = StringSplit($s_source, ",", 2)
    For $i_i = 0 To UBound($a_Values) - 1
        If $a_Values[$i_i] == "WebClient" Then $i_Pos1 = $i_i
        If $a_Values[$i_i] == "npnotes" Then $i_Pos2 = $i_i

    If $i_Pos2 <> $i_Pos1+1 Then

_ArrayDisplay($a_Values, "Before")
        If $i_Pos1 == 0 Then
            _ArrayInsert($a_Values, $i_Pos1+3, $a_Values[$i_Pos1])
            _ArrayDelete($a_Values, $i_Pos1)
            _ArrayInsert($a_Values, $i_Pos1+4, $a_Values[$i_Pos2])
            _ArrayDelete($a_Values, $i_Pos2+1)
_ArrayDisplay($a_Values, "After-0")
        ElseIf UBound($a_Values)-1 >= $i_Pos1+1 Then
            _ArrayInsert($a_Values, $i_Pos1+1, $a_Values[$i_Pos2])
            _ArrayDelete($a_Values, $i_Pos2)
_ArrayDisplay($a_Values, "After-1")
        ElseIf UBound($a_Values)-1 = $i_Pos1 Then
            _ArrayInsert($a_Values, $i_Pos2, $a_Values[$i_Pos1])
            _ArrayDelete($a_Values, UBound($a_Values)-1)
_ArrayDisplay($a_Values, "After-2")

        $s_target = _ArrayToString($a_Values, ",")
        $i_RegWriteResult = RegWrite($r_key, $r_value, "REG_SZ", $s_target)
        If $i_RegWriteResult <> 1 Then
            ConsoleWrite(@CRLF & "Something went terribly wrong while writing the key, so from now on fear the dark - " & $s_source & ": " & @error & @CRLF)
            ConsoleWrite(@CRLF & "The neccessary changes were made..." & @CRLF)
        ConsoleWrite(@CRLF & "Everything already in perfect state..." & @CRLF)

Edited by cherdeg
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I do:

* Read Registry value's string

* Write an Backup of original value to the Registry

* Build an array from the original string

* Try to resort that array's elements based on the requirements in my OP <<< this is the part I have trouble with :)

* Build a string from the sorted array

* Write the string back to the Registry

How would you approve the problem with a 2D-Array?

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Hi cherdeg,

why not deleting "WebClient" and "npnotes" from the array and add them at the end?


For $i = Ubound($array] -1 To 0 Step -1
 If $array[$i] == "WebClient" Or $array[$i] == "npnotes" Then
   _ArrayDelete($array, $i)

If Ubound($array) < 3 Then _ArrayAdd($array, "")

_ArrayAdd($array, "WebClient")
_ArrayAdd($array, "npnotes")


Regards,Hannes[spoiler]If you can't convince them, confuse them![/spoiler]
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I imagine a bubble sort would be easy enough to implement. Bubble sorts are slow as a general rule, but they are easy to understand. By the sounds of it though you don't want to sort all the other data, so you could sort it as follows:

1) Make a destination array that contains the unknown elements only, but is of the right length (so +5)

2) Insert the known 5 elements, moving the other elements up (look at the _ArrayInsert code to see how to do this)


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Hi cherdeg,

why not deleting "WebClient" and "npnotes" from the array and add them at the end?

Yep, of yours, this is it!!!

Easy, simple, obvious. Except if you, like me, can't see the forest for the trees :)

Thank you very much, you made my day!!!

The working code:

; AutoIT-Includes
#include <Array.au3>

; General Variables
Global $r_key = "\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\NetworkProvider\Order"
Global $r_value = "ProviderOrder"
Global $s_source
Global $s_target
Global $a_Values
Global $a_ValuesTemp
Global $i_RegWriteResult

; Main
; ==================================================================================================
If @OSArch == "X86" Then $r_key = "HKLM" &  $r_key
If @OSArch == "X64" Then $r_key = "HKLM64" &  $r_key

; Read the original Registry Value
$s_source = RegRead($r_key, $r_value)
If $s_source = "" And @error <> 0 Then
    ConsoleWrite(@CRLF & "Something went terribly wrong while reading the key, so from now on fear the dark - " & $s_source & ": " & @error & @CRLF)
    ; Backup the original Registry Value
    $i_RegWriteResult = RegWrite($r_key, $r_value & "_Backup", "REG_SZ", $s_source)
    If $i_RegWriteResult <> 1 Then
        ConsoleWrite(@CRLF & "Something went terribly wrong while writing the key, so from now on fear the dark - " & $s_source & ": " & @error & @CRLF)

    ; Split to array and delete the relevant elements; all other elements stay untouched and in order
    $a_Values = StringSplit($s_source, ",", 2)
    $a_ValuesTemp = $a_Values
    For $i_i = UBound($a_Values) -1 To 0 Step -1
        If $a_Values[$i_i] == "WebClient" Or $a_Values[$i_i] == "npnotes" Then _ArrayDelete($a_ValuesTemp, $i_i)
    _ArrayInsert($a_ValuesTemp, 2, "WebClient")
    _ArrayInsert($a_ValuesTemp, 3, "npnotes")
    $a_Values = $a_ValuesTemp

    ; Write the values back to Registry
    $s_target = _ArrayToString($a_Values, ",")
    $i_RegWriteResult = RegWrite($r_key, $r_value, "REG_SZ", $s_target)
    If $i_RegWriteResult <> 1 Then
        ConsoleWrite(@CRLF & "Something went terribly wrong while writing the key, so from now on fear the dark - " & $s_source & ": " & @error & @CRLF)
        ConsoleWrite(@CRLF & "The neccessary changes were made..." & @CRLF)
Edited by cherdeg
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I'm somehow stuck: I've got to resort an array of at least the following five values:

"RDPNP", "npnotes", "LanmanWorkstation", "WebClient", "PssoCM32"

There are also situations where the array holds more elements. The values "npnotes" and "WebClient" may appear on any postition of the array. The resort has to conform to the following rules:

1.) After the resort no values must be lost or added; the number of values must stay the same.

2.) "npnotes" has to be the value following directly after "WebClient".

3.) "WebClient" should become element 3 or larger (if there are more than "RDPNP" and "LanmanWorkstation" before it).

4.) All other elements should keep their curent order.

I'm officially too dumb to solve this seemingly easy job - please help...

Best Regards,


Edit: Here my code so far - it just doesn't work perfekt.

; AutoIT-Includes
#include <Array.au3>

; General Variables
Global $r_key = "\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\NetworkProvider\Order"
Global $r_value = "ProviderOrder"
Global $s_source
Global $s_target
Global $a_Values
Global $i_Pos1
Global $i_Pos2
Global $i_RegWriteResult

; Main
; ==================================================================================================
If @OSArch == "X86" Then $r_key = "HKLM" &  $r_key
If @OSArch == "X64" Then $r_key = "HKLM64" &  $r_key

$s_source = RegRead($r_key, $r_value)
If $s_source = "" And @error <> 0 Then
    ConsoleWrite(@CRLF & "Something went terribly wrong while reading the key, so from now on fear the dark - " & $s_source & ": " & @error & @CRLF)
    ; Backup the original Registry Value
    $i_RegWriteResult = RegWrite($r_key, $r_value & "_Backup", "REG_SZ", $s_source)
    If $i_RegWriteResult <> 1 Then
        ConsoleWrite(@CRLF & "Something went terribly wrong while writing the key, so from now on fear the dark - " & $s_source & ": " & @error & @CRLF)

    $a_Values = StringSplit($s_source, ",", 2)
    For $i_i = 0 To UBound($a_Values) - 1
        If $a_Values[$i_i] == "WebClient" Then $i_Pos1 = $i_i
        If $a_Values[$i_i] == "npnotes" Then $i_Pos2 = $i_i

    If $i_Pos2 <> $i_Pos1+1 Then

_ArrayDisplay($a_Values, "Before")
        If $i_Pos1 == 0 Then
            _ArrayInsert($a_Values, $i_Pos1+3, $a_Values[$i_Pos1])
            _ArrayDelete($a_Values, $i_Pos1)
            _ArrayInsert($a_Values, $i_Pos1+4, $a_Values[$i_Pos2])
            _ArrayDelete($a_Values, $i_Pos2+1)
_ArrayDisplay($a_Values, "After-0")
        ElseIf UBound($a_Values)-1 >= $i_Pos1+1 Then
            _ArrayInsert($a_Values, $i_Pos1+1, $a_Values[$i_Pos2])
            _ArrayDelete($a_Values, $i_Pos2)
_ArrayDisplay($a_Values, "After-1")
        ElseIf UBound($a_Values)-1 = $i_Pos1 Then
            _ArrayInsert($a_Values, $i_Pos2, $a_Values[$i_Pos1])
            _ArrayDelete($a_Values, UBound($a_Values)-1)
_ArrayDisplay($a_Values, "After-2")

        $s_target = _ArrayToString($a_Values, ",")
        $i_RegWriteResult = RegWrite($r_key, $r_value, "REG_SZ", $s_target)
        If $i_RegWriteResult <> 1 Then
            ConsoleWrite(@CRLF & "Something went terribly wrong while writing the key, so from now on fear the dark - " & $s_source & ": " & @error & @CRLF)
            ConsoleWrite(@CRLF & "The neccessary changes were made..." & @CRLF)
        ConsoleWrite(@CRLF & "Everything already in perfect state..." & @CRLF)


; AutoIT-Includes
#include <Array.au3>

$Str = 'A,B,RDPNP,C,npnotes,D,LanmanWorkstation,WebClient,PssoCM32'
$OutArray = GroupeElements($Str)
_ArrayDisplay($OutArray, "OutArray")

Func GroupeElements($Str)
$SplitArray = StringSplit($Str,",")
Local $j = 1 , $OutArray = $SplitArray , $StrA = ""

For $i = 1 To $SplitArray[0]
if $SplitArray[$i] == "RDPNP" Or $SplitArray[$i] == "LanmanWorkstation" Then ExitLoop
if Not ($SplitArray[$i] == "npnotes") _
And Not ($SplitArray[$i] == "RDPNP") _
And Not ($SplitArray[$i] == "LanmanWorkstation") _
And Not ($SplitArray[$i] == "WebClient") Then
$OutArray[$j] = $SplitArray[$i]
$j += 1

For $i = 1 To $SplitArray[0]
if $SplitArray[$i] == "RDPNP" Or $SplitArray[$i] == "LanmanWorkstation" Then

if Not ($SplitArray[$j] == "npnotes") _
And Not ($SplitArray[$j] == "RDPNP") _
And Not ($SplitArray[$j] == "LanmanWorkstation") _
And Not ($SplitArray[$j] == "WebClient") Then $StrA &= $SplitArray[$j] & ","

$OutArray[$j] = $SplitArray[$i]
$j += 1

For $i = 1 To $SplitArray[0]
if $SplitArray[$i] == "WebClient" Then

if Not ($SplitArray[$j] == "npnotes") _
And Not ($SplitArray[$j] == "RDPNP") _
And Not ($SplitArray[$j] == "LanmanWorkstation") _
And Not ($SplitArray[$j] == "WebClient") Then $StrA &= $SplitArray[$j] & ","

$OutArray[$j] = "WebClient"
$j += 1

For $i = 1 To $SplitArray[0]
if $SplitArray[$i] == "npnotes" Then

if Not ($SplitArray[$j] == "npnotes") _
And Not ($SplitArray[$j] == "RDPNP") _
And Not ($SplitArray[$j] == "LanmanWorkstation") _
And Not ($SplitArray[$j] == "WebClient") Then $StrA &= $SplitArray[$j] & ","

$OutArray[$j] = "npnotes"
$j += 1
$StrA = StringTrimRight($StrA,1)

if $StrA == "" Then Return $OutArray

$SplitArray = StringSplit($StrA ,",")
For $i = 1 To $SplitArray[0]
$OutArray[$j] = $SplitArray[$i]
$j += 1

Return $OutArray

صرح السماء كان هنا


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