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Office Communicator Conversation

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Not sure if someone used the AutoIt to generate converation in Office communicator 2007, I have tried below code, which can already start a new conversation window, but I am not sure how to send text to the conversation window as I don't know how to dim the data type in AutoIt. attach below is the c# code from MSDN,


$oCommunicator = ObjCreate("Communicator.UIAutomation")
$s = $oCommunicator.Mycontacts
$m = $oCommunicator.GetContact("soneone@dumy.com", $oCommunicator.MyServiceID)
$rr = $oCommunicator.InstantMessage($m)

and below should be VBA code:

Sub sendMessage()
Dim p As CommunicatorAPI.Messenger
Dim r As CommunicatorAPI.IMessengerConversationWndAdvanced
Dim s As CommunicatorAPI.IMessengerContacts
Dim m As CommunicatorAPI.IMessengerContact
Dim w As String
Dim v As Long
v = 1
w = ""
Set p = CreateObject("Communicator.UIAutomation")
Set s = p.MyContacts
Set m = p.GetContact("some@dummy.com",CStr(p.MyServiceId))
Set rr = p.InstantMessage(m)
r.SendText ("hello from VBA Excel. ignore")
End Sub
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$oCommunicator = ObjCreate("Communicator.UIAutomation")
$s = $oCommunicator.Mycontacts
$m = $oCommunicator.GetContact("test@hp.com", $oCommunicator.MyServiceID)
$rr = $oCommunicator.InstantMessage($m)

This works and should get you started.

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$oCommunicator = ObjCreate("Communicator.UIAutomation")
$s = $oCommunicator.Mycontacts
$m = $oCommunicator.GetContact("test@hp.com", $oCommunicator.MyServiceID)
$rr = $oCommunicator.InstantMessage($m)

This works and should get you started.

Dear, this is not a good script even it can DO, I still want to use COM object behaviour for target.

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I tried it via AutoIt but it doesnt work. I think it is because it is restricted:

Sends a text message to an open conversation window.
[b]Not scriptable.[/b]

No, the Excel VBA code did the trick, for you reference too.

Sub Communicator()
Dim msgr As CommunicatorAPI.IMessengerConversationWndAdvanced
Set msgr = CommunicatorAPI.InstantMessage("me@me.com")
msgr.SendText "hello world"
End Sub

however, I don't want to use Excel to be the mediummedia but want to have an exe file so that I can use many other function build in Autoit to do more things.

by the way, you should add the reference for CommunicatorAutomation UI in advance.

I think the problem is that don't know how to hook the interface (CommunicatorAPI.IMessengerConversationWndAdvanced).

Below is the info from Object Browser:

Class IMessengerConversationWndAdvanced

Member of CommunicatorAPI

Messenger Conversation Window Advanced Interface

Class Messenger

Member of CommunicatorAPI

Messenger Object

Edited by Wolfteeth
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