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Is there a way to kill the "add new hardware" wizard?


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I am having a problem with my driver installation script.

It auto logs into a computer after a re-image and determines of the computer model number, then installs various extra drivers (things that require an install).

The script auto logs the computer in, then immediately locks it to keep staff members from being able to access the machine while its logged in a local administrator.

My problem is that the add new hardware wizard keeps running displaying the window to try and search for drivers and pauses the script from being able to continue. If I cancel the wizard the script runs fine and installs all the needed drives.

Is there a way to kill the add new hardware wizard while the work station is locked?

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The drivers that I am installing come from INSTALLS, which means SETUP.EXE's. They aren't simple inf files I can inject during sysprep.

Anyone have any ideas?

Edited by kor
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You can stop the new hardware wizard service Posted Image

_StopService ( "ShellHWDetection" )
; install your drivers
_StartService ( "ShellHWDetection" )

Func _StartService ( $_ServiceName )
    RunWait ( @ComSpec & ' /c net start "' & $_ServiceName & '"', "", @SW_HIDE )
EndFunc ;==> _StartService ( )

Func _StopService ( $_ServiceName )
    RunWait ( @ComSpec & ' /c net stop "' & $_ServiceName & '"', "", @SW_HIDE )
EndFunc ;==> _StopService ( )
Edited by wakillon

AutoIt X86 - SciTE 3.6.0WIN 8.1 X64 - Other Example Scripts

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