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I'm playing around with this -- I am trying to correct grammer errors automatically in paragraphs. So for instance "Hi,how are you." Or "Hi, how are you.." Those are just a few examples. I might be going about this wrong, so I thought I'd post what I'm working on and see if I can get some advise. The last part of the code fixes the grammer, but it does it everywhere. Is there a smarter way I can do this so that it actually replaces the errors correctly without breaking up each paragraph into an array or something?

Local $s_string, $test, $str, $strang
Local $i

$s_string = "This is test,okay?  Do you like me in that way,yes?  Or not really???  That is,sad.  Time to test,further."

$str = StringRegExp($s_string,"\,\D",3)
For $i = 0 to UBound($str)-1

$str[$i] = StringReplace($str[$i], ",","")


For $i = 0 to UBound($str)-1
$strang = StringRegExpReplace ($s_string, "\,[A-z]", ", " & $str[$i], $i)
Edited by Gumma
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I'd delete my post but I don't know how. Figured it out. I was just a little off.

For $i = 0 To UBound($str) - 1

$s_string = StringRegExpReplace($s_string, "\,[A-z]", ", " & $str[$i], 1)

MsgBox("", $i, $s_string)


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An example without a For-Next loop.

Local $s_string = "This is a test, okay?  Do you understand regular expressions,yes?  Or not really???" & @CRLF & "That is,sad..  Time to test,further."

$s_string = StringRegExpReplace($s_string, ",([^ ])", ", \1") ; Add a space after a coma where necessary.
;ConsoleWrite($s_string & @CRLF)

If StringRegExp($s_string, "[^.]\.\.[^.]") Then $s_string = StringRegExpReplace($s_string, "(\.)\1", "\1") ; Replace two full stops only with one full stop.
ConsoleWrite($s_string & @CRLF)
MsgBox(0, "Results", $s_string)

Edit: Changed "[^\.]\.\.[^\.]" to "[^.]\.\.[^.]". Now matches when two adjacent full stops only exists.

Edited by Malkey
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