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Little Timer Example


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This is just an example of a little quick timer you might have a use for.

It uses variations of one button to do almost everything. I use it personally inside a game I play to keep track of stuff.

AutoItWinSetTitle ( "mycountdown" )
$loc=StringSplit("546,378",","); default location
$amount=90; default time
HotKeySet ("!{NUMPADADD}","testoff")
HotKeySet ("{NUMPADADD}","test")
HotKeySet ("^{NUMPADADD}","amount")
HotKeySet ("^!{NUMPADADD}","loc")
ToolTip("Click + to start", 0, 0)

While 1
while $begin<>0
ToolTip("", 0, 0)
while (TimerStop($begin)/1000)<$amount
if $time>120 then
ToolTip(int($time/60)&" min left "&$time-int($time/60)*60&" seconds",$loc[1],$loc[2])
if $time<30 then
ToolTip("Warning Warning Warning, Only "&$time&" seconds left ",$loc[1],$loc[2])
ToolTip($time&" seconds left ",$loc[1],$loc[2])

ToolTip("", 0, 0)


func test()
$begin = TimerStart()

func testoff()
$begin = 0

func amount()
$amount = InputBox("Question", "How many sec?"&@crlf&"or XXmin", "1min", "", -1, -1, 0, 0)
if stringinstr($amount,"min")>0 then $amount=int(stringreplace($amount,"min","")*60)
return $amount

func loc()
$loc1 = InputBox("Question", "Location x,y?", "546,378", "", -1, -1, 0, 0)

AutoIt3, the MACGYVER Pocket Knife for computers.

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  • 7 years later...

This script is not complete. Compile bombs on the first few lines with an error pointing to a lack of a Function named TimerStop.

Since it is used as an example of how to do hotkeys, I feel it should be a complete program. I ask the writer to look it over and repost the code to be a complete program that will compile and let me play with it.

Thanks in advance.


This is just an example of a little quick timer you might have a use for.

It uses variations of one button to do almost everything. I use it personally inside a game I play to keep track of stuff.

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This script is not complete. Compile bombs on the first few lines with an error pointing to a lack of a Function named TimerStop.

Since it is used as an example of how to do hotkeys, I feel it should be a complete program. I ask the writer to look it over and repost the code to be a complete program that will compile and let me play with it.

Thanks in advance.


Have a little think about how old the thraed is that you just dug up, then re-asses your suggestion.

AutoIt Absolute Beginners    Require a serial    Pause Script    Video Tutorials by Morthawt   ipify 

Monkey's are, like, natures humans.

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