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Autoit and Winlicense SDK

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I've protected my application with winlicense (a very easy crypting tool) and there is the possibility to get some important information from the crypted file through a sdk called "winlicenseSDK". There is a dll file called "winlicenseSDK.dll" in which all functions for this purpose are stored. I can access this dll file, from my crypted application and also access the functions, but the functions do not get the right data. If they use the "winlicenseSDK.dll" inside C# projects the dll-file itself is no more needed with the crypted application; with C# the use this pattern to call the functions from the winlicenseSDK directly from the crypted application:

Kernel32.GetEnvironmentVariableW("WLRegGetLicenseInfoW", UserInformation, 1024);

Or in C+ they use this pattern:

BOOL __stdcall WLRegGetLicenseInfo(char* pName, char* pCompanyName, char* pCustomData); //header file

WLRegGetLicenseInfoW(Name, Company, ExtraData); //function Call

I can't get it work within autoit to launch a function with dllcall from the crypted autoit application without the winlicenseSDK.dll file; but in that way the functions returns the wrong values, it seems that the "winlicenseSDK.dll" can't access to the crypted application. So I need to run the "winlicenseSDK.dll" directly from the autoit application by pointing to the sdk inside the crypted applications.

I only know the dllcall method.

Any one dealed around with winlicense SDK on autoit application or can help me?

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Hey anyone,

the guys from Oreans solved it within version

with following pattern all the sdk values can be used:

$struct1 = DllStructCreate("CHAR[1024]")

$ret = DllCall("kernel32.dll","int", "GetEnvironmentVariable","str", "WLGetVersion", "ptr",DllStructGetPtr($struct1), "int", 1024)

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