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Problem with function GUICtrlCreatePic and 64Bit


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Hi to all,

Here my problem with the function GUICtrlCreatePic:


32Bit program:

I compile a 32Bit program with the parameter


all pictures are visible, everthing is ok

when I start the program on a Windows 7 32Bit system

no pictures are visible

when I start the program on a Windows 7 64Bit system


64Bit program:

I compile a 64Bit program with the parameter


no pictures are visible

when I start the program on a Windows 7 64Bit system

Here my example of a test code for testing:

#include <WindowsConstants.au3>
$Form1 = GUICreate("", 800, 600, 0, 0, BitOR($WS_POPUP, $WS_BORDER))
$j = 1
For $j = 1 to 16
  For $i = 1 to 22
    GUICtrlCreatePic("rot.bmp", (32*$i)-32+($i*3), (32*$j)-32+($j*3), 32, 32)
MsgBox(0,"","Wait for close")

I'm using AutoIT version

What I'm doing wrong?

If you could find a solution for me I would be very grateful.

Many thanks


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Use a full path to the image file instead of only the file name. E.g.

GUICtrlCreatePic(@ScriptDir & "rot.bmp", (32*$i)-32+($i*3), (32*$j)-32+($j*3), 32, 32)

Further when running in x64 mode, system folders may have different redirections.



Edited by UEZ

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