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PS3 BD Remote Control _IsPressed

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Hi everyone,

I am migrating all my Eventghost configuration to AutoIt for my HTPC. I am using the official PS3 Blu-Ray Disc Controller.

For now I use a program called "PS3 Blumote" that I can map keyboard keys to it. I then have to make a script in AutoIt:

#include < Misc.au3 >

HotKeySet("{NUMPAD0}", "Terminate")

While 1


Func Terminate()

Run("C:\Program Files (x86)\XBMC\XBMC.exe" )

Exit 0

I dont want to use the PS3 Blu mote software. I would like to have a script like the one of Djarlo Westmaas for the Xbox 360 controller but for the PS3 BD Controller :

#Region _IsPressed360
; #FUNCTION# ====================================================================================================================
; Name...........: _IsPressed360
; Description ...: Checks if key on Xbox360 controller has been pressed
; Syntax.........: _IsPressed360($iKey[, $vDLL = 'user32.dll'])
; Parameters ....: $iKey - Key to check for
; $vDLL - Handle to dll or default to user32.dll
; Return values .: True - 1
; False - 0
; Author ........: Djarlo Westmaas (with the help of scripts made by Oxin8, ezzetabi and Jon)
; Modified.......:
; Remarks .......: If calling this function repeatidly, you should open 'xinput9_1_0.dll' and pass in handle.
; Make sure to close at end of script
; If requesting state of one of the Joysticks or triggers its press value will be returned as @extended
; -32768 Y
; 1 Up
; 2 Down
; 4 Left
; 8 Right
; 16 Start
; 32 Back
; 64 LeftJoyStick
; 128 RightJoyStick
; 256 LB
; 512 RB
; 4096 A
; 8192 B
; 16384 X
; 32768 LeftTrigger (@extended 0 - 255)
; 65536 RightTrigger (@extended 0 - 255)
; 131072 LeftJoyStick-X (@extended -32768 - 32767)
; 262144 LeftJoyStick-Y (@extended -32768 - 32767)
; 524288 RightJoyStick-X (@extended -32768 - 32767)
; 1048576 RightJoyStick-Y (@extended -32768 - 32767)
; Related .......:
; Link ..........: http://www.autoitscript.com/forum/topic/133663-udf-ispressed360au3-xbox360-controller/
; Example .......: Yes
; ===============================================================================================================================
Func _IsPressed360($iKey, $vDLL = 'xinput9_1_0.dll')
Local $hStruct, $iValue = 0
$hStruct = DllStructCreate("dword;short;ubyte;ubyte;short;short;short;short")
If DllCall($vDLL, "long", "XInputGetState", "long", 0, "ptr", DllStructGetPtr($hStruct)) = 0 Then Return SetError(5, 0, False)
If @error Then Return SetError(@error, @extended, False)
Case $iKey < 16385
Return Number(BitAND($iKey, DllStructGetData($hStruct, 2)) <> 0)
Case $iKey = 32768
$iValue = DllStructGetData($hStruct, 3)
If $iValue > 10 Then Return SetError(0, $iValue, 1)
Case $iKey = 65536
$iValue = DllStructGetData($hStruct, 4)
If $iValue > 10 Then Return SetError(0, $iValue, 1)
Case $iKey = 131072
$iValue = DllStructGetData($hStruct, 5)
If $iValue > 10000 Or $iValue < -10000 Then Return SetError(0, $iValue, 1)
Case $iKey = 262144
$iValue = DllStructGetData($hStruct, 6)
If $iValue > 10000 Or $iValue < -10000 Then Return SetError(0, $iValue, 1)
Case $iKey = 524288
$iValue = DllStructGetData($hStruct, 7)
If $iValue > 10000 Or $iValue < -10000 Then Return SetError(0, $iValue, 1)
Case $iKey = 1048576
$iValue = DllStructGetData($hStruct, 8)
If $iValue > 10000 Or $iValue < -10000 Then Return SetError(0, $iValue, 1)
Return SetError(0, $iValue, 0)
EndFunc ;==>_IsPressed360
#EndRegion _IsPressed360

Can anyone point me to the right direction. Windows 7 pairs it with bluetooth and then assigns a driver. I don't know how to find the .dll that it works with?



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