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Help with Skype


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I'm trying to do a program that needs a information about my friends profile in Skype. It's not age, sex etc etc... It's about that memo box where we writes our feelings and it goes directly to Skype Home ;)

Years ago we could use the Skype's find to search a word in this profile. Now a days we only can find words in contacts. I've tried it in vbs but there is no reference to it, neither in autoit. Any help?

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5 days and my program is not working yet at all. I can perform a search in mood text of one contact. Example:

Func find ()
$Mood = GUICtrlRead ($Input4)
$profile = _Skype_UserGetMoodText($Mood)
msgbox ("", "", $profile)

Very simple to find the mood text of someone... but and if i want to do a serch in all my Skype's friends? I was finding some information in Skype.au3 about $sUserHandle = all but i can't implement this to my program. Look that i´m trying to find in every mood texts of my Skype's friends a word... exemple: let's find the word "Skype" in all user's mood.

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Here you go :

#include "Skype.au3"

Local $aContacts = _Skype_ProfileGetContacts(), $sContact_FullName = "", $sContact_MoodText = ""
Local $sKeyWord = "Skype"

For $iContact = 1 To $aContacts[0] - 1
    $sContact_MoodText = _Skype_UserGetMoodText($aContacts[$iContact])

    If StringInStr($sContact_MoodText, $sKeyWord) Then
        $sContact_FullName = _Skype_UserGetFullName($aContacts[$iContact])

        ConsoleWrite("found " & $sKeyWord & " in " & $sContact_FullName & "'s moodtext: " & $sContact_MoodText & @CrLf)

Br, FireFox.

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