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if else @error when object interaction failed?

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Hey, is it possible to avoid program crash when interaction with IE object fails?

Like if the object isn't found it waits until it is, i've tried _IEWaitload and _IEWaitLoadTimout before interacting but doesn't seem to work so i think i need some function that holds or loops and then try again, probably simple but i can't get it working.

The program can run for different amount of times before crash when suddenly interaction fails, just need a few pointers in the right direction, is it possible to use the @error or just a wait for loop?

If you take google search for example:

#include <IE.au3>
Local $oIE = _IEAttach("Mystart")
$oIE.document.forms.homepage_app_searchform.q.value = "1234567890"
_IELoadWait ($oIE)

Now my program crash in a similar way if the "$oIE.document.forms.homepage_app_searchform.q.value" interaction fails, but how can i tell the program to try again when this error occurs or is it a fatal error?

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